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Marina Vertiy
Lesson on social and communicative development in the senior group "Polite request"

Lesson on social and communicative development in the senior group on the topic: « polite request» .

Target: Introduce children to different forms of expression requests addressed to someone (to a stranger, close person, comrade) in different situations: outdoors, at home, in other places, develop cognitive interest. Cultivate skill politely ask for something.

caregiver: Guys, now I will read you a short story called "Allow me please", you listen carefully, and then we will talk with you.

Reading a story.

My brother returned from a concert at which he performed, reading a poem. He brought a disc with a recording of the concert, where you could see all the numbers. Masha entered the room and saw: Vanya is sitting, and next to him is his mother. They watch performances. Masha ran up to Vanya, pushed him away from the computer to watch everything from the beginning.

Well, go away, I want to see everything from the very first number!

Mom got very angry. She said sternly daughters:

Learn first ask politely and then come!

Masha went to her grandmother.

Grandma teach me ask. I wanted to see the whole concert from beginning to end so much that I pushed my brother. So my mother drove me away and ordered me to learn ask politely.

There is nothing easier, - answered the grandmother. You must memorize a few words. repeat for me: "Please; be kind; allow me; let me; I beg you, if possible, please let me watch the concert from the beginning.


Here's more! Never! I will still bow ask politely. I'd rather not watch anything!

caregiver: Guys, do you think Masha was allowed to watch the concert? (children's answers).

caregiver: What means ask politely? (children's answers).

caregiver: Try to repeat after your grandmother a few polite words or expressions. (children's answers).

caregiver: Suggest your ending to the story.

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general intellectual


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"Children's rhetoric in stories and drawings"

Topic of the lesson

Polite request.

Purpose of the lesson

Learn how to write a request correctly.

Lesson objectives



We introduce children:

with a request as an etiquette speech genre;

with the difference between a request and a demand;

with means of polite expression of request.

Developing: develop children's speech, thinking, vocabulary;

Develop creative imagination.


To develop a culture of communication;

Formation of a kind, respectful attitude of people towards each other.

- cohesion of the children's team, to form a sense of camaraderie.

Type of learning activity


educational form


Level of results of extracurricular activities

Acquisition of knowledge by schoolchildren

Planned results:


Independently determine and express the simplest rules of conduct in teamwork and cooperation (ethical norms).


Regulatory UUD :

    Determine the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of the teacher.

    Learn to plan learning activities in the classroom.

    Express your version, try to offer a way to check it.

    Determine the success of your assignment in a dialogue with the teacher.

Cognitive UUD :

    Be able to use scientific methods of knowledge.

    Make a selection of information to solve a learning problem.

Communicative UUD :

    Communicate your position to others

    Listen and understand the speech of others.

    Jointly agree on the rules of communication and behavior at school and follow them.


We introduce children to different means of expressing a request,

ask politely and convincingly;

to teach how to choose the appropriate means of expressing a request for a given situation;

Organization of the educational environment

Equipment: Handout,task cards,media projector, screen, presentation,

Resources: recording of the cartoon "The Return of the Prodigal Parrot", "The Lion and the Turtle", the story of V. Oseeva "Magic word, costumes for staging, a dictionary of polite words,

dictionary S.I. Ozhegov

Process description: In the office, desks are arranged for three teams.

Self-determination to activity.



Preparing students for work Creating a situation of success.

Establishment of psychological comfort:

Greetings, positive attitude to work and cooperation.

Organization of children's attention.

Good afternoon, good morning! When we say these words, we sincerely wish those with whom we meet, goodness and joy. And our hearts open to sincere and kind people.

Friends, pay attention to what a beautiful day it is today. Probably, the day is also beautiful because today will take place ... yes! The lesson for which the guests came. They will look at what we have learned, whether we can communicate, invent, respond. Today at the lesson we will play, we will be actors and spectators.

How would you like to see our activity?

What does it depend on?

Right. I wish that this lesson will be useful, and that you will learn something new. You may even be able to discover something unusual about yourself and your friends.

Children are included in the rhythm of the business

Getting ready for work.

Fun, interesting, educational

From how we will answer, carefully listen to the teacher and each other.


