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Cars Hyundai Solaris, KIA Rio, Volkswagen Polo Sedan topped the TOP-10 sales in the Novosibirsk region at the end of last year (according to Avtostat). Until recently, Ford Focus was also among the sales leaders. What are manufacturers saving on when solving the problem of finding the golden mean of build quality and affordable prices? The correspondent studied the reviews of car owners.

Hyundai Solaris: secrets of directional stability

Hyundai Solaris is a version of the Hyundai Accent adapted for operation in Russia. The start of sales of Solaris cannot be called successful. The main headache for car owners since the release of the first generation Hyundai Solaris in 2010 was the unstable "swinging" suspension, with slightly sharper turns the car easily slipped, which was unsafe.

The suspension found bumps on the road even where they were not. After its revision in 2012, the car became more stable, but the overall assessment of the work was negative.

The restyled version of Solaris was presented in Russia in May 2014. Judging by the feedback from the owners, the problem of the "wobbling" suspension has been eliminated.

The main headache for the first generation Hyundai Solaris owners was the unstable swinging suspension. Photo by Ilya Plekhanov from

The suspension is stiff, it steers well, I didn't feel any problems with the rear of the suspension, '' writes the owner of Solaris 2016. - He walks confidently on a good road, on a bad one you need to slow down. The car is sensitive to a crosswind - drifting off course, it is necessary to correct with the steering wheel. And yet, in the reviews of the owners of the new Hyundai Solaris, there are still complaints about the "hard suspension" and the lack of control at speeds over 100 km / h.

Among the remaining problems Solaris - poor protection against noise front and rear arches, as a result, the audibility of the wheels and suspension degrades the impression. The problem of noise insulation, of course, can be solved, but for additional money.

Another of the most common complaints is the fogging of the windows in the cabin.

About fogging up the cabin in the rain - well, that's a problem for everyone. Any ways to change the direction of air ducts, opening windows do not help,- writes the owner of Hyundai Solaris. - Only the inclusion of the condenser and the direction of the flow of cold air on the windshield. In the cold with an open window, it’s not very good to go. I changed the cabin filters - it doesn't help.

KIA Rio: brother of Solaris and "Chinese" K2

In 2011, serious changes took place in the fate of the South Korean KIA Rio: the official presentation of the new generation Rio, based on the Hyundai Solaris platform, took place. For Russia, a special Rio model was created, the production of which began at the Hyundai plant in St. Petersburg. The new KIA Rio was based on the version of models for the Chinese market - KIA K2 - and adapted for Russian conditions.

A special Rio model has been created for Russia. Photo by the author

The first buyers noted the good build quality of the KIA Rio, complaining about the high cost compared to its "brother" - Hyundai Solaris. The rest of the car did not cause serious complaints. The suspension caused controversy among motorists: some consider it "quite nothing to itself", others - too stiff. Low ground clearance is also called among the shortcomings of the KIA Rio.

We are driving along a narrow suburban road, a short wave of asphalt, a speed of 80 km / h, oops, there is a break - and the suspension is not only stiff, but also short-travel,- the owner of the new KIA Rio writes in his review. - We have to be more careful where the road "washing board" goes. There is not enough ground clearance; crankcase protection worked in a couple of places on country roads.

According to the masters of independent service stations, the reasons for the internal combustion engine malfunctions lay in the oil starvation of the skirt and the lower part of the pistons, which led to "scuffing" with subsequent grinding of the diameter of the part. This diagnosis was repeatedly confirmed by the Novosibirsk owners of the Polo Sedan, members of the Volkswagen Polo Sedan club. Simply put, the engines of these cars barely survived until the expiration of the warranty period, after which the piston group of the internal combustion engine “died”.

Updating the model in 2015 meant "fixing bugs" and eliminating the shortcomings of the previous generation Polo Sedan. However, the old sores remained.

