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Topic: Uncle's birthday AU

Type of activity: integrative

Form of implementation: frontal

Goal: Using speech leisure in work to activate children's vocabulary; creating an emotional positive attitude.

Objectives of the educational field “Communication”:

Activate dictionary

Improve the grammatical structure of speech: word formation of possessive adjectives,

The use of nouns in the plural genitive case

Develop skills in using monologue and dialogic speech

- develop phonemic awareness: selection of words with a given sound, the ability to highlight it

Improve the ability to divide words into syllables, determine the number of syllables in a word

Automate acquired skills of correct pronunciation of sounds

Develop fine and gross motor skills (coordination of speech and movements).

Integration of areas:


Expand and automate vocabulary on the topic “Wild Animals”. Automation of correct pronunciation of sounds.


Cultivate the habit of a healthy lifestyle: alternating motor and mental stress. Form correct posture. Develop gross and fine motor skills.


Form ideas about norms of behavior; friendly behavior of children between themselves and adults.

Physical Culture

Develop fine and gross motor skills. Develop the ability to coordinate movements with speech.

Reading fiction

Develop interest in artistic expression; automate choreographed sounds through memorization of poems. Develop expressive speech.

Develop correct phrasal breathing; develop speech hearing, voice strength, rhythm.

Vocabulary work: fox, hare, bear, wolf, cheat, birthday boy, coward, clubfoot,

Equipment: pictures: boots, stockings, socks, slippers, mittens; painting “amazing beast”; 3 pots with pictures of a turtle, elk, and squirrel painted on them; costumes: hare, wolf, fox, bear, woodpecker; AU uncle costume, house for him; pie; balloons, envelope.

Preliminary work:

Working with children: learning poems, games

Work with parents: discussion and assistance in making costumes and attributes; ordering cake for tea party

Work with a music specialist: selection of musical repertoire, learning songs, dances

Working with an art teacher: decorating the room for fun.

The final educational result: children are active, inquisitive, emotionally responsive, adequately use verbal and non-verbal means of communication, have dialogic speech skills, skills of intonation expressiveness of speech, are able to manage their behavior and plan their actions; capable of solving intellectual problems.

Children enter the hall to the music and sit on chairs

Speech therapist: Not on Buyan Island

And not in the sea, ocean,

And by the river near Iset

There is a flourishing town

There is a kindergarten in that town,

That you can't take your eyes off.

The children all live together

And guests are always welcome there.

Then one day it came to us

Interesting letter. (showing the envelope)

Here's an envelope, what's in the envelope? (I take out the letter)

This letter came from Uncle AU. What is he writing?

“Hello, girls! Hello boys!

Cheerful, funny kids!

Today I'm for the hundredth time

I'm celebrating my birthday

And I invite you to my place"

We go to Uncle AU, he lives in the forest.

It's winter in the forest, it's white in the forest,

There are snowdrifts all around.

You walk, you walk /raise your legs high/

Raise your legs higher.

And stomp along the path, /fractional step/

Knock more cheerfully, legs.

You run, you run, /running on your toes/

Run on your toes.

And let's walk on our heels / on our heels /

We'll start stomping loudly.

March more fun /marching/

Stomp your feet together.

We ran on skis / sliding step /

The cold snow licks your skis.

And then - on skates / semicircle with foot on the floor /

But we fell. Oh! /sit down/

They quickly stood up and shook themselves off /imitation of movements\

They smiled at each other.

And they heard in the distance / right hand to ear /

Knock-knock-knock /knock on your left palm with your fist/

Someone's knocking is heard /knock on the right palm/

This is a woodpecker on a pine tree / connect the fingers of the left hand - beak /

Pounds a pine tree with its beak / raise your right hand, spread your fingers to the sides, imitate a tree,

Tap your right palm with your beak/

Speech therapist: Woodpecker, woodpecker, where have you been?

Woodpecker: He flew through the forest for a long time

I met a bear, a wolf,

A bunny, a hedgehog with needles.

I met a squirrel, a titmouse,

Met a moose and a fox.

I said hi to everyone

AU called to see his uncle.

Speech therapist: Someone is coming here to us

Someone is singing a song.

Song of the fox.

Fox: No deception, no hiding

I can't even live a day!

It’s not in vain that the cheating fox

Everyone calls me.

Look what animal I met in the forest.

/takes out a picture with a miracle beast/

Speech therapist: Yes, fox, you are a cheat

She deceived us so cleverly.

We need to figure it out

Put everything in its place.

