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Buying a car is an important moment in the life of every person. The modern rhythm of life dictates the need to buy a car for daily use. The automobile market offers many models and modifications of passenger cars to suit every taste and budget.

The buyer’s task is to choose what he likes and decide on the method of payment for the purchase. The main payment options for purchasing a car are as follows:

  • Buying a car for cash.
  • Buying a car on credit.
  • Purchasing a car on lease.

To quickly select a car, it is convenient to use numerous online resources. Here you can familiarize yourself with all the technical characteristics of the car, carefully consider all the nuances of the design and the model you like.

On the websites of service stations, the terms and costs of work are clearly outlined, which allows you to calculate the costs of maintaining a car. Highly qualified sales consultants will answer your questions online.

Car manufacturers constantly demonstrate new products at numerous exhibitions, reports of which quickly appear on the Internet. The Internet is a great opportunity to constantly keep abreast of automotive news and choose only the best examples for purchase.

Buying a car for cash

The fastest way to buy a car is to pay with cash or a credit card. With this method of payment for a purchase, unlike purchasing a car on lease or when applying for a loan, sellers can often provide a discount.

Also, if you have some free money, you can look for a used car in good condition. In general, buying with real money is a fast and reliable process.

If the car dealership does not have a car with the required configuration in stock, then the car will be ordered from the manufacturer and delivered to the consumer after a short period of time.

You should pay attention to the clauses of the agreement on early repayment of the loan. It is advisable that this paragraph does not include penalties. Your future relationship with the lender depends on a correctly drawn up agreement. The situation is slightly different if you purchase a car on lease.

Purchasing a car on lease

Leasing a vehicle is now a common scheme for purchasing a car. Banks do not always provide loans to buy a car for various reasons. If you do not have enough funds to purchase the desired car model, you can use leasing.

This type of financial services involves a kind of rental of equipment. The leasing company buys a variety of equipment and then transfers it to the consumer under certain conditions. The choice of car is the prerogative of the buyer, and the leasing company only purchases it.

While using the equipment, the consumer pays for the property and a premium to the leasing company. When the lease agreement ends, the car becomes the property of the lessee.

With a leasing scheme, unlike the credit option, no collateral is required, and it allows you to reduce the amount of monthly mandatory payments.

We can say that leasing combines the rental of property for a long period and a long-term loan. Receiving is one of the most profitable options to become the owner of a quality car.

Scheme for purchasing a car on lease for enterprises

The leasing scheme for purchasing a car or other equipment is most in demand for enterprises and firms. Buying a car at full price leads to a loss of working capital, and selling trucks on lease helps to avoid this problem.

Another advantage of the leasing scheme is the reduction of the tax base. All payments under the agreement are included in costs and the amount of income tax is reduced. When purchasing a car on lease, the entire amount of VAT is credited to the company.

The next benefit will be a reduction in property taxes. Consequently, the leasing scheme for the purchase of a car by an enterprise leads to direct savings of money simultaneously in three directions.

You also need to take into account that during operation the car will generate profit and this is another plus. Let's consider an approximate scheme for paying out funds when buying a car on lease.

Let's say you buy a Toyota car with a total cost of 1,300,000 rubles. The advance payment for concluding a contract is 30%, that is, 39,000 rubles. The leasing service agreement is concluded for 3 years. Payments are made monthly, so that in the first month the company pays 89,510 rubles, and the last month 5,142 rubles. For the entire payment period, the total amount is 1,516,949 rubles. It is easy to calculate that over the entire leasing period, a Toyota car has risen in price by 16.69%. And this is only one of the options for calculating the acquisition of companies with a lot of cars on lease.

Leasing companies have many schemes in their arsenal that are tailored to the individual needs of the client. Proper use of leasing opportunities is the key to your success!

Many entrepreneurs, when purchasing expensive equipment/vehicles, have a question about what is the most profitable way to buy: on credit, or with your own funds.

Let's try in detail (or maybe someone will find it somewhat boring) What is really more profitable: a loan or a lease? As they say: enough words, give us numbers.

An example from life. Once the general director of a small company called the financial director and said: they say that last year we earned 3,100 rubles. rub. and I would like to buy myself a luxury car Toyota Land Cruiser 200, which costs 3,100 rubles, but it’s a shame to invest all the money, think about the option of leasing and credit. Due Yesterday!

Let's move on directly to the calculations.

