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What gasoline do you put into your Stepway? 92 or 95? Or maybe you are pouring 98 at all? And what kind of gasoline should be poured into the Stepway in accordance with Renault's technical recommendations?

We will talk about this in our today's article.

According to the manufacturer's recommendations, the first generation Renault Sandero Stepway can be filled with gasoline from 92 and above. Renault recommends to fill in AI-95 and AI-98 gasoline in Stepway of the second generation.

In general, then, this could have ended, since the answer to the question of which gasoline to pour into the Stepway has already been received - the one advised by the manufacturer. In general, this is correct and we always urge motorists to adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations.

But, as it turned out, with the Stepways, not everything is so simple. In fact, a huge number of owners of the second generation Renault Sandero Stepway, not to mention the first, ignoring these recommendations, without hesitation, pour 92nd gasoline into their cars and drive as if nothing had happened. To what extent is this permissible and what can be fraught with? Let's try to figure it out.

As we have already said, in the Stepway of the first generation, it was possible to safely fill in AI-92 gasoline, moreover, this was in full accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer.

On the second-generation Stepways, Renault has excluded the 92nd gasoline from the list of recommended fuel for refueling (look at the inside of the flap of your gas tank). But here, technically savvy car owners have a reasonable question - why? After all, all the Stepway-2 configurations are equipped with the same old, good engines that have worked regularly on the Stepway of the first series for many years, as well as on simple Sandero and Logans, while they did not experience any problems with 92nd gasoline.

We will not give you an unequivocal answer to this question, however, among the owners of Stepways there is an opinion that Renault recommends filling 95 and 98 gasoline just in order to comply with the EURO-5 emission standard! Considering that the Stepways of the second series are equipped with engines of the same design as their predecessors, this argument sounds quite reasonable.

In fact, the experience of thousands of Stepway owners who pour tons of them into their gas tanks 92 gasoline, says that if you refuel the car with this type of fuel, nothing bad will happen to it. Moreover, nothing bad will happen to him, even if you always refuel with 92 gasoline.

It is also noteworthy that representatives of some Renault dealerships, answering questions about the possibility of refueling second Stepways with AI-92 gasoline, confidently say that this can be done without any consequences for the car.

This is especially true for eight-valve engines. These units are not too demanding on the quality of gasoline and will forgive you even if you feed them with outright filth bought at some NoName gas station. Sometimes one gets the impression that the omnivorous Stepveevsky eight-valve does not care what to ride at all.

Regarding the possible negative consequences when refueling second-generation cars with 92-m gasoline, there is an opinion that AI-92 fuel, which has a higher combustion temperature, can quickly ditch the catalyst. However, this statement is very controversial and has not yet been confirmed by mass examples.

Summing up our conversation, I would like to say that the choice of the brand of gasoline with which you will refuel the car is a personal matter for everyone. We in no way urge all Stepway owners to switch to 92nd gasoline. On the contrary, following the recommendations of the manufacturer, you minimize your risks. But at the same time, there is no need to fear that the 92nd gasoline will "kill" the engine of your car. The experience of numerous Stepvey owners suggests otherwise.

In the end, one of the main criteria when choosing gasoline for a car is the driver's personal experience, based on long-term observations of the behavior of the car, its dynamics, fuel consumption, etc. the operator and the machine behave perfectly - no need to experiment. Continue to refuel with the same gasoline and everything will be fine! And it will be 92nd or 95th - Stepway, by and large, no difference.

That's all, good luck on the road!

Drygatel 1.4 8kl. chip tuning - firmware for the 95th. At first I drove the 95th, and a couple of weeks ago I carried out an experiment: I drove the 92nd for several days, then the same amount in the 95th. The route is the same. the weather is almost the same, refueling TNK, etc. The difference in consumption according to the BC readings: 7.7 l / 100 km at 92 and 7.5 at 95. I did not notice the difference in dynamics. Now switched to 92nd.http: // Attachmentid = 21343 & d = 1320018000

1.6 16kl from the date of purchase pour 92 and do not worry about it. Run I'm not going to go to 95.