Whose tail? Whose ears? Whose face? /children answer - fox, wolf, bear/

Look, the bunny is standing there, so sad. Let's ask why is he sad?

Dialogue with a hare.

Bunny, bunny, why are you sad?

Bunny: Lost a head of cabbage

Which one then?

Bunny: Round, white and big!

Come on, little bunny bunny,

Let me touch your belly!

Oooh, tight as a drum!

Bunny: So I ate my head of cabbage!

Okay, uncle AU is better

I'll give you a cone.

Speech therapist: Well done, bunny, don’t be sad, play with us.

Game “The deer has a big house”

Speech therapist: Here comes the wolf

Sings loudly:

Wolf: Oooh, it’s very boring to be alone

I need to look for words in U

The song I sing ooooh

Speech therapist: Hello, wolf-wolf

Gray barrel.

Please don't be bored

We will play with you.

Get out the pictures, if the word U is in it, we’ll clap,

If O, then we’ll stomp together.

Letter game

Speech therapist: Who is that under the pine tree?

Is that how he grumbles under the pine tree?

Bear dance with dolls.

Bear: Where could my honey go?

After all, the pot was quite small!

There was no way he could escape...

After all, he has no legs!

And what am I saying to my uncle?

Shall I give it to you for your birthday?

Speech therapist: The little bear is confused, he doesn’t know which pot contains honey.

Look, there is a picture on each pot (moose, squirrel,

Turtle). Which word has more parts (syllables) in that pot and

Honey. (children divide words into syllables and choose a pot)

Come with us, little bear. (Children walk through the hall to the music and approach the house)

And here is Uncle's house AU.

Children: Hello, Uncle AU!

We have already come to you.

And as a gift, songs and dances

And we brought poems.

That's it, we all congratulate uncle AU

And today with him

Let's have fun and play.

Game “In an even circle, one after another”

Let's walk happily

Everything that uncle will show

That’s what we’ll do.”

Game with a cube for facial expressions.

Speech therapist: Listen, Uncle AU, what funny poems you have prepared for

You children.

Children read poetry.

1st child: Fedya-copper-offal

Ate a cow and a bull

And 15 piglets

Only the tails are hanging.

2nd child: In the morning the grandfather asked his granddaughter:

“Why don’t you wash your hands?

Granddaughter answers

“I’m not white-handed.”

3rd child: They say the clock is standing,

They say the clock is fast,

They say the clock is ticking

But they are a little behind.

We all looked together

And the clock stands still.

Uncle AU: I also know poetry.

I give you my word of honor

Yesterday at half past seven

I saw 2 pigs

No hats or boots.

I give you my word of honor.

Did you like the poem? Why? Do pigs wear boots? What about stockings? Let's write a funny poem together, I'll start, and you finish. To help you, I will show you some hint pictures.

I give you my word of honor

Yesterday at half past five

We saw 2 magpies

Without.../boots/ and.../stockings/.

And puppies without../socks/

And titmice

Without../slippers/ and../mittens/

We saw forty without shoes and /stockings/

Without socks - /puppies/

Without slippers and mittens / tits /.

Round dance song: “Loaf”

Uncle AU: But my pie didn’t work out.

Speech therapist: Why?

Uncle AU: Snow was falling on the threshold

I baked a pie for you

In the meantime I sculpted and baked

The pie flowed away like a stream.

Speech therapist: Bake your own pies

Not made from snow made from flour.

Finger game: To treat you to a pie

You need to knead the dough. /imitation of movements/

Sugar, eggs and flour, /bend your fingers in sequence/

Soda, zest, dried apricots.

Place everything in a saucepan / connect your palms to form a circle /

Knead the dough quickly / use your right hand in a circular motion /

Place in the refrigerator /join hands palms up/

And then roll out /imitation of movements/

And bake in the oven.

Dance cooks.

/2 children cooks bring in the pie/

Uncle AU: Oh, thank you very much

But I didn't yawn either

For your friends and loved ones

Conjured something.

/brings in balloons/

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution No. 47 "Green Light"

Summary of leisure activities with the integration of educational areas "Cognitive development", "Speech development" and "Artistic and aesthetic development" using ICT with children of the preparatory group compensating orientation

on the topic of:

“What a delight these fairy tales are!”

teacher of the highest qualification category

Korelskaya Svetlana Nikolaevna,

teacher Ushankova E.P.

Severodvinsk 2017

Target: Create a cheerful mood, promote the development of interest in fiction, stimulate the ability to apply existing knowledge and skills.

