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This blog consists of all reposts all from 03/17/19) and is designed for free discussion of the topics and stories covered there.
Comments are allowed, unlike the author's journal, to all registered users, regardless of their opinion.
The moderation rules for this magazine in brief:
A. Write on the topic; your statement should be meaningful.
B. Do not swear, do not swear, do not call names.
B. Comments from everyone, except added as friends, are hiding.
More details the warning and ban system is described below, and the rule by which I add as a friend.
And first, about the principles of evo moderation in quotes:

“I add only those who can (are ready and promise me) to write smart and polite comments to my posts.”
- smart is a subjective concept, any other opinion can be stupid, for example, in contrast to the concept of “reasonable opinion”.
- How is that polite? It’s impossible to be completely non-judgmental, and when you don’t set specific definitions of politeness, then again, it can be interpreted in any way you like.
"Again, balls for any female squeak." is this polite?)
"Do me a favor, write only if you really want to. By God, I don't care." and this?)
Author's moderation rules: " I need few commentators and only those with whom I agree. This is the format of the blog.""If I don't like comments in some way, I delete them. And commentators too. Please do not be offended. I warn you right away, I won’t explain why, I don’t have time. ". This is interesting: " I do not give paid consultations. I don’t know when I’ll give it." it’s interesting because she behaves like she’s at work for her type of clients.
"In the magazine my name is Evolution, not Marina." - very pretentious, but the nickname probably means something else, because in English it is written evolutio n.
Now she has gathered a sufficient number of commentators who worship her (and has reached the top) and has closed comments “not from friends”, and to become friends you need to kneel in the DM and comment in the same spirit, looking up at the Guru with adoration, That’s why this space was created - for all thinking people, and not just for fans of the Only Correct One.
Regarding her publications, she writes the following: " And I publish far from the most touching letters. I usually post either the silliest, the funniest, or the most dramatic and easy to read."
“the stupidest” - this is understandable, self-affirmation in this way. “the funniest” - does she find it funny because of someone’s grief? "dramatic" - the format of the show. " I post silly letters because they are funny and visual. This does not mean that all letters are like this. No, these are the pearls of the collection. "
The network writes that her avatars contain a photo of herself.

Last name and first name of the author on her website: Marina Komissarova. (Marina is a sea name). She, like any man, does not find anything strange in “sex in the first 5 minutes of meeting”; this is quite normal. She likes the snow white type, according to her typology, these are those who are with different men and have absolutely no control over their pussy (she calls it sexuality and spontaneity). Moreover, she likes snow white women more than the male type of a similar style (Pechorin, Casanova). He can’t stand Rapunzels; he treats Onegins (although this is a mirror male type of the same quality) very well, no negativity.
She gives male advice to female givers: and never gives female advice, namely: “fuck him!”, although in some of her stories the man is clearly nothing in himself, like a prize and is very cold towards a woman, it is clearly not possible to achieve this need to. Later she changed the tone of her advice, agreeing that you shouldn’t tolerate those who don’t need you.
Chauvinist: “It seems that women as a human species do not have a single trait that men could honestly admire.”, “The male brain is formed differently than the female: less balanced, but more active and productive.” Woman is even denied evolution in her text:“A woman, no matter how it might suggest from my theory, is not the crown of creation. Unlike men, she does not even have a chance to evolve.”, and also
“Excessive libido causes disgust in the person to whom it is directed if he cannot respond symmetrically, but considers himself obliged.” - a sore spot of evo. He writes as a man who has had an overdose of sex with unpleasant women.
As for the debate on whether the letter is fake, I consider this to be 100% fake: therefore, I treat LJ evo, including because of the “series,” as a fantasy work in which interesting thoughts are occasionally found. Also the 2nd fake (2 in 1, because she wrote 2)
The description refers to September 2016, now, 02/02/17, for some time now there have been much more diverse letters and more flexible commenting by evo_lutio on these letters.
The above is the old version of the rules. 04/09/17 she deleted the old one and made a new one, in which she writes: "I am removed from the group for discussions with me, for asking questions."
The author added about herself: " 25 years ago I did this for money, when I worked as editor-in-chief at the film center for children's and youth films by R. Bykov." , "Once upon a time, in the early nineties, my former master (teacher of the screenwriting workshop at VGIK)" -
- in a story of amazing self-humiliation, evo assigned the author of the letter to a Russian.
Possibly an evo majora, a child of rich parents who despises the poor:
In her profile “about herself” as of 12/18/17 it is written: “ Marina Komissarova
In the magazine my name is Evolution.
In 1993 I graduated from VGIK, screenwriting department.
In 1999 - Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (educational psychology).
In 2009 - Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (psychology).
In 2014 - MIPT (innovation management).
Work as a practical psychologist - since 1997, research work - since 1999, work as an editor and author of psychological columns in popular magazines - since 2001, all - to the present. "

