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Need for Speed: Most Wanted is by far the best game in the series. After going a long way of trial and error, the developers finally found the desired "golden mean" between sports and illegal street driving, between racing and tuning, between motors and vinyl decals. Perhaps, for the first time, all the successful finds that have ever appeared in the games of the series were gathered in one box, and the innovations that have not justified themselves are all left in the past.

At our service is a large city, through the streets of which you can drive around with impunity (well, or almost with impunity) in between competitions. The doors of a car shop are open in front of us, where you can get everything for money - from a sticker to a turbo engine. In the cabin, 32 cars are waiting in the wings, each more beautiful than the other, and fifteen dashing racers are ready to compete with us, so to speak, strength.

But the main thing is that there is a goal ahead. The writers have worked hard to slowly, slowly, pull us into the plot. Somewhere - to anger, somewhere - to make you smile, someone (we will not point a finger, but this is Razor) - to hate.

And when there is a goal, a beautiful girl is at your side, and the gas pedal is under your foot, there is nothing left but ... to win.

Vehicle handling

The features of controlling each car are most easily felt by touch, live during the game: here, as with real cars, here, as in life, there are no unambiguous answers. And, of course, sharing with you our feelings, we cannot do without analogies with the last game in the series: NFS: Underground 2.

The first thing that is felt literally right away is drifts. They have become noticeably stronger, and even slow four-wheel drive cars begin to "drive" on sharp turns. It is especially dangerous when, during a turn, you receive a blow to the body, even if it is weak - at first you have to make considerable efforts so as not to fly off the track and not turn the rear bumper in the direction of travel. However, it is quite easy to get used to and adjust, and after half an hour's drive it is not felt.

New: the time deceleration mode works in much the same way as the nitrogen gas filling - it accumulates over time and is activated for the time the button is pressed. At the same time, time around begins to flow much more slowly, allowing you to thoughtfully go through a particularly difficult turn.

The second important detail is the sense of speed. It is very likely that in Most Wanted, the "kilometers" on the speedometer came in line with the real state of affairs. Here you will no longer see how on the right hand swims slowly a flower bed, while our instrument speed is about 60 km / h. No, everything is fair. 100 km / h is fast, 150 is very fast, and at 250 you need to seriously concentrate and watch the road rushing under your wheels.

Car collisions also take place in a completely different way. A simple technique - to hook the bumper of the car in front in order to deploy it into the nearest fence - no longer works. From contact with the rear bumper of the opponent, nothing will come of it, except for the loss of its own speed - no one has canceled the law of conservation of momentum here. If just competing with the enemy in speed is not interesting, you can try another maneuver: gently push him with the side into the oncoming lane, in the forehead of some "civil" machine, like a concrete mixer. Or, as an option, into a tree, a concrete fence or some other solid object that he planned to bypass in the immediate vicinity of our car. But keep in mind, the physics in the game has become noticeably more honest, and you won't be able to juggle other people's cars without the threat of losing speed.

Finally, the obstacles. On the contrary, they have become much more "friendly". Cardboard boxes, poles and road signs, benches and fences are demolished easily and naturally, almost without threatening speed. This is especially noticeable with the posts dividing adjacent lanes where it is forbidden to rebuild: it is quite possible to knock them all off without being the last in the list of riders. However, a lot here depends on the enemy. If you go through the game, competing with computer opponents, really without much regard for such trifles, then a live player, going around even minor obstacles, may call you to be accurate.

Big city secrets

Say what you like, but our city is really big. As the career progresses, previously blocked areas open up, but even in the "initial delivery" it is vast enough that the various landscapes do not have time to plague the eye.

The city map is accessible by pressing the [M] key, and the mouse wheel allows you to smoothly scale it. Key points are plotted on the map: racing locations, police "radars" and special buildings: a store, a car dealership and our hideout. By clicking on any of them, you can turn on GPS - a system for automatic route calculation. After that, on the road we will be accompanied by a giant arrow overhead, indicating the direction and warning of turns.

On a note: the theater begins with a hanger, the city with a monument, a dance from the stove, and the path of an illegal race car driver - from a shelter (Safe House). You can instantly move here from anywhere on the map, and from here - to the venue of any of the current races or provocations. In addition, all your cars are in the shelter.

A few words should be said about stores separately. Their range of services has significantly expanded, so everything that may be required for any of your cars can be ordered from the same showcase. Paint, body parts, exterior trim or internal mechanisms, in a word, everything, except perhaps the cars themselves, then you have to get to the car dealership.

Buying parts not only affects performance, but also opens up the possibility of tuning (Performance Tuning), available in the menu right during the ride. Tuning, on the one hand, is very simple, on the other, it is incredibly difficult. In the sense that changing the parameters using the "sliders" is not difficult, but in order to achieve the desired performance, experience and attention will be required.


The guardians of order in the game are not decorations. It is simply impossible not to take them into account, and they will not let you forget about yourself for a minute. At first, it is easy enough not to run into them, but having met with a patrol car, you can quickly get rid of the pursuer. But the further, the more difficult it will be to do this: it all depends on wanted level (Heat).

We start from the first level: an accidentally met cop will, for the sake of order, start a sluggish pursuit, and in extreme cases, he will call a couple of friends on the radio, but not more seriously. On the second level, instead of striped white and black wrecks, black ones will come out onto the streets, but also with flashing lights, and the first obstacles will appear on the intended route of your journey. The third level - racing sports cars, painted in black and white police colors. This is already serious, they are very nimble, there are a lot of them, and they are enthusiastic. The fourth level will bring with it helicopters and ribbons with spikes, and on the fifth, our longtime enemy, Sergeant Cross, will join the chase. Behind him - jeeps, driving in pairs, crowds of pursuers and all kinds of obstacles. Finally, the seventh - only jeeps: this is a special level that you are most likely to encounter only on additional tracks.

On a note: that a police car is spinning nearby, you are warned by the radar at the top of the screen. The more often the indicator blinks, the closer the patrol sits there, and the arrow indicates the approximate direction.

It is important to keep in mind that the police are looking for something, in fact, not you, but your car - after all, it is difficult for them to see the driver through the windshield. It is worth changing the car, and your wanted level will again drop to one, and while the "old" car is in the garage, the excitement around it gradually subsides and the level of pursuit decreases by itself.

There is a cheaper option - repaint the body in a different color, change stickers and wheels. This will not give a 100% effect, but it will reduce the level by several points.

If you are caught: you can buy off in two ways: with money or with a quick release coupon. The first method is legal, so the wanted level of the "liberated" car drops to one. The second is illegal, so the police will be looking for you no less than before. If the car cannot be bought back, it will be confiscated.

