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Examining the front suspension typically checks the transmission and steering. Most often, breakdowns can be found in shock absorbers, springs, ball bearings, lower arms with silent blocks, upper bearings, stabilizer rods, steering rack, steering rods and tips, steering shaft, hub bearings, CV joints.

Prior to the diagnosis of the suspension, an inspection of the rubber covers and anthers of all possible parts is done, and if a damaged cover is found on the part, it usually changes. The shock absorber is not allowed to leak oil, no cavities or scratches should be found on the surface of its smooth mirror rod. The shock absorber should be silent when the car is swinging, and vibrations should disappear almost immediately. If the shock absorber is not working properly, then a non-rolling trajectory will be visible at the wheel when driving on the road, but it will jump like a ball. In the event of oil leaks, the shock absorber can function normally for a certain period of time.

A low seating position of the vehicle and the inability to perform the correct camber adjustment indicate worn out (sagging) springs. You can check the ball joints by swinging the lower arms up and down using a pry bar. There should be no significant backlash. Just as the silent blocks of the lower levers should not have it when they are pressed with a crowbar. In addition, bulging and cracked pieces of rubber, as well as peeling from the bushings, are permissible.

Ball joints and silent blocks are inspected on a raised machine, the support mount with the lower arm is unscrewed. Further, when the body of the support is turned by hands, it should have a smooth movement, the presence of force and the absence of backlash. At the lower lever, when it has a free position, there should be a tendency to occupy a horizontal position, under the influence of rubber silent blocks. When the machine wiggles up and down, faulty top bearings may have play. And if you remove the support, you can also reveal the torn rubber part.

Inspection and swinging by hand are done when checking the rods and stabilizer supports. Breakage of the steering rack is rare and occurs mainly in cases of wear of the guide bush (opposite to the driver). This is determined by the swinging of the rail when the wheels are turned towards the steering wheel, and it is necessary to grasp the rail through the traction cover. Checking the rods and tips is carried out either by turning the wheel with your hands, or by turning the steering wheel while simultaneously gripping the part to be checked with your hand. There should be no backlashes.

A faulty steering shaft may also have a backlash; a cover is recommended for this part. With a faulty hub bearing, a hum is detected while driving. At the CV joint, you will hear characteristic loud crackling sounds when the cars overcome a sharp turn, having a slight acceleration. In general, the disadvantages of the front suspension described above are the most typical, although there may be others.

UAZ car suspension


The car's suspension consists of four longitudinal semi-elliptical springs working in conjunction with four double-acting hydraulic piston shock absorbers.

Rice. 1. Front suspension of the UAZ-451M car: 1- front bracket; 2- shock absorber strut; 3 - shock absorber; 4 - rear bracket; 5-rubber pad; 6 - spring clamps; 7 - stepladder; 8 - bridge travel stop buffer; 9 - spring

Rice. 2. Installation of the travel stop belt for the rear spring of the UAZ-451M car:

Shock absorbers are designed to damp vibrations that occur during vehicle movement and improve the smoothness of its movement.

On all UAZ-451M and UAZ-452 vehicles, springs are installed, the ends of which are fixed in rubber cushions.

For UAZ-451M cars, the front springs have eight sheets, the rear springs have ten sheets each.

On UAZ-452 vehicles, the same front and rear springs are installed, each of which consists of 14 sheets.

The length of all springs in a straightened state (between the centers of the pillows) is 1200 mm.

To prevent the possibility of jumping out while driving without load, the rear end of the rear spring on cars is equipped with a rear axle travel stop belt. Fig, 97 shows the installation of the rear axle limiter of the UAZ-451M car, and Fig. 98 - belt-restraint for 15 UAZ-452 vehicles.

The leaf springs are made of strip steel of a special profile and subjected to heat and shot blasting.

In all vehicles, the front end of the front spring and the rear end of the rear spring are movable.

The front and rear shock absorbers installed on UAZ-451M and UAZ-452 vehicles are the same in design and differ only in the location and length of the levers.

Rice. 3. Front and rear springs of the UAZ-452 car: 1 and 13 - bracket covers; 2 - rubber spring cushion; 3 - left bracket of the front end of the front spring and the rear end of the rear spring; 4 - spring cup; 5 and 16 - buffer clips; 6- spring buffer; 7 - buffer lining; 8 and 17 - stepladders of the front and rear springs; 9 - front spring pad; 10 - front and rear springs; 11 - upper spring cup; 12 - left bracket of the rear end of the front spring and the front end of the rear spring; 14 - lining of ladders; 15 - rear spring restraint belt; 18- rear spring lining

The shock absorbers are adjusted at the factory and do not require adjustment during operation.

The arrangement of the rear right shock absorber is shown in Fig. 4.

Rice. 4. Rear right shock absorber: 1 - shock absorber cylinder cover; 2, 27 and 36 - gaskets; 3 - shock absorber body; 4 - holes for the bolt fastening the shock absorber to the frame; 5-roller shock absorber; 6 - top plug; 7 - cam; 8 - stuffing box; 9 and 10 - body bushings; 11 - side plug; 12 - inlet valve; 13 and 16 - pistons: 14 - thrust head of the piston; 15-plug of the filling hole of the body; 17 - spring of the tightening screw of the pistons; 18 - clamping screw; 19 - shock absorber lever; 20 - plug of the working valve of the compression stroke; 21 - plug of the recoil stroke working valve; 22 - shock absorber strut; 23 - stand pin; 24 - rubber bushing; 25 - bronze bushing; 26 - steel spacer sleeve; 28 - washer; 29 - internal spring; 30 - outer spring; 31 - compression valve stem; 32-sleeve; 33 - recoil valve stem; 34-spring; 35 - washer; 37 - shock absorber strut eyelet; 38 - nut


Springs maintenance. After one TO-1, you need to check the fastening of the springs.

For each TO-2 it is necessary:
- check the condition of the springs and rubber cushions of the springs by inspection;
- if significant wear or destruction of the spring cushions is found, they must be replaced with new ones. It is especially necessary to monitor the condition of the cushions of the front springs, since significant wear of the supporting surface of the cushions causes wobbling of the wheels and impairs the vehicle's handling;
- evenly tighten the nuts of the spring ladders.

