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Traditionally, car engine power is measured in horsepower (hp). This term was introduced by the Scottish engineer and inventor James Watt in 1789 to show the numerical superiority of his steam engines over horses.

This is a historical unit of power. It is not included in the International System of Units (SI) and is not unified and generally accepted, as well as a derivative of the unified SI units. Different countries have developed different numerical values ​​​​of horsepower. More precisely, power characterizes the watt, introduced in 1882. In practice, kilowatts (kW, kW) are more often used.

In many PTS, the engine is still characterized by the number of “horses”. When this value needs to be converted to kilowatts, the main thing to remember is how many kilowatts are in horsepower. There are few calculation methods, with their help, values ​​\u200b\u200bare calculated quickly and easily.

How to convert horsepower to kW

There are several options for the mutual translation of these units of measurement:

  1. Online calculators. The easiest and fastest way. Requires constant internet access.
  2. Correspondence tables. Contain the most frequently occurring values ​​and always at hand.
  3. Translation formulas. Knowing the exact correspondence of units, you can quickly convert one number to another and vice versa.

In practice, the following numerical values ​​\u200b\u200bare used:

  • 1 l. with. = 0.735 kW;
  • 1 kW = 1.36 liters. with.

The second correspondence is most often used: numbers greater than one are easier to work with. To make calculations, the kW figure is multiplied by this factor. The calculation looks like this:

88 kW x 1.36 \u003d 119.68 \u003d 120 liters. with.

The reverse calculation - the conversion from "horses" to kW - is done by dividing:

150 l. with. / 1.36 = 110.29 = 110 kW.

For ease of calculation, the value is 1.36 liters. with. often rounded up to 1.4. Such a calculation gives an error, but for a general conversion of kilowatts into horsepower, with an approximate estimate of power, this is enough.

Why exactly 0.735 kW

1 l. with. approximately equal to the value of 75 kgf / m / s - this is an indicator of the effort required to lift a load of 75 kg to a height of 1 m in 1 second. Different countries use different types of this unit with different meanings:

  • metric = 0.735 kW (used in Europe, used in standard conversion from kW to hp);
  • mechanical = 0.7457 kW (previously used in England and English-speaking countries, almost out of use);
  • electric = 0.746 kW (used for marking electric motors);
  • boiler room = 9.8 kW (used in the USA in energy and industry);
  • hydraulic = 0.7457.

In Russia, a European horsepower called metric horsepower is used, equal to 0.735 kW. It is formally out of use, but continues to be used in the calculation of taxes.

Practical aspect

The amount of transport tax in Russia depends on the engine power. In this case, l is taken as the unit of account. s.: the tax rate is multiplied by their number. The number of payment categories varies by region. For example, in Moscow, 8 categories are defined for cars (prices are valid for 2018):

  • up to 100 l. with. = 12 rubles;
  • 101-125 l. with. = 25 rubles;
  • 126-150 l. with. = 35 rubles;
  • 151-175 liters. with. = 45 rubles;
  • 176-200 l. with. = 50 rubles;
  • 201-225 l. with. = 65 rubles;
  • 226-250 l. with. = 75 rubles;
  • from 251 l. with. = 150 rubles.

The price is given for 1 liter. with. Accordingly, with a power of 132 liters. with. the owner of the car will pay 132 x 35 = 4620 rubles. in year.

Previously, in the UK, France, Belgium, Spain, Germany, the vehicle tax depended on the number of “horses”. With the introduction of the kilowatt, some countries (France) abandoned the hp. with. completely in favor of the new universal unit, others (UK) began to take into account the size of the car as the basis of the transport tax. In the Russian Federation, the tradition of using the old unit of measurement is still observed.

In addition to calculating the transport tax, in Russia this unit is used for motor third party liability insurance (OSAGO): when calculating the premium for compulsory insurance of vehicle owners.

Another of its practical applications, now of a technical nature, is the calculation of the actual power of a car engine. When measuring, the terms gross and net are used. Gross measurements are carried out on the stand without taking into account the operation of related systems - a generator, a cooling system pump, etc. The gross value is always higher, but does not show the power produced under normal conditions. If the kilowatts indicated in the documents are converted to l. with. in this way, only the amount of engine work can be estimated.

For an accurate assessment of the power of the mechanism, this is impractical, since the error will be 10-25%. In this case, the actual performance of the engine will be overestimated, and when calculating the transport tax and OSAGO, prices will be increased, since each unit of power is paid.

