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Disputes around the choice of engine oil poured into the engine flare up to this day. Some motorists believe that when changing the oil filter, it is imperative to fill it with oil, others are sure that this is a waste of time. So how to be? How to replace the filter correctly? Let's talk about everything in order. In the end, I will explain why it is not necessary to lubricate the sealing gum with engine oil, and also tell you the best way to do this.

Arguments in favor of adding oil to the filter during a change

I want to say right away that these are just arguments that are given by drivers who advocate filling the oil filter. No more.

  1. the filter curtain, which is located inside the oil filter, is not lubricated by anything. When starting the engine, pressure will build up and the engine fluid will push it through. As a result, the filter will become unusable;
  2. "dry friction". The volume of the filter device is about 300 ml. The first thing to do after starting the engine is to fill the filter. As a result, for a moment the engine will remain without lubrication;
  3. If the oil filter is not filled with oil, then this is fraught with the formation of an air lock.

Engine oil is the working fluid in the engine lubrication system. Depending on the brand of car, the volume of oil fluid may vary. But knowing when to add oil, whether automotive oils can be mixed, and what happens when the mixture is overfilled or lacking, will help extend the life of the engine.

How often to add oil to the engine

There are many reasons why you may need to add engine oil. These are both natural causes and more unpleasant ones: engine breakdowns, the wrong choice of lubricant, a change in oil quality, etc. To understand when you need to fill the engine with fluid, you need to check its level.

With a working engine, topping up the mixture is not required. This means that the lubrication level remains stable from replacement to replacement. But in the event of a malfunction of the power unit, the situation changes radically. In addition, the mixture level may be unchanged at minimum or medium loads, but when operating at high engine speeds, the lubricating fluid can be used up quite quickly. By the way, ICE manufacturers usually warn about this.

The instructions should indicate what lubricant consumption is acceptable. It is worth noting that for each individual engine, this figure will be different. Based on the foregoing, we can draw conclusions when and how much fluid needs to be added.

How to add oil to the engine in winter, summer, in a cold or hot internal combustion engine

Oil must be poured into a cold engine. It is in this way that it is faster and easier to determine the level of lubrication. So - to avoid overflow or underfilling of liquid.

It often happens that the mixture must be topped up in winter, especially during severe frosts. In this case, the engine should first be warmed up, then allowed to cool. In this case, the mixture will again become fluid enough to drain and “settle” a little. When the engine cools, the fluid will be quite thin, which will allow you to determine the level of the mixture in the engine as accurately as possible. And when topping up, the mixture that remains is easily mixed into a homogeneous composition.

But, as happens in practice, sometimes you have to top up the mixture in a hot engine while driving. This can happen when the fluid pressure warning light comes on. Here it is necessary to pay attention not only to the accuracy of the liquid level, but also to the temperature of the liquid.

If it is necessary to top up the mixture in the summer, then the main problem may be underfilling or overflowing by level. But if you have to fill in the liquid in the winter, then the situation is completely different.

It is important to remember that being in the trunk of a car, the canister with the mixture does not heat up. That is, if you pour such a liquid into a hot engine, then this is fraught with a breakdown of the latter or other parts of the car. In addition, it is very important to pay attention to the amount of oil poured into the engine. If from 50 ... 100 gr. serious troubles can be avoided when pouring liquid, then when filling, for example, 1 liter, events will be unpredictable.

If there is no suitable oil at hand for topping up

Quite often, car owners are faced with the need to add fluid of a different viscosity or another manufacturer, or they only have diesel oil at hand, and there is no other way out how to use it. In emergency situations, this option is possible. And, nevertheless, it is important to know in what cases it is possible to fill in a lubricant from another manufacturer, how much oil to fill in the engine and other nuances.

Note that each mixture differs from each other in a set of active chemical additives. Therefore, it is not recommended to mix different brands even from the same manufacturer. This can lead to the additives reacting with each other and a precipitate appears, due to which the liquid loses its properties.

Do not mix mineral with synthetic fluids and hydrocracking mixtures. But at the same time, mixing of a mineral mixture with a semi-synthetic one, or vice versa, is allowed. It is also allowed to add liquid with a synthetic base to semi-synthetics and vice versa. But hydrocracking mixtures are better not to interfere with anything. But if there is an urgent need, then you can use a mineral mixture. Well, if there is absolutely no choice, then any mixture is better than its absence. But this is an absolute last resort.

