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Slide 1 “Russian folk life” for children of senior preschool age
Slide 2 Goals and objectives of creation: To promote in children the fundamentals of museum culture;
introduce children to the basics of national culture and life.
Introduce Russian folklore.
Draw the attention of parents to the history of our country.

Slide 3 Exhibits.
 Model of a Russian stove.
 Model of a Russian hut.
 Wooden chest.
 Household utensils.
 Woven products.
 Visual and didactic aids.

Slide 4 Russian hut.
In the old days, houses were built quite quickly. The huts were built from pine or spruce. Moss was also used, which was placed between the logs
The huts were built without using nails.
The hut, standing on stones, sometimes did not touch the ground, the wind was blowing under it, which is why it did not rot, but it was warm thanks to the second, black floor. The density of the floor was such that water did not flow through the cracks.
The roof, like the entire hut, was made in such a way that the next part would hold onto the previous, lower one.

Slide 5 Russian stove.
The ancient Russian stove was a home hearth - a source of warmth and comfort. The stove very early became an important element of interior decoration.

Slide 6 Wooden chest.
Chests are a mandatory part of the hut. They stored clothes, canvases and other household utensils. Chests were made large and small.

Slide 7 Russian folk costumes.
Russian folk costume is, first of all, a peasant costume. The clothes of a Russian peasant woman, even everyday ones, were decorated with love. But the dress designed for the holidays looked especially impressive.

Slide 8 Kitchen utensils.
Without a samovar, like without bread, the hut looked incomplete. The shapes and volumes of the samovar were endlessly varied.
The first and second were cooked in a cast iron - they were placed on the stove or in the oven. Wow, they were sent
in hot weather, pots of food.
Mortar and pestle.
Used for grinding grain into cereal, crushing flax and other semi-finished products

Slide9 Wicker, knitted, woven products.
A rug woven from shreds; they covered the floor and benches.
A towel, a loaf of bread was carried out on it and the hut was decorated.

Slide 10 Clay and wooden toys of various crafts.
Clay Dymkovo toys are elegant, bright, giving people a feeling of celebration.
Matryoshka is a real Russian beauty. Rosy-cheeked, in a smart sundress, with a bright scarf on her head.

Slide 11 Wicker products made from birch bark.
The bast shoes were woven from linden bast. Bast shoes could be in the form of shoes with low sides.
Birch bark box, it was stored in

Slide 12 References:
1. B. A. Rybakova Ancient Rus'. Life and culture.- M.: Nauka, 1997.-368 p.
2. V.I.Belov. Lad: Essays on folk aesthetics. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1982. 293 p.

Happy Maslenitsa congratulations

Sayings about Russian Maslenitsa

Not life, but Maslenitsa.

Maslenitsa - go around, save money.

Without pancakes it’s not Maslena.

  • Maslen is afraid of bitter radishes and steamed turnips (for the upcoming Lent).
  • Maslenitsa lasts for seven days (a week).

Monday – “meeting”

Morning... Monday... The “Meeting” is coming. Bright sleds slide down the hills. All day fun. Evening is coming... Having skated to their heart's content, they eat all the pancakes.

Tuesday – “flirt”

"Flirting" carefree - Tuesday's joy

Everyone went out for a walk and frolic, as one!

Games and fun, and for them - a reward:

A rich and golden Pancake week pancake!

Wednesday – “gourmet”

Here the environment is suitable - it’s called “gourmet”. Every housewife casts a spell

at the stove. Kulebyaki,

cheesecakes - they succeed in everything.

Pies and pancakes –

All swords on the table!

Main treat on Maslenitsa is:


1) fish;

2) vegetables and fruits;

3) pancakes.

According to ancient beliefs, pancakes are a symbol of:


1) spring;

2) sun;

3) fertility.

Traditionally, Maslenitsa was depicted as a straw doll dressed in a sundress.

Maslenitsa itself is traditionally depicted as:

1) stuffed bear;

2) straw doll, dressed

in a sundress;

3) snow woman.

What did you do with the Maslenitsa effigy on the last day of the holiday week?