If necessary, when a squeak appears, the springs should be cleaned of dirt and lubricated. For lubrication, jack the front or rear end of the frame so that the wheels do not touch the floor. Pressing the ends of the leaf springs with a screwdriver, put graphite grease in them.

Maintenance of shock absorbers. At each TO-1 check the condition of the shock absorbers. If a leak occurs through the gland, tighten the gland nut.

At each TO-2, check the condition of the front and rear shock absorbers by inspection and, if necessary, add shock absorber fluid to the lower edge of the filler hole without removing the shock absorbers from the car. When refilling, you need to detach the shock absorber strut and, shaking the lever, fill in the liquid in small portions.

Tighten the shock absorbers and struts mounting bolts.

Once a year, when performing the next maintenance of TO-2, remove the front and rear shock absorbers, unscrew the valve plugs, remove the valves and rinse with gasoline. Dry the parts before assembly.

When filling with fresh fluid, keep it clean, avoiding the smallest particles of dirt.

Install new 0.8 mm thick aluminum gaskets under the valve plugs. Valves should not be confused in places.

Do not remove cylinder covers.

After installing the shock absorbers on the frame, drain off excess fluid.

Removal and disassembly of suspension assemblies

To repair the suspension assemblies, it is necessary to remove them from the vehicle and disassemble them. After disassembling, cleaning and rinsing the parts, check their condition and determine their suitability for further work.

Removing the springs. To remove the spring, place the car on the inspection ditch and perform the following operations:
- set the front (or rear) part of the car on supports, remove the wheel, disconnect and move the shock absorber lever up;
- raise the front (or rear) axle with a jack;
- unscrew the fastening nuts and remove the ladders;
- unscrew the bolts securing the covers of the support bodies of the front and rear ends of the spring and remove the covers;
- remove the spring together with the rubber cushions.

Springs are installed on the car in the reverse order of removal.

Before installing the springs in the support bodies, the springs must be straightened. For this, a jack or a special device is used.

When installing the springs, pay attention to the position of the cups riveted to the ends of the root sheets; the fully enclosed cups at the front spring should be located at the front (movable) end, and at the rear spring at the rear (movable) end.

Removing shock absorbers. Place the vehicle on the inspection ditch and carry out the following operations.

Front shock absorber:
- unscrew the nut and knock out the lower pin of the shock absorber strut (UAZ-451M car);
- unscrew the lower nut of the shock absorber strut, move the shock absorber lever together with the strut up and remove the cushions and sockets of the shock absorber strut cushions;

- unscrew the nut, knock out the shock absorber strut pin and remove the strut.

Rear shock absorber:
- unscrew the nut securing the shock absorber strut eyelet to the rear axle housing bracket, move the shock absorber lever together with the strut up;
- unscrew the nuts of the shock absorber mounting bolts, remove the bolts and remove the shock absorber;
- unscrew the nuts, knock out the fingers and remove the rack and rack eyelet.

Install the shock absorbers in place in the reverse order of removal.

If wear appears in the bushings of the shock absorber lever or the lugs, it is necessary to press out the bushings with a mandrel and replace them with new ones.

Before pressing in the rubber bush, its outer surface, as well as the inner surface of the ear, should be lubricated with liquid soap. Pull up the bronze sleeve from the steel one, putting one on top of the other. In this case, lubricate the inner surface of the bronze sleeve with a thin layer of technical petroleum jelly or solid oil. Press the assembled bushings into the rubber bush.

If the shock absorber strut is bent, it must be straightened or replaced with a new one.

To connect the shock absorber lever to the strut, install the pin in the strut eyelet from the side of the hole with a large diameter (9.5 mm).

General instructions

For the assembly of springs. After disassembling and replacing defective sheets, assemble the spring following the instructions below.

Before assembling the spring, grease the sheets with graphite grease.

Punch out the threaded end of the spring center bolt or crush it off the end with hammer blows.

The rivet end of the clamp after riveting to the leaf of the spring should not protrude above the surface of the leaf.

Spring clamps after compression should not impede free movement of sheets during spring operation.

After assembly, paint the spring with MS-17 alkyd-styrene enamel.

Tighten the bolts of the spring bracket covers and the nuts of the ladders after the springs have settled from the weight of the engine and body installed on the vehicle.

The springs of the UAZ-452 vehicle must be sorted according to the dimensions of the deflection boom under a load of 600 kg into two groups:
Group I - deflection arrow 15-25 mm;
Group II - deflection arrow 15-5 mm (marked with green paint on the cup).

The diagram for measuring the boom deflection of the springs is shown in Fig. 5.

For disassembly and assembly of shock absorbers. In the event of a malfunction in the shock absorber, detach the shock absorber strut, as described above, and check by hand the force of movement of the shock absorber lever up and down. Movement of the lever without much effort at the beginning, and with further rotation with significant effort, indicates an insufficient amount of shock absorber fluid in the housing.

Moving the lever without great effort from one extreme position to another indicates an almost complete absence of shock absorbing fluid in the body or a clogged valve.

The reason for the very tight movement of the lever may be the breakdown of the shock absorber parts or the appearance of defects in them (deformation, scuffing, cracks).

When disassembling a (partial) shock absorber, keep in mind the following.

In case of partial disassembly, which is possible in a garage, the following can be removed: filler plug, valve plugs and service valves. The cylinder covers should not be removed.

When disassembling and assembling shock absorbers, ensure that the workplace is particularly clean and observe the following instructions.

Do not clamp the shock absorber in a vise by the body, as this may deform the cylinder walls. The shock absorber must be bolted to the fixture (plate, elbow) through the holes in the body, and the fixture must be fixed in a vice. The shock absorber can also be clamped in a vice by the lever.

When assembling the shock absorber, the valves should not be confused in places to avoid improper operation of the shock absorber (the recoil stroke valve has one spring, the compression stroke valve has two springs), and it is also not recommended to rearrange the corresponding valves from one shock absorber to another.