The net measurement on the stand is aimed at analyzing the operation of the machine under normal conditions, with all auxiliary systems. The net value is smaller, but more accurately reflects the power under normal conditions with the influence of all systems.

A dynamometer, a device connected to the engine, will help to more accurately measure the power. It creates a load on the motor and measures the amount of power delivered by the motor against the load. Some car services offer to use dynos (dynos) for such measurements.

Also, power can be measured independently, but with some error. By connecting a laptop with a cable to the car and running a special application, you can fix the power of the engine in kW or hp. at different speeds. The advantage of this option is that the program will display the calculation error immediately after the control estimate, and will also immediately convert from kilowatts to horsepower if the measurement was carried out in SI units.

Non-systemic units of measurement are gradually becoming a thing of the past. Power values ​​are increasingly specified in watts. However, as long as horsepower is being used, there will be a need to convert it.


Horsepower(hp) - off-system unit of power.

In the world there are several units of measurement called "horsepower". In Russia, as a rule, horsepower means the so-called " metric horsepower”, equal to approximately 735 watts.

Currently, in Russia, formally, horsepower has been taken out of use, but is still used to calculate the transport tax. In Russia and in many other countries, it is still very widespread in the environment where internal combustion engines are used (cars, motorcycles, tractor equipment, lawn mowers, trimmers).

In the International System of Units (SI), the official unit for power is the watt.

In the English ("Imperial") system of measures, the unit of power is considered to be pound-feet per second, but in reality it is no longer used in England, and in the USA it is used extremely rarely.

Horsepower Options

In most European countries, including Russia, horsepower is defined as 75 kgf / , that is, as the power expended to lift a load weighing 75 kg to a height of 1 meter in 1 second with standard free fall acceleration (9.80665 m/s²) . In this case, 1 l. with. is exactly 735.49875 watts, which is sometimes called metric horsepower (German designation. PS, fr. ch, netherl. pk ), although it is not included in the metric system of units.

In the US and UK, the automotive industry still equates horsepower to 745.69987158227022 watts. hp), which is equal to 1.013869665424 metric horsepower.

The US also uses electric horsepower and boiler horsepower (used in industry and energy).


To calculate the engine power in kilowatts, use the ratio 1 kW = 1.3596 hp. (1 HP = 0.73549875 kW)


Around 1789, Scottish engineer and inventor James Watt coined the term "horsepower" to refer to how many horses his steam engines could replace. In particular, it is claimed that one of Watt's first machines was bought by a brewer to replace the horse that powered the water pump.

At this time in England, barrels (BARREL) with a volume of 140.9 to 190.9 liters were used to lift coal, water and people from mines. a typical barrel with a load weighed 400 pounds (1 pound - 0.4095 kg), i.e. 1 barrel = 163.8 kg. Naturally, only two horses could pull out such a barrel by a rope thrown over a block. The effort of an average working horse for 8 hours of work is 15% of its weight, or 75 kg with a horse weighing 500 kg. In 8 hours, a horse with such an effort can travel 28.8 km at a speed of 3.6 km / h (1 m / s). Observing the traditional source of energy - the horse, Watt came to the conclusion that only two horses could pull a 160 kg barrel from the mine at a speed of 2 miles / hour (3.6 km / h). In this case, the horsepower in English measures becomes 1 hp = 1/2 barrel * 2 mill/h = 1 barrel*mill/h. The same in smaller units is 180 pounds by 181 feet. Rounding off the calculations in foot-pounds per minute, he decided that the horsepower would be 33,000 foot-pounds per minute.

Watt's calculations referred to horse power averaged over a long time. For a short time, a horse can develop a power of about 1000 kgf m / s, which corresponds to 9.8 kW or 33,475 BTU / h (boiler horsepower). According to other sources - up to 15 hp. at the peak.

At the Second Congress of the British Scientific Association in 1882, a new unit of power was adopted - Watt (symbol: W, W), named after James Watt (Watt), the creator of the universal steam engine. Prior to this, most calculations used the horsepower introduced by James Watt.

Engine power

For the power of automobile engines, there are not only different units of measurement, but also different ways of measuring, giving different results. The standard way to measure power in Europe uses kilowatts. If the power is given in horsepower, then the methods of measurement in different countries may differ (even if the same horsepower is used).

