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This simple device with powerful transistors is perfectly suitable not only for charging car batteries, but also for powering various electronic circuits. The voltage at the output of the device is adjustable from 0 to 15 V. The current depends on the degree of discharge of the batteries and can reach 20 A. Since the cathodes of the diodes and the collectors of the transistors are interconnected, all these parts are placed on one large radiator without insulating spacers. If there are no special requirements for voltage stability, then resistor R1 and zener diode VD3 can be excluded from the circuit. By adding the capacities shown in the dotted line in the diagram, you can use the device as a power supply. V. SAZHIN, Livny, Oryol region...

For the circuit "Control of a single-phase asynchronous motor"

A device for controlling a single-phase asynchronous motor for starting and braking uses an electromagnetic relay, a starting capacitor of the MBGO-2 or MBGCH type for a voltage of at least 400 V. The starting capacitor is turned on and off by relay contacts, which burn out over time. To simplify the management of a single-phase asynchronous motor (IM), a simple one is proposed (see figure). The electrolytic capacitor C1 is used as a capacitor, connected to the starting winding through a diode bridge VD1...VD4. When switch SA1 is turned to the “On” position, capacitor C1 is charged through the starting winding of the IM, and the motor starts. After charging capacitor C1, the current through the starting winding P stops, and the capacitor no longer affects the operation of the IM. A very powerful charger circuit When switching SA1 to the “Off” position, the charged capacitor C1 is connected to the working winding R AD. Discharging through the winding, it creates a braking torque on the IM shaft. Details. The TV1-2 toggle switch is used as switch SA1 for electric motors with a starting current of up to 5 A. Diodes VD1...VD4 - diode block KTs403V or 4 diodes KD105V. Capacitor C1 - electrolytic type K50-6 or any for a voltage of 450 V. Capacity launcher capacitor C1 is determined at the rate of 10 μF per 100 W of IM power. The device does not require adjustment. V.F. Yakovlev, Shostka, Sumy region. Literature 1. Kolomoitsev K.V. Device for controlling a single-phase asynchronous electric motor//Electric.- 2000.- No. 8. ...

For the diagram "Universal voltage regulator and charger-starter for"

Quite often in amateur radio practice there is a need to adjust the alternating voltage within the range of 0...220 V. LATRs (autotransformers) are widely used for this purpose. But their age has already passed and these bulky devices have been replaced by modern thyristor regulators, which have one drawback: the voltage in such devices is regulated by changing the duration of alternating voltage pulses. Because of this, it is impossible to connect a highly inductive load to them (for example, a transformer or inductor, as well as any other radio device containing the elements listed above). The voltage regulator shown in the figure is free from this drawback. It combines: a current overload protection device, a thyristor voltage regulator with a bridge regulator, and high efficiency (92...98%). In addition, the regulator works in conjunction with a powerful transformer and rectifier, which can be used for charging car batteries and as launcher devices with a discharged battery. Main parameters of the voltage regulator: Rated supply voltage, V 220 ± 10%; AC output voltage, V 0...215; Efficiency, no less, percent(s) 92; Maximum load power, kW 2. Main parameters of the charging and starting device: DC output voltage, V 0...40; Direct current consumed by the load, A 0...20; Starting current (with a starting duration of 10 s), A 100. Switch SA2 selects either alternating voltage regulation within 0...98% of the network voltage, which...

For the "Starting charger" circuit

Starting a car engine with a worn-out battery in winter takes a lot of time. The density of the electrolyte after long-term storage decreases significantly; the appearance of coarse-crystalline sulfation increases the internal resistance of the battery, reducing its starting current. In addition, in winter the viscosity of engine oil increases, which requires more starting power from the current source. There are several ways out of this situation: - heat the oil in the crankcase; - “light up” from another car with a good battery; - push start; - expect warming. - use a starting charger (ROM). The latter option is most preferable when storing the car in a paid parking lot or in a garage where there is a network connection. In addition. The ROM will not only allow you to start the car, but also quickly recreate and charge more than one battery. In most industrial ROMs, the starting battery is recharged from a low-power power supply (rated current 3...5 A), which is not enough to directly draw current from the car’s starter, although The capacity of the internal starter batteries of the ROM is very large (up to 240 Ah), after several starts they still “run out”, and it is impossible to quickly recreate their charge. T160 current regulator circuit The mass of such a unit exceeds 200 kg, so it is not easy to roll it up to the car even with two people. The starting charger-recovery device (PZVU), proposed by the Automation and Telemechanics laboratory of the Irkutsk Center for Technical Creativity of Youth, differs from the factory prototype in its low weight and automatically maintains the working condition of the battery, regardless of storage time and time of use. Even in the absence of an internal battery, the PZVU is capable of briefly delivering a starting current of up to 100 A. The regeneration mode is an alternation of equal-time current pulses and pauses, which speeds up the recovery of the plates and reduces the temperature of the electrolyte with a decrease in the release of hydrogen sulfide and oxygen into the atmosphere....