There are still plenty of complaints about the unstable operation of the motor. Photo by the author

“The engine eats oil, it took me 3 liters for the interservice mileage of 15,000 km, and I came to the scheduled inspection with a dry dipstick, that is, in an amicable way I had to add another liter,” complains the owner of the 2016 Polo Sedan on the drom forum. - I have been driving for 25 years, the driving style is quite moderate. Taking into account the price of good oil and the rather high cost of maintenance, the operation of the machine is a pretty penny. "

In the fall, I began to smell burning oil in the cockpit,- writes another owner of the Polo Sedan 2016 release. - Well, I think it gets on the muffler. And there the catalyst is right next to the engine. I opened the hood to see the oil level, and in general a general inspection (by the way, many people complain about the "oil" of these ICEs), I saw a drop in the coolant level.

For the sake of completeness, we note that among the reviews of Polo Sedan owners there are many who do not see the problem of excessive consumption of oil in the engine and a drop in the coolant level. However, there are still plenty of complaints about the unstable operation of the engine ("eating oil", "piston jams", etc.).

"Focus" failed

For the Ford Focus III, a modified Ford Focus II platform was used, but with a lot of improvements, not always successful. Other technical innovations include engines from the Ecoboost SCTi family and a Getrag 6-speed robotic PowerShift transmission with two dry clutches (no oil bath !!). Failures in the operation of the box caused and still cause criticism from the owners of the machines.

Most often, the electronic brain that controls the clutch is "buggy" in the box. Service station workers note that Ford Focus III owners complain about the unstable operation of the gearbox after 15,000 kilometers. Among the main faults: lack of reverse gear when cold weather sets in, jamming when switching, or even complete shutdown of the electronic transmission control unit.“The box jerked almost from the very beginning of operation, and when I went through the first two MOTs at a dealer, I noticed this drawback,” one of the Focus III owners complains on the Ford Focus Club forum. - But then this drawback only increased, and at night, at high speed, the on-board computer told me that the transmission was faulty - urgently for service! I ruffled my nerves and the masters of the dealer service. As a result, the clutch was changed (the mileage of the car is 30 thousand km). "

Compliance with service standards is monitored by Ford Sollers, and dealers in 2014-2016 tried to solve the problem. The craftsmen were trained in training centers at seminars on the service of PowerShift boxes. Ford engineers modified the clutch, gearbox and axle shaft seals, radically redesigned the software, which reduced the number of claims.

However, the former customer loyalty of this Ford model was not restored. Unlike previous generations (Focus I and II), the third "trick failed". For example, according to the results of 2016 sales of the Autostat agency, this once popular car model was not included in the number of sales leaders in the Russian market.

Popular middle-class cars Volkswagen Polo and Hyundai Solaris are approximately equal in performance and price. Of course, there are differences between them, but they are insignificant. Buyers who are just choosing a mid-price car for themselves often look specifically at these models and cannot figure out which is better: "Polo" or "Solaris". For some reason, these particular models are very fond of the Russian consumer. Let's try to figure out which of these sedans is better, analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.


Price is one of the main criteria for selection or comparison. The basic configurations of these cars cost approximately the same. In particular, the Volkswagen Polo in the initial configuration Trendline (1.6 MT) costs 461,000 rubles. "Solaris" in the Classic configuration (1.4 MT) will cost 459,000 rudders.

At the same time, there are some differences, which we will indicate in the table below.

The difference in the cost of basic configurations reaches only 2,000 rubles, which is not much. "Polo" is more expensive, but it gets a stronger engine with increased torque and better acceleration dynamics. However, "Solaris" can be refueled even with 92-m gasoline, and its fuel consumption is slightly lower. But at the same time, "Hyundai Solaris" in the basic configuration does not even have a rear door lock and steering wheel adjustment for reach. It is also worth noting that the "Polo" uses electric windows that have already become classic, and the "Solaris" has conventional mechanical handles. So judge which is better: "Solaris" or "Volkswagen Polo".

