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The insurance premium under a mandatory motor insurance contract is calculated based on the CBM coefficient. It is also called bonus malus. Its advantage lies in the fact that in the absence of an accident, the driver is given a 5% discount, but the amount of the cost of the basic contract and the bonus increases if the car owner becomes a participant in the accident. In some situations, the driver cannot correlate the change in the OSAGO indicator and the history of his driving. A complaint is sent to Rosgosstrakh to clarify the reasons. In case of detection of errors or inaccuracies, a complaint is filed with Rosgosstrakh to restore the bonus.

What is the bonus malus coefficient

The calculation of this indicator starts from the maximum 3rd class of possible accidents, at which the standard highest coefficient of 1 is assigned, which affects the amount of payments. Changes are made depending on the number of accidents registered with the traffic police. When they were absent for the specified period, the indicator decreases by one line. In the case of the presence of an accident in the number from 1 to 4 during the year, the parameter increases.

The maximum CBM brings a discount on the amount of the insurance premium up to 50%. The highest negative indicator increases the parameters to 2.45%. That is, the amount of the sum insured grows more than twice.

Section "Feedback" Rosgosstrakh

Important: Discounts are cumulative, which provides careful car owners with significant financial preferences.

A citizen can independently check the OSAGO KBM on the basis of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers. In case of discrepancy between the performed calculation and the reality of compliance with the driving rules, a claim is sent to Rosgosstrakh, a sample and an application to the organization are prepared according to a standard sample. Each appeal is considered in the PCA.

Procedure for filing a complaint

Cases of filing a complaint with Rosgosstrakh

In some situations, car owners receive a contract form in which financial indicators are entered at an inflated cost. Such a defect is eliminated and an underestimation of the entered values ​​is carried out. As a result, too high a price can be adequately underestimated.

The feedback of the KBM complaint, established with the rgc, reveals several reasons for the error:

  • error when entering bonus data by the manager of the insurance company;
  • case of a technical failure in the PCA program;
  • failure of the unified PCA database, information is necessarily published on the main page of the official website of insurers, when agents automatically enter the average maximum indicator.

Important: One year is given for the restoration of KBM indicators after the policy is issued. After 12 months, the data is reset and the insurance driver's history is formed based on the existing data.

Complaint Example

Methods for submitting complaints

If an error is found in the form sent to fill out, a complaint is filed with Rosgosstrakh or transferred to another “own” insurer:

  • the document is sent in a special field on the official website of the insurance company in the "Feedback" section;
  • handed over in person at the office;
  • sent by courier or registered mail.

In the case of a personal visit, it is imperative to get a mark on "your" copy of the date of admission. In any case, the date is indicated when it was sent to Rosgosstrakh or another insurance company.

Note: Since December 1, 2015, the procedure for filing a complaint against the UK has been simplified. It is from this date that it is enough for the applicant to apply with a statement about the identified inaccuracies to the insurance company where the policy was issued.

What is the sample complaint against KBM for OSAGO and the application form

Complaint Form for Wrongful Zeroing

Any claim in Rosgosstrakh must be prepared taking into account the mandatory requirements of the indicated data.

Their list includes:

  • the reason for the referral;
  • the amount of the proposed insurance, which the UK planned to hide in the document, is reported;
  • materials confirming the actual number of accidents are attached.

Remember: There is no single template for such a document. The applicant himself determines what is beneficial for him to report for the revision of the MSC.

When sending to Rosgosstrakh, the following information is entered:

  • about the personal data of the applicant;
  • the name of the insurance company;
  • information about the term of the contract;
  • the essence of the problem that led to the cancellation of the MSC is reported in detail in free form.

In the case when a lawsuit is filed against RGS Life (“RGS Life”), it is worth remembering that legally this organization has nothing to do with Rosgostrakh. In case of refusal, a further complaint can be sent to the PCA or the Central Bank.

In the situation of using the portal of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers, the citizen's appeal is sent in the section of the official website "Contact the RSA". For a claim to be considered, you must:

  • fill in the official form located in this section;
  • send the finished material to the e-mail address indicated on the page or deliver it personally.

The completed form must be personally delivered to the RSA office. It is located in Moscow, in house number 4 on Lyusinovskaya street.