In addition to exciting chases, there is another benefit from the police. Entering into conflicts with the law, you increase your rating among the riders. This is something like a "baptism of fire", a kind of "milestones" on the path of a self-respecting illegal motorist. So, in particular, to qualify for another place in blacklist(see below), it will certainly be necessary to commit a number of daring offenses, a certain number of times coming into conflict with the authorities and getting out of the water.

Key events

Exceeding the speed limit (Photo Ticket). This is the only “absentee” conflict that does not require close contact with law enforcement. It is enough just to exceed the speed. Drive under the camera faster than a certain speed, and - click! Ready.

Prize points (Bounty). Prize points are awarded for "feats" on the road. This is something like a reputation in narrow circles or a measure of indignation of the police - take it as it suits you. By choosing this event, you find yourself on the road in the immediate vicinity of a police car and must escape from pursuit, before collecting the required number of points in a way convenient for you.

Infractions. As with reward points, it all starts with the pursuit. And all subsequent events will also begin in this way, so further we will not discuss this separately. So your task is to commit a certain number different offenses. Rammed a police car? Perfectly. Off the road? Wonderful! Resisted arrest? Did you break your private property? Probably exceeded the speed? All this will be credited to you - the main thing is not to be in the police register.

Cost to State. Chasing offenders is expensive. Wrecked cars, wasted time, policemen attracted to the chase ... Accountants, alien to emotions, painstakingly record all these expenses so that the phrase could be heard in the morning news: "Over the past six months, street racers have caused damage to the state in the amount of ..." That's great. Our task is to ensure that the figure is not less than indicated in the conditions of this event. And, of course, in the end, get away from police retaliation.

Barriers (Roadblock). When the wanted level is at least 2, the police will start setting up barriers on the roads. These are police cars, loaded, in all likelihood, with sandbags or cans of mercury (they are noticeably heavier than "mobile" company vehicles). It is not difficult to pass them, the main thing is to accelerate better and not drive into the side of a standing car. We pass the agreed number of obstacles, "lose" the pursuers - and the next "feat" can be considered accomplished.

Spike Strip. Here you will need a search level of at least the fourth, so that the brutalized police barred your road with special cynicism - setting spiked stripes across the roadway. The essence of the task is to overcome the indicated number of such obstacles.

Damage to police cars (Trade Paint). Literally translated - "paint exchange". Escaping the pursuit, you need to hit at least so many police cars, and in any way - ram, hit with the side or completely disable.

The Long Pursuit (Pursuit Time). The hardest part of this exercise is not to break away from the pursuers too quickly, but also not to get caught, of course. It is necessary to constantly maintain a balance, incapacitating and blocking "extra" machines, but not getting carried away, so that they do not inadvertently end. If this suddenly happened - urgently go to the nearest busy intersection, knocking down everything that you can reach along the way. Perhaps they will notice.

Fast pursuit (Pursuit Evasion). No need to waste time looking at the statistics of the chase, no need to deliberately complicate your life and run into trouble. On the contrary, you need to get rid of the "tail" as quickly as possible. Use a nitro gas, smash cars with flashing lights.

Take our feet

The higher the level of persecution, the more difficult it becomes to avoid arrest. At a certain stage, speed alone becomes decidedly not enough, and you have to go to all sorts of tricks to get rid of the annoying signaling "tail".

  • Obstacles... There are special locations on the map, marked with a red triangle icon during the chase. These are scaffolding, massive but fragile signs, gas station sheds, water towers and even yachts on props - in a word, everything that is ready to collapse at the slightest touch, cutting off the path of pursuers. But be careful not to fall into your own trap: if a mountain of crumbling trash covers you too, arrest cannot be avoided.
  • Timber and auto transporters... These are "civilian" vehicles - trucks with trailers, the contents of which will readily roll onto the roadway from a strong impact. You should not expect that this technique will instantly save you from the chase, but it can provide some kind of gain in time. In addition, the gap between the axles is wide enough to guess the moment and slip through there. And then gleefully imagine how the artificial intelligence of computer police officers will blush from the strain, trying to repeat our maneuver.
  • Refuge... When the police temporarily lost sight of you, the Evade "thermometer" crawled to the maximum and the Cooldown stage began, you can slow down at the side of the road and wait until they stop looking for you. But time will fly by much faster if you stop by one of the shelters kindly offered by the developers. They are indicated by dotted circles on the map.
  • Inaccessible places... This is, of course, more of an unintended opportunity than a planned map detail, but ... There are places the police cannot get to. For example, the famous place at the bus station, a minute from Safe House to the southeast, where it is easy to go to the roof or get on the buses standing in a row.


Of course, everything is not limited to the police. Whatever Sergeant Cross imagines, the position on the "black list" will be determined by the competition between the riders. Since the days of NFSU2, the list of possible ways to measure strength has changed somewhat, although the basic options for the rules have remained unchanged. So:

Circuit... Classic. A closed track, along which you have to drive several laps, competing with opponents only in speed. The tooltip displays the number of laps completed out of the total.

Sprint... Also a classic. It differs from the roundabout only in the absence of a "ring", that is, it is passed once from end to end, from start to finish. In the tooltip, you will constantly see the exact percentage of the road left behind.

Overclocking (Drag). A relatively straight track that is driven by a manual gearbox. The point is to reach the highest speed and finish first, changing gears on time. Any collision leads to an automatic drop out of the race. It is important to keep in mind that turning the steering wheel (or the left / right keys) here does not turn the front wheels, but gives the command “to move to a lane left / right”.

Knockout Race... Complicated version of Circuit. Not only do you need to finish first, you still need to not be the last one at the end of each lap. The rider who completes the circle in the tail is eliminated from the competition. Accordingly, the number of circles is always equal to the number of participants, so that by the end there is only one left.

Single ride (Tollbooth)... We have no clear rival here. Instead, there are checkpoints located on the track at intervals, as well as a timer that inexorably counts down the remaining time. Passing through the checkpoint adds additional time, which should be enough to get to the next one. And so - until the end of the track.

Excessive speed (Speedtrap). On the way of the racing procession there are automatic cameras that record the speed of passing cars. The winner is the one with the sum of the speeds recorded by the cameras is higher. But that is not all. Until the rider reaches the finish line, he is regularly penalized for delay, therefore, in the intervals between the “checkpoints”, one should not relax.

When planning to participate in the race, pay attention to such a parameter of the track as the probability of meeting with the police (Cop Probability). Not that it should be avoided altogether, just be prepared that if you wind up the cops during the competition, you will have to get rid of them at the end of the competition.

If the involvement of the police is almost inevitable, try this trick: let the enemy go a little ahead and follow. The patrol will start chasing the leader, not paying the slightest attention to us. Then you can already enter the game in full force, overtake this howling procession and fly at full steam to the finish line.