Price for an automatic box

For comparison, we give the prices at which these cars are sold with an automatic transmission:

  1. Volkswagen Polo in the Comfortline (1.6 AT) configuration will cost 590,000 rubles.
  2. Hyundai Solaris in a complete set (1.4 AT) will cost only 494,000 rubles.

Consequently, the minimum price for an automatic transmission "Polo" is almost 100,000 rubles higher, and this is a very big difference. Of course, the box itself is more modern and 6-speed, and the car kit includes heated seats, mirrors, electric mirrors and a head unit, but the difference is still big. In addition, for 590,000 rubles, Hyundai offers the buyer more options than Volkswagen.


In appearance, the cars are completely different and differ in style. In particular, "Polo" is realized with strict German features, which seem very boring by modern standards. But even taking into account the fact that the Germans had to save on everything when creating this car, they created a nice budget car. The Koreans also sold a nice and cheap car, but at the same time they managed to fit it into a stylish youth body.

Of course, it is difficult to single out the winner by appearance, because everyone has different tastes. Someone may not like the sleek, strict lines (like the Polo), and someone will clearly not be delighted with all these body bulges that are ubiquitous in all cars of the Korean concern Hyundai.

By the way, according to the drivers of both cars, the dimensions are at first felt with difficulty, and you need to get used to the car. This is due to the fact that neither the front nor the rear is visible from the passenger compartment, although the mirrors in both cases are quite good and comfortable.


Speaking about which is better: "Volkswagen Polo" or "Hyundai Solaris", it is also necessary to keep in mind the interior of these cars. Both are not bad, but the interior of the "Korean" is more interesting and made in a youthful way. In Volkswagen, the Germans tried to maintain a strict style, and they succeeded. As for the controls, they are all in place. Some users note the convenient control of the optics in Solaris, which is located on the left handle, and in Polo it is placed separately.

The front seats are comfortable in both cases, but there is more space in the Korean car. But as soon as you sit in the back seat, you immediately feel that there is more space in the Polo. There are many complaints about the Solaris from tall people who rest their heads against the ceiling in the rear seats. If they change to "Polo", then they do not experience such discomfort. Therefore, if you think that it is better: "Polo" or "Solaris", and at the same time you have high friends, then a similar argument will be in favor of the German mark.

Behavior on the road

Many owners complain that the Solaris's behavior at high speed leaves much to be desired. Due to inadequately tuned suspension, the steering is difficult to control. The company is trying to solve this problem by changing the rear springs and damping the struts, but so far this problem still exists.

Volkswagen Polo behaves a little better on the track. Even at high speeds, it handles well, the suspension responds well to holes. Therefore, if you plan to use the car frequently for long journeys, then it is better to stay at a Volkswagen.


As we already know, the basic equipment of the Polo car includes a 1.6-liter power unit. There are no other options. But Solaris is more interesting in this regard. The buyer has the choice between two power plants:

  1. Standard 107-horsepower 1.4-liter engine.
  2. The unit of increased power (123 horsepower) with a volume of 1.6 liters.

Although the Solaris uses an automatic four-speed transmission, it is more dynamic and comfortable than Volkswagen's 6-speed automatic. As for manual transmissions, there are practically no differences.

Well, we can also note the lower consumption of the Korean car, which is, albeit small, but an advantage. And this despite the fact that the engine of "Solaris" successfully works with gasoline AI 92, while in "Volkswagen" it is necessary to fill only. However, the difference in price between them is 1-2 rubles.

Why is Solaris good?

This sedan stands out with the following positive points:

  1. Lower fuel consumption.
  2. Unpretentiousness to gasoline.
  3. Independent rear spring suspension (for Polo it is semi-independent).
  4. A more stylish car appearance by modern standards.
  5. Modern and stylish salon. Although many people like the strict features of Volkswagen.
  6. More front space.
  7. Lower price of the basic configuration. Choice of several types of engines within one configuration.