Here, however, moderation will be just enough so as not to interfere with the free expression of any opinions, but strictly on the topic and in compliance with all standards of decency.
It is possible to unban in this post by expressing such a desire from a temporarily banned nickname and signing with your banned nickname, unbanning is possible only upon request and in 4 points out of 5 only 1 attempt is given, after which an eternal ban occurs.
0. For blatant violations of all limits aka dirty swearing or obvious trolling for the sake of trolling, devoid of any meaning (including to persons who were rude to me in a similar way outside of this magazine), an eternal ban is issued immediately without warning. If I see someone outside of this magazine regarding this point of the rules, who pours dirt on this magazine in a similar way with a link to it or in the comments to a link to it, I’m also banned.

0.1. Comments with spelling errors, as well as with the absence of a capital letter after a period, will not be skipped. Excessively crude synonyms for literary words are also prohibited (for example, “aunt” instead of “woman”). From 1 to 3 warnings are issued, followed by a ban.
0.2. Negative propaganda is prohibited. Example: From 1 to 3 warnings are issued, followed by a ban.
1. This post is the only place where you can discuss the personality of evo-lutio, ideally with an exact quote of her statement and a link to the statement, in the rest it is only allowed to discuss her ideas and the topic of a particular post, including the identities of the characters in the posts, but not the identity of evo-lutio.
Topics in alphabetical order, including my thoughts.There you can also discuss any articles by evo_lutio with a link to the article, they are located here: . Articles are more interesting than LJ posts, because... each article is a complete thought about a specific phenomenon, not private stories)
You can also comment on any commentator in her journal with a quote, the nickname of the person being quoted, and a link to his comment in the entry here that corresponds to the one in which the comment was written. If you decide to comment on an author's comment, i.e. evo_lutio, then make a separate comment quoting her comment in full, and then reply to it. An example is given here: duplicating existing comments is also punished (we use Ctrl+F to search the page). If you want to say something about a comment in a thread, then you can pull it out, or you can stick to the entire thread if not a single comment has been pulled out of it before.
For violation of this clause of the rules, a warning is issued, and for a second violation after the warning is issued, a ban is given for a week. You can get unbanned once.
Here, in the top post, I can choose to publish comments with violations, but due to violations they will be frozen so as not to generate off-topic comments.
Addressing the moderator and anyone else “on you” and “on you” is considered equally decent in this magazine. Apart from evo, I don’t see any psychology in LJ at all (there are advertising communities without discussions). If you see it, please send links. Some thoughts of evo_lutio, which may not be known to those who have not read it from cover to cover, are discussed only with her quote and a link to the quote. You can't discuss something that you say she stated without citing it, that's natural.
2. Obscene language is prohibitedand its euphemisms, i.e. distortions of words implying swearing, marked with ***, etc.
Violation of this clause of the rules without warning will result in a ban for 3 months. You can only get unbanned once; a second violation results in a permanent ban.
3. Insults are prohibitedevo-lutio, guests of this magazine, and anyone else in general, as well as curse words, including those contained in nicknames and on avatars (gestures, words, etc.), I can subjectively issue a warning for a terribly unaesthetic avatar. Mangling words, including distortion of the spelling of a term by any author, also applies to this item. It is allowed to analyze certain actions or ideas of a person and explain what is wrong with them and how it should be done better in your opinion.
For violation of this clause of the rules, a ban is issued for 1 month, a warning is issued by me at will, depending on the severity of the insults, which I subjectively assess. Unbanning is possible once.
The insults also include boorish statements addressed to the magazine's guests, containing a desire to offend someone and not carrying useful information.
4. Forbidden"pour water", i.e. speak out of line with the topic of the post, speak out without substantiating your opinion, do not convey any ideas in your statement. Flooding is prohibited. An example specially published from the invisibility of pouring water, useless statements and empty trolling: .
Inventing something that was not said in the author’s story: also refers to “pouring water”; before writing a comment, read the story and make sure that it was said about it.
This will result in 0 to 14 warnings and a 1 week ban. Unban is possible 1 or more times at my choice, but maximum 3.
This also includesstrange characters who leave a comment and then delete it themselves, for this I will be given, at my request, 1 warning, then a ban.
If the author of the letter comes, then he may receive concessions according to paragraphs 2-4 of the rules (paragraphs 1 and 5 are also concessions, but probably will not be disclosed) in the post in which his letter was published. Due to concessions to the author of the letter, any ban received as a result of one of rules 1-5 may be permanent at the choice of the moderator. I would like to note that evo has never seen any comments from the authors of the letters; perhaps they are prohibited from doing so. Any mention of living persons not related to psychology, especially other bloggers, is also considered off-topic; this is called their PR, and in an absolutely inappropriate place for this and refers to a violation under clause 4 of the rules.
Excessive editing of the same comment may result in a warning. Posting the same comment too many times will also result in a warning.
5. Moderation is not subject to discussion with me or with other participants in this magazine, in other places as much as you like. For discussing moderation rules or specific cases of a ban, a ban is issued for 1 month, unban is possible 1 time. The warning is issued by me at will.You can ask questions about the warnings issued, but if at some point the moderator considers that he has given a comprehensive explanation, there will be no answer; repeated questions, if you have not been answered before, will generate a ban according to the point of the rules for which the warning was given, so ask 1 time. Because DMs for those who have not been added as friends are closed, then write questions about a specific case of moderation in a separate comment (it is hidden anyway), starting with the words “on moderation”.
A warning or ban is issued with an explanation of the reason in the DM, i.e. reference to the violated clause of the rules. If the PMs are closed, then I will explain here at will, because... I don’t want to load a magazine with uninteresting content.
Also, the moderator, at his discretion, can soften these 5 rules within reasonable limits.
The usual rule of dialogues in which it is customary to answer all the interlocutor’s questions does not apply to the moderator; some questions will not be answered because it has already been given or it is not interesting to answer.
A ban can be issued for “stupidity”, this is when they deny a reality that is obvious to everyone. An example here: so far only 1 has been banned for “stupidity”.
I answer the question: this magazine was not created for evo PR. Any attempts to discuss why it was created and make diagnoses on this basis for the Moderator are considered a violation of clauses 5 and 3 of the rules. You can argue with me in this magazine - without getting personal and without breaking the rules.
I answer question No. 2, no, evo_lutio doesn’t mind: "
There is some kind of crying again on LJ that I am against freedom of speech. But where?
On your blogs - please." (
About commenting on stories:
In any story there are 3 main questions:

