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It is carried out by sending for repairs. When concluding an insurance contract, this condition rarely raises questions from customers, since it involves a complete restoration of the car. In contrast to the depreciation costing, insurers do not have to pay extra for new parts. However, the repair condition under the insurance contract may also contain various features. Those or other nuances, prescribed (or, conversely, not prescribed) in the rules of the insurer or in the policy, can make significant adjustments to the loss settlement process.

It's no secret that the quality of car maintenance depends on the level of the repair shop. These are parameters such as:

  • Qualification of station staff;
  • Availability of modern equipment;
  • Quality of spare parts and materials used;
  • Experience in specialized activities.

These characteristics affect both the repair time and its compliance with regulatory requirements. At the same time, the cost of services rendered almost directly depends on these factors, which, in turn, is included in the CASCO calculator of any insurance organization. Tariffs for transport insurance are "tied", among other things, to the price tags of car service stations. It is clear that it is in the interests of the insurer to organize the restoration of a damaged car at minimal cost. This contradiction often leads to a discrepancy between the quality of repairs and the expectations of insurers.

Warranty car repair

Maintenance of guaranteed vehicles is often the subject of disputes between insurance companies and their customers. The conditions of official dealers in most cases imply a waiver of warranty obligations when contacting another repair shop. In this way, car sellers try to "bind" their customers to themselves. At the same time, the insurers, of course, rely on the repair of the insured car at the dealer station. Insurers, for their part, are usually sympathetic to this requirement. However, cases of non-compliance with the promised conditions have recently become more frequent.

Persuasions of insurers

Over the past year, prices have risen sharply in almost all workshops. And the insurance companies were simply not ready for the costs caused by the price lists of repair stations. On the one hand, the expected losses in such cases should not affect the procedure for servicing existing contracts. But, at the same time, in practice, there are attempts by insurers to reduce their costs in one way or another.

Customers are explained the illegality of the dealers' claims regarding repairs at their place and are offered to restore the car in other workshops. At the same time, the quality of work of recommended services can really be no worse than warranty companies. However, accessing them is potentially problematic. Even if the dealer is really wrong in his “binding” of buyers, he is unlikely to admit this without additional “arguments” in the form of claims, appeals to Rospotrebnadzor or the court.

Can they refuse to send to the dealer?

It also happens that the place of repair of warranty machines is not specified directly in the official documents of the insurer. Based on reputational and political decisions, the company can send fresh cars for restoration to the dealer for a long time, and employees and agents declare this when applying for a policy. In this case, clients may not be aware that this is happening in private, and not based on the official norms of the organization. And when the policy of the insurer changes, the insurers have no legal basis for the dispute. Such situations can be avoided by focusing on the appropriate position when concluding a contract. One of the following options will be acceptable:

  1. The insurance rules state that warranty cars are serviced at official dealerships;
  2. The policy contains a note that the repair of warranty machines is carried out in the direction of the dealer station;
  3. Repair at the warranty service is prescribed in the "Special Conditions" or another part of the insurance contract when it is issued.

However, now it is often possible to encounter a direct refusal of the insurance company from its own officially prescribed conditions. The calculation here is that the client will agree to the proposed workshop and will not go into conflict. Otherwise, the restoration of the machine may be associated with longer periods, which is not suitable for everyone. Meanwhile, here on the side of the insured are undeniable arguments that, if desired, can be used to restore justice.

List of workshops for repair according to CASCO

Issues related to the choice of a repair shop in case of an insured event under CASCO concern not only warranty cars. Suppose the insured is ready to abandon the dealership in favor of a different service for a car older than three years. But this does not mean agreeing to a lesser quality repair. Any car owner expects a high level of service for his "iron horse". In this regard, many customers already at the stage of issuing a policy are trying to find out where the damage received in the event of an insured event will be eliminated.

As a rule, large insurers work with several service stations (in addition to official dealerships). Let's make a reservation right away that due to the peculiarities of relationships with workshops (including not always of an official nature), insurance organizations can send for repairs to one service. However, if the client categorically refuses the proposed station, a list is usually provided from which the insured can choose the most suitable workshop. Such a list can be demonstrated at the request of the insured at the stage of negotiating the terms of the contract.