Automotive electronics CHARGING AND DESULFATING AUTOMATIC MACHINE FOR CAR BATTERIES SOROKIN, 343902, Ukraine, Kramatorsk-2, PO Box 37. It has long been known that the charge of electrochemical power supplies with an asymmetrical current, with the ratio Icharge: Idischarge = 10:1, in particular acid batteries, leads to the elimination of sulfation of the plates in the battery, i.e. to restore their capacity, which, in turn, extends the life of the battery. It is not always possible to be near the charger and monitor the charging process all the time, so they often either systematically undercharge the batteries or overcharge them, which, of course, does not extend the life their service. From chemistry it is clear that the potential difference between the negative and positive plates in the battery is 2.1 V, which with 6 banks gives 2.1 x 6 = 12.6 V. With a charging current equal to 0.1 of the capacity batteries, at the end of the charge the voltage rises to 2.4 V per cell or 2.4 x 6 = 14.4 V. Electrical circuit of the board 2100--18 An increase in the charging current leads to an increase in the voltage on the battery and increased heating and boiling of the electrolyte. Charging with a current below 0.1 of the capacitance does not allow the voltage to be increased to 14.4 V, however, a long-term (up to three weeks) low-current charge promotes the dissolution of lead sulfate crystals. Lead sulfate dendrites “sprouted” in separators are especially dangerous. They cause rapid self-discharge of the battery (I charged the battery in the evening, but in the morning I could not start the engine). The only way to wash dendrites from separators is by dissolving them in nitric acid, which is practically impossible. Through long-term observations and experiments, an electrical circuit was created, which, according to the author, allows you to trust the automation. Trial operation for 10 years showed the effective operation of the device. The operating principle is as follows: 1. The charge is made positive...


Consumer Electronics ABOUT TURNING ON A THREE-PHASE MOTOR In the Radio magazine, several schemes for connecting a three-phase electric motor to a single-phase network were considered. The option described below differs in that all three operations - turning on, starting and reversing the engine are performed by the same start switch SA1, borrowed from the charging current of capacitor C1, which occurs when switch SA1 is moved to any position - "Forward" or "Backward" from the "Stop" position , triggers relay K1. which with its contacts K1.1 connects the starting capacitor Sp. Upon completion of charging of capacitor C1, relay K1 releases the armature and turns off the starting capacitor. The power consumed by the starting unit when the engine is running is reduced to a minimum. Section SA1.2 of the switch is used to reverse the engine. The capacitance of capacitor C1, depending on the time required to accelerate the engine, is usually in the range of 4..12 uF, and sometimes more. Roller circuit board gold miner Working capacity Average and launcher The cn of capacitors is determined from the table in (2). The design uses a P2T-13 switch. PE20UZ relay for 220 V (all four pairs of contacts are connected in parallel), capacitors MBGG1-2 for a voltage of 400 V. Capacitor C1 can be oxide at 450 V, in which case its body is isolated from the chassis. The device was used to work with a 4AA50A2 motor with a power of 150 W. The disadvantages of the device in comparison with that described in - a larger number of parts and the lack of feedback between the engine and the starting unit. O. LUKYANCHIKOV Campus of USAKhI, Ulyanovsk region. LITERATURE 1. Potseluev V. Starting three-phase radio motors. 1969. N 11. p. 30. 2. Potseluev V. Operation of a three-phase motor in a single-phase network. Radio. 1970, N 11, p. 39. 3. Griva A. Three-phase...