1) left until next year;

2) burned;

3) drowned in an ice hole.

Friday – “mother-in-law’s evening”

Friday has arrived - “mother-in-law’s party”...

Mother-in-law invites son-in-law for pancakes!

Eat it with caviar and salmon, maybe a little simpler,

We ate it with sour cream, honey, and butter.

Saturday – “seeing off”

Saturday is approaching - "sisters-in-law's treat."

All the relatives meet and dance in a circle.

The holiday continues, general fun.

A nice farewell to Zimushka!

Sunday - "forgiveness day"

Bright Sunday is coming quickly.

Everything eases the soul on the “day of forgiveness.”

The straw effigy - Zimushka - is burned,

Dressed in a sheepskin coat, felt boots, a belt...

Lush festivities

the fair is crowning. Goodbye, Maslenitsa, come again!

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Slide captions:

Glory to the Russian side! Glory to Russian antiquity! And I’ll start talking about this antiquity... Author of the presentation: Svetlana Alferova

Strong as a free wind, Mighty as a hurricane. He protects the earth from evil infidels! He is rich in good power, He protects the capital city. Saves the poor and children And the elderly and mothers!

I’ll tell you about old deeds, Yes, about old things, about experienced ones, Yes, about battles, and about battles, Yes, about heroic deeds!

Bogatyr - Elements

The hero - the element - was a hero - a giant. This is a hero - the elements Svyatogor, Gorynya, Dubynya, Usynya.

Svyatogor is a Russian hero, of enormous stature and incredible strength. Taller than the dark forest, his head props up the clouds. He gallops across the Holy Mountains - the mountains shake under him, he runs into a river - water splashes out of the rivers. Svyatogor has no one to measure his strength with. It’s hard for him because of his strength.

Gorynya walked through the mountains, turned up stones, broke mountains, felled trees. Gorynya was a mountain giant.

Dubynya was a forest giant. In his forests, he behaved like a caring owner - he straightened the oak trees. Whichever oak was tall, it pushed into the ground, and whichever was low, it pulled out of the ground.

Usynya is a river giant. The sonny himself is as long as a fingernail, with a beard as long as his elbows, but his mustache is of incredible length, dragging along the ground.

Bogatyr-Man He drove up to the city of Chernigov. Near the city of Chernigov. Overtaken by enemies black and black, He began to trample this great power with a horse and stab with a spear - And he defeated this great power.

The Bogatyr-Plowman He will turn out a stone with one hand, and with both hands he will knock down a bull. His name is Mikula Selyaninovich.

Mikula Selyaninovich helped defend his land from enemies, but did not give up his agricultural work. “Who will feed Rus'?” The epic teaches: “Fighting is easier than plowing, and a plowman is stronger than a warrior.”

V.M. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs” Oh, Knight! The great people are proud of your deeds. Your thunderous name will pass on to all centuries (A. Tolstoy)

Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber “The hero is famous not by birth, but by feat.”

Dobrynya Nikitich and Zmey Gorynych “There is no better thing than to defend your native land from enemies.”

Alyosha Popovich My wealth is heroic strength, my business is to serve Rus', to defend myself from enemies.”

How are the heroes dressed?

The body is wearing chain mail - an iron shirt

Armor of heroes Helmet Quiver with arrows Sword-mace Shield

Signs, amulets, worship Sign of the sun Sign of the earth, vegetation

People worshiped the Sun God, Dazhdbog, the Summer God - Yarilo

“Grant, great God, a damask sword into my hands! Share your strength, rage, righteous anger. May the arrows in my hands be as sharp as the fiery arrows in your hands.” This was an appeal to the God of heaven, the creator of the universe - Svarog.

When getting ready for service or going on a campaign to perform feats of arms, the heroes asked for a blessing from their father, mother or elder in their family. In Ancient Rus', the oak tree was considered the family tree; when going on a campaign, the heroes approached the oak tree, took with them a leaf and a handful of their native land.

