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The legend of our domestic automotive industry, the UAZ SUV is always operated only in very difficult conditions. To ensure the normal operation of the engine, it is necessary to use only high-quality lubricants. When choosing which oil is better to fill in the UAZ Patriot, it is necessary to take into account its “finicky” to the characteristics of the composition.

Types of oils

Usually, the UAZ Patriot is equipped with a ZMZ-409 gasoline power unit, which requires only high-quality maintenance. ICE parts and vehicle components need high-quality lubricating fluid that can ensure trouble-free operation of the propulsion system and make it reliable for the entire period of operation.

Among the large range of oils for the UAZ SUV, the most popular products are those produced by global companies:

  • Castrol;
  • Shell Helix;
  • ESSO;
  • Mobil;
  • Lukoil;

Of course, the cost of such an oil, even semi-synthetics, will be quite expensive. But the motor will work for a long time and reliably.

There are also several types of original motor oils that were created specifically for UAZ vehicles. These brands are indicated in the recommendations of the automaker. They are commonly used in vehicle warranty service.


All-weather universal oil belonging to the premium class. Able to work at different temperatures, reliably protecting the engine from overheating. Due to its high wear resistance, it reduces the wear of parts in case of high loads. Recommended by the manufacturer for service maintenance of the UAZ power unit.


  • Increases efficiency;
  • Reduces fuel consumption;
  • The motor runs silently;
  • The car starts easily in severe frosts;
  • Does not adversely affect the operation of the engine catalytic converter.


Motor all-weather grease, distinguished by its excellent performance. Able to work at any temperature, while maintaining its lubricating properties. Under heavy load, it reliably protects engine parts from increased wear. The manufacturer recommends using oil during warranty service in a car service.


  • Increases efficiency;
  • Reduces fuel consumption by 3%;
  • Reduces noise level;
  • The power plant starts easily at sub-zero temperatures;
  • Does not affect the operation of the catalytic converter;
  • Reliably protects the engine during operation on Russian roads.

UAZ MOTOR OIL 0W40 - for the Arctic

A special engine oil that differs from analogues in its impeccable low-temperature properties. The engine receives reliable protection in case of very low temperatures, it is easy to start even in severe frosts.

Lubricating fluid can also be operated under heavy loads on city streets. The manufacturer recommends using this product during warranty service.


  • Increases the efficiency of the power unit;
  • Protects the motor from increased wear during particularly harsh operation;
  • Reduces fuel consumption;
  • Reduces the amount of harmful emissions;
  • Makes the engine noiseless;
  • The engine starts easily even at minus 40;
  • Does not affect the operation of the collector.

The lubricant perfectly protects the engine under increased load, as well as during operation in Russian conditions.

Each owner of the UAZ Patriot independently chooses the brand of engine oil for his car. Of course, the financial component plays an important role here. However, the best choice is the oil recommended by the car manufacturer.

For many years since the acquisition, I have been pouring oil into the UAZ-a M8V engine and somehow everything seemed to suit, but in recent years the quality of this oil has become, frankly, very poor. Of course, it would be necessary to switch to another, but in some places there were leaks, and since I had to constantly top up, I didn’t want to take an expensive option.

But after a major overhaul and elimination of all problems, the question again arose of what kind of oil to fill in the UAZ engine. In stores, the brands of oils indicated in the book for repair and operation, for some reason, were completely absent. After looking at the characteristics of these lubricants on the Internet, I picked up the analogue of the brand 10W-40, which is closest in parameters to M8B oil.

Some parameters are even better, such as viscosity.

One of the main parameters for selecting engine oil is the compression ratio in the cylinders, 10W-40 fully meets this requirement. The table shows the technical characteristics:

With the start of using this oil, I noticed that the pressure in the engine increased by half the atmosphere, and most importantly, the engine began to make quieter noise during operation.

The oil pressure in the UAZ engine should be at a speed of 45 km / h from 2 to 4 kgf / cm2, the maximum pressure can be up to 5 kgf / cm2. In the heat, it can be even lower, but all these indicators depend on the quality of the oil, the condition of the engine and pump. Starting the engine in winter is easier and the nuisance of squeezing out oil, which I wrote about in less.