Upon receipt of a refusal to consider situations with a decision in Rosgostrakh to file a complaint with the parameters of the OSAGO policy, the last step is the preparation of an appeal to the Central Bank. Such an appeal is filled out on the official portal of this organization. To it you will need to add all the complaints sent and the negative decisions received.

What documents to apply

In order to file a complaint with Rosgosstrakh regarding the preparation of proposals for an OSAGO policy, at each stage it is required to prepare a basic package of materials. In order not to receive a refusal from an employee of this company even at the stage of initial consideration, it includes:

  • personal passport, which belongs directly to the insured;
  • you will need to present the driver's license of all persons included in the policy;
  • documents that confirm the right to own a vehicle;
  • the list of documents must include a copy of the new form, which indicates the size of the bonus that is erroneous from the point of view of the motorist;
  • if the appeal includes a request for a refund of the overpaid insurance premium, it is required to provide the details of the current account, to which, if the issue is positively considered, the returned overpaid amount will be transferred.

If refusals are received at each stage of the referral to the PCA and the Central Bank for review of the decision, the initial set of materials is also attached. To it is added, depending on the stage, a written form of refusal in the insurance company, in the PCA. For consideration, it will be necessary to take into account all the stages of the challenge. Each time the complaint is considered by a new representative of the departments, who needs to immediately explain the reason for the possible error.

Important: Regardless of the outcome of the dispute, the insurance company will not reimburse the applicant for costs associated with hiring a courier, sending a registered letter or using other forms of communication.

Options to whom and where to submit a request to the UK

At the initial appeal, the completed form is transferred to an authorized employee of the insurance company. This is how court cases of Rosgosstrakh life are also considered.

At the moment, the RGS is losing the life of the courts to Rosgosstrakh, whose name was illegally used by this structure to carry out insurance of citizens. When planning to complain about this particular structure, it is important for the applicant to inform in which insurance company the purchase of OSAGO was carried out. Due to the large number of citizens' complaints about errors and unauthorized actions, it is assumed that "RGS Life" can change its legal name. According to the rules of the current legislation, liability for violations committed when considering issues in court will remain.

When the applicant is lucky enough to be in a controversial situation with this and other insurers, the procedure for sending a request for the restoration of the size of the KBM is transferred to the authorized representative of the insurer.

On a note. According to the rules of office work, the secretary of the head or assistant head has the right to register any incoming documents.

Often sales managers can try to accept documents. Such employees, in the absence of a proper section in the internal documentation of the structure, do not have the right to register incoming documents.

Having confirmed his authority, the representative of Rosgosstrakh:

  • accepts an incoming document;
  • enters data on its official registration;
  • makes an official copy for the applicant, on which the incoming number, the date of receipt and the full name of the person who received it are affixed.

The fact of acceptance of the incoming document is recorded by the personal signature of the employee who issued it. In case of violation of the deadline for consideration of the complaint, the applicant may complain to the specialist, reporting a violation of the rules of document flow in organizations.

In conclusion, it is worth paying attention that it is recommended for each driver to control the parameters of the bonus and report violations upon receipt of the form. The cause of the error may be a system failure or human error. In the event that an appeal about a possible violation has not been drawn up, the discount earned will be canceled and next year will be considered when issuing an OSAGO policy on conditions that could only be disputed within 12 months.

KMB or bonus-malus coefficient familiar to every car owner of an insurance policy. This indicator reflects the driver's reliability index and significantly reduces the cost of OSAGO insurance. Calculated by KMB in individually.

The exception is:

  1. transit transport;
  2. beginners on the road (their default KMB is 1);
  3. a vehicle permanently registered in another country.

How to restore KMB on insurance?

There are only 3 ways recovery.

After a while, a notification will be sent to the specified email address that the complaint is being processed. When the Central Bank completes the check, notifications are also sent to the email address that the recalculation has been made. The whole procedure, when contacting the CBR, takes about 30 days.

How to write a letter to an insurance company

To do this, you need to contact the insurance company that made the wrong recalculation with a written application. They owe within 10 days fix everything.

A sample application looks like this:

Director _____________ (insurance)

From Petr Petrovich Petrov

Tel. _____________

Address: ______________ (own)


I ask you to make changes to the driver's insurance class in the PCA database, because when issuing an insurance policy, series No. number dated (date) ____. KBM calculation errors were made for the following drivers:

1. Petrov Petr Petrovich, born May 12, 1972 water. certificate 24KA111111, the class according to the previous policy is 8, respectively, the current one must be 9.