Suppose the options indicated in it suited the car owner and even influenced his decision to insure in this particular company. However, there is a "pitfall" that should be kept in mind.

The fact is that such a list of workshops is not an annex to the policy. So, when settling losses, the insurance company is not at all obliged to adhere to it.

Even if the insurer has indeed presented an up-to-date list of its partners in the field of auto repair, such a list may change several times during the validity of the insurance contract. With someone cooperation stops, and with someone new relationships are organized. And the services that “lured” the insured when applying for CASCO may well be absent from the list when settling the loss.

Freedom of choice is expensive

Alas, the situations described above are very common. In such cases, policyholders most often do not have weighty arguments to defend their interests. The CASCO agreement, which provides for service at the station "in the direction of the insurer", actually transfers the determination of the place of restoration of the car to the "jurisdiction" of the insurance company. Is it possible to avoid this? An alternative here is car repair in the service “at the choice of the insured”. The corresponding option is usually present in the basic transport insurance product.

As a rule, this option leads to an increase in the cost of insurance by 20-30%. On the other hand, in this case, the insured actually gets the opportunity to dictate to the insurer his conditions regarding the place of repair. Although, of course, when choosing an appropriate position, it is not out of place to ask about its “understanding” by a particular company. For example, it is unlikely that a repair in one of the services in Berlin in Germany will be implied here. As well as it is unlikely to agree on the estimate of some individual entrepreneur, "asking" several times more than the price of an official dealer for the same amount of work. It doesn't hurt to pay attention to questions such as:

  • What are the geographical restrictions when choosing a station?
  • Are there price limits for workshop services?
  • Are there requirements for the characteristics of the service (experience, status, etc.)?

Other nuances are also possible, which can “emerge” with a closer analysis. Restrictions on the cost of services can be “tied” not to specific monetary values, but to the corresponding characteristics, say, of an official dealer service of a certain brand. And if it is possible to repair at a remote station, it will also not hurt to find out if the transportation of the machine to its location is paid. Given the significant increase in the CASCO price when choosing such a condition, a thorough clarification of all the features of the option is highly justified.

Whether it is worth going to such an overpayment, it is difficult to say. The answer depends on many subjective factors, and everyone must make his own decision on this matter. At the same time, it is hardly possible to officially prescribe all the features of the service within the framework of the concluded insurance contract. Of course, it is necessary to pay attention to the official conditions contained in the insurance rules and other documents. At the same time, it is worth considering the reputation of the insurance company, evaluating reviews about it, understanding the position of the organization in the insurance market. As practice shows, even the best conditions on the part of an unscrupulous insurer may turn out to be worse than the completely "budget" parameters of a decent company's contract.

CASCO is a type of car insurance that allows you to avoid financial losses in various situations when a vehicle is damaged or lost.

Essence of insurance

The term CASCO is borrowed for the Russian language, translated from Italian the word means “board”, which reflects the essence of insurance, when protection applies only to a car, but not to people, unlike OSAGO.

The risks that CASCO is designed to compensate for are both man-made and natural in nature, i.e. it can be: the theft of a car, its damage in an accident, due to a natural disaster or for other reasons.

It is realistic to receive compensation for auto hull, even if the insured himself unintentionally caused damage to the vehicle.
The insurance contract may apply to the car as a whole, but by agreement with the insurance company, it is possible to insure the key parts or other components of the car separately for CASCO.

The nature of CASCO, unlike OSAGO, is voluntary. This means that the owner of the vehicle has no obligation to take out insurance. However, there is such a practice of financial and credit institutions that offer a car loan service only on the condition that the purchase is insured under CASCO.

An important point of contractual obligations is attentiveness to the terms used in the agreement and the described cases that will become insurance. If the owner is attentive, it is guaranteed that he will not be left without payments.

But it is worth remembering that there are cases when the insurance company legally does not pay compensation if:

  • the vehicle was outside the coverage area of ​​the policy;
  • management was carried out by a person in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication;
  • the owner deliberately damaged the vehicle in order to receive payments.