For the scheme "Pulse diagnostics of batteries"

During long-term storage and improper use, large insoluble crystals of lead sulfate appear on the battery plates. Most modern chargers are made according to a simple circuit, which includes a transformer and a rectifier. Their use is designed to remove working sulfitation from the surface of the battery plates, but they are not able to remove old coarse-crystalline sulfitation. Device characteristics Battery voltage, 12V Capacity, Ah 12-120 Measurement time, s 5 Pulse measurement current, A 10 Diagnosed degree of sulfation, % 30. ..100Weight of the device, g 240Operating air temperature, ±27°C Lead sulfate steels have high resistance, which prevents the passage of charging and discharging current. Description of microcircuit 0401 The voltage on the battery rises during charging, the charge current drops, and the abundant release of a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen can lead to an explosion. The developed pulse chargers are capable of converting lead sulfate into amorphous lead during charging, followed by its deposition onto the surface of plates cleared of crystallization. Based on the voltage value under load, resistor R14 sets the corresponding percentage of sulfation on the scale of the device PA1 with the middle position of the resistor sliders R2 , R8 and R11. The readings of the device are adjusted by resistor R11 in accordance with the data given in the table. Battery voltage under load, V More than 11.8 Less than 11.6 Less than 10.8 Less than 10.2 Sulphation, percent(s) S Work...

For the "Thrinistor regulator" circuit

The proposed thyristor power regulator (Fig. 1), specifically designed for controlling a commutator electric motor (electric drill, fan, etc.). has some features. Firstly, an electric motor with a power thyristor is included in one of the diagonals of the rectifier bridge, and mains voltage is applied to the other. In addition, the same thyristor is controlled not by short pulses, as in traditional devices, but by wider ones, due to which short-term load outages, characteristic of a running commutator motor, do not affect the stability of the regulator. A generator of short (fractions of milliseconds) positive signals is assembled on a unijunction transistor pulses used to control the auxiliary thyristor VS1. The generator is powered by trapezoidal voltage, obtained by limiting the positive half-waves of the sinusoidal voltage with a frequency of 100 Hz by the Zener diode VD1. With the appearance of each half-wave of such voltage, capacitor C1 begins to charge through a circuit of resistors R1 R3. Relay connection diagram 527 The charging rate of the capacitor can be adjusted within certain limits by a variable resistor R1. As soon as the voltage on the capacitor reaches the threshold of the transistor (it depends on the voltage at the bases of the transistor and can be adjusted by resistors R4 and R5), a positive pulse appears on resistor R5, which then flows to the control electrode of the thyristor VS1. This trinistor opens, and a longer (compared to the control) pulse that appears on resistor R6 turns on the power trinistor VS2. Through it, the supply voltage is supplied to the electric motor M1. The opening moment of the control and power thyristors, and therefore the power on the load (in other words, the rotational speed of the electric motor shaft) is regulated by a variable resistor R1. Since an inductive load is included in the anode circuit of the thyristor VS2, spontaneous opening can be observed SCR, moreover, without a signal at the control electrode. W...


Consumer ElectronicsTHREE-PHASE MOTOR IN A SINGLE-PHASE NETWORK. BASHKATOV, 338046, Ukraine, Donetsk region, Gorlovka-46, Kirova St., 14 "A" -42 Sometimes at home there is a need to connect a three-phase AC electric motor to a single-phase network. The same need arose for me when connecting an industrial sewing machine. In a garment factory, such machines operate in a workshop that has a three-phase network, and no problems arise. The first thing that had to be done was to change the connection diagram of the electric motor windings from “star” to “delta”, observing the polarity of the connection of the windings (beginning - end) (Fig. 1). This switching allows you to turn on the electric motor in a single-phase 220 V network. The power of the sewing machine electric motor according to the plate is 0.4 kW. Purchasing working, and even more so starting, metal-paper capacitors of the MBGO, MBGP, MBGCh type with a capacity of 50 and 100 microfarads, respectively, for an operating voltage of 450...600 V turned out to be an impossible task due to their high cost on the flea market. Use instead of metal-paper polar (electrolytic) capacitors and powerful rectifier diodes D242, D246. Radomkrofon schemes did not give a positive result. The electric motor stubbornly did not start, apparently due to the finite resistance of the diodes in the forward direction. Therefore, the idea of ​​starting an electric motor, which was absurd at first glance, came to mind by briefly connecting an ordinary electrolytic capacitor to an alternating current network (Fig. 2). After starting (accelerating) the electric motor, the electrolytic capacitor is turned off, and the electric motor operates in two-phase mode, losing up to 50% of its power. But if you provide for a supply of power ahead of time, or it is known that such a supply exists (as in my case), then you can come to terms with this drawback. By the way, when an electric motor operates with a working phase-shifting capacitor, the electric motor also loses up to 50% of its power. ...