Buying with your own funds: option 1.

  • Transaction amount: 3.1 million rubles.
  • Advance: 100%
  • Depreciation period: 84 months.

When placing vehicles on the balance sheet, the enterprise has the opportunity to reduce the taxable base for VAT, i.e. when buying a car worth 3.1 million rubles., VAT refund will be 473 tr.. But you will have to pay property tax 2,2% from the residual book value of the vehicle (about 302 tr.).

The company also receives profit tax savings due to depreciation charges (for 3 years the savings will be 377 t.r.).

Purchase with credit: Option 2.

  • Goal: Buying a Toyota Land Cruiser 200
  • Transaction amount: 3.1 million rubles.
  • Loan amount: 2480 tr.
  • Loan term: 36 months.
  • Loan rate: 12% (they say there are banks that issue loans at this rate)
  • Issue fee: 1%
  • Repayment schedule: monthly in equal installments
  • Depreciation period: 84 months.

When purchasing a vehicle using a bank loan, it is necessary to think in advance about the availability of a down payment or the presence of additional collateral, since in most cases the value of the collateral property is reduced by a certain discount (it is different in different banks, for example, let’s take it 20% , but let’s make a reservation right away - in practice it is much higher 35-45% ).

When purchasing vehicles using a loan, the company also receives possibility to reduce the tax base according to VAT on 473 tr., the property tax will be 302 tr.

Savings on income tax over 3 years will amount to 377 thousand rubles.
When purchasing a vehicle on credit, you only need 20% own funds, then free funds can be used for other purposes. As an option, you can open a deposit of 8% for 3 years, the income will be 595 tr. (2480 TR x 8% x 3 years).

Leasing purchase: option 3.

  • Goal: Purchasing a Toyota Land Cruiser 200.
  • Transaction amount: 3.1 million rubles.
  • Loan amount: 2480 tr.
  • Loan term: 36 months.
  • Loan rate: 16.5% (market average).
  • Repayment schedule: monthly in equal installments.
  • Depreciation period: 36 months. (accelerated).

When purchasing a car on lease, the company gets the opportunity reduce the tax base by 614 tr. (since leasing payments are also included in the VAT refund), and property tax is included in the lease payment.

Also, when purchasing vehicles on lease, it is possible to use accelerated depreciation (the depreciation period may be equal to the term of the leasing agreement), while leasing payments reduce the taxable base for income tax, savings over 3 years will amount to 666 tr.

Income from the placement of available funds for 3 years 595 tr.

Now let’s reduce this set of letters into a convenient tabular form, because, as one wise man said, brevity is the sister of talent.

Comparative analysis of leasing and credit


The most economical way (at first sight) is a purchase at your own expense, but you must have 100% of your own funds. When purchasing on lease and credit, you must have funds not in full, in our example 20%, and use the remaining available funds in another way, place a deposit, or something else.

Due to the fact that When leasing, you can save money by optimizing taxation- purchasing vehicles/equipment is the best option!

Sooner or later, the farmer faces the question of purchasing specialized equipment. However, often finding funds for such a purchase turns out to be quite problematic, especially if you already have some agricultural machines on your balance sheet. Then options for purchasing on lease or credit come to the rescue. What are the pros and cons of these two methods of acquiring equipment, what are the pitfalls and which, in the end, is more profitable? Let's figure it out.

First, about the most important thing - about the essence of these two concepts and the main difference. When purchasing equipment on credit, we agree to pay a certain portion of its cost over a predetermined period. The higher it is, the lower the monthly payment. Leasing involves the use of equipment for a specified time for a fixed amount. That is, in essence, it is a long-term lease with the right of further purchase. The initial purpose of credit and leasing is the same - to obtain equipment for use here and now. But in the first case, it immediately becomes the property of the farmer, and in the second, it remains owned by the leasing company until the last installment is paid.

Interest is everywhere

The most important factor is the amount of the down payment. In the case of a loan for the purchase of agricultural machinery, the standard amount is about 15% of the total cost of the property. However, farmers often take out just a non-targeted loan without a down payment and use it to purchase agricultural equipment. But there is a nuance here - the bank will probably require collateral for the transaction, and this is a completely unnecessary financial burden. True, if the organization has an open line of credit, it would be reasonable to count on relaxation in the issue of the down payment.