CASCO price

Due to the fact that there are many risks against which the car is insured, the price of the policy is always high. But besides risks, many other factors influence the cost. For example:

  • the vehicle has an anti-theft system;
  • official statistics on thefts for the insured car brand;
  • tariffs and coefficients of the insurance company;
  • price, brand, year of manufacture of the machine;
  • driving experience and age of the driver.

It is realistic to find out the approximate cost of CASCO using the calculator.

Special cases of insurance practice are insurers' refusal to sign a contract if the car is old or does not have an insufficiently reliable security system.

How is compensation paid?

Compensation options are always prescribed in the insurance contract, so a damaged vehicle can be delivered to a service station for repairs or money can be given to the owner of the vehicle.

The concept of a franchise in CASCO

Certain damage that is received by the car is not compensated, and this is stipulated by the auto hull agreement. The meaning of the franchise is to reduce the cost of the contract, the more the amount that is stipulated as unpaid, the less the policy will cost.

Articles on CASCO

Buying a vehicle on credit is a fairly profitable enterprise. After all, by paying a “modest” percentage to the bank, you get the opportunity to use the car even before the full repayment of the debt to the bank. But not everything is so simple. A credit institution is obliged to insure its possible losses. On the basis of which the conclusion of a CASCO agreement for car loans is a prerequisite. But not all consumers know how to do

Reading time: 6 minutes

CASCO repair is one of the options for compensation for damages under car insurance. By choosing it, the owner of the vehicle protects himself from additional worries associated with restoring the car. The insurance company that implements the policy organizes this process on its own. But the car owner who has chosen this type of compensation is obliged to know exactly the information regarding the rules for carrying out repair work under CASCO.

Features of obtaining repairs under insurance

When an IC client has a CASCO policy in his hands, in case of damage to the car, he has two options: to receive compensation in cash or to receive a repair service from an insurance company.

But insurance should reflect all possible options for causing damage. For example, if the policy was issued only taking into account theft, then it will not be possible to use its other functions. This is quite likely when the car owner is the owner of a partial, and not a complete CASCO package.

Therefore, in order not to be in a difficult situation and get the necessary assistance from the insurance, pay attention to the correctness of filling out the policy, look through all its requirements. And if it provides for a referral for car repair under CASCO in case of damage, then all the conditions of repair, including terms, should be stipulated and regulated by the rules of the insurance itself.

Is it possible to repair when the owner himself is guilty of a malfunction

The CASCO policy insures the vehicle regardless of who or what caused the damage to the car: the elements, intruders, another driver. And even if you yourself are the culprit of the accident or negligently damaged the car. But with the condition that it does not contradict the contract.

Repair at an authorized dealer

Usually, the insurance sends cars that have a guarantee to the official dealer for restoration. In this case, all terms can be clearly specified. For example, the time for repairs under CASCO in Rosgosstrakh through a dealer is usually 15-30 days.

But it is worth considering that car repair under CASCO at an authorized dealer is not always beneficial for the UK, since it is much more expensive. Therefore, the car can be sent for restoration to another service station. This moment must be discussed with the representative of the insurer at the stage of execution of the contract.

How is the repair

The procedure for recovery procedures for a vehicle, as well as compensation for damages under CASCO, is quite simple. To avoid delaying this process, it is recommended to proceed as follows:

  1. When an insured event occurs, you should contact the UK with a written application. If the company's employees already have all the documentation necessary to compensate for the damage, then you need to attach the papers to the application. Otherwise, you will need to collect and submit documents within the time specified in the contract. What exactly, we will tell below.
  2. Then provide the car for the specialists of the UK.
  3. After inspecting the vehicle, you will be given a referral for repairs to the service station.
  4. The next step is to provide the vehicle to the car service master. Service station employees agree on the cost and timing of restoration work with representatives of the insurance company. Such negotiations last no more than 14 days, after which the driver is notified of the start of repairs.

The repair process itself can be carried out within 15-45 days from the day the vehicle arrives at the station. Upon completion, the car owner signs the acceptance certificate and notifies the insurance company.