Rice. 5. Measurement of the boom deflection at the springs

When assembling shock absorbers to ensure tightness, it is necessary to replace the aluminum gaskets under the valve plugs (parts 11-2905092) with new ones. The thickness of the gasket is 0.8 mm.

The shock absorbers need to be filled with 145 cm3 of shock absorber fluid. The liquid level in the crankcase in the operating position must reach the lower edge of the filler hole. When filling with fresh liquid, you need to wiggle the lever until the drop in level stops.

To unscrew the shock absorber covers (with holes with five slots), you need to use a special wrench with paws, in order to avoid damage to the covers and loss of tightness.

It is not recommended to dismantle the lever, roller and cam during disassembly.

It should be borne in mind that at the factory, shock absorber bodies and pistons are sorted into 4 groups according to the sizes of cylinder and piston diameters in order to facilitate selection.

The piston must move in the cylinder without binding.

The angle of the total possible rotation of the lever must be at least 70 °.

After assembly, the shock absorber is checked by hand for smoothness and noiselessness of action, tested for tightness by pumping on the stand and adjusted.

In detail: do-it-yourself repair of a running UAZ loaf from a real master for a site site.

Any motorist can repair the front axle of the UAZ Bukhanka and UAZ 469 with his own hands. This work is not difficult. Structurally, both of these models are similar. This is especially true for the suspension. The frame structure means easy dismantling of the front axle and high reliability of the vehicle. There are some differences in leaf spring and spring suspension. But these features do not greatly affect the complexity of the work.

Almost no special tools are needed for repairs. All work is carried out with a minimum set of tools available to each driver.

Do-it-yourself repair of the front axle of UAZ Loaf and UAZ 469 uncomplicated. Most often, during operation, it is necessary to carry out various preventive work. As a rule, they do not require removal and disassembly of the bridge. The list of care actions includes:

  • The pivots are checked for gaps;
  • Threaded connections must be tightened periodically;
  • Convergence is checked;
  • The requirements of the parts lubrication tables are met.

It is imperative to visually inspect the main components. Particular attention is paid to the serviceability of the fastening bolts. All locking elements must also be securely reinforced. Check the angle of maximum rotation of the wheels. It should not exceed 28 degrees. If indicators differ from those indicated, you need to make an adjustment. Also, always check that the king pins are properly tightened and functioning. Untimely elimination of minor faults can lead to the need for overhaul of the front axle.

The repair of this unit begins with the dismantling of the bridge. On a loaf and a "goat", these works are performed identically. There are only minor differences. When performing repair actions, you need to be extremely careful. Removing the bridge consists of a series of simple steps:

  • You should start by ensuring that the vehicle is stationary. For this, anti-rollback brake pads are installed;
  • Further on the "goat" the brake pipes are disconnected from the hoses. On the Loaf, the tubes have transition pipes. In this case, the hoses are disconnected from the nozzles;
  • Remove the nuts securing the lower shock absorber cups. This element is the same on both machines.
  • Next, unscrew the bolts connecting the drive gear flange and the front universal joint. Before that, you need to fill in the WD-40 threaded connection;
  • Remove the thrust from the bipod. The nut on the ball pin is twisted;
  • Unscrew the nuts that secure the spring ladders. Disassemble them with overlays;
  • They will jack up the frame in front of the car, roll out the bridge.

Some UAZ 469 vehicles are equipped with springs. In this case, the penultimate item will look a little different. The penultimate action removes the anti-roll bar by disconnecting it from the longitudinal suspension arms. Levers and traverse rods are unscrewed from the bracket.

Repair... After disassembly, all parts are washed in gasoline and lubricated. Defective ones are replaced with new ones. The assembly takes place exactly the opposite, while it is necessary to clarify some of the nuances of the process.

When replacing the pivot bushings specifically in the ball bearing, after pressing, they must be tightened to 25 mm. Put grease inside. Do-it-yourself repair of the front axle of UAZ Loaf and UAZ 469 is not so difficult, but accuracy is needed. For example, when installing a ball seal, the ring for it must be impregnated with hot oil. After assembly, the functionality of the bridge is checked using a stand.

UAZ 452 "loaf" is a fairly reliable Soviet four-wheel drive SUV. The main breakdowns of this car are associated with leaks of lubricating fluids from the engine, gearbox (gearbox), front and rear axles, constant velocity joints (CV joints) and hubs. The main reason for the formation of such leaks is that the material from which the original seals and gaskets of the above units are made is partially corroded under the influence of modern lubricating fluids. Due to poor lubrication, moving metal parts wear out and must be replaced periodically. It is necessary to carry out preventive maintenance of the UAZ 452 at least once a year, change leaking oil seals and gaskets, and adjust the clutch.

The problem is that finding a factory manual for these SUVs is quite difficult. Therefore, we bring to your attention an instruction that will allow you to repair a car yourself.

As you know, the repair of a car engine begins with its dismantling. And only then disassembly, replacement of damaged parts and assembly is carried out. Overhaul of a power unit is not an easy task, therefore, it is not worth doing it yourself, without the help of experienced craftsmen. But you can change the oil seals yourself.

The factory repair manual for the UAZ 452 car states: to remove the power unit, you need to lift it up from the engine compartment. With this method of dismantling, you need 2 strong pipes (longer than the width of the cab) and the help of 2 people.

That's it, the power unit is removed.

It is easy to check whether an engine overhaul is necessary: ​​you need to put your hand to the open oil filler neck of a running engine. If the palm pushes out, then disassembly is required.

Quite often, in UAZ 452 cars, the free travel of the clutch pedal is not adjusted. This leads to increased wear of the driven disc and the need to replace it early. Adjusting the clutch of a UAZ 452 car is quite simple.

Clutch drive design.

  1. Clutch pedal.
  2. Brake pedal.
  3. Springs.
  4. Oiler.
  5. Thrust bearing.
  6. Coupling.
  7. Clutch spring.
  8. Lever arm.
  9. Adjusting bolt.
  10. Fork.
  11. Pusher.
  12. Fork spring.
  13. Traction.
  14. Grease nipple.