Program content:

Summarize, systematize and expand the knowledge of preschoolers about the types of fairy tales and about the author’s fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin;

Deepen knowledge about the life and work of A.S. Pushkin;

To instill a love for Russian poetry, with the help of various techniques and specially organized pedagogical situations, to contribute to the formation of an emotional attitude towards literary works;

Foster a sense of mutual assistance, mutual assistance and empathy.

Preliminary work.

Preliminarily introduce children to the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin (reading, watching filmstrips, cartoons, looking at illustrations by various artists), organizing an exhibition of books by A.S. Pushkin, listening to music, drawing, coloring pictures based on fairy tales, memorizing passages, guessing riddles, conducting GCD on the topic.

Vocabulary work:

    Dilapidated – decaying or deteriorating from time and use;

    Seine - a net for catching fish;

    Rat - army, army;

    A messenger is one who is sent with an urgent mission, news;

    To grieve - to be sad, to grieve;

    Unknown - unknown, unfamiliar;

    Dungeon - prison;

    Entertainer - inventor;

    Lukomorye is an old Russian name for a sea bay or bay.

Materials and equipment:

Exhibition of books and children's drawings based on fairy tales by A. S. Pushkin,

Cut-out pictures based on “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda” and “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”,

Presentation and equipment for its display;

- chest with lock and key;

- in the chest there is a bow, a star, a fly, a hare, an apple, a spyglass, a nut;

- bowl of fruit, Christmas tree;

- d/i “Which figure is missing?”

- 5 scrolls;

- kinder eggs and beads;

— 2 brooms, washers;

Costumes of Baba Yaga and cat;

It takes place in the gym. Children enter the hall.

Educator: The fairy tale has a pure soul,

Like a forest stream.

She comes slowly

In the cool hour of the night.

The native people are its creator,

A cunning people, a wise people,

He put his dream into it,

Like gold in a casket.

— Sit down on the bench, I’ll tell you about a fairy tale. (Presentation show)

2 slide. We have gathered here today for a reason. I believe and know that you love fairy tales and know them.

3 slide. All fairy tales in literature are divided into folk and author's. Girls, name the name of the folk tales (“Geese and Swans”, “Snow Maiden”). And now the boys will guess the author’s fairy tales (“Aibolit”, “The Three Little Pigs”) from the pictures. Who is the author of the fairy tale “Aibolit”? Who wrote the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”? (K.I. Chukovsky and S.V. Mikhalkov)

4 slide. Fairy tales by type are divided into everyday, fairy tales and fairy tales about animals.

5,6,7 slides. Help me figure out what kind of fairy tale this is and what type it can be classified as.

(“Ryaba Hen”, “Cinderella”, “The Fox and the Hare”).

8 slide. The fairy tale was born a long time ago, before man learned to read and write. Fairy tales were passed on from mouth to mouth, and she walked around the world, bright, smart, and cheerful.

Slide 9 We live in a huge and rich country - Russia. It is difficult to find among us, Russian people, a person who would not know the name of the great Russian poet and storyteller Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

10 slide. He is known all over the world.

11 slide. Of course, at first there was just little Sasha Pushkin. He was born a long time ago, on June 6, 1799. At that time, neither you guys nor I were alive, even my grandmother was not alive. More than two hundred years have passed.

12 slide. Sergei Lvovich Pushkin is the father of the poet. He was a descendant of a noble family. He loved literature, was friends with then-famous Russian writers, and collected a large library. Nadezhda Osipovna Pushkina is the poet’s mother. She was educated, witty, pretty, loved entertainment and shone at balls. Slide 13 Sasha grew up in a large family; he had an older sister and a younger brother.

Slide 14. The grandmother and nanny were with the children. Little Sasha loved fairy tales since childhood. She told the boy many different fairy tales, interesting, funny, sad, and scary. And he loved fairy tales so much that when he grew up, he began to compose them. But fairy tales are not simple, but fairy tales in verse.
15 slide. Arina Rodionovna (that was the nanny's name) knew a lot of fairy tales and told them very well. Arina Rodionovna picked up her knitting, sat down and the fairy tale began. Little Sasha could listen to these tales for a long time. But when he grew up, he did not forget his nanny. He wrote a poem about her, “The storm covers the sky with darkness.”

16 slide. Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak wrote: “The country reads and rereads Pushkin. And along with the whole country, it is read by those who are getting to know it for the first time – children.”

Educator: At Lukomorye there is a green oak

Golden chain on oak volume.

Both day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything goes around and around in a chain.