In leasing, the usual down payment is approximately 5% of the cost, but no collateral is required - this is the vehicle itself. Here, as they say, which is more important to whom, but you need to remember that interest is accrued both here and there.

In terms of obtaining a possible discount, leasing is clearly more profitable, which can be explained quite simply. By collaborating with the equipment manufacturer, the leasing company buys a fairly large number of cars for its own purposes, and in gratitude for such a “wholesale” it receives a certain discount, part of which can be offered to the client.

Various package offers are also common, when, along with a leasing agreement, the company provides a whole range of additional services at a discount. A recent example: this summer, a well-known domestic automaker launched a tempting leasing promotion especially for agricultural producers with a reduced rate, a minimum down payment, a long contract period and a large discount on CASCO.

Credit offers, as a rule, are accompanied only by temporary promotions, which you still need to qualify for. You can wait purposefully for a long time.

Time is money

The time spent getting the go-ahead for a financial transaction also plays an important role. If a company takes out a non-targeted loan, the bank will need to assess its risks, determine the estimated value of the collateral, and also collect a bunch of different documents from the client (some will have to be certified by a notary). As a result, the application approval process may take from 1 to 3 weeks. Unless the client company has an open credit line, then a positive answer can be received in just a couple of days.

In leasing, in this sense, everything is much simpler and faster - there are fewer documents, the approval period for the application is 1-3 days. And all because the risks are initially reduced and no collateral is required.

It is worth paying attention to the subtleties with taxation. By leasing equipment, you can save on income tax, because all leasing payments are included in the cost. That is, the farmer gets the opportunity to attribute more expenses to expenses and thereby benefit financially.

Who owns and who is in charge?

Another significant point is that a loan may well be refused if the company already has several other loans. The new debt burden will increase the burden, and at the same time reduce the chances of a positive solution in the future. Whereas when leasing, the equipment remains on the balance sheet of the leasing company and leaves “room for maneuver.”

When it comes to owning a vehicle, a loan has certain advantages. In particular, the ability to dispose of it at your own discretion (unless the equipment itself acts as collateral - there are such cases). Leasing does not provide such a privilege - ownership rights, as we have already found out, appear only with the payment of the last installment. By the way, there is an option in which you don’t have to buy the property after the lease agreement expires and return it back to the company - this is the so-called operational (return) leasing. But most often in Russia there is still financial leasing, in which the vehicle is purchased at the end of the lease period. There is a third case - if the parties are satisfied with the terms of cooperation, they may well simply extend the agreement.

The issue of liability is closely related to the issue of service. Here, too, the advantage is on the leasing side, since in the vast majority of cases the leasing company undertakes all additional services. This includes insurance, registration, and service, including scheduled maintenance. Moreover, some organizations even offer comprehensive management of the company’s entire vehicle fleet, tracking the timing of technical inspections and performing routine repairs. There can be many tricks - up to paying for fuel or providing a discount on it.

In turn, the bank issuing the loan only provides financing for the purchase and does not assume any additional obligations.

But if suddenly something goes wrong and for some reason the client needs to take away his existing equipment, it will be easier to do this with the one that is leased. This does not necessarily have to be connected with any crime - a few late payments are enough. In this case, the leasing company has the right to terminate the contract out of court and seize the vehicle. But credit equipment can only be confiscated by a court decision.

We cannot exclude the option that the leasing company may, for some reason, cease to exist, and then all payments will simply be lost, and the equipment will remain the property of someone else.

To summarize, a certain conclusion suggests itself, but it is very difficult to give an unambiguous answer as to which is better or more profitable. If you look at the number of advantages considered, leasing will be ahead. But it has several significant drawbacks that can become a stumbling block for the farmer. The objective truth lies in the need for an individual approach and in the fact that you need to carefully weigh everything, even the smallest nuances, and not forget to look at the future when solving current problems.

What to choose - leasing, credit or purchasing with your own funds?

Many companies, after analyzing the effectiveness of leasing, credit and purchase, choose leasing. The effectiveness of leasing has been proven by many years of practice and accurate calculations. When it is necessary to compare loans, leasing and purchases, experts most often pay attention to the tax benefits provided for by Russian legislation for financial leases and other factors.