And strong, mighty heroes in glorious Rus'! Don't allow enemies to gallop across our Earth! Do not trample their horses on the Russian Land. Do not eclipse our red sun for them! Russia stands forever and does not waver! And the century will stand and not move!

Presentation on the topic "The Golden Heritage of Russian Antiquity" on literature in powerpoint format. This presentation for 7th grade schoolchildren examines material about Russian folk songs. Author of the presentation: Oksenenko N.B.

Fragments from the presentation

Russian folk songs

  • The songs reflect the external and internal world of a person (“a simple-minded outpouring of grief or joy of the heart”)
  • Ritual (wedding, farewell to the army, the holiday of the “first furrow”) and non-ritual. Historical, love, barge haulers, recruits, robbers, coachmen.
  • Heroes of the songs: Ivan the Terrible, Peter 1, Suvorov, Kutuzov, Ermak, Razin, Pugachev.
  • They were created when feelings and experiences required expression in words and melody.
  • Passed on by word of mouth, from generation to generation.
  • The first recordings of folk songs date back to the 17th century.
  • Collectors: Pushkin, Gogol, Chulkov, Koltsov, Rybnikova, Putilov, Vostokov, Veselovsky, Propp and others.

Layout and analysis of a lyrical song

  • Expressive reading of a song.
  • The meaning of the song title.
  • Who and when could perform it?
  • What feeling does the song have?
  • What artistic techniques are used in the song?
  • What parts does it consist of?
  • What means of artistic expression are used in it?

Lyric song

  • Lyrical hero- a simple person, a working man, a soldier. Life is perceived through his eyes, mind, and heart.
  • Compositionally lyrical song:
    • monologue - an outpouring of feelings, reflection on fate, often begins with an address;
    • dialogue - a conversation between lyrical heroes.
  • The main principle of the internal organization of l/p is poetic parallelism - first a natural symbolic picture is given, then a picture-image from human life (drake-well done, duck-girl)

Ancient symbols-images

  • Month-father, husband; sun-mother, stars-children, zoryushka - girl (wife)
  • Birds act as symbols (Nightingale, drake, falcon, dove - well done; swan, duck, peahen, dove - girl; gray cuckoo - sadness, bitter female, maiden share)
  • Symbols of the plant world (girl - white birch, viburnum, raspberry, sweet cherry; well done - oak, hops, grapes)
  • The state of the plant is also symbolic: flowering means joy, withering means sadness, separation.
  • Figurative paintings help create permanent epithets (violent wind, clear field, damp earth, clear falcon)

Historical songs and legends

  • Tradition is a genre of oral non-fairy prose, a story about historical figures and events.
  • The historical song is a kind of chronicle, the history of the people, which arose during the period of struggle against the Tatar yoke:
  • Historical real event, small volume, lack of rhyme (recitative verse - different number of syllables and stresses)
  • The first songs about Shchelkan (1327), from the 16th century. – songs about Ivan the Terrible, 17th century. – a reflection of the national liberation struggle against the invaders, songs about Stepan Razin, in songs of the 17th century. – Peter 1, the uprising of Bulavin, Pugachev, the last cycle of songs is dedicated to the war of 1812.

Municipal educational institution

middle School of General education

Izvestkovy village, Amur region

Methodological development

extracurricular activity

Literary game

"Russian Antiquity"

(for students in grades 9 – 11)

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Tarasenko Svetlana Ivanovna

Literary game “Russian antiquity”

Goals: 1) Generalization and systematization of material on the topic, enriching the literary and aesthetic horizons of students; 2) stimulating students’ personal perception of literary works, developing communication skills, developing imagination, and acting abilities;

3) education of a competent and thoughtful reader, moral ideals and aesthetic taste.

Yes, Russian antiquity is dear to us, more dear than others think.