Clutch Pedal Adjustment

The factory manual for the repair of UAZ wagon-type vehicles sets the following unit parameters:

  • the gap between the pressure bearing and the heads of the levers screws - 2.5 mm;
  • pedal free travel - 28-35 mm;
  • full pedal travel - 145-155 mm.

Clutch adjustment is carried out as follows.

  1. We measure the free and full travel of the clutch pedal with a ruler.
  2. Remove the pedal springs and clutch fork.
  3. We loosen the pusher nut.
  4. Unscrew or twist the thrust end of the pusher until the recommended parameters are reached.
  5. Tighten the pusher nut.
  6. We put the springs back on.

After that, we check the combined and full pedal travel. If they correspond to the recommended parameters, we start the engine and check the operation of the clutch while driving. If it does not drive or skid, the clutch adjustment is complete. If something bothers you, we repeat the procedure until the desired result is obtained.

Subtleties when starting the UAZ 469 engine

Cold start at positive temperature

Starting the engine at positive temperatures has its own characteristics. First you need to set the gear lever to neutral, pull out the control knob for the entire air damper of the carburetor by about half and immediately after that, disengage the clutch and turn on the ignition. In this case, the starter must be kept on until the engine itself is started. But don't keep it like that for more than five seconds. The intervals between starting the starter must be at least 10 seconds.

After the engine has started, release the ignition switch key immediately. Then press the choke knob to the position that will provide the lowest engine speed. Now warm up the engine and gradually push down the choke control knob until it stops. It is worth noting that the temperature of the coolant of the engine you have already warmed up should be at least 60 degrees.

Let us immediately pay attention to a very important subtlety during such heating. In no case, when operating the UAZ 469, for accelerated warm-up, drive the car at a high engine speed

Starting a cold engine at temperatures up to minus 15 degrees

In this case, first you will need to turn off the oil cooler. After that, close the shutters of this radiator and install a special insulating cover for the radiator lining.

Next, you will need to turn the engine crankshaft with the handle. Turn it about four turns. Then you need to pull out the carburetor choke control knob to the maximum. Next, you need to perform the same actions as when starting the engine at positive temperature.

Starting a cold engine at temperatures below minus 15 degrees

Immediately, we draw your attention to the fact that you need to start a cold engine only after it has been preliminary warmed up with a pre-heater. But if suddenly at the time of start-up you do not have a pre-heater, then you can simply spill hot water through the cooling system

If you are doing preheating with hot water, then it must be poured into the radiator. Remember to drain the water as it cools from the cooling system. This can be done through a special drain valve. Just remember that after that the system needs to be filled with hot water again. Thus, warm up the entire system until the engine crankshaft starts to rotate. The rotation should be light enough with a well-felt compression in the cylinders.

It is also recommended to warm up the inlet pipeline with hot water, water must be poured onto it carefully, in a thin stream, so that heat can be transferred to the pipeline. After that, you need to turn the fan by hand in order to eliminate possible freezing of the pump impeller in the cooling system. Then everything needs to be done according to the same principle as described in the previous section about starting the engine at temperatures up to minus 15 degrees.

Hot engine start UAZ 469

There are also a couple of subtleties here that should always be kept in mind. When starting a hot engine, you do not need to cover the carburetor choke. It is also not advisable to press sharply on the throttle pedal, as this can lead to over-enrichment of the combustible mixture and prevent you from starting the engine.

But if, nevertheless, the combustible mixture turned out to be re-enriched, then all the cylinders need to be blown out with air. To do this, gently press the carburetor throttle pedal to the maximum. After very quickly turn the starters the crankshaft in the engine a couple of turns.

Conveyor model platform

The famous "Loaf", thanks to its all-metal body, the model "452" served as a platform for the creation of a whole line of vehicles:

  1. UAZ 2206 - a minibus for 11 people;
  2. UAZ 3962 - a car for the ambulance service;
  3. UAZ 396255 - civil modification of an ambulance for the needs of rural areas;
  4. UAZ 39099 - promoted under the name "Farmer". Designed for 6 passengers and 450 kg of cargo;
  5. UAZ 3741 - a van for the carriage of 2 passengers and 850 kg of cargo;
  6. UAZ 3303 - a flatbed vehicle with an open body;
  7. UAZ 3904 is a cargo-passenger version that combines the convenience of an all-metal body for passengers and an open body for cargo.

Features of modification with multifunctional control

Variations with the body of the car did not affect its technical equipment too much. But when the changes affected the controls, they underwent modernization:

  1. Internal wiring for UAZ;
  2. Steering column control unit for cornering and outdoor lighting;
  3. The control unit for the operation of electric wipers on the instrument panel.

Reason for modernization

On cars of the UAZ family, the windshield wiper control unit was located on the instrument panel. And since this did not meet the safety requirements, then on all subsequent modifications:

  1. it was replaced by a more modern multifunctional unit located directly on the steering wheel;
  2. began to install a new instrument panel.


Cars of new releases already have a multifunctional control unit in the database. But the owners of early releases can convert the car to modern safety requirements with their own hands.

This will require:

  1. Original wiring
    UAZ 2206 - as the most suitable for self-alteration;
  2. Factory instruction diagram
    , allowing you to correctly connect the steering column switches to the standard scheme;
  3. Desire to make high-quality editing

The work algorithm will be as follows:

  1. Disconnect the battery;
  2. We remove the control unit from the instrument panel;
  3. Disconnect the wires, referring to their compliance with the factory diagram in Fig. 1;
  4. Removing the standard switches from the steering wheel column.

For alteration, you will need to purchase several new parts:

  1. Block of multifunctional paddle switches from the UAZ 390995 model;
  2. Relay for the wiper circuit (best suited from the VAZ model, as well as the 2112 wiring connecting the relay and the switch block);
  3. Terminal blocks in the amount of 3 pieces (one 8-pin for the side of the steering column switches and two 6-pin for the relay and the standard adapter).