Sequence of actions before transferring the car to the service station

When wondering how to repair a car according to CASCO, you need to figure out what preliminary steps you need to go through (we have already talked about some of them):

  1. Collecting the necessary documents and sending them to the insurance company.
  2. Getting directions for repairs.
  3. Thorough inspection of damage.
  4. Compilation of a special statement (troubleshooting), where all the problems are registered.
  5. Discussion of the insurer with the service station technician on the details of the repair: the availability of specialists, the required parts, etc.
  6. Representatives of the insurer and service stations stipulate the exact timing of the car for repair.


The list of papers that the insurance company requires to issue a referral for repairs directly depends on the insured event.

Some programs provide for CASCO repairs without documents from the traffic police. But most often you can’t do without them, which can be found in the insurance contract or by contacting a company representative when an insured event occurs.

Regardless of the program and type of case, the following documents must be submitted to the UK:

  • car registration certificate;
  • diagnostic card.

If an accident occurs, additionally attached:

  • accident notice
  • copies of the protocol of the traffic police and the decision on an administrative offense or a certificate of refusal to initiate proceedings on an administrative offense.

In the event that arose as a result of the participation of third parties, the repair of a warranty car under CASCO requires, in addition to those mentioned, the following documents:

  • certificate of form 3 from the Department of Internal Affairs;
  • notification from the Department of Internal Affairs;
  • copies of documents on the initiation of a criminal case or on the refusal to initiate it.

Repair time

The time allotted for the process of restoring the car starts from the moment when the insured has transferred all the documentation to the insurance company.

The terms of repair at the service station are provided for in the rules of the contract, but if this is not the case, then you should submit an application to the insurance company with a request to provide data on the terms.

In this case, the insurer may:

  • offer to contact the service station;
  • give a written answer;
  • refuse to provide such information.

If the UK received the latter option, then be guided by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which says that if the time of the work performed is not indicated, then they must be carried out within a reasonable time.

Referral validity period

I would like to note that, according to the law, the insurer is not obliged to issue a referral for repairs. Therefore, this condition must be prescribed in the contract without fail. You should indicate the time limits for issuing a referral or payment of the sum insured and the validity period of a referral for repairs under CASCO.

If a company violates the terms and conditions and delays issuing a referral, the following steps should be taken:

  • take an order from a service station employee for repairs and an invoice indicating the cost of work;
  • draw up a written claim and attach an invoice and a work order to it.

The time the car stays at the service station

The maximum possible period for repairing a car under CASCO according to the law should not exceed 45 days, even if the contract does not contain a clause on the timing of the restoration of a damaged car. When a car gets repaired by an authorized dealer, as we have already mentioned, the recovery period can vary from 15 to 30 days.

Very often, the insurance company turns to unofficial service stations for the repair of a damaged vehicle, as it is cheaper in most situations. In this case, the terms of car repair under CASCO are regulated by the contract or legislation and should not exceed 45 days, unless there are conflicts with a specific insurance program.

What to do when repairs are delayed

The recovery period may be delayed for one reason or another:

  1. The insurer does not pay in advance.
  2. Long line at the car service.
  3. Insurance and service stations cannot agree on the cost.
  4. The service station is delaying repairs for unknown reasons.

In such cases, you must first deal with the reasons why recovery procedures are not carried out. You can contact the service center directly.

When it comes to non-fulfillment of obligations by the insurance company, it is enough to write to her. If the problem lies in the overpricing of repairs, a written request is made to replace the repair contractor. At the same time, we must not forget that when the insurer and the service station cannot agree on the cost of repairs, this is not a problem for the driver. If the issue is not resolved within 14 days, you can demand compensation from the insurer in cash.

Repair problems

When choosing the option of receiving insurance compensation in the form of a referral repair, the car owner may encounter some problems.

The car may not be accepted at the service station even if there is a referral from the insurer. The reason may be the absence of any agreement on cooperation between the parties, the expiration of its validity or its termination, the absence of documents on the extension. Or the insurance organization delayed payment for previously completed repairs, and for this reason the service has no desire to increase its own losses.