Blacklisting promotion

The list of the most wanted racers in the game takes the place that this diamond is given in the detective novel about the stolen diamond. In other words, everything revolves around him. He (the list) lives in the main computer of the city's police department, but cunning hackers from among the same speed lovers crawl through this database as if they were in their own My Documents folder. For this is the only documented and objective rating, a table of ranks and a universal criterion. After all, the one whom the police are looking for in the first place, of course, stands head and shoulders above all the others - those whom it “just pursues”.

But nothing comes for free. In order to oust an offender who has entrenched himself there from the coveted position, you need to prove not by word, but by deed that his track record is a mere trifle compared to the lawlessness that you are capable of perpetrating. And, of course, overtake the opponent in a comfortable environment.

So, the algorithm for moving through the black list looks like this. To get the right to fight with the next racer, you need to win several "simple" competitions (Race Events) with unknown motorists, make a predetermined number of provocations (Milestone Events) and collect the specified number of points (Bounty). Finally, having fulfilled these conditions and having received an invitation from your opponent, you should deal with him, cross him off the list and move up a step.

It is important: the winners, as you know, are entitled to laurels and trophies. Nobody promises us Lavrov, but there are trophies. After each defeated figure of the "black list", you can choose a reward by turning over several yellow tokens. "Under the cap" may be a ticket for free travel from the police station to the street, a unique piece, or even the loser's personal car.

Now let's take a closer look at our favorites. The conditions for the competition are listed in this order: [Race Events / Milestone Events] Bounty.

1. Clarence Callahan (Razor)

Automobile: BMW M3 GTR

Strong point: all

Competition conditions: [ 9 / 5 ] 10000000

It took off to the top of the list of wanted riders thanks to our car, and now rides the streets as their rightful owner. Raizor will stop at nothing to keep the honorary title. Remember: everything he says serves a single purpose - to demoralize, cause anger, irritation, hatred ... Do not believe him.

3. Ronald McCrea (Ronnie)

Automobile: Aston Martin DB9

Strong point: damage to police cars

Competition conditions: [ 8 / 5 ] 5,550000

An old acquaintance - Ronnie. One of those rich boys who think the world revolves around them. He received his car as a gift from his parents on the occasion of graduation. However, let it not relax you - something, but he knows how to drive perfectly.

5. Wes Allen (Webster)

Automobile: Corvette c6

Strong point: avoiding pursuit

Competition conditions: [ 7 / 4 ] 3,050000

Webster is crazy about cars. Wherever he is, his mouth does not close - he never ceases to carry something about speed, performance, tuning, condensation in the carburetor ... And if he comes up with some next idea, then even more so. If Webster isn’t on the road, he’s probably in the workshop or at the car store. His car is tuned to the maximum: perhaps there is nothing left inside it that would not have been called upon to increase the speed even more.

7. Kira Nakazato (Kaze, Kamikaze)

Automobile: Mercedes-Benz CLK 500

Strong point: sacrifice and destruction

Competition conditions: [ 7 / 4 ] 1,680000

Kira is absolutely insane. Where she lacks skill, she will break through at the expense of speed, regardless of any obstacles. Do not be deceived by her pretty appearance - an aggressive beast is hiding under her: she will smash everything that gets in her way to smithereens. For example - you and your car. Moreover, Kira will not regret her car for a moment, if only to settle scores with an opponent as soon as possible. She would be married ...

9. Eugene James (Earl)

Automobile: Mitsubishi Lancer EVOLUTION VIII

Strong point: sprint

Competition conditions: [ 5 / 4 ] 790000

He hails from the luscious eastern outskirts of the city, but now he rides mainly in the coastal area. It trades in imported goods, so if for some reason it drives off the road, it is only to accept the next batch.

11. Lou Park (Big Lou)

Automobile: Mitsubishi eclipse

Strong point: single time trips

Competition conditions: [ 5 / 3 ] 300000

The tough Korean man considers himself to be every woman's secret dream. He always plays to the audience. And, despite the fact that he is terrified of the police, he tries not to miss a single race. Rumor has it that the clutch systematically flips out, but you shouldn't lay on it. Most likely, they are lying.

13. Victor Vasquez (Vic)

Automobile: Toyota Supra

Strong point: long chases

Competition conditions: [ 4 / 3 ] 100000

Thirteenth place for Victor is both happy and not. On the one hand, no one has yet succeeded in dropping him lower, on the other, he himself also cannot advance further. He is always tired and irritable, but he knows how to handle his car. And he will definitely do away with anyone who decides to underestimate him.

15. Ho Seun (Sonny)

Automobile: VW Golf GTI

Strong point: ring tracks

Competition conditions: [ 3 / 3 ] 20000

Hussein is like Hussein, not Saddam, but only Sonny. He put so much money into his car, which is not surprising - she runs very briskly. Moreover, Sonny carefully selects and tests all the details before appearing with them in public.

Car park

1. Lexus IS300

To unblock: Available immediately

Price: 27000 $

Year of issue: 2001

Engine: 214 hp, 2997 cc

Drive unit: rear

Lexus is a Toyota division formed in 1988 and dedicated to the production of high-end automobiles.

IS300 is an improved version of IS200. Externally, it is difficult to notice the similarities between these two models, but the IS300 filling gives a head start to its progenitor. This model is very comfortable - sports suspension with 17-inch wheels comes standard, traction control system, built-in anti-theft system and automatic air conditioning with air pollution sensor ...

In one of the variations - IS300 SportCross, the gearshift buttons are located on the steering wheel. This allows you to manually manipulate the gears without resorting to the automatic transmission.

2. Fiat Punto

To unblock: Available immediately

Price: 27000 $

Year of issue: 2004

Engine: 80 hp, 1242 cc

Drive unit: front

Fiat Punto can be called a kind of "folk" model. Its design was designed according to the needs of potential buyers - a survey was conducted among customers in this price category, which allowed the designers to determine the final look of the Punto. The model is rich in equipment level - there are MSR, ASR, ESP systems previously unavailable for this class. The range includes 8 different engines to choose from.

3. Chevrolet Cobalt SS

To unblock: Available immediately

Price: 26000 $

Year of issue: 2004

Engine: 205 hp, 1998 cc

Drive unit: front

The abbreviation SS is commonly used to refer to sports cars (something like "Super Sport" I think). To the original Cobalt with its two-liter Ecotec engine, a supercharger was added, now instead of 140 hp. the engine produces 205. The sports version, respectively, has acquired a modified suspension and brakes. According to the manufacturer, the refinement of the driving performance was carried out at the "Northern loop" of the Nurburgring in Germany. It is famous for the fact that, with a length of only about 25 km, it has more than 170 turns.