The USA and Japan use their own standards for determining engine horsepower, but they have long been almost completely unified with others. In both America and Japan, there are two types of indicators:

Net measurement

Net engine power measurement netto, net) provides for a bench test of an engine equipped with all the auxiliary units necessary for the operation of the vehicle: a generator, a silencer, a fan, etc.

Gross measurement

If the power is less than 100 hp. s., then, for example, in the Moscow region 7 rubles / l are paid. with. per year, and if a little more - already 29 rubles / l. with. in year. Moreover, from 101 hp. up to 150 hp the tax rate is the same. Thus, due to different power values, the price changes from less than 700 to several thousand rubles a year. This fact leads to annoying curiosities. So, the power of the South Korean car Hyundai Accent is strictly equal to 75 kW, that is, 102 hp. with. For an American car owner, 100.7 hp would be an even more offensive figure, but in the US, the tax does not depend on horsepower. In the US, some taxes (road, environmental) are included in the price of gasoline, in addition, you have to pay personal property tax every year, which is directly proportional to the price of the car.

In the past, in some countries (eg UK, Germany, Belgium, France, Spain) the vehicle tax was based on horsepower. In some countries, they refused to use power in taxation (for example, in the UK in the forties, car dimensions began to be used instead of power), in others (for example, in France), kilowatts began to be used instead of horsepower. From those times, the expressions "Caballo fiscal" and "Cheval fiscal" remained.

In Russia, many car owners, mostly truckers, underestimated the real engine power in their registration certificates in order to reduce tax costs. However, at present, tax authorities usually take information on power not from technical passports, but from general databases (which, however, do not contain data on many relatively exotic car models or equipment, which is what their owners use).

see also


Power in a car is one of the main criteria. Today you can find cars with different power ratings, but what solutions to choose for the most quality ride? Sometimes the company offers engines so extensive that the same model offers power units from 100 to 250 horsepower. So, for example, happens in the British corporation Mini. But experts and experienced drivers call it nonsense and a bad idea. Since each car has a fairly large number of advantages in a particular design. The entire suspension, body, interior elements - everything is calculated for a specific power, dynamics and speed. And also the weight of the engine and other parameters are important. Therefore, with a large spread, it is difficult to make a good car for each unit at the same time, taking into account all the characteristics.

However, the Mercedes corporation has precedents, how the same car can be the best offer with a 120 and 350 horsepower engine. The AMG series has been slightly redesigned in everything - suspension, interior, controls. Therefore, the most powerful cars often fully justify themselves. However, only a few representatives of transport behave in this way. In most situations, there is a specific problem that needs to be solved. And the car solves a specific problem. Therefore, it is often completely useless to put an engine with three hundred horses in an ordinary city car. This simply increases fuel consumption and does not bring anything good to the buyer. So it is worth paying more attention to the choice of engine and its technical characteristics.

Small class of urban hatchbacks - what is the "golden mean"?

For a small class, the optimal set of horsepower is considered to be power from 80 to 110 horses. Anything above this figure is redundant. Anything below is annoying and annoying when traveling. Therefore, the same Matiz with its 52 horses simply does not get good reviews due to its low power. The optimal qualities for the machine are as follows:

  • acceleration to 100 km / h in no more than 11-12 seconds, otherwise the dynamics will be too small to get a more or less high-quality trip through city streets;
  • a convenient gearbox with short shifts, which will not make the driver work on shifting and get tired of this business, everything should be clear;
  • when overtaking, there should be no problems that can lead to accidents and other unpleasant consequences, there should always be a certain power reserve;
  • fuel consumption is a central issue for many car buyers today, this is a really important indicator, it should not exceed 7 liters per 100 km in the city.

Such parameters of a small city car open up a fairly large choice for us. There are European, Korean, Chinese cars that are worthy of your attention. But you should pay some attention to the build quality, decent performance of the interior. Each buyer will have their own set of criteria that should be considered.

C-class cars - mass segment in Russia

Equalization in this class has always been on the VW Golf, so it is often perceived as the only correct option for comparison. Today the Golf comes stock with a 110 horsepower engine, and that's very little. There is a second unit - 1.4 TSI for 122 horses, and it turns out to be optimal for this car. The tasks of the machine are:

  • provide not just decent dynamics, but a fairly active ride, if we are talking about a car with a sporty appearance and other important advantages;
  • gearboxes must perform clear and fast shifts, while saving fuel, the German 7DSG robotic gearbox on the Golf is excellent;
  • with less power, the car remains defenseless on the road, and if the driver does not feel this immediately after buying a car, then after a month of operation it catches up;
  • Fuel consumption is important, but not critical for a C-class car buyer, it is important to keep a balance between spending money and getting a quality ride.