1. We develop the ability to extract information from illustrations, texts.

2. Reveal the essence, features of objects.

3. Based on the analysis of objects, draw conclusions.

4. Generalize and classify by signs.

5. Focus on the spread of the textbook.

6. Find answers to questions in the illustration.

7. The ability to distinguish a request from an order;

8. Be aware of the role of non-verbal communication, the role of keywords,

area of ​​use of certain gestures and facial expressions in different situations


1. We develop the ability to listen and understand others.

2. Build a speech statement in accordance with the tasks.

3. Express your thoughts orally.

4. Skillcommunicate, work in pairs and groups, assess the degree of importance of each in role-playing dialogues.


1. We develop the ability to show our attitude to the characters, to express our emotions.

2. Evaluate actions in accordance with a certain situation.

3. We form motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity.

4. Be aware of the role of speech in people's lives;

5. Evaluate some statements of people in terms of their relevance, tact in a given situation;

6. Explain some rules of polite, appropriate behavior of people when communicating.


1. We develop the ability to express our assumption on the basis of work with the material of the textbook.

2. Evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task.

3. Predict future work.

4. To carry out cognitive and personal reflection.

5. Ability to analyze, compare, generalize.

Speech workout.

Free breathing training

Conducts speech exercises.

- So that our tongue does not get tired in the lesson, we will perform a speech warm-up.

On the screen you see a poem.

Let us first read it calmly, slowly, then we will be surprised, then we will ask a question, and finally we will joyfully exclaim.

We are intelligent!
We are friendly!
We are attentive!
We are diligent!
We are great at learning!
Everything will work out for us!

Perform standing exercises.

Preparation for the main stage of the lesson

Knowledge update

A conversation about courtesy.

When is it nice to talk to a person?

(You need to say kind, polite words to people.

Both for them and for us it becomes better, happier.

upbringing, good behavior, observance of the rules of decent behavior).

So what is “POLITENESS"?

(On the slide there is a sign with the word “COLITENESS”).

We learn in the dictionary S.I. Ozhegov about a polite person

Those. polite person - courteous, attentive. It is easy to establish and maintain contact with him.

- Where should the rules be followed?

propriety? (Everywhere)

Politeness is one of the most important qualities of a well-mannered person. Previously, the word "vezha" meant "expert" - one who knows the rules of decency and forms of expression of a good attitude towards people.
Conducts the game "Polite words"

What polite words do you know?

Find the definition in the dictionary.

Polite - observing the rules of decency, well-mannered, courteous.

Teams are called in turn.

Statement of the educational problem


problematic situation.

Let's try to formulate the topic of the lesson! ().

(The teacher draws the attention of the students to the blackboard, where there is a sign with the word “COLITENESS”).

What is included in the concept of "politeness"?1.Communication

2. Greeting

3. Gratitude

4. Request

Compare two situations: (The first is impolite and the second is polite)
1) Denis said:
- Nikita, give me a pencil, and quickly.
2) Sasha asked:
- Nikita, give me a pencil, please, otherwise mine is broken.
- What is the difference between these requests?
Who do you think Nikita will give the pencil to? Why?

Raise your hand, who has already guessed what we will talk about in the lesson.

Children try to formulate the topic of the lesson

Discuss situations.

Together with the teacher, determine the topic of the lesson. Voiced.

Assimilation of new knowledge

Ensuring perception, comprehension and primary memorization of new knowledge.

Organization of research activities of students

Working with texts from the textbook

The theme of our lesson is "A polite request"

What questions arise?

Today we have to answer the following questions:

What is a request?

How to ask correctly and what “magic” words should be used?

How is a request different from a command?

We will talk about how to ask so that your request is fulfilled.

Tell us about the requests you make to your family.

What are you asking for at school?

Does it happen that your requests are not fulfilled?

Why do you think?

How can a request be expressed differently depending on the specific situation?

Now let's read the poem. Which request from the poem can be called impolite? Why? (task 99 on the slide)

- Guys, polite words are also called magic. And why are they called that? Polite words have a "magic" effect on a person.

Watch a scene based on Valentina Oseeva's story "The Magic Word" and get ready to answer questions.

- Why did Pavlik want to run away from home?
What was he upset about?
What magic word did the old man say to Pavlik?
How to say the magic word?

(Looking straight in the eyes, in a low voice.)
How did the magic word help Pavlik?
Why did Pavlik want to return to the old man?
- The word is truly magical. (With the help of magic words, you can even restore a good mood to a sad or offended person.)