4. Volkswagen Golf GTI

To unblock: Available immediately

Price: 35000 $

Year of issue: 2004

Engine: 200 hp, 1984 cc

Drive unit: front

The Golf GTI accelerates to 100 km / h in 7.2 seconds (with a DSG dual-clutch gearbox, the figure can be reduced to 6.9 seconds). The maximum speed is 235 km / h. With such very decent data, the GTI is surprisingly economical - about 8 liters of fuel are spent per 100 km of run.

5. Audi TT 3.2 Quattro

To unblock:

Price: 35000 $

Year of issue: 1998

Engine: 225 hp, 1781 cc

Drive unit: full

In the first version, the car had problems with aerodynamics, which led to many accidents on tight bends. The model was recalled, and after minor changes (larger diameter anti-roll bars were installed, a new ESP stabilization system and a small wing on the edge of the trunk), they returned to the market, and they politely apologized to the victims.

The maximum speed of the TT Quattro is 243 km / h. At 6800 rpm, the electronic limiter is triggered. Acceleration time to 100 km / h - 6.4 s.

6. Audi A3 3.2 Quattro

To unblock: Defeat Sonny, # 15 Blacklisted

Price: 32000 $

Year of issue: 1997

Engine: 250 hp, 3189 cc

Drive unit: full

The A3 Quattro's top speed is strictly electronically limited to 250 km / h. Acceleration time to 100 km / h - 6.3 seconds. In the presence of an all-wheel drive transmission Quattro. Externally, the A3 varieties are almost the same, but the interior of the cabin and the list of equipment are subject to changes. There are three standard configurations in total: Ambiente, Attraction and Ambition - to the delight of marketing managers.

7. Mitsubishi Eclipse

To unblock:

Price: 30000 $

Year of issue: 1989

Engine: 213 hp, 1996 cc

Drive unit: front

Eclipse - a model oriented to the American market, in 1989 was put on the conveyor of the Diamond-Star Motors Corporation plant, a joint venture of Mitsubishi and Chrysler, Bloomington (USA, Illinois). Over the course of its existence, the Eclipse changed three engines - a frankly weak 1.8-liter, a decent 2-liter and the third, the most powerful, turbocharged two-liter variant.

8. Audi A4 3.2 FSI Quattro

To unblock: Defeat Taz, # 14 on the blacklist

Price: 35000 $

Year of issue: 2003

Engine: 150 hp, 1984 cc

Drive unit: full

A4 is a middle-class car, the successor of the Audi 80, produced in 1986-1994. Has a galvanized body, which is not afraid of corrosion. At least the firm gives it a 10-year warranty. In the presence of a climate control system and heated seats. In advanced versions, it is possible to install a telephone, a navigation system and even a voice Internet.

9. Toyota Supra

To unblock:

Price: 40000 $

Year of issue: 1993

Engine: 330 hp, 2997 cc

Drive unit: rear

Production of the model, which debuted under the slogan "The Sport of Toyota", was suspended in 2002. Models released after 1997 restyling are equipped with a GOA body and an engine with VVT-i system. Among the latest released models, there are versions with automatic transmission. The Supra is equipped with a drive slip control to keep the rear wheels from spinning and to keep the rear from wobbling from side to side. One of the distinctive features of the model is the wing, which is responsible for creating negative lift (models without this part are extremely rare).

10. Renault Clio v6

To unblock: Defeat Vic, # 13 on the blacklist

Price: 40000 $

Year of issue: 2001

Engine: 230 hp, 2997 cc

Drive unit: rear

For the first time, the Clio v6 appeared in 2001 - then it was equipped with a 230-horsepower 3-liter V6 engine. In 2004, after restyling, the car received a retuned chassis and an engine boosted to 255 horsepower. Incidentally, it was originally so large that it did not fit under the hood, so they put it in the passenger seats. The conclusion suggests itself: Clio v6 is a convincingly two-seat model.

According to Renault, the top speed of this model is 245 km / h, and acceleration from standstill to 100 km / h takes 5.8 seconds. The engine consumes just under 12 liters of fuel per 100 kilometers. 12 cars were produced per day according to the plan, but in July 2005 the production of Clio v6 was completely stopped.

11. Mazda RX-8

To unblock:

Price: 32000 $

Year of issue: 2003

Engine: 192 hp, 1308 cc

Drive unit: rear

The RX-8 is an updated version of the RX-7 model (see 20 machine in the list). For the first time, its prototype (then still bearing the name RX-Evolve) was demonstrated in Detroit in 2000. Then, about a year later, a trial version with a Renesis rotary engine was shown in Tokyo. The main differences of this model are the low level of harmful emissions and fuel efficiency.

The standard version of the engine produces 192 hp, the top version of the Hi Power (RX-8 HP), endowed with a more sophisticated intake system, 240 hp.

12. Cadillac CTS

To unblock: Defeat Izzy, # 12 Blacklisted

Price: 32000 $

Year of issue: 2002

Engine: 220 hp, 3200 cc

Drive unit: rear

Cadillac is a Detroit-based subsidiary of General Motors that specializes in luxury passenger cars.

The CTS was first shown at a golf club in Monterey, California, on the eve of Cadillac's centenary. It is a compact rear-wheel drive five-seater with a 3.2-liter V6 engine. The CTS, by the way, is one of the most protected models in the row - four airbags (two front and two side) and a pair of inflatable curtains that will save passengers even if the car rolls over.

While working on the design, in honor of the centenary, it was decided to use design elements inherent in the models of the past. For example, the headlamps are arranged vertically, like the 1965 models. And the shape of the radiator lining generally goes back to the distant 1934.

13. Ford Mustang GT

To unblock: Defeat Izzy, # 12 Blacklisted

Price: 36000 $

Year of issue: 2001

Engine: 252 hp, 4600 cc

Drive unit: rear

Ford Mustang has undergone many changes for 36 years of its existence - the GT model has almost nothing in common with those who gave rise to the Mustang family (well, except that the logo remained unchanged). A striking feature of the Mustang GT engine is that the piston stroke and its bore are strictly equal, making up 3.6 inches (V8 engine). The maximum speed is 232 km / h. Formally, the "Mustang" is designed for four passengers, but only a child can comfortably fit in the back seat.

14. Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII

To unblock:

Price: 36000 $

Year of issue: 2001

Engine: 265 hp, 1997 cc

Drive unit: full

Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII has been named Sports Car of the Year by the French magazine Echappement. The jury unanimously awarded him the highest rating among the 20 best sports cars in the world. Competent assessment of the driving performance and dynamics of the nominee cars took place in two stages: on the race track in the city of Issoire, and on the road in the province of Auvergne, in central France.