The advantages of "Polo"

The car of the German concern also boasts of its advantages:

  1. Stronger motor.
  2. More rear space (less front).
  3. The presence of disc brakes on the rear wheels (the Solaris has drum brakes).
  4. The presence of rear power windows, even in the basic configuration.
  5. Standard sound reproducing system.
  6. Better track behavior when driving at high speeds.
  7. The 6-speed automatic should be better in theory, but it doesn't give the car any advantages over the 4-speed in Solaris.

Based on these features of cars, buyers have to think which is better: "Polo" or "Solaris".

Other aspects

In theory, the car of the German concern, due to its high popularity, should be sold better, however, due to low fuel consumption, it is the "Korean" that is in the lead in sales. Particularly pleasing is the 5-year from Hyundai (Volkswagen only offers a 3-year warranty).

In terms of comfort, both cars are in the same class, so it is illogical to compare the level of comfort. None of the cars in question is much superior to the other in any way, both are practically equal.

Also on various forums you can find out that Solaris has the potential for chip tuning. That is, you can programmatically improve the characteristics of this model. This car itself is a youth car. "Polo" is for business people who do not rush ahead of everyone at traffic lights and are not going to carry out any tuning.


And even after comparisons it is not obvious which is better: "Polo" or "Solaris". These cars are too equal in many respects. The differences between them are insignificant, despite the completely different approaches to the implementation of the exterior. In general, in terms of reliability and operation, both cars collect positive feedback from the owners, so you can safely recommend any of them for purchase.

By the way, there are other models in this price category. Alternatively, you can compare other cars and determine which is better: "Rio", "Solaris", "Polo", etc. You don't have to be limited to just these two vehicles.

As comrade Ogurtsov from “Carnival Night” said, “a huge work has been done, I am satisfied with the team, but then, comrades, it will not work like that.” After all, with the change of generation, sales of Solaris fell by a quarter! He was the absolute leader - and slipped into fourth place. As we expected in (ЗР, № 5, 2017), Rio of the previous generation immediately picked up the fallen banner: increased sales by 17% and became the leader. It is cheaper, so the people reached out.

What's the new Rio? Grew up and went up in price. We took version 1.6 with a gun and in the maximum version of Premium - this Rio is offered for 989,900 rubles. Similarly equipped Solaris is even more expensive: 1,035,900 rubles. But the updated Rapid 1.4 DSG, which we invited to the test, in the maximum Style performance, easily took this bar: for a car with a lot of options like bi-xenon headlights, you have to pay 1,144,100 rubles. Three years ago, for that kind of money, you could take a well-equipped Octavia ...

Classics and rock and roll

All three cars represent the mainstream budget segment, but this did not affect the chassis settings. They know how to play checkers, and it's not just about taxis. As with Hyundai, I got to work on fine-tuning the chassis of the new Rio. And if you can still find differences in the design and in some little things between them, then in the settings of the chassis these are absolute twins, and the tiny difference in sensations is determined by the tires. The developers initially wanted to give the Kia Rio a more sporty character. But the porridge can still be spoiled with butter. Therefore, in the end, it was reasonable to leave the same driving settings as in Hyundai, since the new Solaris in terms of handling approached almost the class standard.

So the Rio, with the change of generation, made a huge leap towards the stability of the relationship between the rear suspension and the body, especially on. It was enough to put the rear shock absorbers vertically, and there was no trace of the former stern wagging. The sedan willingly dives into the arc, and the electric power steering supplies the steering wheel with a synthetic, but timely weight. Like the Solaris, the Kia's steering wheel is slightly overweight at zero, but that doesn't spoil the overall impression.

Skoda is also not a miss! In a protracted turn it holds on to a trajectory that is not "budget-friendly" for a long time. In the limit, recklessly shows a tendency to oversteer, which, as expected, turns into a skid, it is worth turning the steering wheel abruptly. Rapid also disables the stabilization system. Although it works wonderfully well, preventing entry into dangerous corners when the wheels break off.

On a straight line, Skoda is stable, it does not react to a crosswind and a track at all. Kia and Hyundai require periodic course adjustments, but their steering response is sharper. Despite the nuances, the handling of all cars is reliable. What a mass consumer needs!