Getting started with the installation:

  1. We replace the standard connector with a new one;
  2. We cut the 4x4 wire (in Fig. 2 it is marked with a red cross);

Improved modernization scheme by car enthusiasts

Motorists have improved the alteration scheme proposed by the manufacturer by making some changes to it (in Fig. 3):

  1. A variable resistor R = 10K was introduced into the circuit, due to which the pause in the intermittent mode of operation of the wipers can be smoothly changed from 4 s to 15 s;
  2. Connect the resistor in such a way that the countdown of the operating mode starts from the moment the brush motor stops.

Conclusions: cars of the UAZ family are not only multipurpose unitary SUVs, but also easy-to-maintain vehicles. Almost any car owner, armed with knowledge and colored wiring diagrams, is able not only to restore a failed unit, but also to carry out a useful modernization of the car and its individual elements.


One of the most common problems of domestic cars is the breakdown of any electrical appliances, the wiring diagram will help you figure it out. The only solution to this problem is to check the status of the fuses. The topic of today's article will be the wiring diagram of the UAZ Loaf car on an injector type engine.

So, this article provides answers to such fairly common questions:

  • What is the wiring diagram on a UAZ Loaf car of an injector type engine?
  • How is the wiring diagram of the UAZ Bukhanka car arranged?
  • Where are the fuses located on the UAZ Loaf car of the injector type engine?
  • Repair of the mounting block.

Meet UAZ 452

The car was a cargo-passenger version of a cross-country vehicle with a 4 × 4 wheel arrangement. The Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant mastered the production of the model back in 1965.

  1. Like a traffic police car;
  2. As a fire engine;
  3. Ambulance car;
  4. Grocery store;

Electronic components

For reference: The instruction provided for regular checking of contacts. When oxidized, they should be cleaned with sandpaper.

Power unit

  • Protected from dust and dirt;

The previously used motor from "Pobeda" was replaced with a more modern engine from the 21st "Volga". This was facilitated by the launch of a production line at the Zavolzhsky Motor Plant in 1964.

A striking example of comprehensive testing "Tablets"

What is included in the wiring diagram

Electronic components

Engine compartment

The engine compartment of the car AUZ

Passive safety

Technical characteristics of UAZ 469

Before proceeding with the intricacies of operating a car, it would be nice to know about its technical characteristics.

The SUV is equipped with a 4-cylinder UMZ-451MI carburetor engine with a volume of 2.5 liters. Such an UAZ 469 engine is aggregated with a 4-speed manual transmission (with synchronizers in 3rd and 4th gears). Engine power reaches 75 horsepower with a torque of 2200 - 2500 rpm.

Gasoline A-72 or A-76 can be used as fuel. The car has two fuel tanks of 39 liters each, and the fuel consumption at a speed of 90 km / h is 16 liters per 100 km. The maximum speed at full weight is 100 km / h.

Since the engine is the heart of any car, then it would be more logical to consider the subtleties of starting such a unit under various weather conditions, especially if your Uaz 469 is new.

Gearbox removal process

It is quite possible to carry out repair of the checkpoint on the UAZ 452 with your own hands. This requires:

  • a set of wrenches, including the wrenches needed to tighten the nuts;
  • screwdrivers;
  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • pliers.

Dismantling algorithm.

The vehicle must be on level ground. It is necessary to drain the oil from the two boxes by unscrewing the drain plugs. Next, the front seats, the hatch halves, the clutch release fork, the transverse frame, the gearshift levers from the boxes are removed.

The speedometer shaft, suspension mounts in the chassis, and brake levers are to be removed. As a result, the outlet to the clutch housing is opened. The box is fixed on it with fastening nuts, which must be unscrewed, then the UAZ gearbox is carefully pulled out together with the transfer case until the splined shaft comes out of the flywheel. The driver will need an assistant to remove the box.

As soon as the disassembly into separate component parts has taken place, the box must be rinsed in kerosene and dried. All component parts are checked for integrity. First of all, this concerns the crankcase, shafts. If the threads on the shafts are damaged, they must be replaced. The machine is considered dangerous to operate if the gears are chipped.

Thus, timely repair of the UAZ “loaf” checkpoint helps to extend the resource of the box.

Meet UAZ 452

The car was a cargo-passenger version of a cross-country vehicle with a 4 × 4 wheel arrangement.
The Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant mastered the production of the model back in 1965.

You can evaluate its capabilities by watching the following video:

UAZ 452 is capable of carrying cargo weighing up to 700 kg in the back. In addition, it can tow a trailer weighing 850 kg. The vehicle has become very popular not only in the Russian off-road conditions, but has also been successfully used in large cities in various capacities (pictured in the article).

In particular:

  1. Like a traffic police car;
  2. As a fire engine;
  3. Ambulance car;
  4. Grocery store;
  5. Utility vehicle, etc.

Electronic components

The wiring of the UAZ 452 was a simple single-wire circuit.

Structurally, she had the following solutions:

  • The role of the second wire was played by the metal body and the assemblies and assemblies attached to it;
  • All electronic components and actuators had "-" displayed on the body. The price of such a solution justified the imperfection of the scheme.

Power unit

The engine compartment is located directly in the passenger compartment, as this is due to its design.

Access to components and assemblies is also carried out from the passenger compartment by removing the cover, which:

  • Provided protection of the driver and passengers from the penetration of exhaust gases;
  • Protected from dust and dirt;
  • Served as an additional heating element (passive - from heating).

The previously used motor from "Pobeda" was replaced with a more modern engine from the 21st "Volga". This was facilitated by the launch of a production line at the Zavolzhsky Motor Plant in 1964.

Passive vehicle safety

The Baton's cabover design also raised a number of safety concerns at first. However, a series of crash tests conducted back in 1971 at the Dmitrov training ground proved that in most emergency situations the driver and passengers of the UAZ 452 have a chance to avoid injury.

What is included in the wiring diagram

What features does a car electrician have on old cars produced by the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant?

Electronic components

The wiring diagram of the UAZ 452 itself is quite simple - single-wire.

By its design, the wiring diagram of the UAZ390995 or another model is characterized by the following solutions:

  1. The body of the vehicle is used as a mass.
  2. Any electrical equipment of the old-style circuit on the UAZ 409 or another model, as well as actuators, are equipped with a negative terminal, which is connected to the car body. According to experts, in general, this scheme is imperfect.