The data is confirmed by a certificate from the previous insurance company SK Soglasie LLC. (here you indicate either a certificate or a previous policy)


1. A copy of the certificate (or a copy of the policy) from the previous insurance company SK Soglasie LLC.

You must bring a copy of this application with a copy of the certificate, to an insurance company. The secretary registers the appeal and assigns a serial number to it.

The main thing is that at the time of filing the application, the contract has not expired. In the event that the recalculation is not carried out or the term of the contract has expired, you need to file a complaint with the PCA, with accompanying documents - that the deadlines for the execution of the application have not been met due to the expiration of the contract or write a statement to representatives of the insurance company, in order to checking the quality of their work.


Contacting an insurance broker

This method is considered last resort. In the event that the insurance company does not respond to your application in any way, and the deadlines set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation do not suit you. You can contact an insurance broker who, in a short period of time and certain remuneration- restore KMB. The main thing is that the driver does not have a "fresh" accident.

We wrote about that here.

When can a complaint be filed?

A complaint against OSAGO can be filed if:

  • Insurance agents, when calculating the amount of insurance, do not take into account the KMB indicator at all.
  • The client of the company found violations in the actions of its representatives - inconsistency of KMB with the declared one.

To file a complaint against KMB for insurance, you must contact the Russian Union of Motor Insurers. To do this, you must either personally appear at the specified address on the official website, or fill out an application form via the Internet. Both ways are equivalent. The application is considered in the shortest possible time.

List of documents

When filing a complaint, the following package of documents is required:

In the event that the KMB is calculated incorrectly in relation to another driver, additional copies will be required: his passport of the Russian Federation and a driver's license. This set of documents will needed by any method of contact - in person at the PCA department or by filling out a form on the website.

In the event that at least one document is drawn up incorrectly or is missing, the entire package, together with the application for treatment, is returned back. No concessions or alternatives are expected.

Sample complaint to the RSA:

To the Russian Union of Motor Insurers

from _______________________________

(written in full)


postal address (for correspondence):


d. ______, building _______, apt. _______



index: _________________________

tel. (mobile) _______________________

tel. (house.) _______________________


I ask you to understand the actions of the insurance company (injured / tortfeasor) ______________________________________

(Underline whatever applicable)

Case number in the insurance company ____________________________________________________________

No. of the policy of the tortfeasor ____________________________________________________________

Victim's policy number ________________________________________________

The essence of the appeal: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

At the end of the document is the consent to the processing of personal data, the date and signature of the applicant.

This sample has standard, unified form. You can download it on the official website of the PCA. The sample is filled in with a black ballpoint or gel pen. A postscript at the end of the form means full and unconditional consent to the processing of personal data.

In the event that the document is to another driver using a car - the application form must be filled in by the person whose interests are being protected.

Where is the complaint filed?

Before filing a complaint with an insurance company, you can contact directly to the organization itself with a statement of recalculation and an indication of the error. It is likely that this is not a deliberate action, but a simple negligence of workers. If at the insurance office, during the re-check, the recalculation was refused, you must file a complaint to relevant organizations.

You can file a complaint directly with the RSA or the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

In the event that the process is greatly delayed and the answers from the above-mentioned authorities are unsatisfactory, it is worth contacting Rospotrebnadzor and, further, to submit documents to the court. However, this is considered the most extreme measure. Insurers, PCA and other organizations dealing with this issue are trying to resolve disputes related to the recalculation of KMB as quickly as possible.

In court, the consideration of the complaint is also relatively fast. In the event that the driver's reputation is as transparent as possible, the decision is made unambiguously and the KMB is recalculated. In order to recalculate according to KMB with the OSAGO insurance company - does not require much time and effort. There are enough resources on the Internet to simplify all stages of the procedure as much as possible.

If you are faced with the problem of incorrect calculation of the cost of OSAGO due to an erroneous coefficient of accident-free driving (CBM) in the PCA database, then you urgently need to contact your “own” insurance company with an application for restoring the CBM with the correct value.

What is the AIS SAR base and how to fix it?

The RSA AIS database is a unified database of the automated information system (AIS) of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers (RSA), containing all information on the concluded compulsory motor third party liability insurance contracts (OSAGO) since January 1, 2011. It is to this database that insurers transfer data on all OSAGO contracts. Problems arise when this data is entered with an error.