Evolution VIII is a rally legend: the first representatives of the Lancer Evolution series, which appeared in 1992, performed well in rallies.

15. Mercedes-Benz SL 500

To unblock: Defeat Big Lou, # 11 on the blacklist

Price: 75000 $

Year of issue: 1993

Engine: 306 h.p. 4966 cc

Drive unit: rear

The SL 500 is equipped with a unique system ABC (Active Body Control) - active suspension. The bottom line is that four hydraulic cylinders, at the command of the on-board computer, can change the height of the spring supports for each wheel individually up to 10 times per second. This greatly softens the process of braking, roll in a corner or driving over bumps.

At the moment, the SL 600 model has already appeared on sale - in contrast to the SL 500, its engine power is 394 hp, and the volume is 5987 cc. The SL 500 was discontinued in 1999.

16. Pontiac GTO

To unblock:

Price: 35000 $

Year of issue: 2004

Engine: 350 hp, 5665 cc

Drive unit: rear

The Pontiac GTO engine, developed by General Motors engineers, is called the Gen Ill LS1 V8. Acceleration to 100 km / h in 5.5 seconds. The model was assembled on the platform of the Australian Monaro CV8 - only left-hand drive. Basically, due to its platform, the GTO is very similar to the Monaro VXR (number 17 next on the list).

17.Vauxhall Monaro VXR

To unblock: Defeat Baron, # 10 Blacklisted

Price: 35000 $

Year of issue: 2005

Engine: 400 hp, 6000 cc

Drive unit: rear

Vauxhall is a British company related to German Opel and Australian Holden.

The Monaro VXR was voted Most Muscular Car of 2005 by Top Gear. Both 400 horsepower and 6 liters under the hood (V8 engine) make themselves felt. In addition, the set includes nineteen-inch wheels made in a 10-spoke design from special light alloys, and a pair of double muffler holes, spread on different sides of the rear bumper. Top speed 290 km / h, acceleration to 100 km / h in less than 5 seconds.

18. Porsche Cayman S

To unblock: Defeat Baron, # 10 Blacklisted

Price: 60000 $

Year of issue: 2005

Engine: 295 hp, 3386 cc

Drive unit: rear

The name for this Porsche model was borrowed from the animal kingdom, probably inspired by the graceful curve of the tail of some crocodile that turned up under the arm.

The car was based on the Boxster model - most of the components came from there, for example the 6-speed manual transmission. Part of the electronic filling is taken from the older model 911 Carrera, namely: the proprietary Porsche system for changing the valve timing (VarioCam Plus), and the stability control system (Stability Management).

For an additional fee, the Cayman S is equipped with a third system from its older brother - PASM (Porsche Active Suspension Management), which, depending on the selected mode (norm / sport), regulates the clearance and stiffness of the springs with shock absorbers.

19. Subaru Impreza WRX STi

To unblock:

Price: 42000 $

Year of issue: 2005

Engine: 280 hp, 2457 cc

Drive unit: rear

British company Prodrive, closely involved in tuning, has developed an add-on package for this model, which allows you to raise the engine power to 305 hp. The maximum speed of the WRX STi with this package is 255 km / h, and the acceleration to 100 km / h is 4.6 seconds.

20. Mazda RX-7

To unblock: Defeat Earl, # 9 on the blacklist

Price: 31000 $

Year of issue: 1978

Engine: 255 hp, 1308 cc

Drive unit: rear

The RX-7 makes the most of the rotary engine. 105-horsepower engine accelerates it to 200 km / h. It was on it that Rod Miller became the US rally champion in 1979. In 1986, according to Motor Trend magazine, the Mazda RX-7 became the Import Car of the Year. As of 1990, the total number of cars produced by Mazda Motor Corporation has grown to 25 million, of which 1 million are RX-7s. Since the fall of 2000, after the restyling, a new version of the RX-7 entered the market with both external and internal changes.

21. Mercedes-Benz CLK 500

To unblock:

Price: 75000 $

Year of issue: 2004

Engine: 306 hp, 4966 cc

Drive unit: rear

The CLK 500 is the first in its class to receive the 7G-Tronic 7-speed automatic transmission (it is equipped with two reverse speeds - one for normal conditions, the other for winter). The CLK-series also acquired standard wheels for driving on punctured tires, which allow you to drive in this mode up to 50 km at a speed of 80 km / h, the set also includes a puncture warning system (do you feel how this would help in Most Wanted?)

The model can be recognized by the four tailpipes and the side lighting system at the time of parking (if, of course, the owner installed it).

22. Lotus Elise

To unblock: Defeat Jewels, # 8 Blacklisted

Price: 48000 $

Year of issue: 1995

Engine: 120 hp, 1795 cc

Drive unit: rear

The emphasis in this model was not on engine power, but on lower overall weight. Weighing just 690 kg, the Elise has a top speed of 202 km / h and accelerates from standstill to 100 km / h in 5.9 seconds.

In 1999, the 111S was born with a 145 hp engine. Finally, in 2004, the last modification to date was released - the 111R with a 192 hp engine.

23. Aston Martin DB9

To unblock:

Price: 90000 $

Year of issue: 2004

Engine: 450 hp, 5935 cc

Drive unit: rear

Aston Martin is an English company, a division of the Ford Motor Company, engaged in the development and production of expensive sports cars. The headquarters are located in Newport Pannel.

During the development of DB9, a new platform was created - VH (vertical / horizontal). The bottom line is that the lineup will develop both vertically (different models produced by Aston Martin) and horizontally - through any borrowing from other firms within the Ford Motor Company (like Volvo, Jaguar). For example, the aerodynamics of the DB9 were perfected by the professionals at Volvo.

A distinctive feature of the DB9 is the doors that, when opened, rise up 12 degrees. With a manual transmission, acceleration to 100 km / h in 4.7 seconds, with an automatic transmission in 4.9 seconds.

24. Porsche 911 Carrera S

To unblock: Defeat Kaze, # 7 on the blacklist

Price: 75000 $

Year of issue: 2005

Engine: 320 hp, 3596 cc

Drive unit: full

All-wheel drive modification of the Porsche 911. The presence of all-wheel drive increases the weight of the car, and, accordingly, its dynamics suffers. The Carrera S accelerates to 100 km / h in 5 seconds, with a top speed of 285 km / h. Boxster Flat 6 engine with 320 hp, Tipronic S gearbox as standard.

The tuned version of the Carrera S, called “Tune it! Safe! ”, German policemen are chasing criminals. Under the hood of the TIS, there is a 3.8-liter 370-horsepower engine, and the top speed is limited to 300 km / h. Considering that on ordinary German cars, an electronic collar in most cases does not allow you to accelerate above 250 km / h, it becomes much easier to catch up with violators. The police version also picks up speed faster - 100 km / h in just 4.5 seconds.