1. Where is the author of the story? (without vulgarities in the form of only retellings of circumstances)
2. Why did he get there?
3. Where can he go?
If you do not answer any of these three questions, then you have fallen into an “external locus”, i.e. in a retelling of history, and perhaps also with ashipkame. In any case, this retelling is of no interest to anyone and leads nowhere. “External locus” usually pushes the story into a hopeless state and does nothing more.
About links - for reasons that are intuitive to all, a number of links are not published; if you want to say some of your thoughts, then copy it completely here. It is impossible to state that someone said something without providing a verbatim quotation in quotation marks and links to reliable sources. That is, if, for example, you say that Sigmund Freud said this, then you need to provide a quote from Freud, a link to the source (for example, a page from his book on which this quote or another similar source is located), and only then express your thought about Freud's statement. If you write "evo once wrote that", then without providing a link to when she said something, it cannot be published, because this log cannot consist of false unverified information. The link must be given in open form, and not encrypted into a phrase.
About accounts - if you undertake to comment on this magazine, then do it under one account, if you have several of them.
Moderation does not exist to please everyone, it exists for availability of full friendly discussions, all the rules were created to suppress idle chatter and rudeness.
My tags have been entered - "masochism", it is used for those letters in which the author does not accept his “I” and humiliates him in every possible way, i.e. the problem lies not in any specific bug or mistake in the relationship, but in the rejection of his “I” as a whole; " pickup"- when most likely the author of the letter was dealing with a pick-up artist. In order to distinguish between my and evo tags, mine will be with a lowercase letter (she does it with a capital letter, except for evolutiolab); " marry a foreigner"; game "I'm good_he's bad". For new evo thoughts that have not been seen before on the blog, the tag " Diamond post". Tag " sex". He will describe those stories in which one of the people lacks sex due to the second person’s personal disinterest in sex with this particular person or his low temperament. In these cases, you should look for someone else or find a lover, because marriage implies regular sex and if you don’t have it not because of a temporary disagreement, but in principle because of reluctance, and not technical impossibility (illness, business trip, etc.), then there is no shame in getting it somewhere else, don’t beg Sex on your spouse’s lap is still very common. syndrome2a: , and " crown“- I will mean its classical aspect, when a person considers himself superior to another and, for no apparent reason, gives him less rights than himself. "danger to life". "Circus" , no bugs- when there is a good story of pleasant communication, materialism- when they treat other people (and themselves?) as things, they call children “trailers”, men or women are taken away from them as if they were things, etc., rudeness- the main problem/bug is low culture.