Traction armament has always been the strong point of the Rio. The situation has not changed now: a 123 ‑ horsepower Gamma series motor paired with a proven six-speed hydromechanics is quite enough for everyday driving. But for "shooting" the pedal needs to be pressed more actively, because the peak torque has sat down at almost 5000 rpm, and at the bottom the engine is frankly asleep. Fortunately, the machine switches quickly, subtly feeling the moment - both time and traction.

Solaris has the same box, but it seems like she was not given her quick wits. The ride is reminiscent of Linkin Park songs: a calm verse explodes on acceleration with a screaming engine chorus. The automatic machine flatly refuses to downshift until you press the pedal to the floor. Moreover, this damping cannot be cured - there is no sports mode. But Solaris stops more delicately, allowing you to fine-tune the slowdown. The Rio's drive is tuned sharper and already in the initial phase creates a decent pressure in the hydraulic system. As a result, you have to get used to the gentle pedal in order to avoid "pecking" when braking.

The braking distance of the Skoda is a little longer, but you will not refuse it in the informativeness of the pedal. But with its power-to-weight ratio, Rapid puts everyone in the woods. If Rio and Solaris just overclock well, then Rapid's dynamics are almost a reference for the class. And it's not only about the maximum acceleration, but also about the convenience of controlling the acceleration dynamics.

The Korean Gamma engine sings at very high notes, and the Skoda TSI feels confident throughout the entire rev range, since two hundred Newton-meters of torque are available almost from the very bottom. Classic "six-shot" automatic machines "Asians" are powerless in front of the DSG preselection, "shooting" seven gears from two shafts at once. As a result, Rapid is able to quickly dissolve Solaris with Rio in its small mirrors. But will the DSG last without repairs as long as conventional machines live? Question!


As good as the all-Volkswagen TSI turbo engine, the atmospheric Rapid rules the market ball. At the time of the comparative test, it was not possible to get such a car, and I went to Greece to meet with the atmospheric renewed Rapid.

The tandem of an aspirated 1.6 MPI and a classic six-speed automatic is wonderful. Of course, such a machine cannot keep up with the turbo-Rapid, especially in the highlands: due to oxygen starvation, the aspirated engine completely "sits down". However, against the background of the Solaris / Rio pair, her sprint capabilities are quite convincing. Skoda has at its disposal 13 "horses" less, but in acceleration to 100 km / h it is almost as good as the "Koreans". And it's not only a brisk box, but also a higher torque: 155 N ∙ m against 151 N ∙ m, and a maximum of 1000 rpm is reached earlier. The conclusion is simple: if you do not plan to regularly arrange races with traffic lights, the atmospheric Rapid with six-speed hydromechanics is more than enough.

I also got to know Monte Carlo. I rarely pay attention to different special versions, but the Rapid, dedicated to the famous Rally Monte Carlo, caught on. It can be identified by the bumper covers, sills and other wheels. But much more important are the bi-xenon headlights, a perforated leather three-spoke steering wheel with a beveled rim and bucket seats with integrated head restraints: they hold perfectly and, thanks to a good profile, provide reliable support for the shoulders, which is just what standard seats lack.

Rapid Monte Carlo can be taken even with a basic 90-horsepower engine, such a car is estimated at 847,000 rubles. For a 110-strong version with a gun, you have to pay 950,000 rubles. And the turbine option will cost almost a million. I would take the Monte Carlo: excellent light, comfortable steering wheel and seat for me are much more important than rear-view cameras and climate control.

Shake quietly!

Whether you like it or not, Rapid has to be upset in front of potholes: the suspension responds harshly to rebound. Skoda does not really stand on ceremony with road trifles - you feel all the joints! Rio and Solaris are more noble to such flaws. But if the suspension works confidently on rebound, then catching a blow on the compression stroke is easier than ever. Therefore, it is better to slow down in front of “speed bumps” and similar hard bumps. Of course, all three cars cannot be ranked as bone shakers, but they are far from such masters of digestion of terrible roads as Lada Vesta and Renault Logan.