What is a request? Consult in a group.

We learn in the dictionary S.I. Ozhegov

A request is a polite way of addressing someone to do something.

Children determine the objectives of the lesson.

Using knowledge from life experience.

Students conduct research activities and come to a conclusion.

Analyze and conclude.

The children act out the story.

Reasoning of children on the given questions.

Dictionary work.

Physical education minute

Health saving approach.

Musical break "Sunshine"

Application of knowledge

Ensuring the assimilation of new knowledge through various tasks.

Consolidation of the studied

Rhetorical tasks

The development of speech.

Academic collaboration

Learn to distinguish between a benefit and an order.

Extracting the necessary information from the viewed fragment.

Guys, how can I express a request?(Gestures, facial expressions, polite words)

Now two of you will show a skit, and you will need to voice it.

(before class, the teacher warns two children)
Scene: There is a chair on which one of the students sits. One silently asks the other to give way.- How was the request made? How to express it with words? Now two of you will show this scene, only with words.
- And now two more will show both with words and with gestures.

I suggest that you complete these tasks.

You in groups think, consult and show

Task number 1.

CookedDictionaries of polite words ».

Read polite words to yourself.

- What words have you not used before in your speech? Let's make sentences-requests with these phrases.

Let's make a phrase with the first word, the second, etc. based on a dictionary of polite words.

Guys, what do you think, after these words you want to fulfill the request?

Task number 2. Plan work.

Now we will learn how to correctly express an appeal with a request. And the plan will help us in this.

Plan (appears on slide)
1. Appeal.
2. Please help.
3. Gratitude.

- In this sequence, the request should be built. Where do we start? If this is your age, then we will address him by name. And if an adult - by name and patronymic.

And when they answer us with consent, we must thank the person.
- Now each team will choose who it will turn to with a request, say it, and then voice it.

Whoever is ready will raise their hand.

The difference between a request and an order.

Task number 4. Read an excerpt from the book by Alexei Tolstoy "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio" and determine whether Malvina used the request when referring to Pinocchio.

Then the girl said to him sternly:
- Pull your leg out from under you and lower it under the table. Do not eat with your hands, there are spoons and forks for this.

Whether the request was used by Malvina during a conversation with Pinocchio.

So what did Malvina use, (Order)

referring to Pinocchio? What words did she use?

How is a command different from a request?

- And now let's return to an excerpt from the fairy tale "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio." How was it necessary to tell Malvina so that Pinocchio wanted to do everything? Correct the words of Malvina.

- To see the difference between a request and an order, an excerpt fromcartoon "Return of the Prodigal Parrot", "The Lion and the Turtle".

- Who gave the order? And who's request?

Task number 3. Group these phrases into two columns (cards on the board)

Request Order (requirements0

(demanding tone, pleading look, pleading tone, may not be performed, pleading gestures, look at the interlocutor,polite words are not used, strict intonation, commands, most often polite words are used, pronounced in a low voice, looking into the eyes is performed at will)

Explainwhat rules can be used to fulfill the request.

are calledspeech formulas of a polite request.

characterizefeatures of a hidden request.

Simulaterequest in various communication situations.

Group work

Reading aloud the words of the first column. Reading aloud the words of the second column.

Make up sentences with each word.

Make a plan with the teacher.

Group work.

Children's performance.

Card work.

Discuss the situation.

Watch excerpts from the cartoon.

Discuss the situation.

Children take turns going to the board, placing cards in two columns.

They conclude how an order differs from a request:

Order (polite words are not used, intonation is strict, commands are most often carried out)

Request (polite words are used, pronounced in a quiet voice, looking into the eyes is optional)

Control at the stage of the end of the educational topic


for the correct execution of tasks.

Independent work

Summing up the lesson.

What holiday is coming up? (New Year). We are always waiting for a miracle to happen. What holiday is coming up? (New Year). I would like you to contact

with a request to Santa Claus,using the plan, the rules that were discussed in the lesson.

Let's sum up.

Tell us what helps to make a request polite?

How is a demand different from a request?

What makes a request more persuasive?

- Politeness is manifested not only in words, but also in deeds. Listen to a few situations and determine who is being polite and who is not.