Things to consider when comparing:

Very often, when choosing between leasing and a loan, enterprises take the amount of lease payments as a basis and compare it with the amount of the loan and interest. This does not take into account the reduction in tax deductions that occurs when using both a leasing scheme and a credit financing scheme. Preferential taxation leasing is one of its significant advantages and results in a reduction in the real costs of servicing the leasing transaction. Besides, should be considered all expenses, which the company will bear with each method of financing, but when leasing, the leasing company can already take them into account in leasing payments. In addition, it is often not taken into account that lease payments contain VAT, which the company will be able to offset from the budget in the future. The ability of an enterprise to reimburse paid VAT in different amounts (for leasing, VAT reimbursement is greater than for credit and purchase) has an important impact on the results of comparing sources of financing.

Thus, if we take simply the amount of payments as a comparison criterion, without taking into account the tax benefits arising from the use of a particular financing scheme, as well as possible additional costs, the comparison will be incorrect.

Two important factors when comparing:

1. Expenses

In order to determine the amount of expenses for the acquisition of fixed assets, it is necessary to clearly understand the essence of these expenses.

    With a direct purchase, the costs represent the payment of the full purchase price of the property and property taxes. In addition, since the purchase of property occurs at the expense of the net profit of an organization or enterprise, this means that the previously paid income tax also increases the cost of the transaction.

    When obtaining a loan to purchase property, the costs include payment of the principal amount of the loan, interest on the loan, property tax, collateral insurance, collateral assessment, commission for opening accounts, servicing, and consideration of the application.

    When leasing, expenses consist of a number of leasing payments (including an advance payment) paid over several years, payment of the redemption price at the end of the leasing agreement.

Also, in the calculations for each option, the following possible costs of the organization should be taken into account: transport tax, property insurance, property tax (for leasing, it is almost 3 times less due to accelerated depreciation), customs duties, delivery costs, etc. For leasing These expenses, as a rule, are included in the leasing payments or are paid independently when choosing a lessee.

2. Tax optimization

The current Russian legislation provides for taxation features for leasing that allow optimizing tax payments. Therefore, when calculating cash flows associated with servicing a leasing transaction, it is necessary to take into account tax savings.

Direct purchase:

    When purchasing property at your own expense, expenses that reduce taxable profit under income tax are depreciation, property tax, transport tax, insurance and additional expenses charged to cost.

    In this case, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not provide benefits for companies purchasing fixed assets. Depreciation is calculated on general terms.

    VAT is refunded in an amount calculated from the value of the property.

Purchase on credit:

    When purchasing property using credit funds, the law provides for a standard procedure for calculating depreciation.

    As in any other case, accelerated depreciation is possible when operating this property in an aggressive environment or in conditions of increased shifts (the maximum coefficient is not higher than 2). Thus, in most cases, the possibility of accelerated depreciation of own property is not provided for by law.

    In this case, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not provide benefits for companies acquiring fixed assets. Depreciation, as in the case of a direct purchase, is calculated on the general terms.

    When purchasing property using loan funds, expenses that reduce taxable profit under income tax are depreciation, property tax, transport tax, insurance and additional expenses attributable to cost, as well as part of the interest on the loan.

    VAT is also refunded in the amount calculated from the value of the property.

Leasing purchase:

    The most important advantage of purchasing equipment on lease is the right of the parties to the leasing agreement to apply an accelerated depreciation mechanism with a coefficient of no higher than 3, both with the linear and non-linear method of calculating depreciation for tax purposes (according to paragraph 7 of Article 259 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

    The use of an accelerated depreciation mechanism allows the lessee to significantly reduce income tax payments in the first years after the acquisition of fixed assets.

    Also, due to accelerated depreciation, the amount of property tax payable by the Lessor (or the Lessee, if the property is on its balance sheet) is reduced, which leads to a reduction in the Lessee's costs.

    • Possibility of attributing the Client's leasing payments in full to the cost of production (Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Which will significantly reduce income tax. And if you choose an “all inclusive” calculation (insurance, transport tax, property tax), your income tax will be reduced even more.

    VAT is refunded in the amount calculated from the total amount of leasing payments and, accordingly, more than for a loan and purchase.

    Purchasing equipment on lease allows an organization or enterprise to plan its costs for the long term.

Comparison of the process and time frame for completing a transaction:

own funds The technology for implementing the transaction seems to be the simplest. In this case, the buyer pays the seller directly for the equipment and receives it within the agreed time. The duration of the transaction depends mainly on the availability of equipment from the seller and the availability of money from the buyer.