To deal with this problem, let's try to outline the algorithm of your actions:

It is important to know that from July 1, 2014, when calculating the cost of OSAGO, all insurance companies are required to use the coefficients contained only in the AIS RSA database, and not from their own database. Therefore, the value (correct or erroneous) of your KBM in the PCA database is the basis for the final calculation of the insurance premium for your OSAGO policy.

First, we need to understand the following question: where to apply for MSC? And only then proceed to correct the error in the ill-fated PCA database.

Where to send an application for KBM: to the insurance or RSA?

On August 8, 2002, a professional association of insurance companies with a sonorous name was established in Russia - the Russian Union of Motor Insurers, whose members were all insurance companies participating in the system of compulsory motor third party liability insurance. The main task of the PCA is to ensure comfortable and uninterrupted working conditions for all participants in the system of compulsory motor third party liability insurance in the territory of the Russian Federation.

It is difficult for us to judge which of the members of this organization is most comfortable working (“ To whom in Rus' to live well?”), but we know for sure that tens of thousands of motorists are dissatisfied with the quality of this system. The most common problem faced by motorists who access Insuri services is KBM errors in the AIS RSA database. Most of our clients have perfectly reasonable questions:

  • What should I do if there is an error in the value of my KBM in the PCA database?
  • Where to submit an application to correct an error in the PCA database?

If there is an error in the PCA database in the value of your coefficient of accident-free driving, then you should apply in writing to the insurance company, whose OSAGO policy was issued last.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is only necessary to apply for the correction of the KBM to the Russian Union of Motor Insurers if you could not get the truth from your insurance company.

Preparing documents for an insurance company

To prepare for a reasonable appeal to “your” insurance company, you need to collect the following documents:

  • A copy of the OSAGO policy with the correct KBM value, which was previously issued by this insurer.

If you failed to keep the old policy, then you need to contact "your" insurance company with a request to issue a break-even certificate - INFORMATION ABOUT COMPULSORY INSURANCE OF CIVIL LIABILITY OF VEHICLE OWNERS UNDER THE COMPULSORY INSURANCE CONTRACT. After receiving this document, you can easily confirm your accident-free status.

  • copy of driver's license, scanned on both sides.

Fill out an application form to the insurance company

We proceed to fill out the application form to the insurance company regarding the correction of the incorrect value of the KBM.

to CEO

Insurance company LLC "Name of the insurer"

from Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich,

having a passport: series _______ No. _________________

registered at:



d. ______, building _______, apt. _______

index: __________________________

tel. (mobile) ________________________

tel. (house.) ________________________


I, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, born on 11/05/1976, registered at the address: 125009, Moscow, Red Square, 1, kv.1, having a driver's license - 00 MO No. 123651 (category C, driving experience since 1996) enter the correct value of my OSAGO KBM into the database of the automated information system of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers (AIS RSA).

Since January 31, 2013, I have owned a vehicle - Bugatti Type 57SC Atlantic(register sign - E 001 KX 777), manufactured in 2013 with identification number (VIN) WERTB35466E333565.

For the last two years (since 2013) I have been a client of your company - an insurer for compulsory motor third party liability insurance (OSAGO). In the period from 01/31/2013 to 10/01/2015 I have a continuous and accident-free history of compulsory motor third party liability insurance (OSAGO), which is confirmed by copies (and / or originals) of the following documents:

Identity cards and title documents:

  • a copy of the driver's license - 00 MO No. 123651 (I enclose a scanned copy on both sides);
  • a copy of the vehicle registration certificate - 78 29 No. 925947 (I enclose a scanned copy on both sides);
  • a copy of the vehicle passport - 77 UE 397477 (I enclose a scanned copy on both sides);

Copies of OSAGO insurance contracts concluded with Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich in the period from 01/01/2013 to 10/01/2015:

  • 2013 - 2014 - OSAGO insurance policy from IC "Name of the insurer", CCC series No. 000111000111 (CBM of the insured in the policy = 0.7)
  • 2014 - 2015 - OSAGO insurance policy from IC "Name of the insurer", CCC series No. 222444222444 (there is no information on the value of KBM in the policy)

Please send an answer with a solution to my problem to the place of my registration.