1.6 8kl was Logan for 4 years - poured 92nd and now pour 92nd and don't hesitate: bk:

On the 92nd, the machine on the track does not pull out. with. Yes, and with a traffic light, however, it is nice to be the first to leave :) There would be mechanics, there would be doubts about what to pour. Brother thought and thought and cast steel 92nd in his 16i valve, but he has a mechanic. It didn’t become faster (according to his words), but it didn’t become dumber either. The motivation is one "price issue", so at the end of the year we will compare our candles at his TO1, but according to the operating conditions it is difficult to compare - he does not travel around Moscow and there is very little on the highway.
By the way, it would be very curious to know the priorities for the machine who pours what, in particular, if such a detailed and detailed survey was muddied. That is, at the voting line for 1.6 16kl, select another subspecies for automatic transmission.

1.6 16v. At first, it was pouring 92nd, succumbing to words about saving. Then I tried the 95th. Money expenses did not change (I always refueled on the same day of the week for the same amount). The engine feels more pleasant to work. So it has remained on it to this day. In general, in my manual it is written to use the 95th, and only in its absence are other permitted octane numbers (indicated on the tank lid).

formally it is possible - you can make a survey for 10 lines.
but I can't fix it anymore.
M. b. can modders add a line?

And the point is to highlight the automatic transmission? After all, the same 1.6 16 cl. Is installed with it. with a slightly different firmware.

Something after the 92nd in Prior, I am somehow afraid to pour something other than the 95th in the Sander.
I just noticed that with prolonged use of the 92nd on the prior, the engine began to crack, misfires began from which even replacing the spark plugs did not save.
I switched back to 95 and everything returned to normal. The engine began to run quieter, misfires stopped.
So well nafig him. Better 95th.

And besides, familiar auto engineers said unequivocally - these Renault are better than 95.

1.6 8v I always pour 92, several times flooded 95 - there is no difference, neither in winter nor in summer :) I did not notice any savings either.
the second car in the Hyundai Accent 1.5 16v family - we also pour 92, I did not feel the difference from 95, both in winter and in summer, both at the bottom and at high speeds. I did not notice any savings either.

At the beginning of September of this year, on the way from warm coastal places, being apparently in the sweet bliss of a recent vacation, slightly clicked his beak and slipped a gas station. It was at the entrance to the interchange to Rostov and Tikhoretsk from Krasnodar. The amount of gasoline in the tank is stubborn. tended to zero, because. the light was on for a long time, but I decided that on such a busy highway this was not a problem. But, turning to Rostov, I realized that I was mistaken. There were gas stations, but only when I saw them, for some reason, I remembered Vasily Alibabaevich. When I realized that I have almost 100 % chance to stand on the sidelines with outstretched hand, decided to pour at least a little bit, to reach a civilian gas station. And then on one of these "Alibabaevskih" I saw a traffic police "Priora" and foolishly taxied there. Filled at 200r 95go (about 7 liters). The car started up and drove off, even quite quickly, only the idle ones did not fall below 1700. What it was, I don’t know, but it didn’t look like donkey urine. I was cured by refueling up to the 95m neck at Rosneft. TO-15000, passed literally a month later, did not replacement of candles (condition was perfect). Looks like God really keeps the fools, it could be worse, so keep this in mind if anyone is going to master this route in the near future.

1.6 8kl first went to the 92nd, then switched to the 95th. I have a very noticeable difference in dynamics - on the 92nd there was a feeling that the car was not driving at all. As a result, I fell in love with the 95th (TNK). Lil several times (forcedly) TNK Pulsar - after that the car generally escaped from under his feet, but the liquid is expensive, and it is not clear what they put on there.

I have not yet decided what kind of gasoline I will pour. Most likely I will "feed" her 95th gasoline. When leaving the salon, I refueled 10 liters of the 92nd Engine 1.6 8kl. Total mileage 54km.: - D

Since leaving the car dealership I pour 92nd at Rosneft.

I confirm the words of Serge. and I will add that Step on a tress goes well at 92m (although there are no declared 6.1 and it is close, there are 7.0-7.5), and this is if you keep your cruising and less overtaking. and the city requires the 95th, imh. at the bottom in tamper-traffic jams, the flow rate climbs at 92m for 11, and in order to accelerate it is necessary to press the gas much more, and even then from this there is more noise than the speakers. Dearest Step "at the 95th.

similarly, my stepan in the city on the 92nd rides vyalenko, on the 95th already cheerful. consumption in the city 10-12 liters, on the highway at cruising 90-100 km about 7-7.5 liters.
in vorozhen I only refuel on Lukoil

I ran it on the 95th, then moved to the 92nd, I take it directly from the ben.plant - quality + price. But on the 95th it was more vigorous.