In addition, the repair of a car under CASCO may not be completed due to the fact that there are no parts, the craftsmen simply do not have time to complete everything on time, there are no qualified specialists, and so on.

To avoid problems and delays, it is necessary to discuss in advance with the service station the time of receipt of the necessary spare parts, carrying out repair operations, and the availability of specialists.

How to get money instead of repair

As mentioned above, a CASCO insurance policy is convenient in that it makes it possible to choose a repair or payment in cash. That is, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to receive money under CASCO, and not repairs, is positive. However, in this case, it must be borne in mind that, having received funds from the insurance company, the driver carries out the repair procedure on his own.

This method is beneficial in that the client of the insurance company himself controls the situation with the absence or availability of spare parts necessary for repair, monitors the deadlines and discusses all the nuances with the masters.

There is another option, how to get money instead of CASCO repairs. This can happen if the insurance company, for unknown reasons, delays the deadline for issuing a referral to the service station, cannot agree with the car repair shop, or does not respond to the car owner at all. In this case, you need to file a claim and send it to the insurer. The contract should spell out such problems and options for their solution.

As practice shows, CASCO with cash payment is not always the best way out of the situation. If the driver is a novice with little experience and has never encountered domestic service stations, it makes sense to agree to the repair of a vehicle under insurance.

OSAGO policy holders can learn more useful information for themselves in the material "".

Denial of insurance payment for OSAGO and CASCO. What is legal and what is not: Video

Full CASCO is a policy that protects the car owner from hijacking, damage And embezzlement. It should be understood that voluntary insurance applies only to the vehicle. And only for its basic equipment from the manufacturer. This means that the policy does not cover damage caused to the driver, his passengers, things and additional equipment that was installed by the owner.

For example, if the owner installed new non-standard bumpers, a radio or an anti-theft system and they were stolen (or damaged), The insurance company is not responsible for this equipment.(if it is not provided by the contract or additional options).

Full CASCO does not protect the driver and passengers in an accident. Also, voluntary insurance does not apply to accidents involving third parties - this is the prerogative of compulsory insurance (OSAGO).

If a driver, driving in a car insured under OSAGO and CASCO, becomes injured in an accident, his car is restored under the OSAGO policy. If he becomes the culprit of an accident, the car is restored under the CASCO policy.

Some insurance companies offer to buy additional options together with a voluntary policy full CASCO. Options that are not included in the purchased package can be waived. Sometimes the insured is offered to purchase additional programs which will expand the range of services provided to him.

What risks are covered by full CASCO for motor transport insurance:

  • Vehicle damage as a result of an accident. Payments are made both for minor damage (scratches, dents), and for.
  • . A person appropriates movable property for a time (for movement on it) without the intention of selling it (full or in parts) or taking possession of it.
  • Vehicle theft. Theft of a car with the intent to sell / give it away (in whole or in parts) or take possession of the vehicle / its parts (dismantle).
  • Car theft (a form of theft). Secret theft of a vehicle (a person steals a car while the owner of the vehicle does not see him).
  • Damage to the vehicle and its components due to attempts to steal or steal.
  • Damage to the body of the car and its components.
  • Loss of various parts of the vehicle, components, assemblies and equipment included as standard.
  • Illegal acts of third parties in relation to the vehicle (intentional and unintentional damage, vandalism).
  • Damage or destruction of the vehicle due to spontaneous combustion.
  • Damage or destruction of the vehicle due to arson by third parties.
  • Damage to the vehicle as a result of various objects falling on it (roof, snow, ice, icicles, hail, stones, etc.).
  • Vehicle damage due to various natural disasters (flood, high water, deep cyclone, landslide, earthquake, etc.).
  • Damage resulting from the action and circumstances of force majeure - force majeure (natural disasters, civil unrest, circumstances of public life). Such actions are recognized as natural disasters that are not annual in nature and circumstances that the owner of the vehicle is unable to stop (military operations, mass epidemics, strikes, etc.). These circumstances are unforeseen, extraordinary and irresistible.

Insurance companies

We are ready to provide a full CASCO service not many insurance companies. Most owners prefer to purchase partial voluntary insurance. This is especially true during the economic crisis.