Sincerely, I.I. Ivanov

"____" ________________20___

We are waiting for a response from the insurance company and check our KBM in the PCA database

We sorted out the application - the application form to the insurance company is filled out. Now it remains to send it to the address of the insurer by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt and wait for a response within the period allotted by law - 30 days. Most often, representatives of insurance companies give an answer within 2-3 weeks.

For reference: checking your BMF value will only take one minute. To do this, just go to the official website of the PCA and enter your data into the online service for checking the KBM.

We are writing a complaint about a KBM error in the PCA database

If you have not received a response to your letter regarding the correction of the KBM, then feel free to contact the following authorities:

  • Russian Union of Motor Insurers
  • Central Bank of the Russian Federation

With trouble-free driving. Following a series of simple steps will allow you to purchase insurance at its real cost in the future.

A change in the size of the bonus-malus coefficient is necessary in cases where the cost of a new OSAGO policy significantly exceeds the amount for which it was purchased in previous periods of vehicle use

There are several options for restoring the original value of the coefficient in question. Each of them involves interaction with official structures involved in the field of civil liability insurance. The main stages of the necessary actions:

  • Before sending complaints and demands to official structures, it will take time to collect and systematize documentation. It will be attached to requests sent to the structural divisions of the Central Bank.
  • It is also necessary to photocopy the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a driver's license, as well as the original CMTPL policies on hand (even those for which the validity period has expired).
  • After that, claims and complaints are sent first to the Insurance Company, then to the Union of Motor Insurers, and in the absence of a positive result, to the Central Bank and to the judicial authorities.

KBM size calculator: functionality

The current version of the online service for determining the indicator of the bonus-malus coefficient is designed to provide assistance to legal entities and individuals. When entering data on a car registered to a company or organization, it is necessary to indicate in the fields of the calculator information about the TIN, VIN of the car, as well as information about its state number, registration data about the chassis and body numbers. You will also need to indicate the start date of the policy. With the correct completion of the above steps, the system will calculate the current indicator.

For individuals, the procedure for determining the coefficient will require the provision of personal information (name, date of birth, as well as passport information). The fields of the calculator indicate the nature of the permissible use of the vehicle (insurance with or without restrictions), the period of commencement of the contract, as well as information about the car: VIN, chassis, body number, state registration number.

Based on this information, the system will search for information in the AIS. The applicant will have the opportunity to find out the size of the coefficient on the date of the request. If there is evidence that the value obtained should be less than the declared value, it is necessary to take measures to restore it.

Application form for the restoration of KBM

This document is required to submit the relevant request to the UK in order to make changes to the AIS database. Subsequently, this statement will play the role of evidence, for example, when filing a complaint with the Central Bank or the RSA, on the basis of which the applicant confirms the fact of filing a corresponding claim with the insurance company.

The application can be made in a simple written form, but it must contain basic information about both the applicant and the nature of the required measures. At the top of the form, the details of the insurance company are indicated, including its name, address, telephone number and full name of the director or manager. Information about the insured is also displayed here: registration address, contact phone number, initials.

You can download the form

The descriptive part includes the requirement to make changes to the AIS, as well as data on the OSAGO policy: its number, validity period, place of conclusion of the contract. The application must also reflect the grounds for making appropriate amendments to the information base. This may be a certificate or an extract from the insurance company with which the contract was previously concluded, but the size of the KBM was indicated incorrectly.

Important: it is allowed to provide any other evidence, for example, a photocopy of a previously valid OSAGO agreement.

What are the ways to restore KBM?

The final cost of the policy depends on the number of accidents that occurred with the insured during the period of validity of OSAGO, if damage to other vehicles was caused through his fault. In this case, the value of the bonus-malus increases, which leads to a commensurate recalculation of the amount of the insurance premium paid to the insurer.

To search for a company that entered incorrect information into the AIS electronic database for the first time, you must use online services. Each insurer is obliged to provide policies in electronic form by providing services through a website in the information network. Here you can also find a service that allows you to determine the bonus-malus indicator by the policy number.

Submission of claims to the insurance company

They must be sent by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt, attaching the following documents: an application addressed to the head of the organization, information about the policy, with which it was possible to obtain information about the change in the size of the coefficient, as well as a photocopy of the driver's license and title.