He goes to the right - the song starts,

To the left - he tells a fairy tale.

There are miracles...

Do you guys like miracles? Would you like a miracle to happen now? If yes, then close your eyes and I will say the magic words. Let's see what happens.

Children close their eyes, the teacher says the words “crible, crable, boom!” One child is given a cat's hat.

Scientist Cat:

I am a scientist, a wise cat!

I have a lot of trouble.

If I go right -

I'll start a song for the bell.

And I'll turn left -

I'll start telling stories.

Answer without prompting

Do all children love fairy tales?!

Children's answers.

Scientist cat: I'll tell you a secret. While I was running here, I came across a magic chest on the way. Would you like me to show you the way to it?

All together we approach the chest, examine it, see a lock and a scroll.The child reads:

The chest is enchanted. Only friendly, brave and smart people will be able to find a way to open it. Look for the scroll. He is among the koloboks.

Educator. Guys, do you think we can cope with this difficult task? You need to show yourself from all the best sides. I propose to split into two teams. Find the first scroll in the basket with balls (among the koloboks).

Word game “Guess the fairy tale”

The fish fulfills all wishes.
Someone is collecting rent from the devil.
The squirrel gnaws golden nuts.
Who wrote all these fairy tales for you?

It was given to the king as a gift
To guard the kingdom.
He starts screaming
If he sees the enemy's army.

Her stepmother sent
To be devoured by the wolves.
There I met seven brothers.
The tale is familiar to everyone.

Now let's talk about another book.
Here is the blue sea, here is the seashore.
The old man went to the sea, he will cast a net,
He will catch someone and ask for something.

She had a mirror.
It can speak well
That there is no one more beautiful than her.
Do you know a fairy tale? Give an answer.

Complete the task: Bring each one in turn one part of the picture, then put the picture together and say the name of the fairy tale.

To the winners! The scroll lies where the three girls were sitting. ( Under the window).

A relay race is held, the winning team finds the second scroll.

Second scroll:

You depicted this fairy tale on paper with the help of scissors and skillful hands.

    Where did the old man and the old woman live from the fairy tale “About the Fisherman and the Fish”? (By the sea.)

    How did the old man catch fish? (Seine)

    How many times did the old man throw the net? (3 times)

    What wish did the fish not fulfill? (Being on errands for an old woman)

    What words did the old woman scold her old man with? (You fool, simpleton...)

    What was the greedy old woman left with? (With a broken trough in a dilapidated hut)

Turn into fishermen and catch fish.

To the winners! The scroll lies where the wonderful squirrel sat in the fairy tale.

A relay race is held, the winning team finds the third scroll.

Third scroll:

    In this fairy tale, were three girls spinning under the window late in the evening?

    What was the king's name? (Saltan);

    Who was born to Tsar Saltan? (son);

    Who rewrote Saltan's letter? (matchmaker Babarikha);

    Who did Prince Guidon save? (the Swan Princess).

    Who did Prince Guidon turn into? (Into a mosquito, into a fly, into a bumblebee);

    What could the magic squirrel do in the fairy tale? (Collect golden nuts, separate kernels from shells, sing, dance)

    How did the fairy tale end? (Tsar Saltan arrived on the island, saw his wife, son, daughter-in-law, there was a feast).

Help the squirrel. Open the nuts and take out all the kernels - emeralds. To the winners! The scroll lies among the fruits.

A game is played to develop hand motor skills (open kinder eggs and take out the “cores”). The winning team finds the fourth scroll.

Fourth scroll:

    Complete the task from Prince Elisha. Arrange the wind, sun and month so that each row contains all three objects, and their sequence is not repeated.

    Team captains. A test for you. Stand with your back to the tree. Take 4 steps forward. Turn left, take 8 steps forward, turn left, take 2 steps forward and loudly stomp your feet and clap your hands.

Baba Yaga runs out.

Baba Yaga: Hello - face! Here they are, blue-winged darlings! Beautiful maidens and bright fellows! Ivan and Mary are sitting and resting, and I, old man, am running through the forests: here and there, no, here and there! Here comes a boy and a girl who stopped me with their stomp. What are you doing here?

- Come on, I’ll check it out... They know fairy tales... And they’ve heard about our Lukomorye... Let’s see, let’s see...