System capacity

A fully filled engine lubrication system holds 5.8 liters. How much oil is poured into the UAZ engine depends on which filter is installed (large or small) and whether an oil cooler is connected. So for replacement, you need to purchase 7 liters. 6 liters will be filled and one in reserve.


Oil change in UAZ engines is carried out during seasonal maintenance or after 16,000 km. If one oil was poured into the system and it is not very dirty, then it is not necessary to flush the engine. Otherwise, you need to use flushing oil or purchase an additive that is added to the oil before draining.

It is also used in new injection machines of the UAZ Patriot type. Here is a table of the dependence of filling the brand of oil into the UAZ Patriot engine on the ambient temperature:

Oils for UAZ Patriot


Summing up on the question of what kind of oil to fill in the UAZ engine, we can say that there are many options. However, you should not take a cheap one if you want the engine to serve you faithfully, and for as long as possible. The performance can be further improved by using mineral oil of a higher price category, for example, the ZIC brand for gasoline engines, the HIFLO category.

Engine oil is an important consumable item that needs to be changed periodically. The UAZ Patriot SUV is equipped with a ZMZ-409 model engine. Changing the oil is a prerequisite for the operation of the car. Choosing it is everyone’s business, this article is devoted to the question of what kind of oil is better to fill in the engine of your iron horse.

The UAZ Patriot SUV is equipped with a ZMZ-409 gasoline engine, which needs only high-quality maintenance. To ensure this quality service, you should find out which engine oil is better to fill in the ZMZ-409 engine.

Of course, the easiest way is to visit a car dealership and conduct a survey, but the manager, without thinking for a long time, will recommend the option that is available. Therefore, it will not be superfluous if you understand the question of which oil is better to pour into the ZMZ-409 engine of the UAZ Patriot SUV, no worse than a manager.

Therefore, drawing a conclusion, it should be noted that it would be most acceptable to stop your decision on a number of semi-synthetic oils. What does the motor oil market offer us?

Oil brands

The market for these materials is quite rich, and having visited several car dealerships, you can report that your eyes run wide when choosing motor oils. Who should be given preference, who really complies with all the requirements in the production of these materials and is responsible for his words. Indeed, a difficult question, besides, the number of names of oils is growing and growing every day.

Having decided on the type, viscosity and temperature conditions, you should choose a product from the most popular. It is not recommended to purchase new species, although sometimes they have higher rates. Among the well-known and popular consumables for the ZMZ-409 gasoline SUV engine, the following manufacturers are known:

  • Castrol;
  • Shell Helix;
  • ESSO;
  • Mobil;
  • Lukoil;
  • console.

It is from these names of manufacturers that it is recommended to stop your choice. Of course, the cost of even semi-synthetics can be confusing, but as they say, the miser pays twice. You should not spare finances for the purchase of such consumables as engine oil.

Engine capacity for oil filling

What is the volume of engines ZMZ-409 gasoline SUV Ulyanovsk production. A standard passenger car has an engine capacity of 4-4.5 liters. But since the UAZ Patriot is from the jeep family, it is appropriate that its engine size will be much larger. Indeed, this is so, the volume of the engine for filling oil is 7 liters. Of course, this is a big minus, since you have to buy two whole canisters instead of one. But there's nothing to be done, a good car requires considerable resources.

Such questions often arise, but how many liters of oil does a 2005 or 2010 SUV have? It should be noted that the engines of these SUVs are absolutely identical and have the same volume. How many liters of material should then be obtained after it is drained? Approximately after draining the material from the system, it should turn out to be about 6-6.5 liters. About a liter of material "walks" in the system and is in the oil filter. Therefore, it is not always possible to pour 7 liters of lubricant into the engine. Sometimes the mark may show the MAX level, but as soon as the engine is started, the readings will decrease. Engine oil diverges through the system and it is necessary to add a few more liters.

For your information! There is no need to flush the system between lubricant changes, provided the same type of lubricant is used.

It is also very important to warm up the motor before draining the material so that the material becomes thinner and can drain completely.

So, in this material, we considered the main questions about which engine oil should be poured into an SUV engine, how to choose the most optimal one and how much is needed? Based on this information, each SUV owner will be able to make the right choice, focusing on the information and their finances, and fill in the material that the Patriot really needs into the system of their car.