Correspondence between this magazine and the evo-lutio magazine, all dates match: etc. You can find a specific entry here by exact date. All marks also match. If you notice that some entry is not in the search, please write the date and name of the missing entry. If she deleted something, but I have already reposted it, it will remain. In any case, the Internet stores this besides me, so publishing it here doesn’t make any difference.
At the moment, all comments will be pre-moderated, i.e. will be hidden (so please, trolls, don’t bother!), pre-moderation is unlikely to last more than 1 day. Anonymous people cannot leave comments. This was done because otherwise there would have been a LOT of FLOOD, I missed a lot of stupid and empty comments, this limitation exists solely for this reason.

The moderator does not have the ability to vigilantly monitor. Pre-moderation is done to make the space as comfortable as possible for those who want to speak out.

Friends are not pre-moderated, I add after 30 comments on your part that comply with the rules. The blog was created as a forum for discussion; persons added according to the stated rule simply do not undergo pre-moderation of comments; I do not promise to visit people, because I'm just a moderator of this space.
If someone feels ambivalent feelings towards evo_lutio and does not read the comments there, then you can not download her rating, but subscribe to updates here, here they come out no more than a day or seven later.
I will be gathering an audience for some time, because... there are a lot of readers, not writers, and I'm not in promo every day.

This platform was created not only as an alternative and additional views, but also for any however broad review on the topic of a specific post and various topics listed in alphabetical order:(Part 2) - all conditions according to transparent rules, without trolls and empty chatter.
Those added as friends according to the rule described above will, of course, have some slight concessions according to clause 4 of the rules.
All my thoughts expressed in this magazine are my own thoughts, a link to me is required.
If you notice a deleted comment somewhere other than this post, then I ask you to inform me about it if you wish, send a link, it will be restored, especially if it has already been answered, which means it met the rules and was deleted by the author of the comment for unknown purposes.

Perhaps later a community will be created, moderated by me, with the same commenting rules as here, for the analysis of letters by anyone. I will select letters for analysis from those sent. If you want your story to be published, write it in the comments to this post (they are hidden). The story can be published anonymously if desired, but if the author of the letter wishes to enter into an open discussion in the comments, he will have to de-anonymize. It is the responsibility of the author of the story to answer, if possible, all additional questions from commentators if they arise (answers to questions, if the author remains anonymous, will be published in the post itself).
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that only I have the right to delete comments in this magazine, including hidden ones. All others are restored, and deleters get banned because by deleting their comments they destroy the overall meaning of the dialogue and this is not only their personal business.

Thanks to those who repost or repost this post :)

You can donate tokens to this magazine: Donated tokens will be used to promote the magazine.
Since 03/17/19, not all reposts are due to the fact that they are semantic repetitions. Only what I found interesting or new.

Psychologist Marina Komissarova is known for her informative articles on LiveJournal blogs and is very popular on the Russian segment of the Internet. Her articles are devoted to the relationship between a man and a woman, self-esteem, psychological complexes and simply problems of human communication. Also, the main topic of her blog is women’s mistakes in relationships and personal crises. Psychologist Marina Komissarova periodically responds to letters from clients who contact her on issues related to their psychological problems and

Psychologist Marina Komissarova and her family

Since Marina has become quite popular in the Internet environment, as a result, blog readers are interested in her personality. Let us remind you that the themes of building love and relationships are the main thing that Marina Komissarova (psychologist) touches on in her articles. Her biography is quite rich. She was born in 1971 and lives in Moscow. Marina graduated from screenwriting in 1993. In 1999, she graduated from the Faculty of Psychology and received a second higher education. She began practicing in 1997, while simultaneously doing research work.

Marina is married, has two children, and enjoys fishing with her husband. The main hobby and activity in her life is her passion for psychology. She constantly publishes psychological articles that enjoy constant success.

Finding a photo of psychologist Marina Komissarova on the Internet is not an easy task, but not hopeless. Our readers can get to know her firsthand.

Our beliefs

Psychologist Marina Komissarova, like every experienced specialist, believes that it is our beliefs and attitudes that determine the events that occur in an individual’s life. Beliefs are thoughts that we have perceived as truth, truth for ourselves. And here there is one important point, scientifically proven: if something is repeated to a person many times, then he begins to perceive it as truth for himself. This becomes the individual’s belief, which programs his actions and states, and therefore his entire life. That is, if you repeat many, many times that you are stupid, you will believe it. And if I repeat to you as many times that you are capable, you will also believe me. And your faith will be reflected in your successes.