A game "Who's the odd one out?"
- I will name heroes from different fairy tales, and you listen carefully. If the hero is from the fairy tales of this writer Pushkin, then you should clap your hands. If the named heroes do not belong to his works, stamp your foot. Get ready...
Cheburashka,hero brothers , fox, Snow Maiden,mosquito , The Little Humpbacked Horse,pop , Kolobok, Crane,Swan Princess , cat Leopold,Tsar Saltan , Karabas-Barabas, sister Alyonushka,fish , Prince Guidon , Baba Yaga,Balda , Chicken Ryaba.

- Oooh, you’re smart... and friendly... And funny? Do you like to play? I have a magical speed tool. Do you know? Woohoo! Broom. Form into two teams!!!

Outdoor game “Drive the puck into the goal with brooms.”

Baba Yaga. What kind of miracles are these?

Or my broom has lost its course,

Or am I the old one who got lost?

- Who is this? (points to parents and guests). Are they smart too? Come on, prove it.

Educator: Let's, guys, tell excerpts from fairy tales, and the guests will tell us which fairy tale they are from.

    "In scales, like the heat of grief, thirty-three heroes:"

    “Kiri-ku-ku. Reign while lying on your side!”

    “Am I the cutest, the most rosy and white in the world?!”

    “Have mercy, lady fish!”

    I need a worker:

Cook, groom, carpenter.

Where can I find one like this?

A servant not too expensive?

    Oh, you, gentlemen, guests,
    How long did it take? Where?
    Is it good or bad overseas?
    And what a miracle it is in the world.

    Fear and noise throughout the capital.
    The king to the window, - en on the knitting needle,
    He sees a cockerel beating,
    Turning to the East.

    The swan is swimming around
    The evil kite is pecking,
    Death is hastening near,
    Beats with a wing and drowns in the sea

- Oh, Granny Yagulya, you are here with us and should help us open the chest. Can you help?

Baba Yaga: The chest is not simple. It is full of miracles and mysteries. You are not tired? Let's open! Ooooh…. Are we looking for a miracle? Sit here and there...

He takes out an object and asks: “Whose is this? Do you know?

    Mirror (evil princess)

    Nut (squirrels)

    Asterisk (princesses, swan princesses)

    Spyglass (Prince Guidon or Tsar Saltan)

    Bunny (Baldy)

    Bow and arrow (Prince Guidon)

    Apple (Chernavki)

- Oooh... and here is some beautiful package. (Sniffs)... Smells delicious...

My tooth broke... I give it to you...

- Remember: A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,

A lesson to good fellows.

In a fairy tale, grief is not a problem,

Evil is always punished.

Main stream: artistic and aesthetic development.

Educational areas: music, cognition, communication, physical education.

Target: teach children elements of theatrical activities.


Educational: developing the ability to emotionally perceive music, intensify the singing and movements of children.

Developmental: develop figurative and spatial orientation, consolidate children’s knowledge about domestic animals.

Educational: promote the creation of an emotionally positive climate in the group, promote the development of speech understanding.

Preliminary work.

1. Formation of the ability to recognize domestic animals in nature, in pictures, in toys (3-4 types) and name them.

2. Formation of the ability to walk and run without bumping into each other.

3. Include the following repertoire in organized educational activities: “Let’s take a walk” by E. Makshantseva, the Russian folk song “Cockerel”, “Russian” to the melody of the Russian folk song “From Under the Oak”, “Dog” by M. Rauchwerger, “Horse” by A . Grechaninova, “Cat” by A. Alexandrov, “Lullaby” by E. Devochkina.

Location: hall.


  • House-teremok.
  • Toys: cockerel, chicken, horse, dog, cat.

Progress of the event

All kinds of toys are placed in the hall: a cockerel, a chicken, a horse, a dog, a cat.

Children enter the hall in pairs, perform the exercise “Let’s take a walk,” music by E. Makshantseva.


Guys! We came to visit the toys,

We will play with them,

Yes, entertain guests.

Our guests at this hour

They will admire us.

Come on, let's sit down, let's sit down,

Let's see who lives here.

Children sit on chairs.

Presenter (shows the cockerel): Who gets up so early, sings loudly,

Doesn't let your children sleep?

Children: Cockerel.

Presenter: Correct. Let's sing a song for him and play.

Russian folk song "Cockerel".

The song is dramatized.

Game "Cockerel".

“Vanya” is sitting on a chair, “sleeping.” "Cockerel" walks with high steps. At the end of the song, the “cockerel” crows – “Vanya” wakes up.


Like ours at the gate

The rooster pecks the grains,

The rooster pecks the grains,

He calls the chicken to his place. (Shows)

Presenter: Pied Hen, Where are your girlfriends?