Power supply CONNECTING THREE-PHASE CONSUMERS TO A SINGLE-PHASE NETWORK ILIIN, 191123, St. Petersburg, PO Box 12. The issue of connecting a three-phase consumer to a single-phase network has been repeatedly raised in amateur radio literature. The authors of the articles point out the disadvantages of the described methods: - loss of 50% of the nominal power; - not all brands of electric motors start well when powered from a single-phase network; - the need to use two containers (starting and working); - stepwise adjustment of the capacity rating in different operating modes; - the need to change the capacity rating when the load on the shaft changes; - at idle speed, a current flows through the electric motor winding 40% more than the rated current; - extra “bells and whistles” for automating capacitor disconnection and when replacing paper capacitors with electrolytic ones. How to make a low-power waiting watchman circuit I propose another option for connecting three-phase consumers to a single-phase network. If you look at the three-phase voltage graph, you can see that each curve is shifted relative to the other by 1/3 of the period (Fig. 1). Fig. 1 The network frequency is 50 Hz, therefore, the T period is 20 ms. It follows that 1/3 of the period is 6.666... ​​ms. Let Ua in Fig. 1 be a single-phase sinusoidal voltage of 220 V, 50 Hz. By passing Ua through a delay circuit of 6.666... ​​ms, we obtain a voltage Uv shifted by 1/3 of the period, equal in amplitude and frequency to Ua. “Passing” the voltage Uв through a similar delay circuit, we obtain the voltage Uс shifted by 1/3 of the period relative to the voltage Uв. scheme such a device is shown in Fig. 2....

The simplest calculations show that in order for the starting device to work effectively when connected in parallel with the battery, it must provide a current of at least 100 A at a voltage of 10...14 V. In this case, the rated power of the T1 network transformer used (Fig. 1) must be at least 800 W. As is known, the rated operating power of a transformer depends on the cross-sectional area of ​​the magnetic core (iron) at the location of the windings.

The starting device circuit itself is quite simple, but requires the correct manufacture of a network transformer. It is convenient to use toroidal iron from any LATRA - this results in minimal dimensions and weight of the device. The perimeter of the iron cross-section can be from 230 to 280 mm (it differs for different types of autotransformers).

Before winding the windings, it is necessary to round off the sharp edges on the edges of the magnetic circuit with a file, after which we wrap it with varnished cloth or fiberglass.

The primary winding of the transformer contains approximately 260...290 turns of PEV-2 wire with a diameter of 1.5...2.0 mm (the wire can be of any type with varnish insulation). The winding is distributed evenly in three layers, with interlayer insulation. After completing the primary winding, the transformer must be connected to the network and the no-load current must be measured. It should be 200...380 mA. In this case, there will be optimal conditions for transforming power into the secondary circuit. If the current is less, part of the turns must be rewinded; if more, it must be rewinded until the specified value is obtained. It should be taken into account that the relationship between the inductive reactance (and therefore the current in the primary winding) and the number of turns is quadratic - even a slight change in the number of turns will lead to a significant change in the primary winding current.

There should be no heating when the transformer is operating in idle mode. Heating of the winding indicates the presence of interturn short circuits or pressing and short-circuiting of part of the winding through the magnetic core. In this case, the winding will have to be done again.

The secondary winding is wound with insulated stranded copper wire with a cross-section of at least 6 square meters. mm (for example, PVKV type with rubber insulation) and contains two windings of 15... 18 turns. The secondary windings are wound simultaneously (with two wires), which makes it easy to obtain their symmetry - the same voltage in both windings, which should be in the range of 12...13.8 V at a rated mains voltage of 220 V. It is better to measure the voltage in the secondary winding temporarily connected to terminals X2, XZ load resistor with a resistance of 5...10 Ohms.

The connection of rectifier diodes shown in the diagram allows the use of metal elements of the starter housing not only for fastening the diodes, but also as a heat sink without dielectric spacers (the “plus” of the diode is connected to the fastening nut).

To connect the starting device parallel to the battery, the connecting wires must be insulated and multi-core (preferably copper), with a cross-section of at least 10 square meters. mm (not to be confused with diameter). At the ends of the wire, after tinning, connecting lugs are soldered.

Starting the internal combustion engine of even a passenger car in winter, and even after a long period of parking, is often a big problem. This issue is even more relevant for powerful trucks and tractor-trailer equipment, of which there are many already in private use - after all, they are operated mainly in conditions of garage-free storage.