Famous psychological experiment

In the USA in the 80s of the last century, the following experiment was carried out: students were divided into two groups, allegedly as a result of testing. In fact, they were simply divided arbitrarily. Some were told that they were capable and would study in a group for the gifted. The second were told that they had weak intelligence and would be trained in a program for the underachievers. The training program was the same for everyone. As a result, many years later, the successes of graduates from two groups were assessed. Those who considered themselves gifted actually achieved success in their careers and studies. Those who were instilled with beliefs about their inability showed the same low performance in their subsequent activities. All this had nothing to do with real abilities.

People always act in accordance with their beliefs. And conviction is thoughts that were repeated to us many times and were accepted by us on faith. Therefore it is necessary to reprogram them. Negative thoughts will come from time to time because it is a habit. Marina Komissarova, a psychologist with many years of experience, believes that only competent correction of self-esteem helps to form a mature personality.

Low self-esteem as an attitude of close people

As children, we begin to understand our role and place in life based on how people close to us define them. It all starts long before the moment of conception. Each of us has a father and a mother. Before we are born, they each already have their own opinion about whether they want to have children from each other, what gender, and whether they want them at all. Their relationships are filled with love and respect or hostility and a spirit of competition. All this influences the formation of an awareness of your value, because the thoughts of your parents are transformed into attitudes towards you.

If a child is long-awaited and desired, then from the moment of conception he experiences his special value. He feels loved and, having absorbed this state in childhood, in adulthood he feels completely worthy of approval. A completely different emotional perception is formed in a child who was conceived as a result of violence or “accidentally”. Such children have a high chance of growing up with an inexplicable guilt complex. Inexplicable, because they themselves cannot really explain what they did wrong, but they carry this feeling with a heavy burden throughout their lives. Until they direct their conscious efforts towards liberation from the guilt complex.

Consequences of complexes

People struggle with this complex in different ways. Some feel it, and it is clear from these people that they seem to feel like uninvited guests in this world, making excuses for their every action. Such people prefer to be seen and heard as little as possible by others; their behavior shows that they are trying not to stand out from the crowd.

But there is another strategy of behavior. Some people unconsciously push this feeling of inferiority out of their consciousness and suppress it. That is, the feeling itself is there, but the person simply puts a block on feeling anything, and outwardly this results in the behavior of a narcissist and egocentric. Looking at such people, it is often said that they do not love anyone but themselves, but the truth is that such people cannot feel at all, and simply focus on satisfying their physical needs. In fact, it is the lack of unconditional love in childhood that is to blame for both manifestations.

Narcissism and its causes

And, by the way, the well-known Greek story about the proud, handsome Narcissus perfectly illustrates this strategy of behavior. Let us remind you that according to the generally accepted interpretation of the myth, Narcissus was unusually beautiful and could not reciprocate any person who fell in love with him. But let's ask ourselves a question: why was Narcissus exactly like that - cold and unable to love other people? Here it is worth returning to the scene of his conception. Narcissus was the son of the river god Cephisus and the nymph Liriope. God Kephisus took possession of the nymph by force, i.e., in fact, Narcissus was born as a result of violence. Could his mother's dislike for his father affect him? Certainly. And then it is not surprising that Narcissus could not love other people, he simply did not learn this in childhood, did not absorb this lesson with his mother’s milk in the literal sense.

People with the so-called strong nature suffer from the same thing as people with only choose different ways to overcome internal conflict.

Parental influence and programming

It also happens that parents want a boy, but a girl is born. In this case, the little creature feels that in some way it has not lived up to its parents’ hopes, but by what exactly, it cannot understand. From this feeling follows the child’s understanding that for some reason he is not good enough. If parents do not feel love for each other, and most importantly, respect, they begin to eradicate in the child what they do not like in their partner. Constantly convincing him that there is something in him that requires correction or destruction. Parents do this without realizing that each of us has innate traits that cannot be eliminated. And the only consequence of this behavior is that, together with the phrase “you are the same as your father,” the child acquires an internal conflict.

Blog "Evolution"

One of the most widely read authors on the Internet on psychology has long been psychologist Marina Komissarova. Feedback from readers is full of gratitude for the fact that her articles help them understand themselves and understand the essence of their problems, explain how to become a self-confident person and overcome insecurities and complexes. It all starts with awareness and understanding of your ineffective behavior patterns. Difficulties in partnerships, conflicts in communication - these are the problems that the Evolution blog touches on.

Marina Komissarova (psychologist) gives specific advice and psychotechniques for getting rid of complexes and fears. People who visit her page on LJ write that her articles help to understand the issues of building relationships between the sexes, finding the right path in life, and after all, a person begins to fight with himself, not knowing that this fight is obviously a losing one. And each time he inevitably loses in this war, he begins to experience chronic shame. Shame to be yourself.