You can check your CBM and reduce it if needed!

The technical regulations for the UAZ hunter model require the replacement of engine oil in gasoline and diesel engines every 15,000 km or once a year, whichever comes first. Moreover, an obligatory procedure is an oil change at 2500 km, after the so-called "running in". Under severe operating conditions, such as: short distance driving, very frequent engine starts and very poor road conditions (dust, mud, sand), oil changes are required at shorter intervals.

In a UAZ Hunter diesel engine, it is better to change the oil every 10 thousand km, and even better - every 8. The thing is that diesel fuel in Russia, to put it mildly, is not very good, because of this, engine oil quickly becomes unusable. And from more frequent oil changes, your engine will only say “thank you” and be cleaner. In addition, when changing the oil, it is necessary to immediately change the oil filter, and also the air and fuel filters (if possible), since they do not cost that much money, while significantly affecting the formation of the correct fuel-air mixture.


For gasoline engines, multigrade motor oils with a viscosity grade are recommended: 0W-40, 5W-40, 5W-30, 10W-30, 10W-40, 15W-40, 20W-40. For a 2.2 liter diesel unit, oil with a viscosity of 10W-40 is suitable. For those who are not very versed in the designations - the first number indicates the viscosity "cold", and the second, respectively, the viscosity "hot" (the larger this number, the thicker the oil at engine operating temperature). This is the so-called SAE viscosity. For example, 0W - means that the oil is able to maintain acceptable fluidity down to -35 degrees Celsius.

Please note that 0W-40 and 20W-40 oils, although they have the same “hot” viscosity designation (the second digit after W), however, in the first case, the oil can operate at temperatures from -35 to 0 degrees, and in the second - from 0 to +35. The fact is that winter oil is always more liquid in consistency than all-weather or summer oil, therefore, at high temperatures, the oil film at the point where the piston touches the cylinder is too thin, as a result, severe scuffing is possible both on the piston skirts and in the cylinders themselves .

The picture (click to enlarge) shows a canister of Lukoil "Super" oil with a viscosity of 10W-40. This oil is suitable for both gasoline and diesel engines - as evidenced by the inscription on the "SG / CD" canister.

Ash content

This parameter determines the amount of metal-containing additives, in other words, the amount of ash that remains after complete burning (evaporation) of the oil. Oils are full-ash - with a full package of additives, this is indicated on the canister as Full Saps, or according to the ACEA classification: A1, B1; A3,B3; A3, B4; A5, B5.

Medium ash oils (reduced additive package) are indicated on the canister as MID SAPS, or according to ACEA: C2 / C3. In low-ash oils, the additive package is even smaller; they are designated as Low SAPS or ACEA C1 / C4.

Why reduce ash content? High sulphated ash content is not allowed in most modern vehicles due to European emission standards. Such oils clog less particulate filters, catalysts, and are also less deposited on pistons and rings.

UAZ Hunter uses engines that are simple in design, so you can safely use medium-ash and even full-ash oils if you don’t want to overpay.

Replacement procedure

Before starting the oil change procedure, you need to decide what type of oil you will fill in your engine. If "mineral water" was previously filled in the engine, in no case should synthetic engine oil be filled in without first flushing the engine. The reverse is also true, when switching from synthetic to mineral oil, it is also necessary to flush the engine, since these oils are not compatible with each other.

An unpredictable reaction can occur that can cause flakes in the engine lubrication system, which consists of many small diameter channels, which will clog the oil channels and seize the engine. But semi-synthetic oil is equally compatible with both mineral water and synthetics, respectively, in this case, you can do without flushing the engine.

Many car enthusiasts do not trust flushes, especially the so-called “five-minute flushes” (when a special fluid is poured into the old oil for 5 minutes of engine operation, then it all drains), since it is impossible to completely drain the flushing fluid, any part of it will remain one way or another in the engine and will impair the lubricity of the new oil.

Therefore, flushing should be treated with extreme caution, use them only when it is really necessary - when changing types of oils, or if a car was bought from your hands and you do not know what kind of oil is filled in there. To replace, you will need: new engine oil and a filter, a clean rag, a container for draining oil with a volume of 5 liters or more, a 17 key, a screwdriver (or a special key for unscrewing the oil filter).