In order not to fall for tricks unscrupulous insurance companies, it is necessary to take seriously the process of buying a full CASCO voluntary insurance policy. There are special agencies that calculate the ratings of various companies. We wrote about the expert and popular rating of insurance companies for CASCO.

Insurance companies offering full CASCO:

  • SPAO Ingosstrakh (additional options and discounts for insurance of other property and life in this insurance company).
  • SG Max (the ability to choose payments without references, various service options and additional programs).
  • OSAO "RESO-Garantiya" (additional life insurance for the driver and passengers, tow truck in case of an accident, tow truck with a discount in case of breakdown, road repairs, civil liability, insurance for additional equipment, discount on the installation of alarms and anti-theft systems).
  • CAO ERGO (evacuator from the scene of an accident, the validity of the contract in European countries, round-the-clock dispatch service, calling an emergency commissioner, the possibility of installment payment for a CASCO policy).
  • AlfaStrakhovanie (additional services in case of an accident, life and health insurance, tow truck, low mileage discount).
  • PJSC "Rosgosstrakh" (the possibility of installment payments, payments without collecting certificates, the choice of a service station).
  • CJSC "VSK" (the possibility of extending the policy on the territory of the CIS, China and Europe, discounts for accident-free driving and for the installation of additional anti-theft devices, discounts for certain categories of citizens, franchise, the ability to manage additional options).
  • VTB Insurance LLC (tow truck, emergency commissioner services, technical assistance on the road, round-the-clock help from the company, additional services, lack of priorities for overnight car storage).
  • OJSC "Kapital Insurance" (insurance for additional equipment, insurance for drivers and passengers, tow truck, emergency commissioner services, legal assistance).
  • OJSC SAK "Ergogarant" (possibility of payments without certificates, tow truck, franchise).

You can only find out the exact cost of the "Full" CASCO directly from the representative of the company, since they can vary greatly.

Features of insurance

Voluntary car insurance can turn into extortion of money from the client of the insurance company. To prevent this from happening you need to follow a few rules:

  • The insurance company must be stable according to the RAEX rating.
  • Find out in advance at the UK office about all tariffs, services that are included in them and additional options that are paid separately.
  • Choose SC according to your needs, and not vice versa. No need to buy full CASCO insurance impulsively. You should weigh all the pros and cons, think about what services may be needed and which ones are not. Only then, in accordance with their needs and desires, look for a suitable insurance company.
  • Clarify with the insurance agent all points of interest and incomprehensible points. Do not hesitate to ask the agent simple and seemingly understandable questions. For example, on the websites of many ICs, the services "Tow Truck" and "Accident Commissioner" are indicated. For some companies, these services are included in the cost of the full CASCO tariff, for others, these services are provided for an additional fee.
  • Be sure to read the contract before signing! Even the most smiling consultant can "forget" to inform about some details of the contract, which will be interpreted not in favor of the insured.

The rate of voluntary car insurance full CASCO includes insurance against theft, theft and damage. Many insurance companies are ready to offer vehicle owners convenient rates-constructors. Additional options and packages will help you always stay on wheels, quickly receive technical and legal assistance, receive payments from the insurance without certificates from the traffic police.

Very often, voluntary auto insurance, instead of a cash payment, involves the restoration of the vehicle at the expense of the company. This may be a prerequisite, or the owner of the vehicle chooses the repair as a reimbursement. It seems that it is easier and more profitable to bring a broken car back to normal than to achieve an adequate payment for an insured event. But even here there can be pitfalls.

Read in this article

What is included in the CASCO repair

Restoration of the car at a service station is carried out if this is in principle possible and economically feasible. That is, most of the components of the car should be saved. The CASCO agreement usually indicates in which cases repairs are not made (for example, the car is destroyed by 70 - 80%). But if it helps return the vehicle to a state that allows safe use, the owner can count on:

  • correction of defects in the coating of the body;
  • replacement of glass elements;
  • elimination of dents;
  • replacement of hopelessly damaged parts of the "insides" of the machine;
  • restoration of the functions of its various systems.