And the reason for difficult starting is not always that the battery is “not in its first youth.” Its capacity depends not only on the service life, but also on the viscosity of the electrolyte, which, as is known, thickens with decreasing temperature. And this leads to a slowdown in the chemical reaction with its participation and a decrease in the battery current in starter mode (by about 1% for each degree of temperature decrease). Thus, even a new battery significantly loses its starting capabilities in winter.

Do-it-yourself starting device for a car

To insure against unnecessary hassle associated with starting a car engine in the cold season, I made a starting device with my own hands.
The calculation of its parameters was carried out according to the method specified in the list of references.

The operating current of the battery in starter mode is: I = 3 x C (A), where C is the nominal battery capacity in Ah.
As you know, the operating voltage on each battery (“can”) must be at least 1.75 V, that is, for a battery consisting of six “cans,” the minimum operating voltage of the Up battery will be 10.5 V.
Power supplied to the starter: P st = Uр x I р (W)

For example, if a passenger car has a 6 ST-60 battery (C = 60A (4), Rst will be 1890 W.
According to this calculation, according to the scheme given in, a launcher of the appropriate power was manufactured.
However, its operation showed that it was possible to call the device a starting device only with a certain degree of convention. The device was capable of operating only in the “cigarette lighter” mode, that is, in conjunction with the car’s battery.

At low outside temperatures, starting the engine with its help had to be done in two stages:
- recharging the battery for 10 - 20 seconds;
- joint (batteries and devices) engine promotion.

An acceptable starter speed was maintained for 3 - 5 seconds, and then decreased sharply, and if the engine did not start during this time, it was necessary to repeat everything all over again, sometimes several times. This process is not only tedious, but also undesirable for two reasons:
- firstly, it leads to overheating of the starter and increased wear;
- secondly, it reduces the battery life.

It became clear that these negative phenomena can be avoided only when the power of the launcher is sufficient to start a cold car engine without the help of a battery.

Therefore, it was decided to manufacture another device that satisfies this requirement. But now the calculation was made taking into account losses in the rectifier unit, supply wires and even on the contact surfaces of the connections during their possible oxidation. One more circumstance was also taken into account. The operating current in the primary winding of the transformer when starting the engine can reach values ​​of 18 - 20 A, causing a voltage drop in the supply wires of the lighting network by 15 - 20 V. Thus, not 220, but only 200 V will be applied to the primary winding of the transformer.

Diagrams and drawings for starting the engine

According to the new calculation according to the method specified in, taking into account all power losses (about 1.5 kW), the new starting device required a step-down transformer with a power of 4 kW, that is, almost four times more than the power of the starter. (Corresponding calculations were made for the manufacture of similar devices intended for starting the engines of various cars, both carburetor and diesel, and even with a 24 V on-board network. Their results are summarized in the table.)

At these powers, a crankshaft rotation speed is ensured (40 - 50 rpm for carburetor engines and 80 - 120 rpm for diesel engines), which guarantees reliable engine starting.

The step-down transformer was made on a toroidal core taken from the stator of a burnt-out 5 kW asynchronous electric motor. Cross-sectional area of ​​the magnetic circuit S, T = a x b = 20 x 135 = 2700 (mm2) (see Fig. 2)!

A few words about preparing the toroidal core. The stator of the electric motor is freed from winding residues and its teeth are cut out using a sharp chisel and hammer. This is not difficult to do, since the iron is soft, but you need to use safety glasses and gloves.

The material and design of the handle and base of the trigger are not critical, as long as they perform their functions. My handle is made of a steel strip with a cross section of 20x3 mm, with a wooden handle. The strip is wrapped in fiberglass impregnated with epoxy resin. A terminal is mounted on the handle, to which the input of the primary winding and the positive wire of the starting device are then connected.

The frame base is made of a steel rod with a diameter of 7 mm in the form of a truncated pyramid, the ribs of which they are. The device is then attracted to the base by two U-shaped brackets, which are also wrapped in fiberglass impregnated with epoxy resin.

A power switch is attached to one side of the base, and a copper plate of the rectifier unit (two diodes) is attached to the other. A minus terminal is mounted on the plate. At the same time, the plate also serves as a radiator.

The switch is type AE-1031, with built-in thermal protection, rated for a current of 25 A. Diodes are type D161 - D250.

The estimated current density in the windings is 3 - 5 A/mm2. The number of turns per 1 V of operating voltage was calculated using the formula: T = 30/Sct. The number of turns of the primary winding of the transformer was: W1 = 220 x T = 220 x 30/27 = 244; secondary winding: W2 = W3 = 16 x T = 16x30/27 = 18.
The primary winding is made of PETV wire with a diameter of 2.12 mm, the secondary winding is made of an aluminum busbar with a cross-sectional area of ​​36 mm2.