The Skoda turbo engine is much quieter than the younger aspirated 1.6 110 hp, but his voice solo in the general background noise at low and medium speeds. And when the needle of the speedometer exceeds 100 km / h, aerodynamic noise comes to the fore, especially strong in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe mirrors. However, they are not annoying. Road noise also does not exceed the unpleasant threshold at all speeds and surfaces. What can not be said about Solaris.

Rapid holds on to the trajectory more confidently than the Korean pair and allows you to go through a "tared" corner 10-15 km / h faster.

Rapid holds on to the trajectory more confidently than the Korean pair and allows you to go through a "tared" corner 10-15 km / h faster.

The bottom of Hyundai is treated with additional "noise", but the hum from the tires is the same as in frankly budget cars. Okay, let's write it off on the fact that we have Solaris from the first batches, which did not undergo additional processing of the rear wheel arches. But how to explain the vibrations at idle with the fan and the air conditioner compressor on? The steering wheel, driver's seat and gearbox selector are cramps at these moments.

Surprisingly, the Rio doesn't have such problems. Although, opening the hoods, we made sure that visually the engines shake the same way. However, only a subtle itch reaches the Kia's controls. Could it be the engine mounts? But they, judging by the catalog number, are the same. This was confirmed by the plant workers. Wonders!

The Kia is also imperfect, but definitely better: the underbody and rear wheel arches are processed from birth. The result is “on the ears”.


The related Rio and Solaris did not become complete twins. Solaris slows down better and has a better face. Kia has a more intelligently tuned gearbox, lower vibration levels. However, the differences are so insignificant that we gave the machines the same marks.

However, something suggests that Kia will perform brighter in the market. Basic Solaris is cheaper, but inferior in equipment. So, Rio is equipped with air conditioning by default - for many this is a weighty argument. And the most popular version with a gun and in the average version, Comfort, is almost 30 thousand cheaper.

Rapid before them in terms of sales - to drive and not catch up. And it will hardly help the fact that in today's fight he emerged victorious. It's not about the price at all. After all, if you abandon the options, the price tag will drop to the Korean level. At the same time, Rapid has an excellent engine, a fast gearbox and a spacious interior. Everything with him! So why are Rio and Solaris more popular? Looks like Koreans know some special secrets of the game of market checkers, which have long since turned into chess.

The editors would like to express their gratitude to the Ekodolye residential complex for help in organizing the shooting.





Curb / full weight

1198/1610 kg

1198/1610 kg

1227/1732 kg

Acceleration time 0-100 km / h

Maximum speed

Fuel / fuel reserve

AI-92, AI-95/50 l

AI-92, AI-95/50 l

Fuel consumption: urban / suburban / mixed cycle

8.9 / 5.3 / 6.6 l / 100 km

8.9 / 5.3 / 6.6 l / 100 km

7.1 / 4.4 / 5.5 l / 100 km






front, transverse

front, transverse

front, transverse

Configuration / number of valves

Working volume


90 kW / 123 HP at 6300 rpm

92 kW / 125 HP at 5000-6000 rpm


151 Nm at 4850 rpm

151 Nm at 4850 rpm

200 N ∙ m at 1400-4000 rpm


type of drive





Gear ratios:
I / II / III / IV / V / VI / VI / VII / З.х.

4,40 / 2,73 / 1,83 / 1,39 / 1,00 / 0,77 / - / 3,44

3,50 / 2,09 / 1,34 / 0,97 / 0,93 / 0,78 / 0,65 / 3,72

main gear

4.80 (I-IV); 3.43 (V-VII)


Suspension: Front / Rear

McPherson / elastic crossbeam

Few car enthusiasts can boast that they know exactly which car will replace the one they have now. Most are still rushing about choosing between at least two models. In this article we will discuss which is better: or Hyundai Solaris.