That is, CASCO repair means bringing the vehicle to the same appearance and condition that it had before the occurrence of the insured event.

Sometimes the contract provides that minor repairs are carried out at the expense of the owner. And the company does not participate in its payment. But if there is no such clause, the insurer is obliged to bear the costs of restoring the vehicle in any case.

Laws on insurance matters

Voluntary insurance is regulated by several legal documents. There is a law No. 4015-1 dated November 27, 1992 “On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation”, as amended in 2018. Article 10, paragraph 4, states:

The conditions of property insurance ... within the limits of the sum insured, may provide for the replacement of the insurance payment ... in case of damage to property that did not entail its loss, by organizing and (or) paying by the insurer against the insurance compensation for repairs ...

There is also the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in which an entire chapter is devoted to voluntary insurance. There is also information about repairs. In accordance with Article 313, the company with which the car owner has concluded an agreement is responsible for it.

Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 20 dated 06/27/2013 also insists on the main role of the insurer in ensuring the restoration of the car. And if he does not treat it responsibly enough, he allows the owner of the car to speed up and improve the process. Article 44 of the legal act states:

If the contract of voluntary insurance provides for the restoration repair of the vehicle ..., carried out at the expense of the insurer, then in the event of failure to fulfill the obligation to carry out restoration repairs within the time limits established by the insurance agreement, the insured has the right to entrust the production of restoration repairs to third parties or to carry out it on their own and require the insurer to reimburse the costs incurred in within the limits of the insurance premium.

Car restoration times

The countdown of the period in which the car owner can expect to receive a referral for repairs begins immediately after he submits an application for compensation along with other documents. Its duration can be specified in the contract. Then Part 1 of Article 313 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation applies:

If an obligation provides for or makes it possible to determine the day of its performance or the period during which it must be performed (including if this period is calculated from the moment the other party fulfills the obligations or the occurrence of other circumstances provided for by law or the contract), the obligation is subject to performance on that date or, as appropriate, at any time within such period.

If the repair period is not specified in the document, the referral must be received within 7 days, as required by part 2 of the same article. Otherwise, the car owner has the right to fix the car at his own expense at a service station of his choice. And then ask the insurance company for compensation.

The terms of repair are not regulated by law. It is only said that they must be reasonable, but the insurer may understand this word differently than the client. Therefore, the car owner should not wait for the restoration of the vehicle for more than 45 days in case of serious damage. And if the car is under warranty and sent to an authorized dealer, they must bring it “in divine form” within 1 month.

Expert opinion

Nadezhda Smirnova

Automotive Law Expert

All the time while the repair is underway, the owner must definitely call the insurer and be interested in how the process is progressing. This will not delay the restoration of the machine. Sometimes you can make concessions and wait longer. But only if the necessary parts of the car are missing, and the established repair period is slightly exceeded.

Factors that change timing

The machine can be repaired in 10-15 days. The recovery process takes longer for the following reasons:

  • a large influx of customers to the service station due to bad weather conditions, provoking many accidents;
  • serious damage requiring long and careful work to correct defects;
  • the machine is elite, therefore, in order to replace the destroyed parts with “relatives”, one has to wait a long time for their delivery.

These circumstances can be called respectful. But it happens that any conflict between the insurer and the service station is guilty of delaying the restoration of the car. In this case, the expectation is not justified, and the owner needs to demand that the company solve the problem.

For information on how to repair a car under CASCO insurance, see this video:

When is the best time to get money?

Sometimes, instead of repair, it is worth preferring a monetary refund. For example, in case of minor damage to the car, when it is possible to restore it on your own and not be left without your own transport for this time.

The same is more profitable in case of serious machine defects. Repairs can take a long time due to the workload of the service station or the lack of necessary parts. And it is better to take the money, and send the car to a service of your choice, where it will be done faster. Compensation in this case will consist of the cost of repair and the loss of the commodity value of the vehicle.

Features of repair at the dealer

If you decide to choose the restoration of the car, and not a monetary compensation, you should make sure that everything is done on time and with high quality. It depends not only on the insurer, but also on the owner of the vehicle. It is important to control the process from start to finish.