The Japanese flagship in this segment, the Toyota Corolla, comes with a 99 horsepower base engine, but it's not just small, it's tiny for this car. But the units for 122 and 140 horses just perfectly perform their functions. Interestingly, small units do not save fuel, consumption is almost the same as on adult engines.

Elite sedans - do volume and power parameters matter?

In expensive luxury sedans, the fuel consumption parameter does not matter. Also do not take into account the numbers indicating the volume of the power unit and the amount of horsepower. Buy a car for comfort, speed and acceleration, dynamics and handling. However, the engine plays a role in the choice of transport and performs the following functions:

  • acceleration - the more powerful the unit, the greater the acceleration on any section of the road, this is important for a dynamic and comfortable trip in any situation;
  • dynamics - sometimes you have to rush a lot, so fast overtaking on the track becomes an important means of saving time, so volume is important;
  • reliability - the car should not be allowed to break down on the road or fail while traveling to certain meetings and other important events in the life of a businessman;
  • the style and quality of all the details are sometimes more important than all the characteristics of the engine, so often choose a car only for design parameters.

So engine size is sometimes not the most important factor in such a car. The number of horses in luxury sedans ranges from 120 to 500. Here it is important to understand the meaning of buying a car. You can give preference to the Passat with 122 horses or buy a Bentley with a 625 horsepower engine. The choice will always carry certain consequences.

Crossovers - choose the best power indicator

For comparison, we will take mid-size crossovers such as the Toyota RAV4. This representative of the class has a base engine that develops 146 horsepower, and there are also units for 150 and 180 horses. These are the optimal indicators that all class leaders support. Therefore, in the range from 140 to 200, you need to choose a power unit. Such an engine will be able to perform the following tasks:

  • optimal movement on any road with a sufficiently high quality of operation, the absence of overloads and the resulting problems with the car;
  • good acceleration, decent dynamics on the track for safe overtaking, excellent response to all traffic events and the presence of a power reserve;
  • confidence in movement, which creates certain advantages for each buyer, provides important benefits for operating a car in any conditions;
  • reliability and durability - it is in this power range that the units can run the most time and get the most pleasant opportunities.

For a crossover, the 105 horsepower engine, as is often the case in Chinese solutions, is too weak. He will not be able to lift the car up a steep mountain and will not normally overtake passing vehicles. This closes the freedom of movement and makes buying a crossover a completely uninteresting idea. So it is better to give preference to more powerful motors.

Luxury SUVs - measuring ideal power

Again it is worth looking at the market leaders. Toyota LC 200 engines start at 249 horsepower and end at 400 horsepower. The Nissan Patrol has only one 405 horsepower engine. The largest SUV Mercedes G-Class offers engines of 245 and 422 horsepower. The main tasks of the units are:

  • carries a car buyer along simple roads so that there is no feeling of bulkiness and sluggishness of a large car, overtaking a car without any problems;
  • provide a sufficiently high freedom on the road, freedom of decision-making on overtaking, speed and acceleration, give normal confidence when traveling;
  • be a reliable and durable solution for every motorist, regardless of certain styles of transport and other features of the trip;
  • fuel consumption, although not the most important, still in a certain way affects the choice of a car with a specific engine when buying in the cabin.

Almost all class leaders provide such conditions even with basic power units. In this segment, it is very difficult to single out a car that would become the undisputed leader and could offer much more benefits than all rivals. The reference elite car is difficult to choose due to the fact that each buyer will protect exactly his choice. We offer a short overview of one of the representatives of elite SUVs:

Summing up

As you can see, power is really important for a motorist. Often we buy a car, paying attention only to the basic parameters of transport, but there is much more to consider. In particular, it makes sense to look for transport options that are fully suited to your travel style. Engine power and displacement is one of the important indicators that you should always look for sufficient performance when buying a car. If you do not take into account the important parameters of the power unit, you will not be able to get a decent car with good performance.