According to the instructions for use of electrical equipment, the driver must from time to time diagnose the state of the integrity of the contacts. We are also talking about their oxidation. If the driver notices the presence of oxidation on the terminals, he must process them using fine-grained sandpaper.

Engine compartment

In this case, the engine compartment is located directly in the passenger compartment in accordance with the design of the machine.

The very access to the electrical circuit and other mechanisms and assemblies is made precisely from the passenger compartment, as a result of dismantling the cover, which:

  1. Designed to protect the motorist and passenger from exhaust gases entering the passenger compartment.
  2. Allows you to protect the car interior from dirt and dust.
  3. It performs the function of an additional heating device, in particular, in a passive way, as a result of heating.

Previously, the UAZ 396255 and other models with a carburetor used an engine from the legendary "Victory", which was later replaced with a more advanced and modern unit. In particular, this refers to the motor from the "Volga". This decision at one time, back in 1964, was facilitated by the serial launch of a production line at the ZMZ enterprise. Despite the fact that many domestic motorists claim that the scheme of the UAZ 390994 injector in the engine compartment is located in an inconvenient place due to the lack of a hood, this is not the case. Dozens of years of operation have proven that the absence of a hood does not in any way affect the diagnosis and maintenance of a car.

Passive safety

The very design of the domestic Loaf with the absence of a hood at first raised many questions in terms of the safety of the driver and passengers. As a result of several dozen crash tests, which were carried out back in the early 70s of the last century, it was revealed that the car is no less safe when compared with other domestic cars. As the results have shown, in the event of an accident, both the driver and the passengers of the car have a good chance of avoiding injury in the event of an accident.

Subtleties of UAZ 469 maintenance

During the operation of each car, its technical condition deteriorates, the UAZ 469 car is also no exception. In order to increase the service life of the machine and prevent malfunctions in time, it is necessary to know the subtleties of its maintenance, namely the subtleties of maintenance of all available mechanisms.

Let's consider some of the most important points:

First of all, pay attention to the frequency of oil changes. It is recommended to do this every 5000 kilometers.

At the same time, during the operation of an SUV, it is allowed to lower the oil by 10-12 mm relative to the lower edge of the filler hole.
It is also necessary to periodically carry out maintenance of the gas distribution mechanism, which consists in cleaning the valves from carbon deposits and lapping them.
The oil filter is changed by unscrewing it from the cylinder block counterclockwise. Before installing a new oil filter, its O-ring must be lubricated with engine oil. The new filter is wrapped to the extent that no oil leaks.
The crank mechanism of the car needs to tighten the cylinder nuts every 1000 km. mileage.
The engine cooling system must be filled with soft fresh water with a low salt content and during operation periodically remove scale and debris from the system, as well as adjust the fan belt tension.
The clutch also needs maintenance. In addition to timely lubrication of the clutch release bearing located on the right side of the crankcase, it is also necessary to clean the lower part of the crankcase after driving on muddy roads.
As for the maintenance of the gearbox, it all comes down to periodic lubrication of the part, this should also not be forgotten.

A few more subtleties of the operation of the UAZ 469

Of course, even the manufacturer itself cannot know all the subtleties of the car, so we will try to tell you everything to the maximum. So, a few more subtleties:

  1. Reverse gear in the gearbox and downshift in the transfer case must be engaged only after the vehicle has come to a complete stop.
  2. Always disengage the clutch on steep slopes to avoid breaking the clutch disc.
  3. Never exceed the speed (over 60 km / h) with the front axle engaged, and when driving on dry and hard roads, it can be turned off altogether.
  4. Also, in no case allow the front axle to engage when the front wheels are disengaged.
  5. It is necessary to independently periodically check the external threaded fasteners and tightening during vehicle operation.
  6. Pay attention to the undercarriage of the vehicle and avoid shock loads.
  7. When driving on particularly dusty roads, to create air pressure in the passenger compartment and reduce dust penetration, open the hatch in the middle of the front end and close the hinged door vents.

Causes of breakdowns

As a rule, the need to replace the main components at the checkpoint arises with their natural wear and tear.

Causes of gearbox breakdowns

The main reason for oil leakage from the gearbox is the presence of an increased fuel level in the system. For gearboxes on UAZ, you should use high-quality oil. If the liquid is not of the proper quality, then this may cause characteristic noises from the side of the box. When the synchronizer or its parts are worn out, there is always a difficult gear change

Pay attention to the details of the switching mechanism. When the teeth of the gears are deformed, self-switching of gears is often noted.


Many of us remember the legendary car.

Therefore, his appearance at the show dedicated to the Olympic Games was perceived as part of our glorious history of the development of the domestic auto industry.

The loaf was honored to participate in the 2014 Olympics

Rice. 246. Diagram of electrical equipment of cars UAZ-3962 and UAZ-2206:

1-front light; 2-headlight; 3-turn headlight; 4-special sign lantern; 5-repeater of direction indicators; 6-washer motor; 7-wiper motor; 8-switch for wiper and washer; 9-beep; 10-switch for the cabin light; 11-cockpit ceiling; 12-horn switch; 13-speedometer; 14-high beam warning lamp; 15 voltmeter; 16-oil pressure indicator; 17-signal lamp for emergency oil pressure; 18-gauge of the temperature of the coolant in the cylinder block; 19-signal lamp for emergency overheating of the coolant in the radiator; 20-fuel level indicator in the tank; 21-thermal fuse; 22-foot light switch; 23-switch for alarm; 24-pin socket; 25-fuse box; 26-signal lamp for activating the parking brake; 27-signal lamp of emergency state of the hydraulic drive of brakes; 28-signal lamp for direction indicators; 29-turn signal switch; 30-direction indicator interrupter; 31-ignition switch; 32-switch of the parking brake warning lamp; 33-switch of the warning lamp of the emergency state of the hydraulic drive of brakes; 34-sensor warning lamp emergency overheating of the coolant in the radiator; 35-gauge warning lamp emergency oil pressure; 36-gauge oil pressure gauge; 37-gauge of the gauge of temperature of the coolant in the cylinder block; 38-center light switch; 39-generator; 40-voltage regulator; 41-reversing light switch; 42-switch for the fan motor in the cab; 43-switch of the heater fan electric motor in the cab; 44-switch of the heater fan electric motor in the passenger compartment; 45-brake signal switch; 46-spark plug; 47-sensor distributor; 48-fold resistance; 49-ignition coil; 50-starter; 51-additional starter relay; 52-rechargeable battery; 53-switch "mass"; 54-fan motor in the cab; 55-electric motor of the heater fan in the cab; 56-electric motor of the heater fan in the cabin; 57-plafonds in the cabin; 58-sensor for the fuel level indicator in the tank; 59-cigarette lighter; 60-emergency vibrator; 61-transistor switch; 62-electronic carburetor control unit; 63-solenoid valve; 64 microswitch; 65-switch for a fog lamp with a built-in signal lamp for switching on; 66-light switches in the cabin; 67-rear light; 68-license plate lamp; 69-reversing lamp; 70-socket trailer socket; 71-fog lamp; 72-valve unbalance of the carburetor float chamber