25. Dodge Viper SRT-10

To unblock:

Price: 98000 $

Year of issue: 2002

Engine: 503 hp, 7994 cc

Drive unit: rear

Viper, "viper" - a machine for those who do not see life without risk. The chassis, originally borrowed from a truck (the wheels spin even in third gear), the absence of an airbag and an engine displacement of almost 8 liters make itself felt. Maximum speed 266 km / h, 10 cylinders, acceleration to 100 km / h in 4.5 seconds. And finally, the truly sporty appearance of the Viper.

In the American tuning salon Hennessy in 2005, a special version of the SRT-10 was developed, equipped with an improved 8.5 liter engine with two Garret turbines pumping a pressure of 1.5 bar and an output of 1000 hp. (!). This option picks up speed of 100 km / h in 3 seconds, and the maximum speed is 410 km / h. Only 24 of these "jet" cars were produced.

26. Lamborghini Gallardo

To unblock: Defeat Ming, # 6 Blacklisted

Price: 120000 $

Year of issue: 2003

Engine: 500 hp, 4961 cc

Drive unit: full

The V10 engine allows the Gallardo to accelerate from 0 to 100 km / h in 4.2 seconds, with a top speed of 309 km / h. This coupe from Lamborghini in 2004 became one of the winners of the prestigious British Design and Art Direction (D&AD) competition.

There is a limited edition of 250 pieces, the Gallardo SE, featuring a bi-ton exterior paint job. No changes were made to the engine, however, due to the fact that the gear ratios of the gearbox were changed, the SE began to accelerate to 100 km / h in exactly 4 seconds, and the maximum speed rose to 315 km / h.

27. Porsche 911 turbo S

To unblock:

Price: 105000 $

Year of issue: 2004

Engine: 450 hp, 3600 cc

Drive unit: full

This model has brake discs made of sintered composite material, which are superior to traditional steel in all respects. In addition, they are 50% lighter, which reduces the weight of the car by 20 kg. In the presence of a proprietary stability control system PSM (Porsche Stability Management).

The maximum speed is 308 km / h, acceleration to 100 km / h in 4.2 seconds (and the convertible in 4.3).

28. Chevrolet Corvette C6

To unblock: Defeat Webster, # 5 Blacklisted

Price: 80000 $

Year of issue: 2004

Engine: 405 hp, 6000 cc

Drive unit: rear

The sixth generation Chevrolet Corvette was first unveiled by General Motors at the 2004 Detroit Auto Show.

Under the hood is a 6 liter (previously 5.7) Vortec V8 engine, now called the LS2. Its power is 405 hp. The Corvette C6 accelerates to 100 km / h in 4.3 seconds with a manual gearbox and 4.7 seconds with an automatic. The maximum speed of the vehicle is 290 km / h.

One of the options - Z06 - is equipped with a forced up to 450 hp. engine that allows it to accelerate to more than 300 km / h.

29. Lamborghini Murcielago

To unblock:

Price: 265000 $

Year of issue: 2001

Engine: 580 hp, 6192 cc

Drive unit: full

As we have already mentioned, this model is named after the Murcielago bull, which in 1879 withstood the bullfighter Rafael Molina. It was decided not to kill the bull, and a whole family of bulls, who more than once participated in bullfighting, went from him.

The shape for this model was developed by the Belgian designer Luc Donckerwolk. Murcielago accelerates to 100 km / h in 3.8 seconds, top speed ~ 330 km / h. An interesting indicator is the mass (of course, relative) Murcielago: it is planned to collect about 400 models a year.

30. Ford GT

To unblock: Defeat JV, # 4 Blacklisted

Price: 270000 $

Year of issue: 2005

Engine: 507 hp, 5409 cc

Drive unit: rear

The first Ford GT models were produced back in the mid 60s. Then the model was called GT40, due to the fact that the height of the car was 40 inches - about 1 m 15 mm. Later, the GT70 and GT90 appeared (albeit only a prototype), but the numbers in their names have already lost their original meaning.

An interesting development is used in the model, the so-called "fuel door", due to which the need for a fuel cap disappears. You just need to open it and insert a hose with gasoline - due to the efforts of Ford technicians, the tightness will not be lost in the absence of a cap.

31. Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren

To unblock: Defeat Ronnie, # 3 Blacklisted

Price: 300000 $

Year of issue: 2003

Engine: 626 hp, 5493 cc

Drive unit: rear

There is one story associated with this model. Pole Robert Furtak became the owner of the SLR even before it entered mass production ... How did he manage it? He collected it himself!

Since 1999, this man has been following everything related to the SLR prototypes - pho

What tags you need to choose to get your opponent's car in NFS Most Wanted URGENT!

  1. why do you need these tags! better guess so it will be more interesting
  2. Actually, there is a worked out scheme, I read in one magazine, first you select by the middle mark and based on it you choose the next one, for example, if you come across a tow truck, then the car will be on the right, if the money is on the left, it seems like this, and the scheme works flawlessly, in all cases the boss's car comes across. But I don’t remember the exact sequence ...
  3. This is a GREAT RANDOM friend
  4. and at all?
    but if so then everyone is wrong
    no, then only some are wrong
  5. A label with a question mark. If you're lucky)
  6. they seem to alternate there, choose 1 first if there is a wheelbarrow, then the next car will be under 3 mark, etc.
  7. How lucky! choose any of 3 questions!
  8. 1 label 15,12,9,6,3
    2 label 14,11,8,5,2
    3 label 13,10,7,4
    I have so
  9. I don’t remember the labels on the right, what’s called for a long time I played, all the time I chose the same thing and the cars gave me TRIAL questions from the right !!!
  10. Random lol
  11. 1 2 or 3 random bonuses
  12. that is not correct
  13. List of prize tokens in Need for Speed ​​Most Wanted

    15 Ho Seung Sonny

    1.?: Opponent's car
    2.?: Bribe
    3.?: Money (10,000)
    4. Finish: Vinyl
    5. Styling: Wheels
    6. Tuning: Brakes (Junkman)

    14 Vince Kilik Taz

    1.?: Opponent's car
    3.?: Money (12,000)
    4. Finish: Vinyl
    5. Styling: Hood
    6. Tuning: Suspension (Junkman)

    13 Victor Vasquez Vic (Vic)

    1.?: Opponent's car
    2.?: Money (10,000)
    3.?: Money (15,000)
    4. Finishing: Elite appliances
    5. Styling: Body

    12 Isabelle Diaz Izzy

    1.?: Opponent's car
    2.?: Car buyback
    4. Finish: Vinyl
    5. Styling: Body

