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The high-profile trial in the case of a fatal accident in the courtyard of a residential building in Balashikha near Moscow, in which a six-year-old died, has ended. On Wednesday, November 15, the judge read out the verdict, which took more than an hour to announce: it was listened to not only by the participants in the trial, but also by dozens of journalists who had difficulty making their way into the courtroom.

The accused motorist Olga, according to Part 3. Art. 264, faced up to five years in prison.

The prosecutor asked to choose a preventive measure in the form of three years of imprisonment with the sentence to be served in . Alisova herself, in her last word, asked the court for a more lenient court decision: instead of three years of real time in a general regime colony, she asked for a suspended sentence or sending to a penal colony. The motorist also hoped for a deferment of execution until her daughter reaches 14 years of age.

Alisova did not admit her guilt until the very end and assured the court that what happened was an accident, she did not violate any traffic rules, and she could not see the boy. The accused also tried to reproach the child’s parents for the fact that young children should always be under the supervision of adults, and pedestrians should follow traffic rules and not interfere with the movement of cars when crossing the road outside zebra crossings.

Photo report: Consequences of the accident with the “sober boy” from Balashikha

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“The court concluded that Alisova had the technical ability to stop the car and apply emergency braking.

The defendant’s arguments that she could not see the child are refuted by the evidence, in particular, the testimony of witnesses,” the presiding judge read the verdict.

At the same time, the court came to the conclusion that at the time of the accident Alisova was not talking on her mobile phone - this is evidenced by the detail of the woman’s telephone conversations on the day of the accident.

As for Roman Shimko’s statements regarding the defendant’s drug intoxication, the court considered them to be speculative in nature. “The results of the medical examination showed Alisova’s sobriety; she is not registered with a narcologist; in addition, none of the witnesses that evening saw or reported that the woman was in any state of intoxication. Her condition can be explained by her experience of what happened,” the judge said.

As a result, the court reached a compromise and sentenced Alisova to three years in prison, which she would have to serve in a penal colony.

The court denied her the deferment that Alisova asked for to raise her daughter. However, the appointed term will count the time she spent in custody during the trial.

The court also decided to recover from Alisova in favor of Roman Shimko 2.5 million rubles in compensation for moral damage and expenses for the child’s funeral - 61.5 thousand rubles.

The prosecutor asked Shimko to pay three million rubles, to which Alisova stated that she was not ready to pay this money because she considered the incident an accident and she herself was experiencing moral torment due to the accident and harassment from the media.

Photo report: Decisive hearing: Olga Alisova and Roman Shimko in the Zheleznodorozhny Court

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Law enforcement agencies continue to investigate the incident that occurred on April 23 in Balashikha. Olga Alisova, a 31-year-old resident of the Moscow region, while driving a foreign car, violated traffic rules and ran over a six-year-old boy, Alyosha Shimko. The child died on the spot from his injuries. According to media reports, the car dragged him for about 10 meters before stopping.

Experts found that alcohol was found in Alyosha’s blood, the dose of which was 2.7 ppm. According to some reports, the family of the deceased demanded a re-analysis. The child’s relatives claimed that pressure was put on the witnesses, and the case was not opened for about a month. The day before it became known about a new examination. The child's body is exhumed to double-check the data.

The incident in Balashikha caused a wide resonance in society. People do not believe that an almost lethal dose of alcohol for his age could be found in the boy’s blood. The Investigative Committee of Russia opened a case under the article of negligence against forensic experts who recognized the child as drunk. First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation Elena Mizulina noted that she is monitoring the investigation.

“I will monitor the development of the situation. Everything that is happening now before our eyes is complete chaos and absurdity. I don't believe that the child could have been drunk. And how does this affect the proven fact of hitting a child? So it turns out that you can knock down a drunk?” - said the politician.

“As they say, there are no more questions. I just signed it. The one who approved the conclusion about the “drunk” child did not conduct an examination,” Elena Borisovna responded to the information that appeared.

An online petition was published on one of the portals, which has already been signed by over four thousand people. “Everyone involved in accusing a six-year-old child has completely lost their conscience,” “I have a son. And I’m scared to be in the place of this family,” “Given the traffic violations and the organization of a forged examination, I demand a real sentence for the driver,” “I sympathize with the family of the deceased Alyosha, a terrible tragedy. I hope that Alisova and those who help her will answer for their crimes,” they write in the comments to the document.