a-diagram of connecting a generator with a built-in integrated voltage regulator

Legend for wire colors: B-white; G-blue; F-yellow; 3-green; K-red; Kch-brown; O-orange; P-pink; C-gray; F-purple; Black-black

1. Pos. 42 and 54 are fitted to tropical vehicles. 2. Pos. 62, 63, 64 with the K126-GU carburetor are not installed. 3. Pos. 3, 4, 70 are installed only on the UAZ-3962 vehicle

To ensure the operability of all electrical devices on any car, an electrical circuit is used. In this article we will talk about the legendary cars of domestic production - UAZ. What is the wiring diagram of the UAZ Bukhanka car, what are its features - read about it below.

UAZ off-road vehicles have gained considerable popularity in the vastness of Russia, but many UAZ vehicles have one big drawback - a low level of comfort.

  • 1 Tuning UAZ "loaf" with your own hands
  • 2 Tuning of the UAZ "loaf" salon
  • 3 External tuning "Loaf"
  • 4 Tuning suspension UAZ Loaf
  • 5 Engine tuning UAZ Loaf

Also, cars of the UAZ 452/3303 series are not very convenient in operation, so many car owners are trying to modernize the car, making various improvements to it. Tuning UAZ "loaf" is a relevant topic, interesting to many motorists.

Tuning UAZ "loaf" with your own hands

The UAZ-452 off-road vehicles are distinguished by excellent technical characteristics, and the car is practically unrivaled in its off-road qualities. The UAZ "loaf" is one of those few cars that are in no hurry to be scrapped, very often these cars are restored and tuned. Moreover, almost any units and parts in a car are modernized, from the interior and body, to the power unit, axles and suspension.

Unfortunately, the Ulyanovsk plant did not take too much care of the comfort of the driver and passengers of the SUV, and often the owners of the cars have to bring the UAZ to mind on their own. Another drawback of the "loaf" is instability on the road at a speed of over 90 kilometers per hour, but even here car owners do not get lost, they upgrade the suspension, change the castor (wheel angle).

What you can do with your own loaf:

  • lift the front and rear suspension;
  • install a more powerful and high-torque motor on the car;
  • equip the SUV with additional light;
  • change civilian bridges to military ones;
  • repaint the body in "metallic", or apply airbrushing;
  • tinted side and rear windows;
  • change front and rear bumpers;
  • complete the car with a winch;
  • install a body kit - kangaring, roof rack, stairs to the back door;
  • change wheels to larger ones with better tread;
  • introduce a pre-heater into the vehicle.

In general, you can still do a lot, the main thing is that you have enough imagination, skill and money for tuning the UAZ "loaf" with your own hands.

Tuning of the UAZ "loaf" salon

Sitting in the "native" seats in the UAZ is extremely inconvenient, and when it comes to tuning the UAZ "loaf" salon, first of all, car owners change the seats in the car. There is no point in modifying the "seats", it is easier to "introduce" seats from some foreign car or a Russian passenger car.

But there is one problem - there is very little space in the front passenger and driver's seat, and not all "foreign" seats will fit here. If we consider the "seats" from Russian cars, then the seats from the "Oka", "Nine", "41st Moskvich" will enter the front salon. True, spare parts from Russian cars do not differ in high quality, so it is better to take seats from foreign cars:

  • Mitsubishi Delica;
  • Honda Civic;
  • Toyota RAV4;
  • Opel Astra;
  • Volkswagen Passat B3.

The seats should not be wide, otherwise they will not fit in the cabin. But this is not the most important thing - it is important that they are not high, then it will be impossible to drive.

If the car is going on a long trip, such as fishing or hunting, it is important to arrange comfortable sleeping places. Tuning the fishing salon also provides for the installation of a table at which one could dine during the trip. Of course, it's nice to have a picnic on the beach, but the weather is not always good, and you can't sit outside in the rain.

It is equally important to carry out normal lighting in the rear passenger compartment - again, the "native" light leaves much to be desired. But here it should be borne in mind that a large number of interior lampshades "eats up" a lot of electricity, so even a fairly good battery can be easily planted. There is a way out of their position, you need to put LED lights instead of ordinary bulbs, and they have many advantages:

  • little electricity is consumed;
  • LED lamps look aesthetically pleasing;
  • illuminate LEDs brighter;
  • such lamps are much more durable.

There is also a drawback - LEDs are noticeably more expensive, but having installed such lighting once, you can forget about replacing bulbs for a long time.

Another disadvantage of the UAZ is the scanty standard steering wheel, and many drivers do not like it. You can try replacing the steering wheel with something of a better quality, but there is one problem here - the steering wheel is not easy to pick up on the splines. Many car owners put the steering wheel from the Gazelle, but without alteration it turns out to be too high. Specially adapted steering wheels for UAZ are sold in car dealerships, they are the easiest to change. Another option is to install the steering wheel assembly with the steering column, then everything will definitely fit the mountings. If there is no desire and opportunity to tinker with the steering wheel alteration, you can attach a braid to the rim, it will also fit from the Gazelle.