We try to understand it clearly and simply... we study it in

living connection with reality, with our present and

our future, which is not at all so divorced from ours

past, as I again think. (I.S. Turgenev)

Note. Attached to this description is the presentation “Russian Antiquity”

Progress of the game introduction

against the background of slides 2, 3 (Topic and epigraph). Dear participants, guests, jury members! We have gathered today to remember our roots, the glorious Russians. As it is said in “The Tale of the Ruin of Ryazan by Batu,” “...they were beautiful in face, bright in their eyes, brave beyond measure, friendly to visitors, diligent to churches, quick to feast, skilled in military affairs, stately before ambassadors. They had a courageous mind and abided in truth.” And you and I are also Russians. Let our minds be further strengthened today by knowledge and our hearts by love for our Fatherland. Today we remember the culture of Ancient Rus' “The legends of deep antiquity” Slide 4. Image of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

Command View (two people each from grades 9, 10, 11) Musical break Slide 5. Team draw. 1st "Magi".

2nd “Ivana and Marya”. 3rd "Stribogi". against the background of slides 2, 3 (Topic and epigraph).(Each team has its own color. Questions are asked depending on the number and color) .

Presentation of the jury members

    Let's start the game

    1st round Warm-up

    Who was called Oratai in Ancient Rus'? plowman

    What was the name of the monk's room?


    A solemn promise in Ancient Rus'? vow

    God of thunder and lightning among the ancient Slavs?


    Goddess of death among the ancient Slavs?


    The sun god, the creator god of the ancient Slavs?


    An ancient manuscript, document?


    Long-handled battle hatchet?


    Funeral rites among the ancient Slavs?

    funeral feast

The name of Sergius of Radonezh in the world? Bartholomew

What was the name of the saint who was burned alive for his faith? Habakkuk The name of the monastery in honor of S. Radonezh?

Trinity-Sergius Lavra “We have been with many kings, in many lands, in many battles, but we have never seen such daredevils and playmakers, and our fathers did not tell us. These are winged people, they do not know death and they fight so hard and courageously on horses - one with a thousand and two with darkness. You treated me well with your small retinue, and you beat many heroes of my strong horde, and defeated many regiments. If such a one served with me, I would keep him close to my heart.”

Monologue No. 2 “Honor the old as your father, and the young as your brothers. Do not be lazy in your home, lest those who come to you laugh at your house or at your dinner. Visit the sick, see off the dead, for we are all mortal. Don’t let a person pass without greeting him, and say a kind word to him. Beware of lies, and drunkenness, and fornication, because the soul and the body perish from this.”

Monologue No. 3 “One more last legend - and my chronicle is finished, the debt bequeathed by God to me, a sinner, is fulfilled. It is not for nothing that the Lord made me a witness for many years and taught me the art of books; someday a hardworking monk will find my diligent, nameless work, he will light up like I do my lamp - and shaking off the dust of centuries from the charters, he will rewrite the truthful tales.

May the descendants of the Orthodox Christians of their native land know their past fate.”

Slide 7. Answers to a creative task for young men

3rd round Creative task for girls

against the background of slides 2, 3 (Topic and epigraph). Slide 8. (background)

Read “Yaroslavna’s Lament” expressively in Old Russian, give a poetic translation by heart of this fragment:

A) Yaroslavna’s appeal to the Wind; See translation by D. Likhachev

B) Yaroslavna’s appeal to the Dnieper; "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

C) Yaroslavna’s appeal to the Sun. ROUND 4 SLAV GIRL

against the background of slides 2, 3 (Topic and epigraph). (each team is given an outline of a girl) You are invited

silhouette of a Slavic girl (a sample was taken from the Nefedyevo burial ground on Volok Slavyansky). There are arrows with designations from the 12 parts of her body; write down how the word “daughter” and the parts of her body sounded before.

daughter - daughter; eyelids - eyelids; forehead - forehead; lips - lips; eyes - eyes; chest - percy; neck - neck;

left hand - shuytsa; right hand - right hand; shoulders - ramen; fingers - fingers; cheeks - cheeks

against the background of slides 2, 3 (Topic and epigraph). Slide 9.

    Slavic girl. Teams show body parts and say words.