However, for each buyer there are certain criteria for purchasing a car, so there will always be someone who will criticize a good choice. It should be understood that driving and operating vehicles are purely individual things. Therefore, you should not let smart experts and experienced transport owners lead you astray. You buy a car according to your requirements and will not forgive yourself if you buy the weakest engine and will experience problems with its operation in the future. Do you choose the most powerful or the most economical unit option when buying a car?

The concept of "car horsepower" was introduced back in the 18th century by James Watt. This is a parameter that shows the power of the car, compared with the power of the horse.

1 horsepower or hp is equal to the power required to lift a 75-kilogram load to a height of one meter in 1 second. In some cases, it is customary to translate hp. in kilowatts - then 1 horsepower will be equal to 735.5 W or 0.735 kW.

To determine the power in hp. a particular car, you need to convert the kW indicated in the passport data to horsepower. This is done as follows: the given values ​​\u200b\u200bin kilowatts are simply divided by 0.735. The final value will mean the horsepower of a particular car.

A few examples for comparison.

  1. Nissan Micra with a 1 liter engine has a power rating of 48 kW. To determine the parameter in horsepower, you need to divide 48 / 0.735. It turns out 65.3 or rounded - 65 horses.
  2. The sports version of the famous Volkswagen Golf with a 2.0 liter TSI engine has a power of 155 kW. By dividing the number by 0.735, we get the value in hp. - 210.
  3. The passport data of the domestic "Niva" indicates 58 kW, which is equal to 79 hp. Often this value is rounded up, and a value of 80 hp is indicated.

There is another way to calculate horses. Almost every major service station has a special setting that easily determines how much horsepower is in the car. The car is lifted onto the platform, fixed, the accelerator pedal is squeezed to the stop. In a few minutes, the computer will calculate the value.

It is customary to distinguish between 2 measurement systems: domestic and European. Both equate hp. to 75 kg x m/s.

Thus, horsepower in a car is equal to kW divided by 0.735. Kilowatt is the metric unit of horsepower. Scientifically, it is comparable to the work done in 1 second when lifting a load of 75 kg to a height of one meter. All this is subject to gravity.

A modern car is considered highly efficient if its engine has more power in relation to the mass of the vehicle. Or so: the lighter the body, the greater the power parameter will allow the car to accelerate.

This is clearly seen below in the example of high-performance cars.

  • Dodge Viper 450 HP has a gross weight of 3.3 tons. The power / weight ratio is 0.316, acceleration to hundreds is 4.1 s.
  • Ferrari 355 F1 with 375 hp - gross weight 2.9 tons, ratio - 0.126, acceleration to hundreds - 4.6 s.
  • Shelby Series 1 320 hp - gross weight 2.6 tons, ratio - 0.121, acceleration to hundreds - 4.4 s.

Some automotive publications write that the price of a car is determined only by the "horses" under the hood. Is it so? And why is the torque or KM prescribed in the technical data of the car?

KM is a consequence of exerting an influence on the lever, familiar to everyone from physics lessons. Accordingly, the measurement term in Nm is also displayed. In an internal combustion engine, the crankshaft plays the role of a lever, and power or energy is born during the combustion of fuel. It acts on the piston that creates the CM.

It turns out that the value of KM is also important, as well as power. Only the last parameter implies another work done per unit of time. It shows how many times per unit time the internal combustion engine creates CM. Power is determined by the amplitude of rotation of the power plant or revolutions, and therefore depends on the KM. That is why it is calculated in kilowatts.

Now directly about influence.

  1. Vehicle power is required to force certain resistances. The higher it is, the more the machine is able to override. In this case, the opposing forces are the friction and rolling forces of the wheels, the resistance of oncoming air, etc.
  2. KM directly affects the capabilities of the car, because next to the “horses” parameter, revolutions are always written, on which the optimal power depends.

Thus, the vaunted horsepower of a car is nothing without torque, because it is the latter indicator that determines the dynamics of acceleration, affects the engine reaching its peak of power.

Horsepower directly affects the transport tax, determined by the law of the country. The higher it is, the more you will have to pay for the car.

You can calculate the tax on a car or TN on your own, using the following formula: hp. car x the current rate and a component derived by the ratio of the period of ownership of the vehicle to the total number of months in a year.

Example 1

Lada Vesta is equipped with an engine developing 105 hp. If the owner lives in Moscow, then the tax rate for today is 12 rubles. From this it turns out that the cost of TN for 1 year will be equal to:

  • 12 × 105 = 1260 rubles.