First, the primary winding was wound with a uniform distribution of turns around the entire perimeter. After that, it is turned on through the power cord and the no-load current is measured, which should not exceed 3.5A. It must be remembered that even a slight decrease in the number of turns will lead to a significant increase in the no-load current and, accordingly, to a drop in the power of the transformer and starting device. Increasing the number of turns is also undesirable - it reduces the efficiency of the transformer.

The turns of the secondary winding are also evenly distributed around the entire perimeter of the core. When laying, use a wooden hammer. The leads are then connected to the diodes, and the diodes are connected to the negative terminal on the panel. The middle common terminal of the secondary winding is connected to the “positive” terminal located on the handle.

Now about the wires connecting the starter to the starter. Any carelessness in their manufacture can nullify all efforts. Let's show this with a specific example. Let the resistance Rnp of the entire connecting path from the rectifier to the starter be equal to 0.01 Ohm. Then, at a current I = 250 A, the voltage drop on the wires will be: U pr = I r x Rpr = 250 A x 0.01 Ohm = 2.5 V; in this case, the power loss on the wires will be very significant: P pr = Upr x Iр = 625 W.

As a result, a voltage of not 14, but 11.5 V will be supplied to the starter in operating mode, which, of course, is undesirable. Therefore, the length of the connecting wires should be as short as possible (1_p 100 mm2). The wires must be stranded copper, in rubber insulation. For convenience, the connection to the starter is made quick-release, using pliers or powerful clamps, for example, those used as electrode holders for household welding machines. In order not to confuse the polarity, the handle of the clamps of the positive wire is wrapped with red electrical tape, and the handle of the negative wire is wrapped with black tape.
The short-term operating mode of the starting device (5 - 10 seconds) allows its use in single-phase networks. For more powerful starters (over 2.5 kW), the PU transformer must be three-phase.

A simplified calculation of a three-phase transformer for its manufacture can be made according to the recommendations set out in, or you can use ready-made industrial step-down transformers such as TSPK - 20 A, TMOB - 63, etc., connected to a three-phase network with a voltage of 380 V and producing a secondary voltage of 36 V.

The use of toroidal transformers for single-phase starting devices is not necessary and is dictated only by their best weight and dimensions (weight about 13 kg). At the same time, the technology for manufacturing a starting device based on them is the most labor-intensive.

The calculation of the starting device transformer has some features. For example, the calculation of the number of turns per 1 V of operating voltage, made according to the formula: T = 30/Sct (where Sct is the cross-sectional area of ​​the magnetic circuit), is explained by the desire to “squeeze” the maximum possible out of the magnetic circuit to the detriment of efficiency. This is justified by its short-term (5 - 10 seconds) operating mode. If dimensions do not play a decisive role, you can use a more gentle mode by calculating using the formula: T = 35/Sct. The magnetic core is then taken with a cross-section that is 25 - 30% larger.
The power that can be “removed” from the manufactured PU is approximately equal to the power of the three-phase asynchronous electric motor from which the transformer core is made.

When using a powerful starting device in a stationary version, according to safety requirements, it must be grounded. The handles of the connecting pliers must be rubber insulated. To avoid confusion, it is advisable to mark the “plus” part, for example, with red electrical tape.

When starting, the battery does not need to be disconnected from the starter. In this case, the clamps are connected to the corresponding terminals of the battery. To avoid overcharging the battery, the starting device is immediately turned off after starting the engine.

As soon as the cold comes, the car owner is faced with some problems related to starting the car. So, the main load is borne by the battery and starter. And for such unpleasant situations, starting-chargers were invented.

You can buy it in an online store or where they sell auto parts. But usually such devices cost a lot of money and can cause significant damage to your wallet.

But these devices have a very limited output in startup mode. Because of this, the battery takes on the entire load, and receives little help from such a device.

But this miracle device can be made with your own hands. This does not require special knowledge of electronics, but some experience is still required.

Interesting! You will also need a diode bridge and a core from a transformer or the transformer itself. The power of the finished device will be at least 1.4 kilowatts. This is quite enough to start the weakest power source.

For convenience and ease of assembling the car device with your own hands, we recommend using a conditional drawing. The circuit diagram of the starting-charging device will clearly demonstrate what and how it works. It will greatly simplify assembly. Those with knowledge of electronics will be able to create the necessary drawing with their own hands.