    11 Big Lou Park

    1.?: Opponent's car
    2.?: Money (20,000)
    3.?: Bribe
    4. Styling: Spoiler
    5. Styling: Wheels
    6. Tuning: Tires (Junkman)

    10 Karl Smith Baron

    1.?: Opponent's car
    2.?: Bribe
    3.?: Postponement of vehicle confiscation
    4. Styling: Air Intake
    5. Styling: Hood
    6. Tuning: Suspension (Junkman)

    9 Eugene James Earl

    1.?: Opponent's car
    2.?: Car buyback
    3.?: Postponement of vehicle confiscation
    4. Finishing: Elite appliances
    5. Styling: Hood
    6. Tuning: Turbocharging (Junkman)

    8 Jed Barrett Jewels

    1.?: Opponent's car
    2.?: Postponement of confiscation of the car
    3.?: Bribe
    4. Styling: Body
    5. Styling: Spoiler
    6. Tuning: Transmission (Junkman)

    7 Kira Nakazato Kamikaze (Kaze)

    1.?: Opponent's car
    2.?: Bribe
    3.?: Car buyback
    4. Finish: Vinyl
    5. Styling: Spoiler
    6. Tuning: Tires (Junkman)

    6 Hector Domingo Ming

    1.?: Opponent's car
    2.?: Bribe
    3.?: Money (50,000)
    4. Finish: Vinyl
    5. Styling: Wheels
    6. Tuning: Suspension (Junkman)

    5 Weight Allen Webster (Webster)

    1.?: Opponent's car
    2.?: Bribe
    3.?: Postponement of vehicle confiscation
    4. Finish: Vinyl
    5. Styling: Hood
    6. Tuning: Turbocharging (Junkman)

    4 Joe Vega JV (JV)

    1.?: Opponent's car
    2.?: Money (100,000)
    3.?: Car buyback
    4. Finish: Vinyl
    5. Styling: Body
    6. Tuning: Engine (Junkman)

    3 Ronald McCree Ronnie

    1.?: Opponent's car
    2.?: Postponement of confiscation of the car
    3.?: Bribe
    4. Styling: Wheels
    5. Styling: Air Intake
    6. Tuning: Tires (Junkman)

    2 Tohru Sato Bull

    1.?: Opponent's car
    2.?: Bribe
    3.?: Car buyback
    4. Finishing: Elite appliances
    5. Finish: Vinyl
    6. Tuning: Turbocharging (Junkman)

  14. If you guessed wrong, then Alt + F4, and choose those in which there was no sopa car!
  15. I came up with a cool strategy beryosh and igadivaesh if I guessed that next time the opponent's car will be already on some two others
  16. google beans
  17. who are with a question! They are random! By the way! I just got to Raizor (1)! And in pursuit of me the cross is chasing !!!

V NFS Most Wanted bosses Are riders from the Black List. All of them have cars with unique upgrades, which makes it difficult to win, but they can also be obtained.

You can't just challenge the rider to a duel - the player needs to gain a rating and fulfill the requirements for winning races and making bets, some of which can make unprepared players sweat. Some of these requirements can be done literally "along the way." The main requirement is the rating, which will need to be gained over some time.

Also, before going to a competition with any rider from the black list, it is advisable to prepare for this action, check the improvements of your car and buy them if necessary, in order to facilitate the passage in case something does not go according to plan.

V NFS Most Wanted boss cars act as a stable reward, so a gamer can collect a whole collection of cars in his garage, but there are a few subtleties here due to the system of prize tokens. The player needs to choose one of three tokens marked with a question mark. In simple terms, each boss has three types of possible rewards, but the car can only be guessed with good intuition.

NFS Most Wanted Blacklist

15. Ho Seung, Sonny

The very first opponent from the Black List that the player will face. For the same reason, it is not a very serious obstacle, despite the fact that his biography indicates a love for the modernization of his car. Drives around in a Volkswagen Golf GTI equipped with unique vinyl, tint and wheels.


  • Win 3 races.
  • Win 2 bets.
  • Have a rating of 20 thousand or more.
Sonny's hobbyhorse is The Ring, and duels with him are available in this mode. Because of this, it is advisable to use cars with good maneuverability and acceleration. As a reward, you can get $ 10,000 or a bribe.

14. Vince Keelik, Tez

Tek is a much more serious opponent than Sonny, and the car, Lexus IS 300, surpasses him in performance. In addition, it features a unique skull vinyl, gold tint and red rims.


  • Win 4 races.
  • Win 3 bets.
  • Have a rating of 50 thousand or more.
The duel with him takes place in the "Sprint" mode, but this is unlikely to be a problem for a prepared player. With the current set of improvements, Taiza can be defeated easily and naturally. The reward has become a little better: $ 12,000 or a delay in the confiscation of the car.

13. Victor Vasquez, Vic

Vic rides a Toyota Supra and is the first serious contender. Its AI is tuned better than previous rivals and even surpasses some of the higher ranked riders.


  • Win 4 races.
  • Win 3 bets.
  • Have a rating of 100 thousand or more.
As a reward, the player can receive $ 10 or $ 15,000. Also, a new area of ​​the city opens and the level of the police rises.

12. Isabelle Diaz, Issy

After Vic, Issy is unlikely to be a worthy opponent. She drives a Mazda RX-8. Her strong point is knockout races, so she'll have to prepare one way or another.


  • Win 4 races.
  • Win 3 bets.
  • Have a rating of 180 thousand or more.
The rewards are not bad - you can choose to buy the car or defer the confiscation.

11. Lou Park, Big Lou

This Korean is driving a Mitsubishi Eclipse GT.


  • Win 5 races.
  • Win 4 bets.
  • Have a rating of 300 thousand or more.
The reward is a bribe or $ 20,000.

10. Karl Smith "Baron"

His Porsche Cayman S has a unique black appliqué. It is from him that the rating requirements begin to grow seriously.


  • Win 5 races.
  • Win 4 bets.
  • Have a rating of 500 thousand or more.

9. Eugene James, Earl

Earl's car is a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII.


  • Win 5 races.
  • Win 4 bets.
  • Have a rating of 790,000 or more.
After defeating him, the player can receive a ransom of the car and a delay in confiscation. Also, a new area opens up and the level of the police rises.

8. Jade Barrett "Jewels"

Jewels have a pretty good car - a Ford Mustang GT.


  • Win 5 races.
  • Win 4 bets.
  • Have a rating of 1 million 190 thousand.
The reward is a bribe or a delay in confiscation.

7. Kira Nakazato, Kamikaze

Has a Mercedes-Benz CLK 500. Not the most powerful contender.


  • Win 7 races.
  • Win 4 bets.
  • Have a rating of 1 million 680 thousand.
As a reward, you can choose a bribe or a car ransom.