There is various information on the Internet about the culprit of the accident. Some call Olga the wife of a businessman, whom influential people will help to go unpunished. According to other sources, her husband is serving a sentence in prison. The media reported that the traffic violator’s husband was a member of a local organized crime group, whose members committed murders, raped and kidnapped people, and also engaged in extortion and robbery. Olga’s acquaintances say that the man went to jail at the age of 20. According to them, Alisova works in a mobile phone store and is raising a child alone.

In outskirts of Moscow. It took investigators less than three weeks to understand the causes of the tragedy, although the investigation itself began only almost two months after the death of the boy, who was allegedly drunk. Now the materials have allegedly been handed over for the parties to familiarize themselves with, but representatives of the deceased child know nothing about the end of the investigation and call it rumors.

Law enforcement agencies have completed the investigation into the scandalous case of a six-year-old boy, Alyosha Shimko, who died under the wheels of a car in Balashikha near Moscow; forensic experts found alcohol in his blood. At the moment, investigative actions have been completed and the procedure for familiarizing the parties with the materials of the case is underway, after which it will be sent to the prosecutor's office for approval of the indictment, Interfax reports, citing its sources.

At the same time, Gazeta.Ru was unable to obtain an official comment from the regional prosecutor’s office or the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Thus, the press service of the supervisory agency told Gazeta.Ru that they did not intend to comment on the information that appeared in the media, and also advised them to contact the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, since the case was investigated there. At the same time, the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs also refused to comment on the case.

They stated that when the materials are submitted to the court, this will be officially announced.

The child's father, Roman Shimko, in an interview with Gazeta.Ru, noted that he has no information about the completion of the investigation.

“I was not notified about this. I heard that the investigation should be completed in a few days, but I don’t have exact information,” he said.

“It makes sense to do exhumation only to establish what injuries the child received as a result of the accident,” said the father.

“I cannot comment on rumors that are being spread in the media until I myself see documentary evidence. No one notified us that the investigation was completed, we did not familiarize ourselves with the case materials,” the lawyer said.

At the same time, the lawyer of the driver Olga Alisova, Natalya Kurakina, did not rule out the possibility that the investigation could indeed be completed, but believes that in reality the investigators have not yet clarified all the circumstances of the incident.

“They could complete the investigation, but the case would later be returned because the investigators were breaking the law,” Kurakina said, without disclosing details.

The case of the so-called “drunk boy” from Balashikha near Moscow has become one of the loudest and most resonant in Russia this year. Moreover, the scandal broke out not after the tragedy itself, but much later, when information about the results of the examination was leaked to the media.

Let us remind you that the accident, which ended in the death of Alyosha Shimko, occurred on the afternoon of April 23. In the yard, the boy fell under the wheels of a Hyundai Solaris driven by 31-year-old motorist Olga Alisova. In June, the investigator called the child’s father and presented him with a forensic medical examination report, which showed that his son’s blood at the time of the accident contained a huge amount of alcohol - 2.7 ppm. Taking into account the weight of the child, according to experts, this suggests that before the accident the child could have drunk about a glass of vodka.

It was after the monstrous expert report, which the parents of the deceased associated with Alisova’s connections, that journalists learned about the situation.

After this, the course of the investigation immediately changed dramatically.

On June 15, the press service of the Moscow Region Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced the initiation of a criminal case into the death of a child. The investigation began under Part 3 of Art. 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for liability of up to five years in prison for a fatal accident with one fatality, committed while sober. Other security forces quickly became involved in the situation. The prosecutor's office demanded that the case be transferred "upward", to a specialized unit for investigating road accidents of the Moscow Region Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

At the same time, the Investigative Committee also tried to take the case for itself - this order was given by the head of the department, Alexander Bastrykin. However, in the end, the investigation of the accident itself was left to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Investigative Committee began checking the work of expert Mikhail Kleimenov, who prepared the scandalous expert report.

However, the special examinations carried out by the Investigative Committee fully confirmed Kleimenov’s initial conclusions that the blood of the deceased child was used for the analysis, and that it contained a high concentration of alcohol.

As Roman Shimko said in an interview with Gazeta.Ru, he is sure that the child could not drink alcohol, since he spent the entire day before his death at home under the supervision of adults. In his opinion, if the examination was not deliberately falsified, then alcohol could have been injected into the child’s liver with a syringe after his death. This could have been done to blame the boy himself or his parents for what happened, who allegedly did not keep an eye on him.