Situation 1. The boy shouted to a passerby: "What time is it?". Questions:Will the passer-by answer the boy? Correct the situation so that it sounds like a polite request.
Situation 2. Two boys collided at the door. They can't separate at all. Questions:Which of them should give way if one is 8 years old and the other is 11 years old?
Situation 3. The teacher asked the class a question. Anya knows the answer and, as befits a student, she raised her hand to answer. And Styopa shouted out the answer, not allowing the other guys to answer. Questions:Who acted impolitely? How should Styopa have acted?
Situation 4. During the break, the teacher was talking to a teacher from a parallel class. And Olya urgently needed to ask something, and she interrupted the conversation. Questions:Who acted impolitely? What should Olya have done?
Situation 5. Petya came to Katya's birthday party. Petya prepared words for congratulations, but Katya immediately snatched a gift from Petya's hands from the threshold and began to remove the wrapper, not yet inviting the guest to the house. Questions:Who acted impolitely? What should Katya have done?

Checking ourselves:

Ask strangers:

indicate the road to Shkolnaya (or other) street;

buy a ticket on the bus;

skip to the exit in transport;

show the book you are interested in in the store.

Individually make a request to Santa Claus.

Children read their requests.


Express their opinion on the studied material.

Polite words, address, tone.

It must be performed without fail, it does not contain polite words.


Analysis and evaluation of the success of achieving the goal.

Creating a Success Situation

This is where our lesson comes to an end.

Let's see if we answered all the questions, shall we?

Are you guys interested in the lesson today?

What did you find useful?

Will this material come in handy for other lessons?

Dear guys, I am sure that everything you learned today will definitely help you in life. In various life situations, you can show yourself as a polite person with whom it is pleasant to communicate and it is pleasant to give him joy.

I ask you to be polite not only in words but also in deeds.

- And as a keepsake, I want to give you the Dictionaries of Polite Words, which will serve as a hint to you.

Who is happy with their job?

Who would like to fix something? What?

What do I need to do?

And let's finish the lesson with a mood picture. Take the toy that is on your table, if everything was successful at the lesson, it was interesting, we will attach it to the Christmas tree, if it was difficult, leave it near the Christmas tree.

"Dress up the tree"

- You can see from the mood picture that you liked the lesson. I'm very happy. Thank you! The lesson is over.

Participate in group discussion

Evaluation, self-esteem.

Children go to the board and attach cards with the image of a Christmas toy

(successfully completed the task - hung the ball, there were errors - the ball remained near the Christmas tree)

There are more polite questions, and there are less polite ones. How can we not make an unfortunate mistake in a conversation in English by accidentally using a well-formed, but not entirely polite question? This article talks about the types of questions in English and provides recommendations on how, with a little refinement of some questions, turn them into polite ones. Follow the guidelines and your questions will always be polite.

direct questions

Direct questions include yes/no questions such as: Are you tired?(Are you tired?) and information questions: How old are you? (How old are you?).
Direct questions contain only the question and do not contain additional words, such as: I wonder(Interesting...) or Can you tell me(Can you tell me...)

The word order in a direct question is:

(question word) + auxiliary+ subject + main verb + object + ?

Where do you go?(Where are you going?)
Do they have children?(They have children?)
Did you go to the party last night?(Did you go to the party last night?)
Who are those people?(Who are these people?)
Can you run faster?(Can you run faster?)
Why do you cry?(Why are you crying?)

Direct questions can sometimes seem impolite, even rude, especially when you're talking to a stranger.

How to make polite questions out of direct questions?

To make polite questions out of direct ones, just add before the start: excuse me or pardon me:

Excuse me, where is the railway station?(Excuse me, where is the train station?)
Excuse me, where can I find Tom?(Excuse me, where can I find Tom?)
Pardon me, what have you ordered?(Excuse me, what did you order?)
Pardon me, may I top up my Oyster card?(Excuse me, can I top up my Oyster card?)

If a direct question starts with can , it is better to replace can on could :

Excuse me, could you wait a moment?(Excuse me, could you wait a bit?)
Pardon me, could you please be quiet?(Excuse me, could you calm down?)

Word would also makes the question more polite:

Would you give me a pen?(Could you give me a pen?)
Would you mind turning off the light?(Could you turn off the lights?)
Would you let me caress your dog?(Would you let me pet your dog?)
Would you like something to drink?(Would you like something to drink?)