The UAZ "loaf" dashboard looks rather primitive, and in order to somehow improve it, some car owners paste over the "tidy" with a film. You can also put the dashboard from the GAZ-3110 or Gazelle, but there will already be more alterations here.

External tuning "Loaf"

UAZ 3303 is a very durable and reliable car, however, its body and body parts are subject to corrosion. First of all, doors, body frame, floor begin to rot. If rust has gone along the body, repair is required, and welding is indispensable here. After work, the body of the loaf is treated with a composition of red lead with drying oil; there are also special means for processing body iron.

After welding and straightening work, body painting is required, but painting the car in a standard green color is not interesting. UAZ cars are tuned in different ways, and you can often see "loaves" tuning on the roads:

A body kit plays a significant role in tuning, and it is needed not only for beauty:

  • kangaring and power bumpers protect the body from impacts;
  • roof rack allows you to unload the car interior, take more cargo with you.

The elements of the body kit for external tuning for UAZ can be bought at car dealerships, the most popular is the products of the RIF company. On the factory-made power front bumper, you can attach a mechanical or electric winch, which is simply necessary in off-road conditions.

Also, the roof rack is not for beauty, but still I want it to look aesthetically pleasing. To make a nice home-made trunk, you need to have locksmith skills and experience, and without a certain skill, it is still better to buy finished products at car dealerships. The factory expeditionary roof racks are provided with brackets for installing additional light, the factory product is capable of withstanding a load of up to 200-300 kg. In addition to its main task of transporting goods, the trunk also performs additional functions:

  • protects the roof from all kinds of damage;
  • serves to accommodate additional skylights;
  • can carry a spare tire, for this a special mount is provided on the trunk.

Additional light is of considerable importance on the UAZ; it is quite problematic to move in the dark without good powerful headlights. Additional light is installed not only on the roof, but also in front, on the power bumper (kanguring). It is best to install LED headlights, they have a number of advantages:

  • LED lamps serve for a very long time, the service life of lamps is from 25 to 50 thousand hours;
  • the lighting is bright, close to natural light;
  • LEDs consume very little energy, approximately 10-15 times less than halogen lamps.

But LEDs also have their drawbacks - while lighting devices of this type are still quite expensive, and if the LEDs burn out, you have to change the entire headlight.

Suspension tuning UAZ Loaf

Some car enthusiasts ask the question - why do you need tuning for off-road, if the UAZ already has very good cross-country ability? Of course, the "loaf" is well adapted to rough terrain, however, it can get bogged down in impassable mud. To make it easier to overcome the roads, the suspension of the UAZ 452/3303/3962 and other modifications is subjected to lifting - with the help of special spacers under the springs, the ground clearance is increased.

It should be noted that to increase the ground clearance, it is possible to carry out not only a suspension lift, but also from the body itself. In order to raise the body relative to the road, additional spacers are laid between the chassis and the frame. The frame is attached to the body with ten bolts and nuts, but sometimes it is not easy to unscrew the fasteners, since the nuts and bolts become rusty over time, and sometimes it is quite problematic to dismantle them.

It is possible to lift the suspension with the help of additional leaf springs, as well as by installing spacers between the axles and springs (they also install elongated spring earrings). Special lifting kits are sold in car dealerships, and you can increase the ground clearance to different heights - 20, 30, 40 and 50 millimeters. But when going to raise the body high relative to the road, it must be borne in mind that in this case the car loses its stability, and there is a danger of overturning.

Tuning the UAZ Loaf engine

The old UAZ-452 models were equipped with the Ulyanovsk Motor Plant UMZ-451 engine, as well as other modifications of the UMZ internal combustion engine (414/417/4178). Later on UAZ "loaves" there were internal combustion engines of the Zavolzhsky Motor Plant, such as ZMZ-402 (4021) and ZMZ-409. Ulyanovsk motors of the first releases hardly make sense to modernize, in case of engine failure it is easier to replace it. But ZMZ motors are tuned, and not so rarely.

What needs to be done to increase the power of the "402" engine in a garage? If the motor has a derated head of a block with a height of 98 mm (ZMZ-4021), you can mill the surface of the cylinder head, remove 4 mm. Thus, the engine will be adapted to run on AI-92 gasoline. When assembling the piston group, it will not hurt to adjust all the pistons and connecting rods by weight, the difference between the connecting rod-piston pair in all cylinders by weight should not exceed 5 grams. Also, to reduce friction between the liner and the piston, the piston skirts can be polished with fine sandpaper (no. 1000), but this is done when they are not in a hurry to assemble the engine, since it will take a lot of polishing time. It will also be harmless to cut the inlet holes in the manifold with a cutter, as well as in the block head - a few horsepower will be added.

Some car owners bore cylinder liners for repair pistons +1 mm, although there is also a repair of +1.5 mm on Zavolzhsk 402 engines, only it is quite rare. Liner boring gives a slight increase in cylinder volume, respectively, and power.

The most popular type of modernization of the ZMZ-409 is chip tuning. For this, the firmware is changed in the ICE control unit, which also contributes to the improvement of the technical characteristics of the engine, an increase in power.

Replacing the engine with a more advanced one is also a tuning option, many car owners strive to install a more modern engine, but it does not always have to be of a larger volume. An internal combustion engine with a large volume does not consume fuel very economically, and therefore, car owners often put a diesel engine on the UAZ, which has two main advantages over a gasoline engine:

  • fuel consumption with a diesel engine is noticeably less;
  • a diesel internal combustion engine has better traction with the same volume of cylinders with a gasoline engine.

Russian diesel engines ZMZ are not highly reliable, therefore, imported power units are considered to replace the gasoline engine. Often the following motors are installed on UAZ "loaves":

  • TD27 (Nissan, 2.7L);
  • OM616 (Mercedes, 2.4L);
  • 1KZ (Toyota, 3.0 l).

As a rule, an imported motor is paired with a foreign gearbox and razdatka, so it becomes necessary to fit the units under the axles, to make changes to the suspension. Of course, it is possible to put a modern turbodiesel on a "loaf", for example, Cummins 2.8, but such a power unit is expensive, and it does not tolerate Russian diesel fuel well.


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