The application sets out the essence of the requirements: making changes to the information database, which contains information about the driver. Insurance companies such as Rosgosstrakh or VSK offer customers online KBM recovery services. To do this, the sites have separate sections where a corresponding request is sent in the form of an electronic message, as well as scanned copies of the above documents. The term for consideration of the claim is up to 30 days. If these actions did not lead to a result, then you need to proceed to the next step.

Interaction with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

Sending requests to change the coefficient will be considered by the Central Bank if:

  • the applicant made attempts to resolve the issue with the insurer in a claim procedure;
  • The OSAGO policy expired no earlier than 1 year ago.

To submit an application, you need to go to the official website of the regulator ( and go to the tab "Information on OSAGO agreements". In this category, a link will be displayed - "Submission of a complaint". The reason for the appeal or the subject of the application is indicated here. You should select the category "Use of incorrect values ​​of estimated coefficients".

The text of the complaint reflects official information about the insurer - its name, address, contact numbers. It also describes the essence of the situation, as well as the requirement to restore the wrong value of the coefficient. The term for consideration of the complaint will not exceed 10 days. During this period, the regulator will send an appropriate request to the insurer. If an error is found, it will require changes to the incorrect data.

Working with PCA

Despite the fact that the information base of policyholders is maintained by the RSA (Russian Union of Motor Insurers), this body is not authorized to make changes to it. These actions are performed by the insurance company, due to which the system displays the wrong value of the bonus-malus coefficient.

However, the PCA is able to influence an insurer that does not properly perform its functions. To do this, you need to download the current application form from the official website ( The complaint is filled in similarly to the requirements that apply to the application sent to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The package of documents is sent to the RSA via e-mail to the address [email protected]. The term for consideration of the application does not exceed 30 days. Before you apply to the PCA with a complaint under OSAGO agreements, you must familiarize yourself with this information on the official website of the PCA.

If none of the above means of restoring the original value of the coefficient did not bring the desired effect, there is only one option left - sending an application to the court. It is necessary to prepare copies of mailings that confirm the fact of claim proceedings with the insurance company, as well as photocopies of the answers received from the Central Bank and the RSA regarding the request to amend the information base of insurance companies.

Insurance Broker Services

These individuals or legal entities carry out entrepreneurial activities, the meaning of which is reduced to the provision of intermediary services. In the absence of time or desire to interact with official structures (Central Bank, insurance company, PCA), brokers can perform these actions on behalf of the insured. Their activities are remunerative.

Reference: a civil law agreement is concluded with the client, on the basis of which a service is provided for collecting the necessary documentation, sending it to the authorities, as well as taking measures to protect the interests of the client.

Why is it necessary to restore the KBM?

Based on the fact that the bonus-malus ratio provides the policyholder with a discount associated with accident-free driving, as well as the absence of payments in favor of third parties by the insurance company, actions to restore this parameter are aimed at returning the overpaid amount.

For example, consider a situation in which it is planned to insure a car with an engine capacity of 140 l / s, manufactured in 2011, registered in St. Petersburg. Using the OSAGO calculator, indicating the initial value of the KBM (class 3), you can see the final insurance amount of more than 10 thousand rubles.

When entering similar data and changing the bonus-malus indicator to the one that should be based on driving experience, as well as accident-free driving (class 13), the calculator will display the real amount of the insurance premium - about 5 thousand rubles.

Erroneous information in the information system of insurers is the reason for a significant overpayment for the issuance of the policy. In these cases, restoring the value of the coefficient will allow the applicant to receive a legal discount for accident-free driving.

How long will the procedure take?

You can get information about KBM by sending a corresponding request to the insurer. If the claim is sent using online services, then the insurer's response must be expected within 10 days. If the application is sent by mail, then the period during which the transfer takes place is added to this time.

Then, the response received from the insurance company, together with the application for changing the coefficient, must be sent to the Central Bank. This is done by registered mail to the address of the Central Bank. Depending on the location of the applicant, the transfer time will take up to 10 days. A decision will be made on the application. The Central Bank has 30 days to do this. Within 15 days after the adoption of a positive decision, the Central Bank will take measures to make changes to the information system, about which the applicant will be notified in writing.

Thus, from the moment the information is checked on the website of the insurance company until a positive result is obtained, it will take approximately 50-60 days, or about 2 months, taking into account the features and speed of mail forwarding.