Why are you sitting alone? Why are you so depressed?

Chicken: I feel sad without music, I really love dancing.

And you guys come out. Start the Russian dance.

Dance "Russian" to the melody of the Russian folk song “From Under the Oak”, lyrics by A. Anufrieva.

Presenter (shows the horse):

And we have a horse,

We will comb the fur smoothly,

Smooth the ponytail with a comb

And we'll go on horseback to visit.

But, horse! But, horse!

(children walk with high steps)

But, horse, hurry up!

They are riding, riding on a horse,

Our kids are coming!

To the music - a high step, then - a straight gallop and again - a high step.

Presenter (shows):

And here, the tower-teremok,

The dog lives in it

And he guards his house.

The “dog” catches up - the children run away and sit on chairs.

Presenter: You, little dog, don’t be angry, it’s better to make friends with us.

Children pet a dog to the music. The presenter invites the children to sing a song for the dog.

Song "Dog", Music by M. Rauchwerger.

Presenter: Who else do we have?

The cat was gone for a walk.

Who will help you find it and bring it home?

... (says the name) will find it and bring it home.

A child is invited. He looks for the Cat, finds her and brings her.

Cat: I love children very much, I’ll sing a song with them.

Song "Cat", music by A. Alexandrov.

Presenter: Well, guys. We stayed with the toys, it's time to know the honor.

Guests are coming from the yard,

It's time for all the toys to go to bed.

Bye-bye, bye-bye, go to sleep quickly.

"Lullaby", music by E. Devochkina.

Then quiet music sounds and the children calmly leave the hall.


  1. Music in kindergarten - 1st junior group. M. 1990.
  2. Music for kids. M. 2001.
  3. Makshantseva E. D. Children's fun. M. 1991.
  4. Listening to music in kindergarten. Vol. 1. (Compiled by V. Kuklovskaya, S. Sholomovich). Kyiv. 1984.

On the topic: “Not a day without laughter!”

Tyumen, 2014

The theme of the event: “Not a day without laughter!”

The purpose of the event: to instill interest in music, develop intelligence, resourcefulness, playful attention;

Objectives of the event: develop creative abilities;

promote a sense of comradely mutual assistance and mutual assistance;

provide group work skills.

Event equipment: balloons, music, prizes.

Preliminary work: prepare two teams in advance

Progress of the event:

Hello friends!

Today at camp

Big and interesting day.

We have prepared a fun one,

A wonderful holiday - not a day without laughter!

Feel free to answer my questions

And get points for your team.

I competition.

Draw a gait:

a person who has just had a hearty lunch;

a man whose shoes are too tight;

a man who unsuccessfully kicked a brick;

a man who got lost in a dark forest.

II competition.

Imagine and imagine:

hot iron;

boiling kettle;

ringing alarm clock;

Ringing phone.

(select tasks on pieces of paper one by one)

III competition.

Game "Two out of three" (with balloons).

Two people play (from different teams). There are 3 balls on the floor. Music plays and players dance around the balls. The music stops, the players grab the balls. The one who takes 2 balls wins. (The game is repeated).

IV competition.

“You - for me, I - for you.”

Teams ask five riddles to each other.

1) This usually happens in a fairy tale, and sometimes in life (miracle).

2) When you do the wrong thing or hurt someone in vain, it should torment you very much (conscience).

3) Each of you here knows the record holder in the breaststroke style (frog).

4) Which elephant does not have a trunk? (at the chess one).

5) What stones are not found in any sea? (dry).

V competition.

"Visiting a fairy tale."

Guess excerpts from fairy tales.

1) In which fairy tale did the following event occur: “Then the corners of the hut cracked, the roof shook, the wall flew out, and the stove itself went down the street, straight to the king...” (Russian folk tale “At the command of the pike”).

2) In what fairy tale did the princess find a groom with the help of a pea?” (H.H. Andersen. “The Princess and the Pea”).

3) In what fairy tale did the inhabitant of the deep sea teach the greedy a lesson? (“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.” A.S. Pushkin).

4) Which gray beast has offended an odd number of small children? (Wolf from “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”).

VI competition.

“Bring the proverb to life.”

Participants must convey the meaning of the proverb without words in any form. (By

Time is given to prepare.

1) If you don’t have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him.

2) There is no better friend than your own Mother.

3) Measure seven times, cut once.

4) One for all, all for one.

5) An old friend is better than two new ones.

6) Don’t have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends.

And at this time there is a game with spectators. Game "Who doesn't wash their ears."