It is worth clarifying that mixing liquids from the same manufacturer, which have the same basis, is considered the most acceptable way. Thus, possible troubles can be reduced to a minimum.

Regarding the mixing of mixtures intended for gasoline and diesel engines, in emergency cases this is permissible. Since the set of characteristics, the diesel mixture is similar to gasoline.

In any case, if it becomes necessary to add fluid, then, in addition to the above recommendations, you should also not load the engine while driving. And of course, change the oil as soon as possible along with the oil filter.

How much oil is needed to change

Before pouring oil into the car, you need to find out how much oil is needed. You can find this information:

  • in the instruction manual;
  • from a specialist in servicing a particular brand of car;
  • through a request to the official representative of the brand, etc.

In addition, information on tolerances and requirements for mixtures will not be superfluous. Plus, it is worth considering some of the nuances when replacing the fluid:

  • the machine must be on a level surface;
  • before draining the fluid, the engine must be warmed up;
  • completely remove the mixture by draining after opening the plug in the pan or by draining through the oil filler neck will not work;
  • before changing the oil filter, soak the filter element by pouring a little oil into it.

One more thing: the volume indicated in the manual is complete. That is, such an amount is poured into only the assembled engine. But, if the engine has already been used, then the amount of lubricant will be less. Taking into account the above nuances, about 0.5 liters of the mixture may remain in the engine. Accordingly, it is impossible to add the full volume specified in the instructions.

After changing the fluid, it is worth monitoring its level with a dipstick. Or with the help of electronic sensors, which are equipped with some brands of cars. The probes have minimum and maximum marks. And the optimal level of the mixture is between these indicators. If the engine is worn out or has an increased consumption, then some owners deliberately exceed the level by 1 ... 1.5 cm, but do not bring it to the maximum mark.

Consequences of excess and deficiency

Within what limits the liquid level should be, it was described above. But what consequences can be with an overabundance or lack of a mixture, we will analyze further.


Some motorists believe that if an excess of the mixture does not harm the transport. But this is a delusion. The engine mixture has a certain viscosity and in the event of an overflow, the resistance to any movements will become even greater. The consequence of this is increased fuel consumption. It's the most harmless thing possible.

There are other implications as well:

  • pollution of all spaces under the hood and replacement of oil seals;
  • difficult starting of the engine during frosts;
  • oil starvation of engine elements caused by foaming of the composition;
  • the formation of a large amount of soot, the occurrence of coke inside the CPG (cylinder-piston group), the "occurrence" of the rings.


But not only liquid overflow can harm the engine, but also its lack. In this case, the mixture either does not enter at all, or enters, but in a very small amount.

Another nuisance is the formation of air pockets inside the liquid, which will move through the channels.

How to determine how much oil is in the engine

A lot depends on how much oil is in the engine. The above describes the limits within which this level should be. But here's how to check it, let's consider in more detail.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • put the car on a level place;
  • let the car sit for a few hours. This is necessary so that the mixture is completely glassed into the pan. Of course, if an approximate result is enough, then you can let the vehicle stand for literally 5-15 minutes;
  • find the oil filler neck. It is located at the top of the cylinder head (cylinder head). Usually it is easy to recognize by the pictogram in the form of an oil can with a drop;
  • unscrew the lid and wipe it with a clean rag or paper towel and set it aside;
  • now, using a clean oil dipstick, which must be inserted into the hole until it stops, you can check the lubrication level. As stated earlier, the height of the grease should be between the "min" and "max" marks. If the level is at the minimum mark, respectively, the mixture must be topped up.

Is it possible to add oil from another manufacturer to the engine?

Mixing mixtures of different manufacturers is highly discouraged. This is because the compositions of seemingly identical liquids may differ. The components of one mixture may react with the components of another. And this leads to unpleasant consequences, and the most harmless thing that can be is the loss of oil properties.