External data


Specifications Hyundai Solaris
Car model:Hyundai solaris
Manufacturer country:South Korea (assembly Russia, St. Petersburg)
Body type:sedan, hatchback
Number of places:5
Number of doors:5
Engine displacement, cubic meters cm:1591
Power, hp with. / about. min .:123/6300
Maximum speed, km / h:185-190
Acceleration to 100 km / h, s:10.2 (manual transmission), 11.2 (automatic transmission)
Type of drive:front
Checkpoint:5 manual transmission, 6 manual transmission, 4 automatic transmission, 6 automatic transmission
Fuel type:AI-92 gasoline
Consumption per 100 km:city ​​7.9; route 4.9 - for manual transmission, 8.8 - city, 5.2 - route - automatic transmission
Length, mm:4375 (sedan) 4115 (hatchback)
Width, mm:1700
Height, mm:1470
Clearance, mm:160
Tire size:185 / 65R15
Curb weight, kg:1100
Full weight, kg:1565
Fuel tank volume:43
  1. Fuel tank capacity and fuel consumption. Here, too, the values ​​are different and look like this: the tank contains 43 liters of gasoline, and the Czech car already holds 55 liters of fuel. As for the consumption per 100 km, then for Hyundai Solaris "on mechanics" when driving around the city, 7.9 liters and 4.9 liters on the highway will be spent, on the "automatic" these values ​​will be 8.8 liters and 5.2 liters, respectively. At Skoda Rapid, these indicators are slightly different: the manual transmission will show 8.9 liters in the city and 4.9 liters during a country trip, and the automatic transmission is already 10.2 liters and 6 liters.
  2. Speed. these two brands are about the same - about 190 km / h. Acceleration to 100 km / h is also not very different, despite the fact that under the hood they have a different number of "horses" - 105 for Skoda and 123 for Hyundai. So, for the Czech model, these values ​​are as follows: 10.6 s on the "mechanics" and 11.9 s on the "automatic", and for the Korean model - 10.2 s on the manual transmission and 11.2 s on the automatic transmission.
  3. Checkpoint. We looked at cars with a 1.6-liter engine manufactured in 2014. Here Skoda Rapid against Hyundai Solaris cannot argue. The choice is wider for Solaris - added to the already existing 4 automatic transmissions, 5 manual transmissions. The sixth gear will not add speed, of course, but it will increase the efficiency of the engine. Skoda has only two options - a five-speed "mechanics" and a six-speed "automatic".
Skoda Rapid specifications
Car model:Skoda Rapid
Manufacturer country:Czech Republic (assembly Russia, Kaluga)
Body type:liftback
Number of places:5
Number of doors:4
Engine displacement, cubic meters cm:1598
Power, hp with. / about. min .:105/5600
Maximum speed, km / h:193
Acceleration to 100 km / h, s:10.5 (manual transmission), 12.2 (automatic transmission)
Type of drive:front
Checkpoint:5 manual transmission, 6 automatic transmission
Fuel type:AI-95 gasoline
Consumption per 100 km:city ​​8.9; route 4.9 - for manual transmission, 10.2 - city, 6 - route
Length, mm:4483
Width, mm:1706
Height, mm:1461
Clearance, mm:143
Tire size:185 / 65R15
Curb weight, kg:1155
Full weight, kg:1700
Fuel tank volume:55

What to choose in the end?

If you focus on design, then those drivers who are guided by rigor and some broken lines will choose Skoda. This is a fairly classic car. Hyundai is distinguished by a more modern interior and in general the car looks more dynamic and youthful. The Korean car seems to be a more urban model than its Czech rival, which is clearly a workhorse and, perhaps, just a huge trunk contributes to it.

Approximately the same, while each car makes a different noise. Changing wheels upon purchase will slightly reduce the noise effect.