The presenter asks questions, and the children must answer or remain silent.

Who loves chocolate?

Who loves marmalade?

Who loves pears?

Who doesn't wash their ears?

Who loves pomegranate?

Who loves grapes?

Who loves apricots?

Who doesn't wash their hands?

VII competition.

Musical living room. “Sing ditties.”

1) Place your ears on the top of your head,

Listen carefully.

We'll sing ditties for you,

Very good.

2) Zhenya reads few books,

He's always busy

3) Nastya will look in the mirror -

Oh, what beauty!

How will he sit down for his lessons?

I have a headache!

4) We sang ditties for you,

Is it good or bad?

And now we ask you,

For you to clap.

VIII competition.

"Photo for memory."

All the players of the first team take different poses, and the players of the second team look at them carefully and remember them. After a minute, they should take exactly the same poses (and vice versa).

Summarizing. Awarding teams with prizes.


State Autonomous Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education

"Tyumen Pedagogical College"

Leisure activity summary

PM02 Organization of leisure activities

On the topic: “Opening of the camp shift”

Tyumen, 2014

Theme of the event: “Opening of the camp shift”

Purpose of the event: to instill interest in the upcoming shift

Objectives of the event: to interest children, promote education;

Event equipment: music.

Preliminary work: plan the course of the event well

Progress of the event:

Dear Guys! Congratulations on the opening of the camp season. I wish you to have fun, show your best abilities, improve your health, have a great rest and find new friends.
Let's get to know each other. I suggest playing the game “Getting Acquainted”. I name names, and all the guys with these names perform a certain task.
Kati Masha - show yourself;
Petit Sasha - smile
Lera Dasha - bend over;
Vanya Seryozha - respond;
Zhenya Nastya - stretch;
Ksyusha Misha - comb your hair;
Maxims and Dimas - clap;
Artyom and Tanya - stomp;
Arina Marina - jump;
Whom you didn’t name, wave your hand.

Now let’s get acquainted with the camp management, teachers and counselors.
We will now open the holiday,
We'll arrange some wonderful games here.
Turn everyone towards each other
And shake hands with a friend.
Raise your hands up everyone
And move the top.
Let's shout cheerfully: "Hurray!"
It's time to start the games!!!
Help each other
Answer the questions
Only "Yes" and only "No"
Let me know your answer:
If "no" you say
Then knock your feet
If you say "Yes" -
Clap your hands then.
An old grandfather goes to school.
Is this true, children?.. (No - the children knock their feet).
Does he take his grandson there?
Answer together... (Yes - clap your hands).
Is ice frozen water?
We answer together... (Yes).
After Friday - Wednesday?
Together we will answer... (No).
Is spruce always green?
We answer, children... (Yes).
Is birthday a fun day?.. (Yes)
Are there games and jokes waiting for you?.. (Yes)
Are you okay with humor?.. (Yes)
Are we doing exercises now?.. (No)
Shall we congratulate the birthday girl?.. (Yes)
Or will we send it to grandma?.. (No)

Now solve this riddle:
Not a pedestrian, but walking.
People at the gates are getting wet.
The janitor catches him in a tub.
A very difficult riddle?

And let's play the game "Rain".
Imagine that it suddenly starts raining.
First, 1 drop (tap one finger on the palm of the other hand).
Then 2 drops (two fingers at a time).
Then 3 drops (with three fingers in turn).
4 drops (with four fingers).
5 drops (all with your palm).
And suddenly it began to rain (clap our hands).
The downpour becomes stronger and stronger (we clap louder and louder).

Game "Who said it?"

Now we will try to compose a poem.
I will start, and you must continue and name the animal in rhyme.
“It’s a beautiful day,” said….(deer, seal)
“But it will rain,” said... (raccoon, hoopoe)
“Not here, my friend,” said (the camel)
“I’ll go to the carriage,” grumbles .... (python)
“Take your time,” said….(lynx)
“And I’m afraid,” whined ...... (goose)
“You make everyone laugh,” said... (mouse)
“The game is over,” said.. (starling)

Performance of squads 1 squad “Prometheus” song “Meow-meow, purr-purr”, dance

2nd squad "Kinder - surprise" Buranovsky grandmothers dance

3rd squad “Forest Brothers” Rhythmic gymnastics routine, song “Scarlet Sails”, performance of the play “Cow”

4 squad "Owls" dance

It's time to end the show
And everyone was happy to take part in it.