Marina Komissarova (a psychologist who has repeatedly encountered similar problems in her practice) believes that several of these factors are usually intertwined.


If it so happens that we were not given enough love in childhood for various reasons, do not despair. Our parents gave us only what they could and as much as they could. And if there was little love in our lives, this does not mean that the situation is irreparable. We ourselves can give ourselves as much of this feeling as we need. Moreover, having learned to love ourselves, we learn to love the whole world and, over time, make up for the lack of love not only our own. We give it to our loved ones in such a volume that they also accept themselves and begin to experience a feeling of love for us.

About the subject in a nutshell:

A BDSM lesbian journalist who calls herself a psychologist, who has never had professional practice, gives advice on LiveJournal to heterosexual couples, humiliates people who write letters to her, conducts tests for money and issues certificates of knowledge of theories that exist only in her head. The character is hysterical. Divorced, has an adult son.

Below the cut are collected materials from the closed topic of the Holivaroforum resource, collected by anonymous users. Due to the fact that the forum has closed, I will be collecting additions to the enormous work done by another anonymous user in this header.

In these posts you will find answers to questions about the blogger evo-lutio (information will be updated):

Quote from an anonymous forum: "The character is quite odious and has caused a lot of controversy. Previously, she wrote about “cannibalism” in m/f relationships, BDSM. Now these entries are closed, but can be easily found by searching blogs. In a now deleted entry, she admitted that her nickname in the BDSM party is Mrs. Dit."

Quote from an anonymous forum:
I am very curious to know what the glossy journalist Marina Komissarova, who has published a lot on Sinton’s website, will do; who at one time was kicked out of the forum with rags; who then, in the role of aspaja Dit, worked for some time on BDSM sites, and I don’t know why she gradually faded away there; and which finally surfaced here, in the zhezheshechka, in the form of evo_lutio, to fall into the arms of radical, Dworkin-style feminists led by accion_positiva, bringing them on a silver platter the exposure of the true terrible nature of BDSM (SHOCK VIDEO PHOTO); -
So, what will she do after the feminists, what subculture will she embrace?

A Google search for the name “Marina Komissarova” brings up a lot of interesting things that anyone can check out.

Quote from an anonymous forum: "Anon feels like a bit of a rat-chan, but for some time Anon was a member of the now-destroyed free-of-abuse underground community dedicated to helping victims of violence and owned by Evo-lucio and Aksion Positive. One day a post appeared there from one of the participants, who paid Evo-Lucio for psychological counseling. Screenshot: (participant's nickname is not disclosed). It turned out to be a neat little scandal, by the end of which the whistleblower was chatted to such an extent that she completely admitted that she was wrong.

What does anon think about this character?

Another point of view:
The now-deleted post did not include the word "Ms." Simply - “my thematic nickname is Dit.” Then she wrote there why she had never been a mistress and why she treats mistresses very badly.

Let there be lies and speculation in the discussions themselves, but in the main post let's leave only what seems to be true. We need to remove this about the mistress and also the fact that the free-of-abuse community belonged to Evolution. LJ is now discussing what never belonged. And it’s also a lie that she was published on Sinton’s website, she never published there herself, it was Sinton himself who took her articles from glossy magazines and copied them with reference to these magazines.”

Information that the blogger is lying about having a dissertation:

Other interesting information about the blogger evo-lutio:

Information that blogger evo-lutio advocates sexual relations with animals:

Poems from a lesbian blogger:

Links to BDSM posts by evo-lutio from the user accion-positiva: One, Two.

Old posts about cannibals, now hidden:

evo_lutio: Balance imbalance (B). Case No. 1
To understand how gender works to upset the balance in a couple, let’s look at a hypothetical MF couple for illustration.
In the previous post there was a conversation about Jasmine (Woody Alena) and Broken (Simone de Beauvoir). Let's assume that we are considering a real girl with a similar fate. This girl studied well in childhood, has various talents, in her youth she decided on her choice of profession and entered a university, where she studies well, showing better results than most of the young men who study with her. She is ambitious (potentially high A in relationships), has adequate, high self-esteem (potentially high B in relationships) and very sound ideas about balance: she believes that her future husband must respect her, appreciate her, unconditionally distinguish her from all other women and recognize her her opinion is no less important than yours. With such a wonderful baggage of potential ABCs, this young woman enters into a relationship.
Let's consider two variants of the situation with imbalance. In the first case, she will be dealing with an ordinary man, not a cannibal in essence, and the balance will be overwhelmed due to the gender of both, without much of their fault, but with indulgence. In the second case, let's imagine that she came across a cannibal man. For the sake of fairness, let’s consider two other cases: the third and fourth. In the third case, let her turn out to be a female cannibal. And in the fourth - a normal woman, aware of the influence of gender and compensating for it.
Case No. 1. Just gender
If the man with whom our woman began a relationship is not a cannibal, then with the amount of resources and high ambitions that we have invested in her, she will perceive this man critically. Uncritical perception, quick and strong love (fusion) are possible in two cases: either a person is very weakened, unstable, needs energy, or he or she has come across a cannibal who can quickly break through normal defenses and cross those boundaries that gradually and mutually merge only in the process of a long-term relationship. With a critical perception, approach on the part of the woman occurs only in response to investments on the part of the man. She sees that he takes her seriously, that they have common views and plans, he is tuned in to her and is very flexible, as always happens when a partner is of high importance, she influences him. For a critical woman, love gets the green light when there is a balance between the man’s objective value (the amount of his resources, which are no less than hers) and her value for him (his willingness to take her interests into account). If at least one point stalls, a critical, resourceful woman does not feel love, and if she has already managed to make progress in her feelings, she feels disappointed. Let's assume that everything worked out and she fell in love. Of course, this could only happen when he is no less in love, but most likely more. And this is where gender can come into its full force.
To be fair, it should be said that gender had already weakened a woman, forcing her to look at a man a little from the bottom up, reducing the criticality of her gaze with the desire to quickly find a soul mate, however, with a large amount of resources, she was quite autonomous and did not take a position from below until the moment of falling in love. As soon as she recognized her male half in him (fell in love) and united with him (formed a married couple), gender began the work of making a real woman out of her. The main directions of this work: 1) separation of functions, gradually displacing women to the periphery of society (household, children, refusal of matters related to financial and strategic responsibility) 2) for the sake of the desire for greatest sexual harmony, the embodiment of a fetish female image that stimulates masculinity in a partner 3) the increase in material and emotional dependence is greater, the more the balance is distorted and the hierarchy in the couple is strengthened.
The traditional role of the work that gender does is to make the female half absolutely dependent and unviable without the male half, which should ensure the strength and stability of the couple, as well as the complete absence of conflicts. A very small B and a very small A woman make her not only devoted and flexible, but also subjectively satisfied and calm. If a man, as laid down in the traditional model, is sufficiently religious and obedient to the laws of society, he will not leave such a wife, will fulfill his material and physical duty to the family, and thus the couple will maintain their stability, the children will grow up in the bosom of the family and become just as obedient and devoted citizens of their country like their intended parents. Thus, the traditional model served its function by being integrated into an orderly food chain. The wife is the slave of her husband, the husband is the slave of superior men. She is controlled by him, he is controlled from above. Now this cannibal model does not make the slightest sense to everything else. Husbands are not responsible for the stability of the marriage, refusing the role of breadwinner and changing their wife as soon as they get bored with her, without trembling or bowing to the laws of clan and religion. Therefore, wives who try to follow traditional gender and embody “real women” lose not only their personality and their individual resources, but also lose the opportunity to satisfy basic needs: survival and security.
(to be continued)

And further:

A description of the conditions of the problem and Case No. 1 can be read in the previous post.
Case No. 2. Male cannibal
If in Case No. 1 the woman’s loss of parts of her personality and her resources will occur quite slowly and meet resistance both from her past personality (outbursts of ambition) and from her non-cannibal husband (encourages her to return to her previous, more attractive state), the cannibal is different in that he is capable of destroying his partner’s personality quickly and purposefully. Let's try to look at the difference in more detail.
In a non-cannibal man, two forces come into balance in relation to the woman he loves: on the one hand, the non-cannibal values ​​the personality of his partner (he sees her as a thinking and feeling subject, respects this subject), on the other hand, he sees her as a woman, that is, different from himself a person who is different not only anatomically, but also in essence, that is, having different tasks, goals, needs, as gender inspired them both. He must take decisions upon himself, he must treat her as weaker, defenseless, as if she were chronically pregnant or an eternally nursing mother, forced to lean on his shoulder, somewhat disoriented in society, devoid of healthy aggression. She must obey him and trust him, subduing her spontaneous emotionality, otherwise he will not be able to provide custody. Such an image of a woman in the non-cannibalistic male consciousness is idealized and poeticized, considered spiritual and aesthetic, this is Life and Nature itself in its pristine charm, not clouded by social ambitions and the desire to compete for the sake of power. It is safe to say that a non-cannibal man, well adapted to gender, admires and loves femininity, to some extent even serves it, and in no way despises it or seeks to suppress it. He is full of good intentions, ready to take on all the social “dirt” and all the “burden” so that the woman blooms like a rose and fills his life with fragrance, and also raises their common children in this Garden of Eden. The contradiction is precisely that the perception of a woman as a rose and respect for the personality of a partner are very poorly compatible things in the dynamics of life. At first they are completely compatible, in appearance - a rose, in essence - a personality, one does not interfere with the other and even complements, however, life requires the implementation of behavioral patterns, and very soon it turns out that the behavior of a rose is passivity and infantilism, and the external manifestations of the personality contradict the image flower. For a while, the contrast between appearance and behavior can add pleasure to both. “So strong and strong-willed in public, so gentle and soft at home” - whoever admired such a craftswoman, “in the living room a lady, in bed a concubine, in the kitchen a cook” or “a girl in the bedroom, a mother in the kitchen, a comrade in society”, in short reaper, blacksmith and piper. However, a person’s strength and will appear through decorative tenderness and softness immediately when his interests are suddenly infringed upon. After a series of such transformations, tenderness begins to be perceived as hypocrisy and alarms or irritates a man; at the same time, solving all problems with concessions and gentleness becomes unprofitable for a woman, since while there are resources, it is easier to simply demand than to manipulate gently and for a long time. Manipulation remains for those women who no longer have any levers of real power. Thus, the non-cannibal man, who sincerely strives for harmony, tries to be torn between the desire to be a man and the readiness for equality and respect. If a woman behaves too childishly, he encourages her to make decisions herself; if a woman goes into conflict, he reminds her that she is a woman and it is better for her to resolve issues gently. All this, on the one hand, confuses the situation and gives rise to friction, but on the other hand, it prevents the woman from dissolving; she constantly feels that 1) her personality is interesting, and immaturity is undesirable 2) she cannot afford complete dependence due to mistrust. However, such throwing around does not lead to the conscious construction of equal relationships, since there is no awareness of the gender trap, but there is a desire to conform to genders.
Relationships with a cannibal develop differently. Depending on the type of cannibal (types differ in goals and tastes), he quite purposefully leads the woman to the point of decay that is interesting to him from a gastronomic point of view. The cannibal farmer does everything so that the woman puts aside any ambitions and becomes an obedient heifer, in the long term a cash cow and blood sausage, that is, she provides him with a stable and comfortable rear, without stuttering about her own goals, which are not related to his needs. Depending on the skill and level of dishonesty (capacity for dehumanization, lack of empathy), the cannibal quickly or slowly turns a woman into a weak-willed resource. A cannibal hunter does not need a comfortable rear, he values ​​​​freedom, so such a cannibal will not marry a woman if she does not own the untold wealth that he decided to seize. Such a cannibal will take from a woman what he needs, but again he will do it as quickly and purposefully as his teeth and motherhood are enough.
I describe cannibals mainly to make it clear that the non-cannibal man has no intention of destroying the female personality, he wants to exist in harmony with her. If he attacks this person, it is only when her ambitions (A) come into conflict with his ambitions. A man’s excessive ambitions towards a woman are not always associated with his cannibalism; often this is a consequence of her little B, which occurred as a result of her social isolation and everything that I described in Case No. 1. You need to know that not every aggressor is a cannibal , cannibals are most often not aggressors; in any case, they use aggression very purposefully, consciously and in doses. This must be understood not in order to feel sorry for and understand the non-cannibal aggressor, but in order to apply the right strategy. If we are talking only about verbal aggression, especially mutual (in the case of physical aggression, it is better to consider the relationship finished, even if there is one’s own fault, it doesn’t matter - these relationships are irreparable and are not worth restoring) and there is a desire to correct the relationship, it is necessary to adjust your A and your partner’s A relative to balance (B). I'll tell you how to do this later. The important thing is that the very attempt to correct AB relative to B very quickly reveals the cannibal, and gives relationships with a non-cannibal a chance. It is necessary to understand that correcting ABC in a couple does not happen through conversations and meditations, it is work on changing the way of life, redistributing the common territory, which requires the mandatory socialization of the woman and the development of additional resources by her. To be fair, I would like to note that the demands women make from men do not always correspond to balance (B). According to my observations, if women's proposals do not upset the optimal balance (real equality of investments), most non-cannibal men agree to the changes. More often than not, the consent of men is not required for the woman to begin to correct her ABC in relationships. And having partially corrected it, she already acquires that level B, which allows her to put forward some conditions to which the man will agree.
(I write schematically and concentratedly, so all points that are unclear in the texts can be clarified)
(to be continued)


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