Each motorist has a period when, based on a certain mileage of his car, he needs to change the oil. With this, everything is clear. But here the question arises whether it is necessary to fill the filter with oil when changing the oil. Here the opinions of many motorists are diametrically opposed. In our article, we will consider all the nuances of this controversial issue and try to find the right answer to this difficult and controversial issue.

Arguments indicating the need for filling

Motorists who claim that it is essential to add lubricant to the filter part use the following arguments:

  1. Inside the filter there is a special filler having a porous structure. In the dry state, this material is not wetted with engine oil, and therefore, after the engine starts and engine oil begins to flow under high pressure, it may burst. As a result, he will not be able to perform his immediate functions. But the worst thing is that the owner of the car does not immediately find out about the gap inside the filter, but only after the first signs of clogging of the engine lubrication system appear.
  2. The most common filter devices have a volume of 294-300 ml. When the engine is started, the lubricant will begin to flow into the filter and only after a few seconds, having passed through it, will it enter the rubbing mechanisms of the engine. During this period of time, the so-called dry friction can form inside the engine, which can cause a breakdown of the power unit.
  3. Some motorists say that a filter that is not wetted with liquid can provoke the creation of an air cork space.
    Based on the arguments above, fill proponents recommend filling it 70% with engine oil and letting it sit in that position for 28-30 minutes. During this time, it will absorb the required amount of lubricant. After this, the filter is installed in its place and you can directly start the engine.

Arguments against pouring

The oil filter element has specific installation instructions. According to these instructions, filter replacement should be carried out in the following sequence:

  1. With the help of clean products, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the mounting place of the filter from various kinds of contaminants.
  2. We apply a little clean oil to the rubber o-ring of the filter mechanism.
  3. We carry out a reliable fixation on the motor housing and securely twist it by hand.
  4. After installation, carefully look for oil leakage at the base of the filter element.

It should be noted that the pictogram has a drop of oil located above the rubber sealing ring. In addition, the manufacturer in his recommendations does not clearly argue the need to fill the engine fluid into the filter immediately before its installation.

And so, all the same, is it necessary to fill the oil into the filter when changing the oil?

Based on the above arguments, it can be concluded that pouring oil into the filter will not be able to cause harm, but tangible benefits from this work are not particularly expected.

This conclusion can be explained as follows:

An air-type plug cannot form due to a dry filter. Such a statement is quite obvious even if you thoroughly study the circuit of the filtering device and the technological principle of its operation.

When draining used oil from the engine, an oil layer remains on the internal parts of the engine. And therefore, when starting the car engine, the power unit will not be able to run dry. In addition, when idling, the engine can run for a period of time without heating the internal parts. This time is quite enough to carry out forced pumping of oil throughout the entire lubrication system of the engine.

Engine oil under the action of a running engine and under the pressure of the oil pump moves at a speed of 48-50 l / min. Which corresponds to a pressure of 7-5 bar. The amount of engine oil poured into the filter is quite small compared to the total volume of the mixture that is pumped throughout the system. In this regard, a dry filter cannot drastically affect the normal operation of the engine, since the engine fluid quickly moves throughout the engine under high pressure.

An unwetted filter is unable to break under the pressure of the lubricant. Such a gap can only occur in two cases:

  • in view of poor quality;
  • due to improper selection, which can cause low oil throughput.

not high quality

I have never seen the most stupid and pointless argument. So let's figure out whether to fill the engine oil in the filter or not.

It means that motorists lived, did not grieve, poured oil into the filters when replacing this same oil. This procedure was written in car repair manuals, as our grandfathers and fathers did ...

And then suddenly, out of nowhere, a new trend appears with the hashtag #you can’t use oil))

The topic is quickly gaining popularity (however, like all yellow news with screaming headlines). Motorists in a panic are reviewing a bunch of videos on YouTube, re-reading tons of copy-pasted articles on some sites. Everything has changed before and after. And in the end, as usual, everyone was divided into two camps - some pour oil into the filter, while others reproach them for this.

Moreover, those who fill in oil do not touch anyone, and those who do not fill in constantly climb with their horror stories and advice. We will now consider them.

Do not pour oil into the filter! And that's why

It is these titles that are full of search engine results pages. But you click on the treasured link, and there is a simple zilch, sucked out of your finger. And I really like trying to come up with something new, something original. That's why I always look forward to new horror stories. Well, cleanly neighing

Here are the most valuable and popular ones.