When purchasing property through credit funds the situation becomes noticeably more complicated:

    Firstly, when contacting a bank, you need to prepare an impressive set of documents;

    Secondly, the bank will issue money only if there is solid collateral (up to 150-200% of the requested loan);

    Thirdly, even if the bank makes a positive decision on lending, the period from the day you contact the bank until the money is issued can be 2-3 months, and sometimes up to six months.

When leasing, the registration process takes a little longer than with a direct purchase, but much easier and faster than with a loan.

To conclude a leasing transaction, fewer guarantees are required than to obtain a bank loan, since ownership of the property during the period of the leasing agreement remains with the lessor.

At the same time, leasing additionally solves a number of problems that, with other acquisition options, also take a fair amount of time - insurance, registration, maintenance, etc.

Thus, in order to correctly compare loans and leasing, it is necessary to calculate the total costs and benefits for each source of financing, taking into account the above factors.

The main differences between leasing, credit and purchase:

Article titles Leasing Credit Purchase

Increase in price per year




Included in price increase (preferential rate 5-7%)



Pays for insurance

Leasing company

on your own

On your own

Property tax

Included in price increase (preferential rate 1.1%) reduction due to accelerated depreciation



Pays property tax

Leasing company

On your own

On your own

Property depreciation period

25-30 months

74-90 months

74-90 months

Accelerated depreciation rate

1,1 - 3



Transaction deadline

3-14 days

1-3 months

1-3 days

VAT paid, reimbursed from the budget

VAT on the total amount of the leasing agreement

VAT on the cost of equipment, VAT on interest paid on the loan are not refundable

VAT on the cost of equipment

Residual value of the property after 25 months, as a percentage of the original cost


Advance 10-30%

Liquid property should be 1.5-2 times the amount of the loan itself

Reflection in balance (improvement or deterioration)

*interest is recognized as expenses in an amount not exceeding by more than 20% the average rate for similar obligations; in the absence of information on comparable debt obligations, the maximum amount of interest recognized as expenses is taken equal to the refinancing rate of the Bank of Russia, increased by 1.1 times - if the obligation is issued in rubles, and equal to 15% if the obligation is issued in foreign currency (clause 1 of Article 269 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)

** the amount of the principal debt (loan body) and the amount of accrued interest are reflected in the financial statements of the enterprise in full.

*** accounts payable are reflected in the financial statements of the enterprise as lease payments accrue

Let's look at an example of a comparison of three methods of acquiring property:

Leasing subject:

Leasing terms:

Advance conditions

Frequency of payments, months.


Advance payment, rub.

200 000

Balance holder


Credit rate, %

Transport tax

Not taken into account

Leasing term, months


Not taken into account

Leasing commission

Additional expenses

Not taken into account

Date of periodic payments

Customs clearance

Not taken into account

Client's costs during the leasing period (24 months):




Payments to the supplier (advance)

200 000

200 000

1 000 000

Leasing payments

1 029 864

Property tax

2 347

29 985

29 985

Transport tax

Loan repayment

800 000

Interest repayment

135 194


Additional expenses

VAT refund

187 606

152 542

152 542

Reduced income tax

250 140

107 440

74 993

COSTS for the leasing period

792 117

905 198

802 450

The total values ​​reflect the balance of cash flows of the Lessor at the end of the leasing agreement (24 months) for each of the options under consideration. As can be seen from the calculation, the costs for 24 months when leasing are significantly lower than the costs when lending, and also lower than the costs when purchasing at your own expense.

In the article we will look at and compare, using the example of calculations, which is more profitable: a loan or leasing. We also selected 5 leasing companies and 5 banks that provide car loans to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

Leasing and credit - what do they have in common?

Every day, to effectively run a business, entrepreneurs face a number of tasks, the solution of which is often associated with the need for additional financial support. This problem can be solved in two ways: lending and leasing.

These services have a number of common features.

  • Firstly, they are paid: interest is charged from the client for using borrowed funds.
  • Secondly, leasing and credit are provided on a repayable basis. The amount provided to you by the banking or leasing company will have to be returned.
  • The third similar feature is the urgency of obtaining funds.

This is everything that leasing and credit have in common. Now let’s figure out what their differences are.

Leasing and its features

Leasing- this is a special type of credit relationship that provides for a long-term lease of any material asset with a further possibility of its redemption.