  • transformer;
  • diode bridge;
  • cooling device;
  • voltmeter;
  • electrolytic capacitor.

The break in the primary winding connection of a 220 volt transformer should be 15 amps. Since there is a very high voltage there, the fuse can protect against short circuits.

The diode bridge must be chosen between 10 and 50 amperes. It all depends on what kind of batteries will be used to start the device.

Any cooler (fan) from a personal computer is suitable for cooling. You also need to find a voltmeter, no matter what.

The electrolytic capacitor should be 16 volts, but more is possible. Its capacity can vary from 3000 to 10,000 microfarads. Important: the output current will be smoother if the capacitance of the capacitor is larger.

There are many instructions on the Internet for creating a starter-charger for a car using a computer power supply. But its power is too small, and its use will be extremely unreliable.

For our device, a transformer from microwave ovens is best suited. Probably every third person has an old, unnecessary microwave oven. But before assembling the ROM, the transformer needs to be remade with your own hands. But before alteration, be sure to check it for functionality. You can do this by connecting the terminals to the network yourself. If it starts to make a slight hum, then the device is working normally.

You should start assembling the charger yourself with the high-voltage winding. It needs to be cut down. A simple hacksaw for metal is perfect for these purposes. During sawing, the main thing is not to damage the primary winding.

After the high-voltage winding has been cut down, holes must be drilled in its place. They must be made with a thick drill. Through the holes formed, you need to pull out the remaining windings. You can knock them out with any blunt object.

After the internal cavities have been cleared of debris, it is necessary to create a secondary winding. Somewhere you need to make 16 turns and wind turn to turn. The voltage will directly depend on the cross-section of the wire. After this, you need to measure the output voltage. There should be 16 volts after the diode bridge.

I would like to clarify that it is easier to wind with a flexible wire and ideally use a single-core wire. Also use copper wires because they conduct current better and don't get hot like aluminum wires.

A former case from a personal computer power supply is suitable as a housing for the starter-charger. It will be necessary to unscrew the fan and install it in reverse so that it does not blow air out, but blows it in.

You need to insert a 15 amp fuse across one of the wires; you can use any from the car.

The transformer must be installed in the housing on a thick cardboard spacer. This is necessary so that during the occurrence of magnetic induction, the housing does not vibrate and does not create additional hum. Also put a thick pad on top. There will be no need to screw the transformer, because it is massive and when you close the lid, it will press tightly.

Now you need to install the diode bridge. If the choice fell on a low-power one, then it can be installed inside. Cooling from a fan will be quite sufficient.

Important! If you use a power greater than 10 amperes, then it must be installed on a radiator. Otherwise, it may simply burn out.

The radiator for the diode bridge is suitable from a computer, which is used to cool the microprocessor. The cooler is not needed, it can be removed. It does not require any other cooling. However, I would like to say that it will not be possible to install it in the case, and the bridge will need to be outside the case.

Now all that remains is to install the cover. It can be installed using glue, but it is better to use silicone or sealant. The entire device for the car is ready.

So, a diagram and minimal knowledge will help you assemble a budget device for charging or starting a car with your own hands. Without connecting our starter-charger to the network, it can be used as a tester.

Today the topic of our post is called a small homemade starting device for starting a car, namely a starting device, not a charger, since we have many articles on this site about car chargers and how to charge. Therefore, today we are exclusively talking about a homemade battery starter.

DIY portable vehicle jump starters

So, what is a starting device for a car in general, in our case for the Hyundai Santa Fe, but this is not particularly important for which car, the capacity of the battery through which this starting device will start the engine is more important.

DIY car starter diagram

In this article we will look at the simplest diagram of a starting device for a car with our own hands, because most people do not have the knowledge in circuit design and electronics to create complex starting devices, and it is not always profitable to purchase a lot of parts for homemade products, which can sometimes come out as budget ready-made starting device for a car from the store.

So, in our case, for the launcher, we do not intend to purchase an expensive high-capacity portable battery, otherwise the device will immediately turn from a budget device into a very expensive one.

We will be making a starting device for a car from a 220V network, for this we will need a powerful transformer, preferably with a power of at least 500 Watt, and preferably 800 Watt, ideally 1.2-1.4 kilowatts = 1400 Watts. Since when starting the engine, the first impulse given by the battery to crank the crankshaft = 200 Amperes and the consumption of the starter is approximately 100 Amperes, and when our 100A device is combined with the battery, they will just give out 200A at the start and then our starter will help maintain the current strength of 100 Amps for normal starting and operation starter until the engine starts completely.