This concludes our season opening celebration. I wish you a good summer holiday and come to school on September 1 with renewed vigor.
Let there be happiness and peace in the camp, and let’s give up on sadness! (They perform the song “On the Road of Good”)

GKOU RO Kolushkinskaya school - boarding school of the VIII type

Goal: To promote child self-expression; continue to teach gestures and facial expressions; convey the most characteristic features of a fairy tale character.

Equipment: A4 sheets for each child, colored pencils, “Fairytale Hero” mosaic.

Educator: Hello! I'm glad to see you. Make yourself comfortable.


Our fairy tales begin

Our tales are woven

On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan.

There is a birch tree there,

A cradle hangs on it,

The bunny is fast asleep in the cradle.

Like my bunny

Silk blanket,

Perinushka Pukhova

Pillow in the heads.

Grandma sits next to me

Tells fairy tales to the bunny.

Old tales,

Not short, not long:

About the cat

About the spoon

About the fox and the bull,

About a crooked rooster.

About geese and swans,

About smart animals.

These are sayings, but what about fairy tales?

Name the fairy tales that you have read or had read to you.

(children call).

Educator: Listen to riddles about fairy tales and try to guess them.

  1. Mixed with sour cream,

It's cold at the window,

Round side, ruddy side,


(gingerbread man)

  1. The grandmother loved the girl very much,

I gave her a red cap,

The girl forgot her name

Well, tell me her name.

(Little Red Riding Hood)

  1. The nose is round with a snout,

It’s convenient for them to rummage in the ground,

Small crochet tail

Instead of shoes, hooves.

Three of them and what?

Friendly brothers look alike.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

(Three piglets)

  1. Treats small children

Heals birds and animals

He looks through his glasses

Good Doctor…………


  1. Fat man lives on the roof

He flies higher than everyone……..


  1. Near the forest on the edge,

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs

Three beds, three pillows

Guess without a hint

Who is the hero of this fairy tale?

(Three Bears)

  1. What a weird one

Wooden man

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key?

He sticks his long nose everywhere

Who is this?


  1. Together with Carlson

Jumped from rooftops

Our little playful………..


Game "Kolobok"

Presenter: Let all the children stand in a circle. Fairy-tale heroes can be not only people, but also animals and birds, and even objects. In fairy tales, they all know how to speak in a human voice. Let us now talk to our guest Kolobok. We will roll a ball - a bun. The one who gets the bun must say a few words to it or ask a question. After you say something to the kolobok, pass it to your neighbor.

Game "Fold the picture"

Guys, another fairy-tale hero has come to visit you. He found an old book of fairy tales, from which the illustrations fell out and they all got mixed up. Let's help our hero put them together.

Game "Round Dance of Fairytale Heroes"

Host: Now stand in a round dance, this round dance will be unusual, but fabulous. The one who comes to the center of the round dance will portray some fairy-tale hero, the rest, moving in a circle, must repeat these movements.

Game "Fairytale Lotto"

Host: Guys, let's play this game. Now let's see how you know fairy-tale characters and the names of fairy tales.

  1. The Little Humpbacked Horse)
  2. Ugly duck)
  3. Swan geese)
  4. Chicken (Ryaba)
  5. Dr. Aibolit)
  6. Princess Frog)
  7. The Snow Queen)
  8. Puss in Boots)
  9. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs).

Game - pantomime “Who is who here?”

Presenter: And now we will divide into 2 groups. Each group will prepare a performance based on a famous fairy tale. To do this, you need to divide into 2 groups. Each group will prepare a performance based on a famous fairy tale. To do this, we will need to go to different corners of the room. Now you need to show the performance to another group and vice versa. Based on the characteristic movements, children - spectators must guess what fairy tale they saw and who plays what roles in it. Remember that the fairy tale must be shown without words. (fairy tales “Aibolit”, “Turnip”).

Drawing “My favorite fairy-tale hero.”

Today we talked a lot about fairy tales and fairy-tale characters. Now close your eyes and once again imagine any fairy-tale hero. Try to remember what it looks like. Open your eyes and draw this fairy-tale hero.

Physical exercise “There is a hut in the forest under the Christmas tree”

There is a hut in the forest under a Christmas tree.

The cubs fell asleep there,

And the little one doesn’t want to sleep,

Mom started to get bored

Capricious clubfoot

He asks you to cook dinner for me!

Bring it here quickly

Honey, fish from the pond

Bye-bye I need to sleep

Mother sings to her son

You will fall asleep and sleep will come

He will bring everything in a basket.

(Draw pictures)

Goodbye, thanks for your attention.


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