1. When pouring oil into the filter, debris, canister foil and unfiltered oil can get into it.

The argument is just bomb! But then he takes and pours this oil from the same canister through the oil filler neck. What is no longer scary that debris, foil and unfiltered oil will get into the engine?

What if a fly flies into a new filter during transportation and while it is gathering dust on a shelf in a store and dies a painful death there. How to protect yourself from this? What to do? I suggest not to change the filter at all. So really 100% guarantee that nothing will fall into it.

2. An oil-soaked filter element will burst under pump pressure when the engine is started.

This is, in general, the most terrible horror story of all horror stories. That's just the question - what the hell will break it? The legendary Pascal left us a legacy of the law that we learned at school in physics lessons.

The pressure exerted on a liquid or gas is transmitted to any point without change in all directions.

Being in a closed circuit, the molecules of liquids and gases hit the walls of the circuit. Since the molecules are mobile, they are able to move from a place with a higher pressure to a place with a low pressure, i.e. within a short time, it becomes uniform over the entire surface of the occupied contour. Moreover, there is a bypass valve in the filter, which will open much earlier than the filter element even thinks to break through. Yet very simple. A normal filter will never break from the fact that you poured oil into it!

Or do these "specialists" change the filter to a new one before each engine start? Indeed, in the old already impregnated filter element. According to their logic, it is necessary to install a dry filter before each engine start

3. Filter manufacturers forbid filling oil.

But this is pure manipulation. In fact, the filters do not require filling! Do you feel the difference between “do not require filling” and “forbidden to fill in”? This is just marketing that saves a lot of man-hours of time for manufacturers, dealers and service centers to fill the filter with oil. This procedure was simply abolished, since it simply does not fundamentally change anything. And also allows you to use the filter in different locations on the engine. Either vertically or horizontally...

Therefore, no one forbids pouring oil, but you can simply do without this procedure.

4. If you pour oil into the filter, then the oil pressure indicator lights up longer at the first start.

And this is a pure lie! Those who say so, either did not check, or brazenly lie in order to come up with at least some other horror story. I personally checked - with a dry filter, the indicator burns much longer! And this is a fact, not a myth. Every normal person can test it.

5. If you pour oil into the filter, an air lock is formed and the pump cannot pump

A normal, serviceable pump will pump everything without problems. This is the first.

Now the second. The filter has a non-return valve that prevents oil from flowing out of the filter when the engine is not running. This valve has a primitive design and often, after a couple of thousand km, it performs its function far from 100%. Especially if you use the car once a week, the oil will leak out of the filter and there will be air. But you don't run every week to the store for a new filter, do you? The pump quietly fills the filter and the air is forced out without any problems. Therefore, this story about air jams has nothing to do with reality.

So is it necessary to add oil to the filter or not?

The answer is on the drum. Fill it up or not. Nothing will change. The engine can run smoothly without load for some time even without oil.

Here the question is different. Do not listen to all these stories and horror stories. All of them are sucked from the finger and do not have any facts under them. Absolutely none. Don't waste your time on this.

Personally, I pour oil into the filter of my car and will fill it. Why? The answer is in paragraph 4. Firstly, it’s not difficult for me, and, secondly, the “oiler” on the instrument panel that goes out more quickly saves nerves and health. And this, believe me, is much more important than some kind of oil filter.

Well, if I change the oil for someone, I always ask: “Do you want it with or without a bay?”

Do you believe in horror stories about oil in the filter? Answer the question and describe your opinion and experience in the comments.

The debate on this issue has not stopped for the past few years. Some say that pouring oil into the filter is absolutely useless, while others, on the contrary, that it is impossible without it. Even filter manufacturers themselves sometimes cannot figure out whether it is necessary to do this: in the instructions for some filters there is such a recommendation, in others it is not. Let's think logically.

Proponents of the need to fill the filter with oil say that this way the engine will immediately receive oil for lubrication at the first start. If it is not filled in, then the first minutes the engine will work practically without oil until the filter is full. And the operation of the engine without lubrication is fraught with enormous wear.