Why is KBM information lost?

The cost of insurance may be overestimated in situations where the data on the size of the MCV are entered into the system incorrectly or there is no information on the actual duration of accident-free driving. This is due to the following reasons:

  1. Human factor. For example, if the driver has previously driven a vehicle, but he is included in the OSAGO policy by his relative or acquaintance. In this case, when re-issuing insurance, information about the accident-free driving regarding the driver may be lost. If the representative of the insurance company cannot find information about the value of CBM, then he applies the standard indicator - class 3, which corresponds to a coefficient of 1. This indicates that the driver does not receive benefits and legal discounts when applying for insurance.
  2. When replacing a driver's license. If you do not send an application to the UK, then the cost of the policy will be calculated taking into account the fact that the person has no driving experience.
  3. The insurer did not send information about the insured to the PCA database, which led to the use of increased bonus-malus indicators.
  4. Entering incorrect personal data. If the procedure for transferring information about the insured has been followed, but there is a factual error, for example, the year of birth or patronymic is incorrectly indicated, then this will lead to the fact that the OSAGO discount will not be provided due to an error in the information provided in the AIS.

In what cases is changing the KBM not an error?

The value of the coefficient can change upwards in the following cases:

  • More than 1 year has passed since the last registration of OSAGO. In this case, the KBM is reset to zero. This is due to the fact that the norms of the current legislation provide that a discount for accident-free driving will be accrued only in cases where the insurance experience of the driver is continuous.
  • The bonus-malus indicator will also change in a situation where OSAGO is concluded for a period of up to 1 year, i.e. there was a break in liability insurance.
  • The information in the AIS will change when information about the new driver is entered into the policy.
  • Registration of a policy designed for the possibility of using the vehicle by any driver (unlimited insurance).
  • OSAGO is issued for another car. For example, if a driver previously insured the same car, indicating the restriction of the right to drive only him, when changing the car, the KBM is reset to zero, which leads to an increase in the amount of the insurance premium.

In these cases, the change in the bonus-malus is justified, due to the peculiarity of concluding OSAGO agreements.

How to restore KBM if the insurance company is liquidated?

If it is impossible to send a request for a change in the CBM to the insurer due to its liquidation or declaring bankrupt, the applicant can protect his rights when interacting with the RAMI. This organization is an intermediary between policyholders and insurers, having the necessary legal tools to correct data in the AIS.

To do this, it is enough to write an application to the PCA, which indicates the actual circumstances of the case, as well as a requirement to change the coefficient. It will be reviewed within 30 days. During this period, the PCA will study the OSAGO agreements that were previously concluded with respect to the insurer, and a conclusion will be made about the driver's accident-free operation. If the SAR decision is positive, new information about the KBM will be displayed in the AIS.


Restoration of KBM is a way to obtain a legal discount in case of accident-free driving during the entire term of the OSAGO agreement. For various reasons, information about the bonus-malus coefficient may be lost or distorted. Consistent actions of the insured to protect their rights will cause changes to the information base of insurers, which contains all the information about the driver that is used to form the cost of the OSAGO contract.

The coefficient under consideration can be restored both by the person whose rights are violated, and through the mediation of insurance brokers. The latter are ready to provide a wide range of services for a fee. When interacting with public authorities that are involved in the insurance business, it is necessary to spend a certain amount of time. In general, the term for making changes to the AIS does not take more than 2 months from the date of receipt of information about the incorrect amount of the coefficient.

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In contact with

According to the Law, when applying for an OSAGO insurance policy, each insurance company must take into account the so-called CBM (or bonus-malus coefficient), which can subsequently significantly reduce the cost of the insurance policy. If the insurance company does not take into account the KBM, the driver has the right to complain to the Russian Union of Motor Insurers by submitting an appropriate application. Read the article on how to do this.

Today, when you purchase an OSAGO insurance policy, the insurance company, when calculating its cost, must take into account the so-called bonus-malus coefficient (or KBM).

The bonus-malus coefficient is a discount that is made when purchasing the next OSAGO insurance policy, if the driver has never been in a traffic accident during the period of using the previous one.