So, what needs to be done in order to change the oil in the UAZ hunter engine:

  1. Put the car on a viewing hole, lift or overpass. If the engine is cold, warm it up to operating temperature.
  2. Unscrew the oil filler cap and remove the protection (or mudguard) of the engine.
  3. Clean the oil drain bolt (under the crankcase) with a wire brush or cloth.
  4. Using a 17 key, unscrew the oil drain bolt, after substituting a container under this place. To make the oil drain faster, you can twist the starter a little (but do not start).
  5. Unscrew the oil filter, but do not turn it upside down when you take it out of the car, it contains some oil. If the filter is "stuck" and does not unscrew, use a screwdriver. It is necessary to pierce the filter as close as possible to its bottom, thereby making a lever.
  6. Install a new filter after adding some oil to it, be sure to lubricate the filter o-ring with oil and tighten by hand as tightly as you can.
  7. Screw back the drain bolt in the crankcase, only after that you can fill in new oil.
  8. Fill in new oil.

How much to fill depends on the size of the engine. In a 2.7 UAZ gasoline engine, 7 liters of engine oil are poured. In an engine with a volume of 2.9 - 5.8 liters of oil. In a diesel 2.2 unit - there should be 5.5 liters of oil when replacing.

Do not throw away the used little and do not mix it with household waste, as this causes irreparable damage to the environment, such as groundwater pollution and not only ...

If you keep adding oil to the engine, most likely, the piston rings or valve stem seals are no longer the same as from the factory (worn), as a result of which oil enters the combustion chamber and its level gradually drops. But, any engine in one way or another “eats” oil during operation within acceptable limits.

For the ZMZ-409 motor, oil consumption up to 100 g / 1000 km of track is considered the norm. This indicator may vary slightly, depending on the type of oil being poured. ZMZ-409 holds only 7 liters of oil, however, when replacing it, it is better to pour 6 liters, since it will not work to drain everything right away.

For the normal functioning of the car, you need to know what kind of oil to fill in the UAZ Patriot. Untimely replacement or the use of low-quality technical fluids becomes the main cause of malfunctions and frequent car repairs.

What engine oil is better to fill in the UAZ Patriot engine in summer?

It depends on which engine - gasoline or diesel - the car is equipped with, which engine oil is better to fill in the UAZ Patriot engine in the summer. The frequency of oil change for diesel and gasoline engines depends on the operating conditions of the car.

Diesel vehicle owners recommend using Mobil 1TM ESP 0W-40 engine oil and Mobil 1TM 5W-50 enhanced performance full synthetic oil. The replacement interval is every 10,000 kilometers.

For a gasoline engine, an oil with a viscosity grade of 5W-30, 5W-40, 10W-40 is suitable. The best option is Mobil 1TM 0W-40 synthetic oil. UAZ Patriot manufacturers recommend using oils with a viscosity grade of 10W-40, and the rest of the choice depends on the budget of the car owner.

What oil is better to fill in an automatic transmission (automatic transmission) UAZ Patriot?

Before deciding which oil is better to fill in an automatic transmission (automatic transmission) of the UAZ Patriot, you should know that the manufacturer initially fills in ZIC G-FF 75W85 (GL4) oil, so if the car is not under warranty, it is recommended to use ZIC, as they can problems with warranty service. If the car is not under warranty, then any GL4 type transmission oil can be used.

The gearbox oil should be changed after the first 2,500 kilometers and then every 40,000 kilometers. The frequency of replacement does not depend on the time of operation of the car.

What kind of oil is poured into the mechanics at the factory (officials) in winter for the UAZ Patriot?

For those who own a car with a manual transmission, it will be useful to find out what kind of oil is poured into the mechanics at the factory (officials) in winter for the UAZ Patriot. As already mentioned, the manufacturer fills in ZIC G-FF 75W85 (GL4) oil. In the future, for mechanics, the owner can use SKG-F Top 75W-85, ZIC G-FF 75W-85, Hanval Incorporated SAE 75W 85 API GL-4.

What kind of oil to fill in UAZ Patriot bridges?

To find out what kind of oil to fill in the UAZ Patriot bridges, you need to look in the car's operating book, which clearly states that the oil in the front and rear axles is changed every 40,000 km.


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