Opponents of this method say that in the past, when cars had bad oil pumps that were unable to pump viscous mineral oil (which, again, was used in older cars), such a procedure took place. And now it's just a formality, in which there is no need.

Whom to believe - decide for yourself. Don't call me retrograde, but I'm still a supporter of the first option: I'd rather put some oil in the filter in vain. It will not take much time, and there are no financial losses. But there can be no doubt that it is necessary to lubricate the filter rubber with oil: this must be done. So that when twisting it slips through the oil and does not crumple when tightened. By the way, tighten the filter only by hand.

Do I need to add oil to the filter when changing the oil?

Each motorist has a period when, based on a certain mileage of his car, he needs to change the oil. With this, everything is clear. But here the question arises whether it is necessary to fill the filter with oil when changing the oil. Here the opinions of many motorists are diametrically opposed. In our article, we will consider all the nuances of this controversial issue and try to find the right answer to this difficult and controversial issue.

Arguments indicating the need for filling

Motorists who claim that it is essential to add lubricant to the filter part use the following arguments:

  1. Inside the filter there is a special filler having a porous structure. In the dry state, this material is not wetted with engine oil, and therefore, after the engine starts and engine oil begins to flow under high pressure, it may burst. As a result, he will not be able to perform his immediate functions. But the worst thing is that the owner of the car does not immediately find out about the gap inside the filter, but only after the first signs of clogging of the engine lubrication system appear.
  2. The most common filter devices have a volume of 294-300 ml. When the engine is started, the lubricant will begin to flow into the filter and only after a few seconds, having passed through it, will it enter the rubbing mechanisms of the engine. During this period of time, the so-called dry friction can form inside the engine, which can cause a breakdown of the power unit.
  3. Some motorists say that a filter that is not wetted with liquid can provoke the creation of an air cork space. Based on the arguments above, fill proponents recommend filling it 70% with engine oil and letting it sit in that position for 28-30 minutes. During this time, it will absorb the required amount of lubricant. After this, the filter is installed in its place and you can directly start the engine.

Arguments against pouring

The oil filter element has specific installation instructions. According to these instructions, filter replacement should be carried out in the following sequence:

  1. With the help of clean products, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the mounting place of the filter from various kinds of contaminants.
  2. We apply a little clean oil to the rubber o-ring of the filter mechanism.
  3. We carry out a reliable fixation on the motor housing and securely twist it by hand.
  4. After installation, carefully look for oil leakage at the base of the filter element.
Good to know: Additive to the engine so that it does not eat oil and does not smoke

And so, all the same, is it necessary to fill the oil into the filter when changing the oil?

Based on the above arguments, it can be concluded that pouring oil into the filter will not be able to cause harm, but tangible benefits from this work are not particularly expected.

This conclusion can be explained as follows:

An air-type plug cannot form due to a dry filter. Such a statement is quite obvious even if you thoroughly study the circuit of the filtering device and the technological principle of its operation.

When draining used oil from the engine, an oil layer remains on the internal parts of the engine. And therefore, when starting the car engine, the power unit will not be able to run dry. In addition, when idling, the engine can run for a period of time without heating the internal parts. This time is quite enough to carry out forced pumping of oil throughout the entire lubrication system of the engine.

Engine oil under the action of a running engine and under the pressure of the oil pump moves at a speed of 48-50 l / min. Which corresponds to a pressure of 7-5 bar. The amount of engine oil poured into the filter is quite small compared to the total volume of the mixture that is pumped throughout the system. In this regard, a dry filter cannot drastically affect the normal operation of the engine, since the engine fluid quickly moves throughout the engine under high pressure.

An unwetted filter is unable to break under the pressure of the lubricant. Such a gap can only occur in two cases:

  • in view of poor quality;
  • due to improper selection, which can cause low oil throughput.
Good to know: Engine oil Total Quartz 9000 5w40 price reviews
not high quality

019. About oil change. - logbook Subaru Legacy S-401 muzzle 2003 on DRIVE2

I'll add a note. You can draw something for yourself.

Tip: Before the procedure for changing engine oil, we must definitely start the car and ride - many neglect this procedure, and in vain! I'll explain why. With good agitation, engine oil tends to hold a suspension of particles for about one to two hours. A dark sediment of sludge particles settled at the bottom of the step.