Another way to create polite questions is to add please at the end of the question:

Could you fill in this form, please?(Could you fill out this form, please?)
Could you help me, please?(Could you help me please?)
Can I have more coffee, please?(Can I have some more coffee, please?)

But not at the beginning of an interrogative sentence: Please, can I have more coffee?

May is a formal request for permission and is very polite. Usually used with I , sometimes with we:

May I ask a question?(Can I ask a question?)
May I come with my friend?(Can I come with a friend?)
May we still apply to Harvard ?(Can we still apply to Harvard?)
May we contact your previous employer?(Can we contact your previous employer?)

Indirect polite questions

Indirect questions begin with introductory words that make the questions more polite: I wonder Would you mind Do you think Can you tell me, I have no idea
I'm not sure, I'd like to know

In such questions, the word order is different:

Introductory phrase + question word / if / whether+ subject + auxiliary+ main verb + object + ?

The interrogative word is used for an informational question, and if or whether for a yes/no question.

Do you mind if I use your computer?(Do you mind if I use your computer?)
Is it all right if I come in?(Is it okay if I come in?)
Do you think you could lend me some money until next week?(Do you think you could lend me money until next week?)
Excuse me, do you know what time the movie begins?(Excuse me, do you know what time the movie starts?)
I wonder why he left early?(I wonder why he left early?)

Question tags

There is another type of questions in English -. This type of question is also used to create polite questions that begin with a negative statement. For example:

You wouldn't tell me what time is it, would you?(Would you tell me what time it is?)
You don't know where is the post office near here, do you?(Do you know where the post office is near here?)
You haven't got a glass of water, have you?(Do you have a glass of water?)

Now you know how polite questions are made. Almost any question can be asked in a polite way, with the exception of those that use rude words.

Description of work: the lesson contains exercises in the use of polite words, small dramatizations illustrating the importance of "magic words", children are invited to analyze situations and find out how to act politely; children learn and systematize knowledge about the difference between a request and an order.

Lesson type: combined.
Class technology:
Educational Purpose:
Development goal:
educational goal:
Formation of UUD:

Personal UUD:

Regulatory UUD:

Cognitive UUD:

Communicative UUD:

Equipment: computer, projector, presentation (the content of the slides is indicated during the lesson)



To the expert commission of the municipal stage of the All-Russian competition "Teacher of the Year of Russia-2015", nomination "Pedagogical debut"

Lesson summary

for extracurricular activities

spiritual and moral direction

"Polite words. Please"

Activity developer

Primary school teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 3 Essentuki

Bykova Ekaterina Igorevna

Abstract of the lesson on extracurricular activities on the topic: "Polite words. Request"

Description of work:the lesson contains exercises in the use of polite words, small dramatizations illustrating the importance of "magic words", children are invited to analyze situations and find out how to act politely; children learn and systematize knowledge about the difference between a request and an order.

Lesson type: combined.
Class technology:game, collective interaction.
Educational Purpose:learn to use various means of expressing politeness; to acquaint with etiquette expressions of the request; to teach how to choose the appropriate means of expressing a request for a given situation; use intonation as a means of polite request.
Development goal:develop children's speech, thinking, vocabulary.
educational goal:to cultivate a culture of communication, a culture of behavior in society, the rallying of the children's team, to form a sense of camaraderie.
Formation of UUD:

Personal UUD:
1) formation of readiness and ability of students for self-development
2) formation of motivation for learning and cognition
3) formation of a holistic, socially oriented view of the world in its organic unity and diversity of nature
4) the formation of a respectful attitude towards a different opinion

Regulatory UUD:
1) mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, search for means of its implementation
2) mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature
3) the formation of the ability to understand the reasons for the success / failure of educational activities and the ability to act constructively even in situations of failure
4) mastering the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection
5) mastering the initial information about the essence and features of objects, processes and phenomena of reality

Cognitive UUD:
1) awareness of the integrity of the surrounding world, the elementary rules of moral behavior in the world and people.
2) the formation of the ability to adequately, consciously and arbitrarily build a speech statement in oral speech
3) establishing cause-and-effect relationships, building a logical chain of reasoning, proof