This is what a DIY car starter diagram looks like, photo below

Transformer for car starter

To create such a starting device from a transformer-type network, you need to rewind the transformer itself.

We will need:

  • Transformer core
  • Copper wire 1.5mm-2mm
  • Copper wire 10mm
  • Two powerful diodes like on welding machines
  • Alligator clips for ease of use and connecting the starter wires to the car battery, very preferably copper, as they have high conductivity, and thick, at least 2 mm thick

We actually begin the process of making a portable starting device for a car with our own hands

To do this, you need to make the primary winding of the transformer with copper wire in insulation with a diameter of at least 1.5-2 mm, the number of turns will be approximately 260-300.

After you wind this wire onto the transformer core, you need to measure the current and voltage produced at the output of these windings, it should be in the range of 220-400 mA.

If you get less, then unwind a few turns of the winding, and if you get more, then on the contrary, wind it up.

Now you need to wind the secondary winding of the transformer of the starting charger. It is advisable to wind it with a multi-core cable with a thickness of at least 10mm, as a rule, the secondary winding contains 13-15 turns, at the output when measuring on the secondary winding you should get 13-14 volts, and as you understand, the voltage has become small, 13 volts in total, but the power the current flowing through it increased to approximately 100 Amperes, but was only 220-400 milliamps, that is, the current increased by approximately 300-400 times, and the voltage decreased by approximately 15 times.

For a battery, both are important, but in this case the key role is played by the current strength.

Winding explanations

If you cannot achieve a voltage of 13-14 volts, then simply wind 10 turns on the secondary winding, measure the voltage, now divide this voltage by the number of turns in our case 10 and get the voltage of one turn, and then simply multiply how many turns are needed to achieve 13-14 volts at the output of the secondary winding of a transformer homemade starting device.

For clarity, let's look at an example:

WE wound the secondary winding with 10 turns, we measure the voltage with a multimeter, for example, we got 20 volts, but we need about 13.

This means that we take our voltage of 20 volts and divide by the number of wound turns 10 = 20/10 = 2, the number 2 is 2 volts and gives us the voltage of one turn, which means how can we achieve 13-14 volts knowing that one turn produced 2 volts.

We take the value of the voltage we need, let it be 14 volts, and divide it by the voltage of one turn 2 volts, = 14/2 = 7, the number 7 is the number of turns on the secondary winding of the car charger necessary to achieve 14 volts of output voltage.

Now let's all wind our 7 turns. And to the outputs of these turns, according to the diagram of the starting device for a car with your own hands, which is located above, we connect our diodes, some car enthusiasts also use a circuit with one diode and one 12V 60-100 watt lamp, as in the photo below

How to start a car using a homemade jump starter

You put the terminals of our homemade starting device on top of the battery terminals, the battery is also connected to the car, we turn on our starter and immediately try to start the engine, as soon as the engine starts, we immediately disconnect the starting device from the network and disconnect it from the battery.

Capacitor jump starter for car

Some car owners, having at their disposal high-power capacitors or, more correctly, capacitors, make a capacitor starting device for the car with their own hands, using them instead of a portable portable battery. That is, such a device can be quickly charged from the mains in a minute, then brought to the car, and the engine can be started without connecting the starter to the mains.

But as a rule, such a scheme requires some deep knowledge of electronics and an understanding of the capacitance of capacitors and the principle of their operation, and even if you don’t have capacitors lying around, then it will not be advisable to buy them, since large capacitors are very expensive, and you will need several of them or even a dozen, and how then the price will not be lower than a good factory-made starting device, while you will also spend a lot of nerves and time creating such a shock.

By the way, the capacitor starting device for the Golden Eagle car has gained some popularity in our area - here is its photo below

Therefore, it was the transformer starter that was most widespread in Soviet times, and even now; store-bought versions of such starters, of course, have been modified and contain various additional elements that make starting the engine from the mains easier and safer.

Any start from any type of launcher always has a negative effect on the condition of the battery, since the battery receives a large current in a very short period of time, which gradually leads to degradation and destruction of its plates during a system start from the launcher.

Therefore, it is better to still use a charger if you are not urgent to start the engine right now.

Well, our post entitled homemade portable launcher for cars is coming to an end. Write your reviews about what you think about this startup device circuit, whether you have ever used it and whether you were able to start the engine of your car.



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