What does this give us? When draining cold settled oil, all the sediment of sludge, soot, ash remains in the engine and continues to hang out with new oil! Therefore, always before changing the oil, warm up the engine, but it is better to drive (along the highway 5-10 km or at least spin the engine from a traffic light a couple of times) - since at operating speeds the oil pressure is higher and the sediment is agitated better. When the engine oil is warmed up, the same its viscosity decreases - in simple words - the oil becomes “like water”. In this regard, you will drain a larger volume of oil than when you drain it with a cold sticky viscous substance to engine parts. The more used oil you drain, the cleaner your engine will be and the longer fresh oil will last.

When changing the oil, always drain the oil hot! So you merge it more and merge a maximum of dirt and deposits!

So let's move on to changing the oil.

1. We lie down under the car, having previously laid something so as not to lie on the bare ground. Finding a bottleneck:

We substitute a basin under the drain plug and unscrew the plug. Since our oil is hot or warm, it is important not to burn your hand! It is best to wear a rubber household glove, a rag one can get wet in oil and you will burn yourself. I usually do not use gloves, I have time to quickly remove my hand and if I have a little oil on it, I quickly wipe it off with a rag. If the drain plug fell into the basin - it does not matter! When draining the oil into a PET bottle, you will take out the cork and screw it back in.2. While the oil is draining, let's unscrew the old filter. Usually the filters are wrapped by hand - they are also unscrewed by hand. But sometimes they get stuck and you can pull them off only with a special oil filter remover. I use this: Oil filter pullers come in the form of a head on a key, chain as in the photo, belt - you can make a puller yourself.

We take a puller - tear off the oil filter from its place and then unscrew it by hand. If your oil filter is installed upside down, then when you unscrew the filter, oil will flow out of it - so that this does not happen, put a rag on it.

Do I need to fill the filter with oil? Before spinning a new oil filter, I want to talk about the features. Many people think that the oil filter needs to be filled with oil. The reason for their action is described as “so that the oil immediately enters the system” “so that an air lock is not created in an empty filter”

In fact, in 99%, when changing the oil, it is not required to fill the oil into the oil filter! This is clearly written on the filter itself. Almost every oil filter has installation instructions. If you carefully read and look at the pictograms, it says something like the following1. Clean the seating surface.2. Apply a few drops of fresh oil to the oil filter rubber ring.3. Screw in by hand and tighten the filter ¾ turn.4. Check for leaks. If you see a pictogram on the filter: It means exactly "apply a few drops and lubricate the rubber sealing ring." If she meant to pour oil into the filter, then the oiler would pour into the center. I will also give an argument in the form of technical documentation toyota motor co. : As you can see, there is no need to do any “pour oil into the filter when changing engine oil!” A whole topic on the forum of our resource is devoted to this, there you can get acquainted with a large number of arguments. Should I fill oil in a new oil filter? oil filter is a “little spit” and not a full-fledged lubrication. 11.04.13 An air lock cannot occur - this is understandable if you study the principle of operation of the oil filter. full turn.4. Oil from the crankcase we have a glass in a basin. Screw in the drain plug. Attention is important! The plug is great at protecting your engine from leaks - you don't have to force the plug or you'll strip the crankcase threads. Tightened it all the way and tightened it up a little by hand.

5. We take a canister, put a funnel in the neck and fill in the oil. Another trick - so that the oil does not splash out and pour past the neck in jumps - the canister must be kept flat to the ground.

Pour about half of the 4l canister with oil. We take out the dipstick - wipe it with a rag and measure the oil level. The engine oil level must be between the Min and Max marks. So that the oil burnout does not take you by surprise, it is better, of course, to be closer to Max. So the oil change is over. The plug was tightened, the filter was changed, the oil was filled in, the level was checked. We start the engine, look at the scoreboard, the oiler icon should go out no later than after 6-8 seconds. After you make one trip, be sure to check the oil level. The oil level must be checked for hot 10 minutes after the engine has stopped! If you check the level of cold oil - the oil shrinks at low temperatures and shows the wrong level. Also, be sure to check the oil level by parking the car on a flat horizontal area. If the car is not level - this greatly affects the oil level.


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