Communicative UUD:
1) the formation of the ability to build a speech statement in accordance with the tasks of communication and compose texts orally
2) the formation of the ability to use speech means and means to solve communicative and cognitive tasks
3) the formation of the ability to listen and engage in dialogue.
Equipment: computer, projector, presentation (the content of the slides is indicated during the lesson)

Lesson progress

Teacher: Guys, today a guest cat Leopold came to our lesson. Cat Leopold wants to tell you about a very important quality of any well-mannered person. Compare two situations:
1) Denis said:
- Nikita, give me a pencil, and quickly.
2) Sasha asked:
- Nikita, give me a pencil, please, otherwise mine is broken.
Teacher: What is the difference between these requests?(the first is impolite, the second is polite)
Who do you think Nikita will give the pencil to? Why? Raise your hand, who has already guessed what the cat Leopold will tell you about.
Teacher: Today you will learn about polite words and how to make a request correctly. Guys, what does polite mean?

Polite - observing the rules of decency, well-mannered

Teacher: And where should the instillation of decency be observed?(everywhere) Politeness is one of the most important qualities of a well-mannered person. Previously, the word "vezha" meant "expert" - one who knows the rules of decency and forms of expression of a good attitude towards people.
Teacher: Guys, think about how you can be polite?(gestures, facial expressions, polite words)What polite words do you know? To better remember polite words, we will play the game "Tell me a word." Who knows the answer - raises his hand.

Having met a bunny, a hedgehog neighbor
Tells him: “…” (Hi!)
And his neighbor is eared
Answers: "Hedgehog, ..." (Hello!)
Octopussy Flounder
I swam on Monday
And on Tuesday goodbye
She said: "..." (Goodbye!)
Clumsy dog ​​Kostya
The mouse stepped on its tail.
They would quarrel
But he said "..." (Sorry!)
Wagtail with berezhka
Dropped a worm
And fish for a treat
She gurgled: “…” (Thank you!)
Wonderfully sang among the branches
vociferous nightingale,
And to him all over the oak forest
Sparrows shouted: "..." (Bravo!)
Fat cow Lula
She ate hay and sneezed.
To not sneeze again
We will tell her: “…” (Be healthy!)

Teacher: Well done! Guys, polite words are also called magic. And why are they called that? With the help of magic words, you can even restore a good mood to a sad or offended person. Polite words have a "magic" effect on a person. Listen to Valentina Oseeva's story "The Magic Word" and get ready to answer questions.

Valentina Oseeva "The Magic Word"

A little old man with a long gray beard was sitting on a bench and drawing something in the sand with an umbrella.
“Move over,” Pavlik told him and sat down on the edge.

Lena opened her eyes wide. Her fingers loosened, and, taking her hand off the table, she muttered in embarrassment:
- Which one do you want?
“A blue one for me,” Pavlik said timidly.
He took the paint, held it in his hands, walked around the room with it and gave it to his sister. He didn't need paint. He thought now only of the magic word.
"I'm going to my grandmother. She's just cooking. Drive or not?
Pavlik opened the door to the kitchen. The old woman was taking hot cakes off the baking sheet.
The grandson ran up to her, turned his red wrinkled face with both hands, looked into her eyes and whispered:
“Give me a piece of pie…please.”
Grandma straightened up. The magic word shone in every wrinkle, in the eyes, in the smile.
- Hot ... hot hot, my dear! - she said, choosing the best, ruddy pie.

Pavlik jumped for joy and kissed her on both cheeks.
"Wizard! Wizard!" he repeated to himself, remembering the old man.
At dinner, Pavlik sat hushed and listened to his brother's every word. When the brother said that he was going to go boating, Pavlik put his hand on his shoulder and quietly asked:
- Take me, please.
Everyone around the table went silent. The brother raised his eyebrows and chuckled.
“Take it,” said the sister suddenly. - What are you worth!
- Well, why not take it? Grandma smiled. - Of course, take it.
“Please,” Pavlik repeated.
The brother laughed out loud, patted the boy on the shoulder, tousled his hair:
- Oh, you traveler! Okay, get going!
“Helped! Helped again!
Pavlik jumped out from behind the table and ran out into the street. But the old man was no longer in the square. The bench was empty, and only incomprehensible signs drawn by an umbrella remained on the sand.