1.4 - using 92nd * THUMBS UP *

on the highway I pour 95altimeyt from bp before leaving, on the highway itself either bp or shell or Lukoil or whatever), in the city of the 92nd - I don't see the point of burning the 95th at idle

Sent from my ZTE V880E via Tapatalk

Machine 1.4 on the handle. Up to 4000 km, only 95 refueled at Lukoil. Three days ago, the 92nd Ecto (also Lukoil) refueled for the first time. I felt the changes immediately, the car became sluggish, the consumption increased.

The car Sandero Stepway 1.6 8 kl refueled from the new 95 dashed off 3800 refueled in different ways and 95 and 92 although now I prefer 95 all the same I refuel more vigorously at Rosneft gas stations, the former Yukos.

In continuation of the dialogue, the better to refuel, I can offer my thoughts on this matter. Last year, I did some calculations, obtained by calculation and analytical means - as a result, it turned out that on the 95th route it is preferable from the point of view of fuel economy, and this year I decided to check (confirm or deny) last year's data using a graphical method. Fortunately for this, through the joint efforts of the members of the forum, a certain toolkit was developed that allows, as it seems to me, to fairly reliably draw the averaged line from the statistical data field (or cloud).
A little about the method of obtaining data. I often have to wander between Ufa and Kazan (about 550 km one way). I made it a rule to record data on average speed and fuel consumption at various sections of the route (usually at gas stations or "smoke breaks"). The data are cumulative or with zeroing at each stop, followed by updating and fixing the flow rate and average speed data.
In parallel, I recorded data on the city traffic regime. Control races at a distance of at least 30 km.
Previously, I recorded all the indicators on a recorder or a camera (my data are presented in large enough quantities in the corresponding topic on the forum), then I became lazy and began to write down the data simply in a notebook. Since I did this exclusively for myself, driven by "research itch" and simple human curiosity, I ask you not to consider this all a convincing statement or a refutation of someone's opinions. It turned out what happened, so to speak, IMHO)
So over 1.5 years of operation, I have accumulated 132 points on this topic, including 78 points for 92nd gasoline and 54 for 95th. All data was obtained on the same highway and approximately on the same city routes in the direction "there" and "here", on the same car, with approximately the same load, the same driver was driving, traffic (in terms of intensity and mode) is almost the same. In September of this year, he stopped keeping statistics, tk. the curves were practically not actualized any more - they stood still like nailed ones ... why, one wonders, wasting time?)
And now the conclusion - in city mode it is more economical to drive on 92nd gasoline, and outside the city on 95th. For example, on 92nd gasoline, the minimum gasoline consumption is obtained at a speed of less than 70 km / h, and on 95th gasoline, at about 75 km / h. There was one staged super-economical race on the 95th, but I removed it from the statistics - it slightly underestimated the curve. Let it be so - so more objectively)
Thus, the confirmation of last year's calculation was obtained - 95 on the highway is more economical. Of course, the savings are insignificant, maybe even within the calculation error, but the trend is evident)

And some more personal statistics.
Today, with a mileage of 75,681 km, 6,531 liters of gasoline have been burned at an average consumption of 8.64 l / 100 km.
Of this amount, 95 gasoline - 3 266 liters, 92 - 3 318 liters,
Including by brands:
Lukoil - 1,388 l
Bashneft - 915L
Bashkirnefteproduct - 920L
Tatnefteproduct - 3 311 liters.

Recently, I moved to 92nd from Lukoil. All the same, 30 rubles for 95 is already an overkill of the psychological bar) By the way, 92 Lukoil was advised by an official in Ufa, arguing that after the purchase of Bashneft by AFK Sistema, the quality of Bashkir gasoline deteriorated (nothing personal, I just quote the words of a completely stranger))
Well, the choice in the direction of Lukoil was due to the fact that Lukoil declares its gasoline as Euro 5, and this is a different catalyst life)
By the way, I noticed that in Ufa there are always long queues at Lukoil gas stations. Unfortunately, that in Bashkiria, that in Tataria there is very little Lukoil - they do not let a competitor in)

These are the thoughts. Good luck to everyone and all the best!

Shl. Thanks uv. mastergm, for help in preparing the material)


If you are going to buy a Renault Logan or Sandero car (second generation cars) or have already bought it, you are probably gnawing at the question: what kind of gasoline to fill, AI-95 or can AI-92 be poured?