Work procedure

It all starts with contacting the company, to which the car owner informs about the insured event and submits an application for compensation. Other documents must be attached to it. Then the owner of the CASCO policy should:

  • submit a car for inspection by an expert from the insurer;
  • obtain a document from the company providing repairs at a specific dealership or one of the authorized list;
  • send the car to the service for research;
  • wait for the repair estimate to be drawn up and drive the car to the workshop if it was not left there immediately;
  • find out how long it takes to pick up a serviceable car;
  • when it is done, sign the acceptance certificate and inform the insurer, if it is provided for by the contract.

Money for work does not fall into the hands of the car owner. The insurer settles with the dealer himself. The owner of the car only needs to make sure that all defects are taken into account and eliminated.

There may be some time between being inspected by the insurer, examining the condition of the car in the workshop and sending it directly for repair. It is required for both organizations to agree on the amount allocated by the company.

Watch this video to see the result of a car repair at a dealer:

Referral for repairs and other documents

The first step towards the restoration of the vehicle is the submission of an application for compensation for an insured event. Then the car owner needs to submit as soon as possible:

  • own passport and its copy;
  • CASCO policy;
  • copies of documents from the traffic police, the police or the Ministry of Emergency Situations (depending on what caused the damage to the car);
  • certificate of ownership of the car (not required in all companies).

All this makes it possible to obtain a referral for repairs, which should indicate:

  • the name of the insurance company, address and telephone number;
  • details of the owner of the car;
  • information about the car itself;
  • description of the received defects;
  • the amount allocated for the elimination of all damages;
  • list of attached documents (expert's report, calculation, etc.);
  • seal of the insurer and signature of the responsible person.

Replacement car during the repair

While the car is in the service, the owner can be allocated a replacement vehicle. This service is not available to everyone, but only under the conditions:

The opportunity to get a replacement car for temporary use is provided not by the insurance company, but by the dealership. Many of them charge for this service. The CASCO owner, whose car is being repaired, should contact the organization. The car is rented out under a contract. At the end of its validity period, the equipment should be returned in the same condition as it was before the signing of the document.

What to do if the body repair was carried out poorly

A car insured under CASCO must be restored to a condition in which it can be operated. But this is not always the case. And poor-quality repair means non-fulfillment by the insurer of the terms of the contract. It is the company that is responsible to the client for errors and poor performance of the service station. Therefore, the car owner should:

  • order, which will confirm the inadequate quality of the repair and calculate the required amount for a full restoration;
  • draw up a claim against the insurer, attach a specialist opinion to it;
  • in the absence of a response from the company within 10 days or in case of a negative response, file a lawsuit in court.

In a claim, you can insist on correcting the shortcomings of the repair at the expense of the insurer or free of charge, paying compensation for this. The application to the court indicates the same requirements. The insurer will also pay a fine for non-compliance with the terms of the contract.

What to do if repairs are delayed

In the absence of good reasons for taking too long to restore the car, the owner should:

You can also demand monetary compensation from the insurance company instead of carrying out restoration work. But in general, it is necessary to hurry the return of the car put in order to its owner throughout the entire time while it is at the service station.

When can the insurance company refuse compensation under CASCO?

Receiving reimbursement under a voluntary insurance policy may be in question, and the car owner will not blame his company for anything. Because refusal is legal in the following cases:

  • failure to provide the necessary documents on the basis of which compensation is carried out;
  • violation of the terms of the repair request;
  • neglect of traffic rules by a motorist (drunkenness at the wheel, running a red light, speeding);
  • false information about what caused the car to be damaged;
  • refusal to present the vehicle for inspection and determination of the amount of damage;
  • repairs carried out by the owner before the expert saw the car;
  • signing by the client of a document on the absence of claims, if the car is damaged due to the actions of third parties;
  • violation of other terms of the contract.

CASCO policy holders often prefer repairs to cash payments. And not only because it is carried out faster. Just compensation may not be enough for a full restoration of the car. Repair should return the car to its previous state.

Useful video

For information on what to do if you have carried out poor-quality car repairs, see this video:

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