Main participants in leasing transactions:

  • Lessee- an organization or individual receiving a certain material benefit for temporary use under a leasing agreement;
  • Lessor - an organization or individual providing leasing services;
  • Insurer - an intermediary organization that provides insurance for leasing transactions (optional);
  • Property Seller- owner/manufacturer/seller of a material good that is leased.

Any property that can be leased can be represented as an object of leasing transactions:

  • Real estate (commercial and residential);
  • Transport (auto, air);
  • Production equipment (food, technological);
  • Any other object of leasing relations in which the lessee is interested.

The purpose of leasing is to expand production capacity, modernize technological equipment, grow the company's vehicle fleet, in other words, everything that will subsequently bring an increase in the financial well-being of the company.

Leasing terms

Companies that do not own their own funds have to make a choice: take out a loan or lease the required property. The first option is not always available. The fact is that banking organizations often refuse to issue loans to a large number of entrepreneurs (especially small businesses). The main reason why a loan may be refused may be the lack of a positive balance in the accounts and conducting business in the Russian Federation for less than six months.

Leasing organizations are not directly subordinate to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which gives them carte blanche and the opportunity to choose to whom, when and under what conditions to issue the required property for the development of their own business.

The main difference between a loan and leasing is the transfer of ownership: property issued on credit becomes the property of the borrower, but equipment purchased under a leasing program does not. As mentioned earlier, leasing is a rental with the possibility of further purchase and, accordingly, transfer of ownership.

Advantages and disadvantages of leasing

Leasing has its disadvantages:

  • Interest rates are higher.
  • Impressive advance amounts.
  • Issued for a short period.
  • Ownership does not pass to the borrower as long as the contract is in force.

Now let's look at the advantages of leasing over a loan:

  • A minimum package of documents is required for registration.
  • Fast application review.
  • Simplicity of design.
  • No additional payments.
  • Some costs are passed on to the lessor.

How to apply for leasing

One of the advantages of leasing is the ease of registration. Now we will prove it.

Most likely, you already know what model of car you would like to lease. If not, then it’s time to make your choice, since it will largely determine the leasing company for concluding the contract. Each leasing company has its own range of cars that can be rented.

Now we choose a leasing company. Now there are quite a lot of such organizations. When choosing, be guided by the reliability of the organization, your capabilities (the amount that you can invest as a down payment), the interest rate, as well as those car models (or other types of property) that are leased.

We contact the selected organization and select a suitable program. Consultants will be happy to help you and draw up a list of documents required for registration. By the way, as a rule, the following documents are needed:

  • Statement. It will be given to you by the leasing company.
  • A copy of the organization's balance sheet for the latest period.
  • A copy of the charter, certified by a notary.
  • Certificate of registration and entry into the register.
  • A copy of the manager's passport pages.
  • A copy of the document on the appointment of the chief accountant of the organization.
  • Documents, bank statements indicating your income for the last 5 reporting periods.
  • Loan agreements and other financial documents, if any.

After you provide all the listed documents to the leasing company, you will only have to wait for a decision. The decision is announced, as a rule, one day after the documents are submitted.

If the leasing has been approved, you will be invited to enter into an agreement. Three documents will be drawn up: a leasing agreement, a purchase and sale agreement and property insurance.

At the last stage, you will be asked to make a down payment on the car. As a rule, it ranges from 5 to 20%.

TOP 5 leasing companies

1. is one of the leading Russian companies. It has gained its popularity thanks to flexible conditions for clients. The company offers leasing of cars (from cars to trucks), real estate, equipment, ships, railway transport, and air transport. The interest rate is 16% and above.

Alfa Leasing offers two vehicle leasing programs: “Without financial analysis” and “Minimum overpayment”. The first option is suitable for those who want to rent cars for a total amount of no more than 7 million rubles and are ready to make an advance payment of at least 25%. The second program is more democratic: advance payment - 5%, leasing amount up to 40 million rubles, term - up to 5 years.

2. Europlan offers leasing for cars. In this case, you can take used cars. The maximum amount for which you can purchase a passenger car is 15,000,000 rubles, the down payment ranges from 10 to 49%.

3. VTB 24 — this is the leasing of cars, equipment, air transport, ships, and railway transport. It is possible to lease a car on installment terms without overpayment. The down payment ranges from 10 to 49%, the term is from 11 to 60 months.