Example 2

Volkswagen Golf, equipped with a 2.0 TSI GTI engine with a KM of 152 kW, has a power of 207 hp. Calculate tax:

  • 12×207=2484 rubles.

Example 3

The top car Ferrari GTB coupe has 270 horses under the hood. Accordingly, the tax will be:

  • 12 × 270 = 3240 rubles.

Every owner of a duly registered car is required to pay an annual tax for each horsepower of his car - it is correctly called a transport tax.

In this article, we will deal with the following questions:

  • for what purposes the state collects this type of tax;
  • how it is calculated;
  • Is it possible to get benefits and how to pay.

As you know, in Russia there is an intensive road construction, and it is financed by taxes. So, according to Article 56 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, the budget of the subjects is replenished by 100% deductions of the following types of taxes:

  • transport;
  • from property;
  • from the gambling business.

Further in this article, other types of taxes are listed, some of which go to the regional budget. In addition, Chapter Ten of the Code (Articles 65-82) clearly describes what this or that tax should be spent on. Accordingly, the money that the owners of vehicles pay goes to the formation of road funds.

From this we can conclude that the more money comes to the region's budget from the tax on horsepower, the more money is invested in roads. This can be seen in large cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg. Although, for example, such a big city as Saratov cannot boast of very good roads.

How is car tax calculated?

There should be no problems with the calculation - it is made according to a simple scheme:

  • multiply the amount of horsepower by the base rate.

If the car was deregistered, for example, in September, then the formula takes the following form:

  • HP quantity multiplied by the base rate and multiplied by (number of months of ownership in a year / 12).

Base rates for 2018 are:

  • 2.5 - if the engine power reaches 100 hp;
  • 3.5 - up to 150 hp;
  • 5 - up to 200;
  • 7.5 - 201-250 hp;
  • 15 - over 250 horsepower.

We have given rates for cars, but there are rates for motorcycles, trucks, buses, yachts and aircraft.

It would seem that the amounts should not come out the largest, even if you have some powerful roadster like the Porsche Boxter with a 400 hp engine. However, there is one small amendment in the law: the government of the subject of the Federation has the right to raise the base rate, but not more than 10 times.

Thus, you need to know the base rates for your region. Let's give examples.

Moscow. Car VAZ-21099, engine power 78 "horses". For Moscow, the rate is 12 rubles per force, hence we get that for a full year of ownership you will need to pay - 78x12 = 936 rubles. If you have used the car for only 9 months, we get - 78x12x9 / 12 = 702 rubles.

For vehicles with engines over 250 hp the rate for Moscow is 150 rubles, so the amounts will be much larger - from 37,500 rubles and more. In other regions, rates can be significantly lower, for example, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, you will have to pay only 390 rubles for the same VAZ-21099, and for a car with a capacity of more than 250 hp. - 51 rubles for strength.

Who is entitled to benefits?

The categories of beneficiaries can also vary significantly in different regions of Russia, but there are categories that, with absolute certainty, may not pay transport tax in any region of the country:

  • invalids of the first and second groups;
  • parents of children with disabilities;
  • WWII veterans;
  • heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation.

Each region also has its own separate categories, for example, in Moscow, owners of low-powered cars (engine power less than 70 hp), as well as entrepreneurs engaged in passenger transportation (except for taxis), are exempt from tax.

In St. Petersburg, persons affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, owners of vehicles manufactured before 1990, as well as with a power of not more than 80 hp, may not pay. Exempt from taxation and veterans of various military conflicts (Afghanistan, Chechnya).

All those who fall under one category or another are completely exempt from paying. There are also those who still have to pay TN, but at reduced rates. For example, in Perm, 50% of the tax amount is paid by old-age pensioners, provided that they own a vehicle with a capacity of no more than 100 hp. In the same Perm, parents with many children do not pay tax, as well as parents whose children are conscripted in the Russian Army.

How and when do you need to pay tax?

According to Article 363 of the Tax Code, payments for the previous year must be made before October of the next year, that is, in October of this year, tax for 2016 must be paid. 30 days before the end date, you should receive a printout in the mail with the exact amount. If not, then there are several options:

  • come to the tax office in advance and receive a receipt in your hands;
  • Find out about your debt on the State Services website.

On the same website of the State Services, you can also make payments via the Internet. In case of non-payment, a penalty is charged - a fifth of the tax, plus a certain percentage for each day of delay.


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