    BASURMAN is a) nationality b) rank c) religion

    The hood is worn a) on the head b) on the neck c) in the pocket

    HUNGRY means a) scream b) thirst c) run

    GRANDPRESS is a) a dinosaur b) the father of the great-grandfather c) a disease

    LEPOTA is a) molded patterns b) linden infusion c) beauty

Slide 10 . Answers to tasks of the 5th round.

0.5 points for the correct answer: 1b, 2c, 3a, 4b, 5b, 6c)


Slide 11.



against the background of slides 2, 3 (Topic and epigraph). Guys, do you understand this inscription? Yes, it is “encrypted”. Such a birch bark letter was found during excavations in ancient Novgorod. Scientists were able to decipher it and realized that this encryption was nothing more than a mischievous joke, a tease, invented by some Fomka or Eremka, a schoolboy during a boring lesson - and slipped to a neighbor. He apparently quickly figured out how to read the puzzle, and after reading it, he got angry, tore it up and threw it out. What is written here? Please note: only consonants are written in the upper corner, vowels in the second. But usually in Russian dictionaries they alternate. So, you need to read the text... BY ZIGZAG! - Whose team will read this puzzle faster?

Slide 12. Answer to the task “Birch bark letter”. Deciphering the text: “Ignorant pisa, neduma kaza, and hto se cita”... (“Who wrote, I don’t know, but I, a fool, read”). It is clear that on the torn piece of birch bark there were some offensive words addressed to the reader, so he tore it up. It is in this form that scientists found birch bark in our time.


Slide 13.

against the background of slides 2, 3 (Topic and epigraph). Now look at this entry. (On the slide: BUKI, IS, GOOD, AZ). How many letters do you think are written here? How many words can you make up?

Slide 14. Answer. Only 4 letters. In the old days, the names of Slavic letters were long and resembled words. You can form one word: TROUBLE.


Slide 15.

against the background of slides 2, 3 (Topic and epigraph). Calculate the hidden concept using the least number of clues that you still know about it:

    They... were Byzantine missionaries.

    They... preached Christianity.

    They... took care of translating their works from one language to another.

    They... created what the Bulgarians, Serbs and we, the Slavs, still use.

    They... created their own Slavic alphabet, it is called “Cyrillic”

Slide 16. Answer. Cyril and Methodius, creators of writing.

Day of Slavic Writing - MAY 24.

ROUND 9 Ancient Rus' in painting

against the background of slides 2, 3 (Topic and epigraph). Slide 17.You remember the name of the painting and its author. The task for the painting (a certain place is closed) is hidden under a colored circle, take your number:

    Explain what is located in the shadow to the left of the main plan of the picture.

    What's in the background? How did the hero of the picture end up here?

    Who served as the prototype for creating the main character?

Slides 18. Answers based on Nesterov’s painting.

ROUND 10 Ancient Rus' in music

Leading . A musical fragment from Borodin's opera “Prince Igor” is played. Players are asked to name the work and briefly tell the story of its creation.

Slide 19 Answer . Opera by composer Borodin for the work “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.” He wrote for 20 years, did not finish it, the composer Rimsky-Korsakov continued the opera.

Summarizing (drawing up protocols)

Speech by the jury members. Photos of memory game participants


    Rogachevskaya E. Old Russian literature: a book for reading. 5-9 grades. – M.: Shkola-PRESS, 1993.

    Semenova M. Popular encyclopedia. We are Slavs!

Saint Petersburg. Publishing house "Azbuka-classics". 2007.

    Encyclopedia for children. T.9. Russian literature. Part 1. From epics and chronicles to the classics of the 19th century / Chapter. ed. M. D. Aksenov. – M.: AVANTA +, 2002.

    Encyclopedia of world art. Publishing house "White City", 2006.

    A word about Igor's regiment. – M.: Drofa-Plus, 2008.

    Literature. 5-9 grades: interactive forms of teaching / auto-comp. L.V. Perepelitsyn. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2008. P. 31-41

1. Tarasenko Svetlana Ivanovna

2. Municipal educational institution secondary

secondary school of the village Limestone Amur region

Khabarovsk Territory

3. Teacher of Russian language and literature

4. Higherqualifyingcategory


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