Teacher: Why did Pavlik want to run away from home?
What was he upset about?
What magic word did the old man say to Pavlik?
How to say the magic word? (looking directly into your eyes, in a low voice)
How did the magic word help Pavlik?
Why did Pavlik want to return to the old man?
Teacher: The word is truly magical. Guys, raise your hand those who have already had to ask for something. What is a request?

A request is a polite way of addressing someone to do something.

Teacher: Guys, how can I express a request?(gestures, facial expressions, words)Now two of you will show a skit, and you will need to voice it.(before class, the teacher warns two children)
Scene: There is a chair on which one of the students is sitting. One silently asks the other to give way.

Teacher: How was the request made? How to express it with words? Now two of you will show this scene, only with words.
Teacher: And now two more will show both with words and with gestures.
Teacher: Guys, the cat Leopold has prepared for you the Dictionaries of Polite Words.(Annex 1) Hand out one dictionary to each. Read polite words to yourself. Reading aloud the words of the first column. Reading aloud the words of the second column.

Teacher: What words have you not used before in your speech? Let's make sentences-requests with these phrases. Let's make a phrase with the first word, the second, etc. based on a dictionary of polite words.
Teacher: Guys, what do you think, after these words you want to fulfill the request? Now we will learn how to correctly express an appeal with a request. And the plan will help us in this.

1. Appeal.
2. Please help.
3. Gratitude.

Teacher: In this sequence, the request should be built. Where do we start? If this is your age, then we will address him by name. And if an adult - by name and patronymic. Next is the request. What must be included in the request?(Magic word)And when they answer us with consent, we must thank the person.
Teacher: Now everyone will choose to whom he will turn with a request, say it to himself, and then voice it. Whoever is ready will raise their hand. You have 1 minute.
Teacher: Well done. Now listen to the passage, and determine from which fairy tale it is.

Then the girl said to him sternly:
- Pull your leg out from under you and lower it under the table. Do not eat with your hands, there are spoons and forks for this.

Teacher: What story is this passage from? This is an excerpt from the fairy tale by Alexei Tolstoy "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio." Determine if Malvina used the request when talking with Pinocchio. So what did Malvina use when referring to Pinocchio?(order) What words did she use? How is a command different from a request?
Differences between a request and an order are displayed on the slide

Teacher: Read how an order and a request to yourself are built. There are magic words in the request, but in the order?(No)
The request is pronounced in a quiet voice, looking straight into the eyes, but what about the order?
(Strict, imperative intonation.)
The request is carried out at will, but the order?
Teacher: And now let's return to an excerpt from the fairy tale "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio." How was it necessary to tell Malvina so that Pinocchio wanted to do everything? Correct the words of Malvina.
Teacher: Now let's play a scene. In the skit, Malvina will use a request, not an order, and Pinocchio will fulfill Malvina's request.
Teacher: To see the difference between a request and an order, an excerpt from the cartoon "Return of the Prodigal Parrot" will help us.

Teacher: Who gave the order? And who's request?
Teacher: Politeness is manifested not only in words, but also in deeds. Listen to a few situations and determine who is being polite and who is not.
Situation 1. The boy shouted to a passerby: "What time is it?".
Questions: Will the passer-by answer the boy? Correct the situation so that it sounds like a polite request.
Situation 2. Two boys collided at the door. They can't separate at all.
Questions: Which of them should give way if one is 8 years old and the other is 11 years old?
Situation 3. The teacher asked the class a question. Anya knows the answer and, as befits a student, she raised her hand to answer. And Styopa shouted out the answer, not allowing the other guys to answer.
Questions: Who acted impolitely? How should Styopa have acted?
Situation 4. During the break, the teacher was talking to a teacher from a parallel class. And Olya urgently needed to ask something, and she interrupted the conversation.
Questions: Who acted impolitely? What should Olya have done?
Situation 5. Petya came to Katya's birthday party. Petya prepared words for congratulations, but Katya immediately snatched a gift from Petya's hands from the threshold and began to remove the wrapper, not yet inviting the guest to the house.
Questions: Who acted impolitely? What should Katya have done?
Teacher: This is where our lesson comes to an end.
1. What did the cat Leopold introduce you to today?
2. How to make a request correctly?
3. Name polite words.

Annex 1

Dictionary of polite words

Please... Could you...
Be a friend ... Do not take it for work ...
I beg you... If it's not difficult for you...
Be kind... Be so kind...
Do me a favor... Not for service, but for friendship...


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