We strongly recommend that you follow the manufacturer's instructions. In this case, we are talking about AI-95. At the same time, real battles are often unfolding on the forums over which type of gasoline to use. And the thing is that when using AI-92 gasoline, the owners do not feel the difference in the behavior of the car, so they opt for less expensive fuel. Moreover, the difference in dynamics is not noticeable at all. Then why pay more?

In fact, there is a difference in dynamics, just not everyone is able to feel it. In addition, detonation may occur on gasoline with a lower octane number. As for the quality of engine parts, they, theoretically, should not suffer from such fuel.

In short, all this only pushes us to use the manufacturer's recommendations. By the way, some car owners complain that when using gasoline with a lower octane number, fuel consumption increases slightly, so there is no way to save money.

There is also a problem of a different nature - it is associated with the production of gasoline. Refineries do not always use standard fuel production methods and obtain AI-95 by adding additives to AI-92.

In general, it is up to the car owner to decide how to use gasoline. We strongly recommend that you listen to the manufacturer's words.

What kind of gasoline do you put into your Stepway? 92 or 95? Or maybe you are pouring 98 at all? And what kind of gasoline should be poured into the Stepway in accordance with Renault's technical recommendations? We will talk about this in our today's article.

Benizine for Stepway

According to the manufacturer's recommendations, the first generation Renault Sandero Stepway can be filled with gasoline from 92 and above. Renault recommends to fill in AI-95 and AI-98 gasoline in Stepway of the second generation.

In general, then, this could have ended, since the answer to the question of which gasoline to pour into the Stepway has already been received - the one advised by the manufacturer. In general, this is correct and we always urge motorists to adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations.

But, as it turned out, with the Stepways, not everything is so simple. In fact, a huge number of owners of the second generation Renault Sandero Stepway, not to mention the first, ignoring these recommendations, without hesitation, pour 92nd gasoline into their cars and drive as if nothing had happened. To what extent is this permissible and what can be fraught with? Let's try to figure it out.

As we have already said, in the Stepway of the first generation, it was possible to safely fill in AI-92 gasoline, moreover, this was in full accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer.

On the second generation Stepways, Renault has excluded 92nd gasoline from the list of recommended fuel for refueling (look at the inside of your gas tank flap). But here, technically savvy car owners have a reasonable question - why? After all, all the Stepway-2 configurations are equipped with the same old, good engines that have worked regularly on the Stepway of the first series for many years, as well as on simple Sandero and Logans, while they did not experience any problems with 92nd gasoline.

We will not give you an unequivocal answer to this question, however, among the owners of Stepways there is an opinion that Renault recommends filling 95 and 98 gasoline just in order to comply with the EURO-5 emission standard! Considering that the Stepways of the second series are equipped with engines of the same design as their predecessors, this argument sounds quite reasonable.

In fact, the experience of thousands of Stepway owners, who pour tons of 92nd gasoline into their gas tanks, suggests that if you refuel the car with this type of fuel, nothing bad will happen to it. Moreover, nothing bad will happen to him, even if you always refuel with 92 gasoline.

It is also noteworthy that representatives of some Renault dealerships, answering questions about the possibility of refueling second Stepways with AI-92 gasoline, confidently say that this can be done without any consequences for the car.

This is especially true for eight-valve engines. These units are not too demanding on the quality of gasoline and will forgive you even if you feed them with outright filth bought at some NoName gas station. Sometimes one gets the impression that the omnivorous Stepveevsky eight-valve does not care what to ride at all.

Regarding the possible negative consequences when refueling second-generation cars with 92-m gasoline, there is an opinion that AI-92 fuel, which has a higher combustion temperature, can quickly ditch the catalyst. However, this statement is very controversial and has not yet been confirmed by mass examples.

Summing up our conversation, I would like to say that the choice of the brand of gasoline with which you will refuel the car is a private matter for everyone. We in no way urge all Stepway owners to switch to 92nd gasoline. On the contrary, following the recommendations of the manufacturer, you minimize your risks. But at the same time, there is no need to fear that the 92nd gasoline will "kill" the engine of your car. The experience of numerous Stepvey owners suggests otherwise.

In the end, one of the main criteria when choosing gasoline for a car is the driver's personal experience, based on long-term observations of the behavior of the car, its dynamics, fuel consumption, etc. If you constantly refuel your Stepway at the same operator and the car behaves perfectly - no need to experiment. Continue to refuel with the same gasoline and everything will be fine! And it will be 92nd or 95th - Stepway, by and large, no difference.

Watch an interesting video on this topic:


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