Such a discount can reduce the cost of an OSAGO policy by several times. However, the amount of the discount is not fixed and is regulated by each insurance company individually. The more

The need to assign and account for this coefficient is regulated by the Federal Law "On OSAGO". When issuing an OSAGO policy, the insurance company, calculating its cost, assigns a certain coefficient to the driver, which must be taken into account without fail when calculating the cost of the insurance policy. When determining this coefficient, data from the automated information system of insurers of the Russian Federation are used.

In short, this system is called the SAR system.

In what cases is the bonus-malus coefficient not taken into account? According to the Law, the coefficient is not taken into account or equals 1 in the following cases:

  • If the driver is engaged in issuing an insurance policy of the "Transit" type. An insurance policy of this type is designed to transport a vehicle from one point to another;
  • If the vehicle for which the OSAGO insurance policy is issued is registered in a foreign country;

To date, there are three types of OSAGO KBM:

  • The bonus-malus coefficient for the driver, which is determined for each individual driver who is included in the insurance policy and has the right to drive a specific vehicle;
  • The bonus-malus coefficient for the owner of the vehicle, which is calculated for the direct owner of the vehicle for which the OSAGO insurance policy is purchased;
  • Estimated bonus-malus coefficient;

Summing up, we note that the use of KBM when calculating the cost of OSAGO is a mandatory procedure. Therefore, if you applied to an insurance company for an OSAGO policy, and the insurer refuses to take into account the CBM, you have the right to file a complaint against the CBM for OSAGO.

When should a complaint be filed?

To file a complaint against an insurance company, you must have sufficient grounds for this. For example:

  • If, when calculating the cost of an OSAGO insurance policy, the insurance company did not use KBM at all;
  • If, when calculating the cost of an OSAGO insurance policy, the insurance company used the KBM, but in violation of the rules for its accounting;

If one of the grounds for filing a complaint listed above is present, you have the right to file a complaint against the MKB under OSAGO.

Submission procedure

Where exactly should you apply? The complaint and the entire package of documents must be submitted to the territorial Russian Union of Motor Insurers. You can do this in one of the following ways:

  • Contact your local branch in person;

You can find out the exact address of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers in your region on the official website of the PCA. Reception hours of citizens on the issue of incorrect calculation of the bonus-malus coefficient can be found in advance on the official website. In each city, hours and days of admission can vary significantly.

  • File a complaint online;

This can be done on the official website of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers.

Compilation rules

An incorrectly drawn up complaint against KBM under OSAGO will not be accepted by employees of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers, therefore, its preparation should be treated with special care.

When filing a complaint against the CBM under OSAGO, you can use one of the following ways to fill it out:

  • Find a blank complaint form online and print it out. After that, fill in the required lines with a black pen, and then take it to the PCA;
  • Download a blank complaint form, fill it out in electronic format, then print it out and take it to the PCA;

A sample of the complaint of the KBM on OSAGO can be downloaded below or received by direct contact with the PCA. When filling out an application form for an insurance company, you will need to enter the following information:

  • Full name (in full);
  • Place of permanent registration (or place of actual residence);

You need to specify: city, street, house, city index;

  • Contact information (mobile phone number, e-mail);
  • Details of a driver's license: number, series, date of receipt;
  • Passport data of the applicant: surname, name, patronymic, series and number, place and date of issue, marital status, place of permanent residence;
  • Details of the insurance contract: the number of the contract for the conclusion of the insurance policy, the number of the insurance policy itself;
  • The narrative part should contain the essence of the appeal to the PCA;
  • In the final part, the date of submission of the application is written (it is better to put it down directly on the day of the application), and the applicant’s personal signature is also put;

List of documents when applying to the RSA

When applying to the RSA, the following list of documents should be prepared:

  • Complaint filled in by the rules against KBM for OSAGO;

A sample complaint against KBM for OSAGO can be downloaded on the official portal of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers.

  • A photocopy of the identity document of the applicant (passport);

A photocopy must be necessarily certified by a notary or a branch of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers.

  • Photocopy of driver's license;

Pre-certified independently or when contacting the PCA.

Instances of appeal

For 2017, there are three instances where you can file a complaint about the misuse of KBM when applying for OSAGO:

  • Russian Union of Insurers;

This authority should be contacted if you have a serious conflict with the insurance company.

  • Rospotrebnadzor;

C This authority should be contacted to resolve conflict issues of medium complexity.

  • Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • To court;

This instance should be contacted if all previous appeals did not give a positive result.


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