As the scandal erupted, both sides, as well as expert Kleimenov, began to actively communicate with the media, more than once giving detailed comments, including on television, which further fueled interest in this story.

Despite the experts' conclusions, many questions remain in this complicated story. The boy had to drink a glass of strong alcohol for the results to show 2.7 ppm. An independent expert is confident that with such a dose the child should be close to a coma.

“He wouldn’t be able to walk on his own with such a dose of alcohol in his blood,” says narcologist Igor Nezhdanov.

There are many questions for the police officers. Why didn’t they initiate a case for so long, didn’t they detain the culprit of the accident, didn’t they choose preventive measures for her? And in general, why weren’t the Ministry of Internal Affairs investigators confused by the presence of such an amount of alcohol in the child’s blood? No one even asked how ethyl alcohol got into the body.

The boy's father, Roman Shimko, has still not received the results of the re-examination. And the man learned from the media that the second study also revealed the presence of alcohol in the blood of his 6-year-old son. For some reason, the investigators did not consider it necessary to provide this information to the child’s father.

Over the past week, the man has become noticeably exhausted - he speaks in a low voice and takes long pauses. But I intend to go to the end.

“I will not consent to exhumation until all other options have been tried to prove that my son was not drunk.” But they exist. Several well-known lawyers have already offered me help,” says Roman Shimko.

2.7 ppm in the blood of a six-year-old child is equivalent to drinking 100 grams of vodka on an empty stomach. Or a bottle of wine. And this, as the head of the department of anesthesiology, resuscitation, toxicology of the Children's City Surgical Hospital No. 5 of St. Petersburg, Vitaly KAZIAKHMEDOV, said, is a lethal dose for a 6-year-old child.

– For everyone to understand, for an adult, ethanol levels in the blood of 6 ppm or more can cause death. A child who has never encountered alcohol needs half the dose. For a preschooler, 2.7 ppm is either a deep coma or death.

Vitaly Anvarovich said that sometimes children are brought to his department because, due to an oversight by adults, they have taken a sip of alcohol from the festive table. But we are talking about just one sip.

“The children won’t be able to drink anymore; for them, any alcohol is bitter.” Moreover, the ethanol content in the blood of such patients may be no more than 0.5 ppm. And they already experience lethargy, drowsiness, unsteady gait, and lack of coordination. To reach 2.7 ppm, the child must pour alcohol into himself.

The situation with the exhumation of the body is also interesting. As the forensic expert explained, even if the boy did not drink alcohol during his lifetime, ethanol can still be found in his tissues after death.

– If the body begins to decompose, alcohol can be found even in a non-drinker. The ethanol level increases due to certain processes. Moreover, significantly. For example, it can go from zero to 1.5 ppm. Maybe this was the intention when the parents were offered to carry out an exhumation?

The father of a six-year-old boy who died in an accident in the Moscow region is sure that after a repeat examination, investigators will now check whether the child could have been given alcohol by the parents themselves, and is waiting at home for the juvenile affairs inspectorate.

Yesterday from seven o'clock in the evening until almost midnight, Alyosha's grandmother was interrogated by the investigator. And, as I understood from her words, the investigation has now really “turned” in our direction - they say, it was we ourselves who got the child drunk. Now I'm waiting for the inspection of juvenile affairs at home.

He is sure that alcohol could not have entered his son’s body during his lifetime - the boy spent the entire day before the incident at home under the supervision of adults. According to the father, alcohol was deliberately injected into his child’s liver using a syringe in order to subsequently present the accident as an accident that occurred through the fault of the child himself or his parents, who allegedly did not keep an eye on him.

They tried their best to convince me that it was an accident.

All Alisova’s conversations on television with tears and aspiration are hypocrisy of the highest degree. As far as I know, she doesn't really care about what happened, she still wants to avoid responsibility.

She didn’t call us, didn’t come and didn’t apologize. And in general, I try to find out as little information about her as possible in order to avoid any conflicts. I'm not looking to meet her.

She only offered us money once, but that was before the TV show. And I want to recommend that she not do this again - such grief cannot be brightened up with money.

I'm more concerned about my wife. Yesterday, when she learned about the results of the re-examination, she began to cry and fainted. She talks to a photograph of Alyosha, wishes him good night every day - how can she feel? It’s me who is mobilized here, running to all authorities...


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