4. Sberbank-Leasing also offers leasing for vehicles, aircraft and water vessels, railway equipment, and equipment. If you decide to lease a car, be prepared to pay at least 20% of its cost. The maximum leasing amount for cars is 24 million rubles. The maximum term of the leasing agreement is 3 years.

5. Intesa Leasing — allows you to lease cars, equipment and real estate. Car leasing gives you the right to a total purchase amount of up to 120,000,000 rubles. However, be prepared to pay 15% of this amount in advance. The maximum term of the contract is 5 years.

Car loan and its features

Car loan- a loan that is provided for the intended use, namely the purchase of a car. As a rule, it is provided on the security of the purchased car, less often - on the security of existing real estate.


A car loan allows you to purchase a car, that is, obtain ownership of it. This is a significant advantage of lending over leasing. However, almost always, the purchased car becomes collateral.

Loans for the purchase of cars are provided by banks and banking organizations. This means that a number of requirements will be presented to you, as a borrower:

  • Registration in the region where the loan is received.
  • The legal entity has been in operation for at least a year.
  • A certain level of income.
  • No arrears on loans and tax payments.

Also, a loan to purchase a car is not available to a newly opened business.

Advantages and disadvantages

Disadvantages of credit:

  • Binding to a geographic region - you cannot take out a loan at any bank branch you like; the business must be registered in the region where the bank is located.
  • The borrower's working experience is required to be at least six months.
  • It is mandatory to purchase insurance (life and business insurance).
  • Documentary proof of the borrower's income is required.

Advantages of the loan:

  • Ownership passes to the borrower.
  • You can choose any product and any insurance company.
  • Large selection of loan products.
  • Small initial payment.

How to apply

The first thing you need to do is find a suitable bank. It is worth paying attention to the reliability of the bank and the terms of the loan. You can choose the car for which you take out a loan after the application is approved.

Contact an employee of the selected bank. He will tell you in more detail about the terms of the loan and print out a list of documents required for submitting an application. We will present it here:

  • Constituent documents.
  • Documents on the economic and business activities of the enterprise.
  • Financial reports.
  • Copies of tax returns.
  • Application for a loan.

After you submit a package of documents to the bank, you will only have to wait for approval. After that, come to the bank, they will draw up an agreement for you. The funds will be transferred to the company’s account or directly to the account of the car seller.

TOP 5 banks issuing car loans

We have compiled a comparison table of the best banks providing car loans.

Bank Bid Amount, rub. Duration, months
from 12.1% from 150,000 up to 84
20,9% up to 10,000,000 up to 60
from 15.99% up to 3,000,000 up to 60
from 16.09% from 150,000 up to 36
from 13.1% up to 170,000,000 up to 60

Differences between leasing and car loan

Let's summarize the results in a small table.

Calculations for comparing leasing and credit

So, to understand what is more profitable - leasing or credit, we carried out some calculations. Let's say we want to purchase a car worth 600,000 rubles, further calculations are given in the table.

Calculation parameters Leasing Credit
Car cost 600,000 rubles 600,000 rubles
Interest rate absent 15%
Term 3 years 3 years
Down payment (20%) 120,000 rubles 120,000 rubles
Payments uniform uniform
Overpayment absent 151 817
Monthly payment 13,538 rubles 20,883 rubles
Total amount of payments (payments under the agreement + advance payment) 487,368+120,000=607,368 rubles 751,788+120,000=871,788 rubles
Pledge 0 0
OSAGO 5,500 rubles 5,500 rubles
Registration with the traffic police 2,000 rubles 2,000 rubles
Tax 4,270 rubles 4,270 rubles
Redemption payment 390,000 rubles No
Total payment amount 1,009,138 rubles 883,558 rubles

Sometimes the lease buyout payment may be less. In this regard, the final leasing amount may be more profitable. Therefore, we recommend contacting leasing companies for payment.

Which is better: loan or leasing?

At the moment in Russia it is more profitable to purchase a car on credit rather than leasing. However, leasing is much easier to obtain: you do not need to collect the entire package of documents, enter into an agreement with the bank, or look for a car seller.

Leasing is also the only solution for new organizations or companies with insufficient profits for lending. Leasing does not tie you to the region where your business is registered; you can contact any organization.

However, a loan allows you to purchase any car, but not all brands and models participate in the leasing program. In addition, each leasing company offers its own range of cars. This limits buyers in choosing a company.


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