In terms of driving, it is around the city in both models. On suburban roads, the Hyundai Solaris is somewhat inferior to the Skoda Rapid, mainly because the problem with the rear suspension has not been resolved. This problem generally distinguishes some Korean cars from European ones. The suspension itself is tuned medium. When the road is rutted, the car starts chattering. Skoda, on the other hand, feels a little more confident in this regard. In general, all Hyundai owners know that this car is more stable and lighter, but after 70 km / h it starts to vibrate slightly, although this moment is neutralized by 6 automatic transmissions.

Test drive of Hyundai Solaris car:

As for the gearbox, I must say that Skoda has an excellent five-speed "mechanics", the car runs so smoothly. In this regard, it becomes even slightly incomprehensible why a six-speed automatic was released for the Russian market, because this significantly increases the purchase amount. Although, of course, this is a private matter for each buyer.

If you have not yet decided on which side of the scales the choice will fall: Solaris or Rapid, then we will continue the review.

The backrest of the driver's seat in Hyundai Solaris is adjustable in steps and the distance between the steps is large enough, which creates some inconvenience. The Skoda Rapid is somewhat more comfortable in the driver's seat. Both cars have handlebar adjustments for reach and height, but the leather on the Rapid is much more pleasant to the touch.

Test drive the Skoda Rapid car:

It's good to have a super-fast supermodel racing car or a giant off-roader for elephant hunting. But it is much more important to find a reliable car friend for every day to help out in any bad weather, wag in morning traffic jams and honestly drag packages from the hypermarket. When choosing such a car, it is useful to read about the impressions of the owners of different models. Today, under the heading "Garage", let's take a critical look at the Volkswagen Polo sedan and listen to the story of its owner Dmitry.

- My Volkswagen Polo is an ordinary workhorse. I chose a car in a clear price range and also considered Hyundai Solaris and Kia Rio. I opted for the Polo sedan because it had the best equipment in the database. And the appearance of the car in a practical black color pleased me, and the reviews of the owners were quite satisfactory.

I must say that expectations and reality coincided perfectly. I bought a new car about six months ago at the St. Petersburg car dealership - and to this day there are practically no complaints about it. Now this model has already been discontinued - I got a pre-styling version. Such foreign cars assembled in Russia (my Volkswagen Polo is from the Grabtsevo technopark in Kaluga) are called “captured Germans” by us :) The restyled models are equipped with engines produced in Kaluga, a completely different lineup, different from those on cars of previous years release (I have a European assembly engine). Also, as far as I remember, the gearbox is still different there.

By the way, about the complaints. The car's sound insulation pumped up, and after six months of operation, the suspension began to creak. I joined the group of owners of this model on social networks - they write there that such problems are ubiquitous and can be solved. They also say that the Volkswagen Polo hatchback has much better optics. The headlights of the sedan are, indeed, rather weak. I'll try to put LEDs: they burn brighter, react faster and come out more economical. And maybe later I will replace the headlights themselves.

There are also a couple of inconveniences associated with the design features of the car: during a cold start, a slight knock of the engine appears, the rear springs are too low. In this regard, it helps that the model has a high ground clearance for an ordinary urban sedan. During the famous January snowfall, for example, I calmly drove along unclean streets and even pulled out other cars. I did not expect fuel consumption to a liter, in mixed mode it comes out about 8-9 liters. Engine 1.6, 86 hp with.

Once I was driving to St. Petersburg, and a bear with cubs ran out onto the track. I had to stop abruptly - and the brakes did not fail. Not a bear's hair did not touch :) I also appreciated the convenience of the Volkswagen Polo on long trips. The interior is roomy - with the seats folded down, I often ride a bike in the back. Here are just the seat covers you need to buy - until your hands reach.

Of the additional options, I plan to purchase a rear-view camera. And it also does not interfere with installing alloy wheels - with our roads, I was already tortured to edit stamped ones. But on the other hand, I can 100% confirm that the Volkswagen Polo is being repaired “on the knee”. If necessary, repairs can be carried out with a hammer, electrical tape and a strong word :) For daily trips around the city, this car is a win-win: strong, unpretentious, comfortable.


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