6. Hector Domingo, "Ming"

Lamborghini Gallardo is Ming's car.


  • Win 7 races.
  • Win 4 bets.
  • Have a rating of 2.3 million or more.
For the victory, the player can choose $ 50,000 or a bribe as a reward.

5. Wes Allen, Webster

He is the "lucky" owner of the Chevrolet Corvette C6.


  • Win 7 races.
  • Win 4 bets.
  • Have a rating of 3 million 50 thousand.
As a reward, you can get a bribe or a deferral. The 5th level of the police also opens.

4. Joe Vega "JV"

His car is a Dodge Viper SRT-10.


  • Win 7 races.
  • Win 4 bets.
  • Have a rating of 4 million 50 thousand.
As a reward, you can take $ 100,000 or a car ransom.

3. Ronald McCree, "Ronnie"

One of Razor's assistants, so it's worth getting ready for a tough race. Rides an Aston Martin DB9.


  • Win 8 races.
  • Win 5 wagers.
  • Have a rating of 5 million 550 thousand.
The reward is a bribe or postponement.

2. Tohru Sato, Bull

Another assistant to Raizor, also a pretty strong racer, but not for an experienced player. The car is a Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren.


  • Win 8 races.
  • Win 5 bets.
  • Have a rating of 7 million 550 thousand.
As a reward, you can take a bribe or a ransom for a car.

1. Clarence Callahan, "Razor"

The main antagonist, to defeat whom you will have to try hard, because the most insane requirements are presented. Drives a BMW M3 GTR.


  • Win 9 races.
  • Win 5 bets.
  • Have at least 10 million rating.
Defeating him completes the storyline.

Need for Speed ​​Most Wanted Tips & Tactics

Choosing the first car.
There are two options here. If you have Need for Speed ​​Underground 2 installed, then you will be given an additional $ 10,000 to start the game, then grab the "VW Golf", and if not, then the "Chevrolet Cobalt SS". These are the best options for starting the game. Further to the amateur. But remember that the first car will not complete the whole game - this is not the Underground for you. The easiest and cheapest way is to grab the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII as soon as it is available, tune it to the fullest and go into battle. I went through the whole game on it. The car must be changed no later than the meeting with the racer from the Blacklist on the Lancer: e (he is the ninth in the list, after the Baron: but in a Porsche), he cannot be overcome in the first car, even a tuned one and with unique engine upgrades (!).

Unique upgrades.
After defeating another Blacklist rider, you are given two bonuses to choose from. Among them there is an upgrade of the engine, barbization, painting or vinyls, as well as three "questions" behind which the following bonuses may be hidden, in more detail about them:
1. The car of the racer you defeated. The toy is again not for everybody. I removed the details of barbization from these (they give a little money for them), and then I sold them.
2. Cash prize. They give a decent amount of money, but they are needed in this game!
3. Bribe to cops. In case you get arrested during the chase. At the same time, not only money is saved, but also the level of search.
4. Increase the maximum number of arrests before the confiscation of a wheelbarrow by one. Thus, your beauty can be arrested a maximum of five times before being confiscated. And so only three.
5. Free return of the car after confiscation. Let me remind you that if the number of permissible arrests of a certain car reaches the limit, then it will be confiscated. They will take a lot of money for the return, depending on how many sins you managed to do, as well as on the face value of the machine itself. Typically, this is a sum with four zeros. This is especially noticeable at the start of the game. And with this thing it's free. But the confiscation of a car is a rare phenomenon, as over time the "crosses" are "erased".
I advise you to take an engine upgrade without fail, and then - according to your taste. And do not be discouraged that over time you will be given engine upgrades that you already have - they can be put on another car. After beating racer # 5 (the one in the Corvette C6), the upgrades will be very powerful.

War with the cops.
The cops in the game are beasts, but stupid. Here's what awaits you at each level.
1. Five cars of pursuit. Everything.
2. Ten pursuit cars and barricades on the road.
3. 15 pursuit cars, barricades and light off-road vehicles.
4. 20 pursuit vehicles, spiked barricades, heavy SUVs and a helicopter.
5. 25 pursuit cars, spiked barricades, lots of heavy SUVs and a helicopter, and if you're very lucky, Sergeant Cross in his Corvette C6.
How to deal with this?
Barricades. They, as a rule, have holes, or do not block the entire road at all, so you can slip through. If not, then you have to crash into the back of the car.
SUVs. The most brutal representatives of the cop fauna. They drive in pairs, at high speed, towards you, head-on. Noticing those on the horizon, we cut in the deceleration and try to carefully, without jerking the steering wheel, part with them. If this is not possible, then we sharply turn the steering wheel so that they drove into our ass, and try to dump in the opposite direction using nitro.
Thorns. After the fourth level, they lie on the road along with barricades. A tempting gap in the barricade can be fatal, as punctured tires mean imminent arrest. We cut in the slowdown and dodge, again without jerking the steering wheel. Perhaps this is a bug, but, nevertheless, a couple of times I came across "spy thorns" lying alone on the road without any identification marks. So be careful.
Helicopter. This is a separate story. It kicks up dust and obstructs your view, and at the fifth level, it can go down and block your path like a concrete wall, but this is a rarity. Nothing can be done with him, but he quickly runs out of fuel, and he flies off to refuel.
Coin trucks. Ram, cut and bring down special obstacles marked on the map with red triangles on their heads. For each car you wreck, you are credited with a certain amount of Bounty. Level 1 - 250, 2 - 500, 3 - 2500, 4 - 5000, 5 - 20,000, light SUV - 10,000, heavy SUV - 15,000.

Recipe for massive amounts of Bounty, as well as ranking in Cross's filing cabinet.
400 000 $
At least third in the Blacklist
Outstanding driving data
Inhuman patience

We buy an "Audi A4", we tune it in full, now go to the Blacklist, open the Bounty section and select the very first location (in the upper left corner). From the very beginning, we adjust the settings of the car so that Turbo and Ground clearance are fully to the left, and Aerodynamics is fully to the right. We leave the rest unchanged. Thus, we will get a tank that breaks through any barricades. Now we back up, turn 180 degrees and ride on the track for about 60 minutes of playing time. And the most important thing is escape. We drive along the highway to the baseball stadium and carefully (it is better to use the slowdown) we turn there. The cops are behind you. We fly into the stadium, simultaneously knocking down the shield at the entrance and crushing the cops. Even if not all the garbage will die under the shield, the rest of the stadium will not pass and will lose sight of you. We squeeze the handbrake and turn the steering wheel to the left so as to press against the left semicircular side of the stadium. Everything. You can go to smoke while waiting for the blue bar to fill. This trick can always be used, but it will only work if you enter off the track and if there is no helicopter above you.


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